teed'i, Itg dut~sO eI" fJ1 fhr ~,i.)..I " %o [oI !WIL.L SCF\ RCELY DO IN JANN PARBOR.
C a k i ยง P h c r r a C y , 3 4 S ou th S ta te S tr e e t lii X( llh i d topr etio l , a nW, a e eI l( 5X IX' S e o u
V\ 7'1SIT-S-o-7 STa PT %'OTT ='l3 FAmnS_1T=
No. 34 Soth State Stocet, (0 e~(kl's i IoSlor
Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Violins,&c., &c at Lowest Prices. 21Yasi th utn s Excelsior Laundry,
'iTtlt 1 PI Y -'-~CITY LAUNDRY, Go Xod !Ik GuarClteIO5IIEFT. fo
ST~f(, . I'CILT.MM. Sabot. No. 4N Fourt St onddlis soo A..COERT.I s
Untiversity Text-B'ooks, Mfedical Iools, LaXw Books, Denttal Books, StIdents' Note 3(ookb. IBlank Books, StltiotitCX. Woeliave at large
Stocke of I etfel and Esset )rafitig Istrtumenttt.
Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest.
-TOI~~T Ot O~~-S-AVE(, ) V L~u E Et Call on Wm. Fulde. ttie
TheBocestr, he loylandThe1'efecionStadad Iamp ba,,,def,,eTalnor, opposite the LaXw Bilig, ott
LhOWO PRtICTeEtoaS. hePe lcioi tndiS opshve dem- Wittiam-st., (rt door Net of State-of.
LOIX t't~tIS.oitrItelt that they give thenost perfect light of any amips nae. Wieti iaigcptnedcan(ieneatly.
LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY t prices vary front 90 cents to $15 each, they alt gve tle sane q(tiatyattd tJiti- Saits to ener a stecaty. All wok irtcltas.
-AT- tity Of ight.
Nrgattd Lamp. Xwitt porcelain state, at - - - - - - h5 cetts IF YOtU WANTTO0
BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Ied Star Oil, that blnrtS sittout odor, does not char the wick,
all gve apae wit lgh, elierd t - -20 Cet tor9gat Aur =.1L =C10
0. K. BARBER SHOP. oilcan, accrigi tecapnawicigaeieeit - - - - 0 cetto $peach. a .~rl
t on cton, To tee io to eieve. See otr Stock atd you Wile convinced tat we sell octhave soe Ieairing done go to
Fine Shower Baths, Newr Porcelain tlte hest Laitti tot best Oil for the least money ofaty house in this city. ~ jt roa53 anSre
:0.ahnTobst. R.ROANVRl.4 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. _________
We Don't Want Much! !I
WWATl THE CAMPUS. xpctcd that 'cliell enter or prac- S'T'\F'F'ORD,
yV VN our tao t usicMtS.ticecwitit thc foot b1)011nc
WE t IANI 5(1 sO tstie,I sitles-ecyr- Ida sigltll, lit 'pt, tacles itt Dr. joy, Kcctty, atd Atderon
WE WN t s o o ourIUioieChicago. laXvclocated at Grand Rapids. _Mr.N
yr A's to otirt uh i ock :is Lucia Kiecl lit '95, is at Chicago joy los received tie appinttoett of
IsslttfOlt yoc eos. Uttiversity. *#Iouse physiciatt at the tU. I. A.
