F# THE U. OF M. DAILY. W hy Not Noble's Star Clothing House, S. Mai. GENTLE1\N T y ----- ___ __ _________________- ---- ou haeeebeen w 'aing p1 o and ombe haeo fetehe il e elTinfll nre have your Clothes loade in JUST A TOUCH OF WHAT YOU MUST SOON EXPECT thimpliain, wile the sore enthusiiciedeem Anli Arbor? es will adopt the new ole. The good Jos T \Y~j7 T 11ma' ,Pay Mat OverTcot slo, it miht tsave you large d'CIC ffd ooe-in pain ad S0. liesYou K A I 1} , r will liedt c biiu diplay of these fabjiesa J~i ~torsebill You see we are at allo tilnes looking after alo ae ine n£o erwewa,n o ciI'eye The Practical Tailor, ti lcltlr. cilas a will ginveiou perfect satisfattioin. Ilehant Tiloing Soe, NodE. Huron St Prices are reasonable. Remember IS ompijlete in all liles. Prices extremely low, but the Getlemenowiciine 1tolbe ifomied 011 Ili proerl and00oeeet thing in dessae iiei Kollauf, The Talor, sirts 're good ait(t long. to t-aload see nme. f > ____________________________________ lle anleillyofdrescs Gamets and 10 E. IV ligeln ,t. , p Sanes Steetiot, resfo Ldie. - "":,TU of A. C. McGraw, of NEW MIACHINE SHOP , tW e DEATHIOAC. McGraw & Co AREHUT, l Employ, of Detroit, force a settlement ANRE HN EIFIicil=y 5' of the estate. Shoes had to go. Bicycles Rep111011or Reti. i oung We bought 3,000 pairs for tliemntlpel IC y1G Men S O S 50c on, the $1. Have opened Dental__________________red to0 boleut the greatest slaughter known 4o o +o f44 + our a dee 11©in Tlflfla "ATE1 atsiien arepaienthfraIihogiaiieoAiiiiithe history oAinn errb. TiuurVG _________7 _ f Fe & GO., e en temo m povl cee nilteicyclel rriv0mudprovesIf will pay you to investigate. oli ol tll on t1m fo Youing Lai~e ee elh ' ~ e Fine Lunches, Ihbyse orgil-csle rlast e Whwell reom- ~Fine Chocolaten, Mended. Wilkel leepaclie be. j I O and Bked Gods ACME CYCLE COIPANY, 17 S. MAIN Sr. T Our Lunches ELHRID A G. SPALOING & BROS. Try our "Red Star" Oil. L W B O S Bhy nl you can aifeici for ~~ Feetball Supplies ~ Noi smoktly No offesie odr. Will not char thew wick, prsn Idiitliaetoa Specialty Perfetly safii igit gavity, Ia' 110 equal illthis LOWiESTPP I E E eey eqislete foree le111 e.Iele d llllyt iypl ftl 3il We shall be ihere for a few o ega iacehm , alIe. je- iiiier('111.Price 111w per illon. days only1. ee Sey st s Sil hoies, (ee, 1 . iwc110,itesivee'uelt,- ]DEAN S& COMPAN Y. Callaghan & Co ieeeShilln(u iieladiicii445Suth BMain Street. 6f Inlhroi1l5llll te Football LAW PUBLISHERS, CIAO 1r111s1 le uedsin li Match Gmiii'es I ilrpieliiiil5 i li00ls(ieC ubND R.I I I Xsl iIIAt 1 Iaii hAl ' AT SCLEEDE'S, 50 S. STATE ST,,Abor of l t h e110 eadng'lateec. iilh'1ihiiil eclhulltilspreadli. AVii 1ut ii ii1111f111111i)iintendolse iii n l of lhnioii iGR N E'nAAE Y OF DNIG w- Ireie, 10 t, ianisoielyaGRNE S ACDM OF- ACI . Illustrated ottal tatigoeseiit Fieee. 11, iliili 1 iilih 1111111' i li 111h' Selve ilars f Iteaing1 n An Ao New ii. hiit5 luc gi, I'Ilit114 iiitiIh iliAlo.. N ot'. -1, S ip, ii.Il_ I11e1 ,1 'IO l ii l i iihe Arm iAnie Itoieoaiih cc ii iihi a r ill f lit-i ilsplc lst leasoil ieee'a i iuiii a il arl~eest (' Il.eeeailiy th eatcih 1111 111 \i idci1- ee the p ee il laiinstr iiiiiion ie.11% ad lie. a i .11TN TI N L BA K dora in i ty (111111 i(iiii50. 111r3ie .il l ., oh lesiii0. 1,0-1 loe 1Grage. M1enibes of lthe Aineeeian FIR T AT ON L lA K.'"al., Nov. S i,Luiihig. Ias. -Iiieft iiiii: Iaiii leaes f'lue. liioht 1a3.uatnl o eooatin of hlloesf Daieiii. Oh' ANN ARMiORI teioi i. IhV, a li lhillI ii e infoai on rile agien"h ciisis(,1 wd oh a Itl 1,00. Suirpins and P dits, lasso0 Sat.. Nv. 1Ii, Sip. il.. uaisi 11 h l illl msio 111leiinldee I , r',I5itt 7..c Lie ea el tti iIan Traniiacte n geieea lninlg husiness. h s. 1.A. couree ilandci . Iowvus tiiiih41. I in'itls e all orin mrR H U E Ilonrige 'shaiige biigtaid sed. hurnit ih i ti eohlaltii. 