THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. UNDERWEAR. _ATHTE TWO ;CAI IS. Elegant linte of I'toerweoar :11FIF lTY We wish 1to ll50000' particuoloo-artteotion to the Ifactli htharaeoaurE ENTterV CCENTS. .1 1 . etrgrd atS V T -IVSto(-ck. A s ool l onclude 0s aogeneral andi compjle'te lineof lohi - ass cltti4. 101o1unglAtr" All gr'ades of lodei'Iweoin in1e1 Silk,\Vy , NW 01 l'rin l tiotBal- ma1cde sip )withIi all the oletail , onao'and skill wbichi characterilzes teo cl ho(st inecelatt taloiitio work. le' agen1l11t' 11rThelotois ll1ttiCi(' ittildeer. W adhams, Key Ann Arbor Savings Bank A'insArbor Mich,. ('apittal Stuckl, $5O01,, Surplus, $]00100. OrganizedOundter tte51enral tBantkitng tass so this state. Reees etsposits, bin's and 'elils xchangeon the1111pri0000 MIelttis0o tile United States. tDtaft s tltlt 111upon trtler ientifttantion. Otieee: CHRISTIAN' MCK, Pt's"', or. toHa 0111101.0, VtePV CHAlS. F. utttc, Casllhier. %T. ..l ot'z, Asel.tol'sllill. inedy & Reule. T T QvS TOIEOWEN'S BARBER SHOP ! I$P ECIAL $AJLE. ---ot O1?UX\[cek O n e kTH E A RG U S, %- .sr LOte -uc . October 22-29. WAGN ER & CO., Tailors. r'ENTSCE4L ER, GIBON, 10.K. BA3RSHP lit Otston lioo"o 1 1 tio li'oll, a ' oo ~ tp e ,i ~ AFine ShowerBatbY Nea Porcelain t 111 ( 10t 'it hMIN ANss UO t is o Nt)0.12 WX. IURtOiN ST. ' t" _.._ __ {_' Excelsior Laundry,! 21. Years in the Basiness. ll,0l,5I 01111'011'051,1,~I 2s tlA t 10105suiREt P.CITY LAUNDRY, es o tyInl Dep. oiso. asYsaf 10y 7OGood tW~oktGaratoto.a(tro not, sllettfor DeposlittBonestfottetnt. -- nooodoelieoeo. A. F. COVERT.tPole. M. M. Seabolt.No. 4N. Fourth St. It. Kt~'t,tPres. F. . B1. it , 0Cashoier. ________________________________Bnov ten Satiordayeeeina. IR, A IK D . iiL ~ U. (11' Al. (ALENI AIt. won the first set liy steady pltayingi In thte secotod set Crane placed the Han terfor1 tOI,. Washito strtlteetl. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, (e.21it l~ a t~lttcttt ball all arotund hlis opponent anod- Ott. 29-030-S. C. A. Bibots tttitote, Psots. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!'intotswanod Peice, iortChicago utoireerolr, lt won G to T. 'Tle last set was 35 Faolstcuontet , Ns-le ot.characteriedi by steatdy play o _____________________________________Olt. 29- Otes. Pent. reoodl's ptodulotionof 1 e & Sn 011000," 'at i-resity hall, lb otht sides, hot 'Van I el wonon00 t1v ADA N t's . Oct. 29-0r1f. toenr0',Adamtosleloeto ol Ity potor retotrois. Watrotus woss unable ItPT'ION Otct. l1%of t.,elee o tlo ooeteeoo11- to play arndthoe finoadgatte seas post-TA LO S 00110001I01110R 501"s. eocoly. Iponed utntil torlav. 0 511 1rrE oil "ShaespIere."l'he12fothovin g is tbe swore o i I MPOTEIhRS \ov~l eoo laho rn]3c 011 p ~ion r 'til'l'10 1 10 yesterday's ganme: I ' PL E A 0. 0 ler I So~Ql n lohape. o'0 lllil'. ifths lreliotitocrt' oll~ ls.WOES S Opp. Cort HouseO llllli'll. 0r 2 . - - '-'---ato'tiayl--a ----------- (o.... ... . 1. .6 t 01 LEFT FOR CHICAGO. ;('raie ..... ... ,... 01( 19 S. Main. NWL Al PMake toot.the Team whtct loOesCE! DEMOCRATS. uto thin afternoon. I0'oe'cyt0ollo'littto Toe elevent left onth le reguolar Di2Sj Ia norldta 00:27 traitnosver the 'Mliochi"gan Cent- thoere are seseraol Iemororats attentl- B '' to' F ig 'ousr 1u1niversitsywilcolare entitlo-i ral for Chicago. 'Ilils afternsoon too rote in Indsoianta. Pleaose setntl ne thtey' play N orthisesternt11osiversity, their tnamtes as 01)101 as lpossile. p___trobably at Evansstoni, ontihle toesw 'T. ''s:s atlhletio' fieloltere.T'ke teatot will CitolrmntState ('001. line up~ as folloows: I lfoyes righbt endso he'l~t 0 ove stoodetnts will please ser Speiail1Disouot onot01La tw Bookos, tt-e Oat 1111e'itn persi ioor address tote M.edicaol,lDoeotaol ottdtAll I_'otis or-its'Ir ft ihttoloe! on-sr glo ivintg Boontio''aoolress. 'i''xi1I~ool". Slo.' stogi't 'ua0rd, Spantgler cenotre,. (loiotlleft 2. *A o001 tacokle, b'ooodo'ortho]eit rood,\Ioc- olite urter baothlset too I a11ndl4 1(1 looto'ltohe lolloost 01st is ftomtothelol' tls an srI t'llttc's. Sot-t l oo 'oll('0'lllolrt Ohs 'otot 'ili': T o Iloty IHendoersoto Ito'ootit10 0111t5101 ini thoe'citys'loot'2"> contos. .\go'ettfo' 5htssooogt t to(ra ot tooooolast soee'o' YESTERDAY'S TEN NIS, hathelretolnO0:t i vr Keuftfel & sr oor i5,ttooooiicol OInsto'oo - betIko Ootaoiltooooosor0yofth11111 er'a01 osocots.IC'tiet'rtees oilleverytthing. jVanTioUyt Deteats Crane in a Vwell oootso'. ()I o)o 01( tolto- t oro' Oacell Played Game, * inthtelionose00ton'ednoe'sodoy eveninig o--oo--an over'r_2000 toor'ne'd tasay. ITey closeod 'Te playilog yesterdlay at thoe tell- their enogoagemetoe ire Soaturoday nighot, SL'O~~'~S I iis courts seas not' witnesseod by as haovinog ploayed too croowdedl hoses aol South State Street and Main Street.,ageacI w a sul 1a'tosiwek Th i los coonoty is on(to e b 0000tesnit ou00100 0 1.eoos'- I 1.. 001ton to'e ooood. Goodspeed &Sons., 7T SHOES. SEEJ roo' I'It'.NEW ('TRAZE, IFNoi A 1 'I N N 000 1'7 5. Main. Goodspejd &Sons., HATTERS FURNISHERS. Sol A -e'ilts o'm-t'thoo' ''A llhot llot'' " ioo Lilol' of M'loo-'kiltosltes. 15 S. Main.