Now, What More Catl Yout Want 7Rh~ odra Tanner, lit '91, teachtes in hospital, atd is gettitig a good pi- THE~
Platos, Gt,s, satojos. Mnoltin,otc, (to Aurora, 111. vae practice. I T ILO RLX
cHEotNoeool3t0teORyAN eots. j GrtrudleIreed, it '88 is back The Universty Republicttt Club
1 L s oosE T soage, for P. G. work. will open its canmpaign headquarters
,t Suth' Man Stoeet. R. A. J. Shaw, lit '94,it itt Ci- on State street next -Morday. Can-
MICHIGAN CENTRAL, cago University. paign literature toay be obtained wVIlt. 0PEN OCTOER IST, AT
Timte Table (tRevised)l Jite:,s1892ol. Wantess & pearsoti lite op -ned thre in abtniance and te reading
EA ST. l l. w OX. a.ill a law office itt Chicago. rooms will be stppliedt witht ten
Mail ------4_50 Mail ---------C93 Mr. Alexander Winchell visited dailies and Xeekies. 42 $outh $tate $treet,
(tee tspeess.-_525 Day Epcess. 0--Oil1
N.S. l~ritet--t--0 320 N. S. Lieite --- 1159ttte University, Thursday. W. H. Nichols, lit 'u, and Etie
N. Y. Lmited-1.) 45 Ch'icago Extpress. 1tltIW. A. Cutter is attending te B. Connor, '93, were married at
Niegearals Sl t12'tAmeciNap. -(to
a. ra. Chic ago Theological Smiay. WstBa itSeptember 2wres TH A 10LL IeO
. N. Extrens._-a18 Pacific Estices.o-A einr. ayCty?27r
Atlantic Etpress. -7 ' litc~ago Special 307 , W. H-. Manwarren, lit '93 is in- and Mr. Nichols wilt attend Ci-
G. 1R. Express-.. (1 0 . It. Eptecss -- ,50 tO tttor in mathtematics at Peoria, cago, University and wilt reside at
0. W. RGLtco~ H. W. H1oAE'R, Ill., blob school. 3910it-ifhsre, hcg.The FL
G. P&T.A~gent,Chicago. At.AneActoo.1FfyffhsreCtcg. FL AND WINTER, GOODS.
-I)att Yancey, law '92, and UT. of D~stt~x extends congratulations. __________________
FIRST NATIONAL BANK Al. DAIS' editor last year, is a can Rev. J.IT. Sunderand with preach t trmrs ai 1as ilt.
OF ANN ARBOR. tomorrow at the Uiaancur h,
Geital,fltiO(.iO. Sarpas and Prottso,oo00. didate for representative in 'leUntra_________
Transcila iiealbanin bsinss frstate legislature from Butte City, corner of Sate and Huron streets. Capital, W,00.SuNrps andPofit, $720.
toe trceeicaoaod. Morning subject: "Behtold I Make te~s ilSvn Dpst.Hs sfety
S. W. CLAKS . ah o. Att Things New." At the close an- It. KEMPF, Pree. F. H. BELER. Castie.
Joltn A. eating, Iwitht '94 tn i~-noucmns ilb ad eRdig-- fantonSatariv eveing.
R 5IG~'S 9 1, is one of the associate editors of tsouncuentsithble adeeadiny
thePal Alo, daly ublshe byclub. Subject of evening sermon: G.H WI D
SCHOQOL9OF UANING I thIstudts of Letand Stanford, jr., "YoungMcn andRcigiostsReform. " THlE LEADIITG TAILOR,
OUR NEW MALL is ocntaly located assad rttTIhisil be preceded by a shortIttmpaeogofritealrn.
eveer Is 0Oio ooben ateIseote tirIt .Tst,'.2lt ihb akaddress upon "Miss Clara Barton Ie las Ie most select stock of
to monst, te dancissg rooso benoil assltts after tte c hmagncose. He i
sgrossndfloor. Officc at academly, 6 Miyssod-aC amaig1i and the Grand Army it Wasing - FALL AND WINTER GOODS!
m ed0t35,e I oeSt-stnpn thte sixth district of Ne- ton.'' Alt are cordially invited.
pie eOtaliBIos ty expres.Ot braska in behalf of te republican At the first 'M. E. Cturch, Camden (it Sitings, Tronserings, -rd anchsy
Put uI ~c p so eeganct boxes and Silk _kestitgs ithle City. and
strscty ease- Suiableot rntee ilue for conress. MS. Cobern, pastor, wilt speak to- totdh lae otv o
PRESENTS Express cagesaol epeae ohv o
N )ead -efe II ~Clic-u IMePharren, alumnus of '89 and morrow evening on "Persa Remi. call arid examie. Ile
C. F. GUiNTHRConflcio. e, -tiof'9sfo bl emi nsecsfJonGenemakes a specialty of
OW . StaREtoe csoo apanof'9stotblltaeesnscnt o on relaf Wht- Full Dress Suits.
C 12ICAte, StIA-e1. back itt the law department. It is tier. No. 2 E. Washigton-St, Ann Arbor.