4ci 01101 11it iill beruiilfi s I MlII:s P. BlAC lH Pres. S.iW. CLhARKtSON, Canhier. 1 1Thi s ieNov. '19,iiip, m.,11111 h"A'A 1I entnf XV Li to Tialilyliid OeehleshsNoofltitod epi huof Whuh Selshin THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK orhsrao hieliili._byodPn insadSetce ___ _ _-I IELl A DIEiS 3WI .Lt)DACl.. 1 ciii' laty .1s1 paid fiiriol .ii0l3 .iid ph 15oe 5 OeiiO,53000 tIII\(I I I 1 1 lii! I 111(1 'icccrt hlai ' sX~le i lve Ogansized otiet thie Oesee ei ianing Lawn of thie State. hRecevesep oiiits, hiuyeanil Covers5 1100re iileethanau 1113 :15h'cc, ais and iii I sells exe h Inge oithe phinll ietien of thee ihe imarket. Ti1i'eihon3l ook goodutuh il s l and Ittht3- le eilgO S"-r Y our ~Pesoription United States. Drats cas'hiid 0up011ppope denia 1111 ul. sfetyideoisit bosnto reit. 111o i n iet B. &c LI.sytemil vest O aiii ', ( ellent eelSil 'p w' - m ypte '* it 11 eie oi ur lainkis, ut Oeiceas: hrthiall Mak,'oh, s'.; W. DIe(lie lilugitfor yii, ndiiitill it ailhi" niliit HC'rim11110 Vce-iase.:Cthe. E. Iiseooo, Iitsbiugh. 11 lso oiehiiees te I ii i'doy evlusl Suraii y e lleil ilfi wn' cst youoyfaiiiiy pluse, t ill pay 1 ah le A.. hrit Assistant Cashie. 4 5sysiw. Get it andilhlie ani' v1r11 cii' 11lc. i iii he i. Mr s r. ug yu51111n yurpesrAsl t o I1NIV'ERSI'O Pri'c $t)10; good oilne e. Apply s I iii IIpuils11. hOtice liiiiit 11ademy, p.,x..lv\~o')N .'"'C SC0 CIOLFOR DANCING to Oiihiiiitral, 1..A.t, eo do, II tOINI' FAILat ____________ 0ero y iiiiione f Holishiii art n id .,_}-Ii N 135.if1A'S 7. TSTATlAE ST.il Sllohe'oSilyii5 2 Cii hnusC I a r ifloe. Y111111rin HALT. 11101CH'. Toisie Sablerhs 'w cindowis. 235S. 111 c.HOLM(ES LIVERY. . iI. Aes~, 3115. Nisito~ L. 71m, ___________ _______________ --_____ - Thlompson nt. 1.0t. B0100. 11111u11th ve. R tG.IgsolsecusgidSE AL Pleaant____________________it and 5snl. ro s Stn iks11iT'hu hOF t i A1.lh'l hSitAVING: lPAhLORian irht- I ~ Ielislhit sills 1511 lillile' 101110 fil ofili .. . itacuw. gliltieor 1C. 0. ar- lI. rweS. All "poiitilii i i r hs cls. 11501 It lucI. tairtihhais or-I iiir sel n iiidante'i'~idr l o . J. I t.i sls 53 ~eit odr ~~boouadfr lli. : Intci rn1deiiogled Ic sarIhillies. .1. i. 10n 1115'sre lt car tle. iBoardeii ul- liiieiia s111i'ihi foede tr ~iu 51ANrfyoe cleoes oeaiuid, ric cendcisfraternfeiti liltseshliittes t e iaresid, 305. Ste ebondt. ~ s sired. .102 5 State ,it. st-"s otuhieiul.t'Pric'e ery looaln, h'iui ver 1 S1heiehan'i s loo toe. Lab- Want to knosv (most of At 4 A. tiftihi ir,,very niely fir- AIAIRiSIN IAltIhFliS the boys alreatly knios) 11i51e1feout sutls'roos, furenace balii'lii k aks see irof yt}F r SlelofIRetl. -A 10ll01 sur in . 1F0un1ai Pe i t ie Boiis Wllere you can get the 1i oih.Assheilbels~l (Ieeke)il11 guisi ldithhiilln h crms 0t s Oeste eeeada s best j r2.0 a:f seksfun a lihmitedl nlu e'. reilsonleu. Ihquiecat'Au.14 A. In bes V . Rosei, sitthe t=odhdui a l galls nt.- GYMNASIUM SUITS AND SHOES lhlnhg(i. r11hen he(uotPieSlueits Ptenttll n siiotok lilulls' Tuesday,1Oc1.2. ueases, test ilales ne n olilp11atiils I for the least money. It WANED-Prola twcleuIso fifeen Lowice ns'sat3MARTN iA1t I 115 P iststhientCtoworDonTmi io.Ca Elegant Suite-baih, heatig iul ~ s [ p um at 6. Iteron st.ighiing-ret ansiablu' P01000 01111 11s. Wahington St., Ann Aro. 1T11see Stable's ss intow, 235. WahiIOdcT Oleand0111singe 111010.liv _________________ 1"etlrh iiare. '1171.. Leavewosrdl ht Daly siie 27 TRADE /ifARK