THE U. OF M. DAILY Published Daifly (Snday ecepted) during the Colegs year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GueICE: Times builing N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. Letos, '0, lManging Editor. 0. B. 11,55050(0, '01 L, Assistat. G. tR. Pess, ', Assistant. C. D. CasY, G. L, Assistant. S. E. KArris, ', Athletic Editor. a L. C. WAtso,li. lBusiess Manager. R. C. FaUt's, '00 M, Assistant. Associate Editors. L. A. Pratt, '0. A. K. etri, '8. C. A. iougito, '05iD. G.0.Ati. iea, 05 i. Katherine ed,'9"C i. B. Gammon,05 1M. J. F. Thosas, '7. W. W. lighes, '00. B3. B. Metheay,'0. I. i. Ieilly, 9 R. C. Bc, 9 M. The prie of the Duly will remai as hre- toaoe, 0.50 a year, ivrably in adace, notiwlsh~tandissg the act that pbliatin wil e cntinued utlCommecemenet. UNIVERSITY NOTES. TIhe 0. o1f1M. detlisoiety wlliihioli Monday e's'iiiig, ZNov. b, at .9S'locsk. Tihere' tie sibot eighty stdtiosoe- i'oiled l 110the iiPiarmiacy DD'partmienit etas. The misiotly uinio prye'r meein~lg of the Studets' C'hristiani Asociltinl wviis' e hlvd iniNewsberry Hull tomior- r0ow'ev'iiiig lioms 7 01)7:0 orilok. ins AiiiiAlbotoer'll'Sniidy aindiyster- dtay' 15''lilto) Detiti, sswieie'tiey played: thlie' Michign Mtilitary Aade soy eleven. Osing ito is dethin111e fc' ulily of Mo. Dwyer, Mi. Hug.he los take'nhus plaii' c ondutlig te is yelr lw"'e class iii Con~trcts, during the ici'0lkiess of 'rof'. Knoll~ton~l. Mr. 'olTa 'iFi CouiaCiniese s t- denot, ini the itrary lleit'tiett, wili givei altuk cii"SomelIn iteeting 'ihin'gsoutnthe his 'ineise," a1till' methodist slisrll, 'T'hutrdaly tvnlig. 'i'heAillph usciet isll ould1111ito membelilrs hve e'tr'linded srwistot iplaces. Alliiotierswholswisi to i'ter5 shoiiidisoet' Sr. I. I+igehret at ors. "(Ciat," Bay Citys (Mii.) illstatet wekiy iha aicorrespitodent it tilt Uivi'ersity aiid deotes eCositrtle saoer earihwsek to ii ver itr'stig letter. 'Tiere arabot45sttudie'ts atteindig liii'University tuis 'y'ar HUNTEIRS' lA1,. Agents of Ohio Cenrai Liles ait' seiiig'Bolters' Tikeslste ll inl~t in tiie hiniting te'ritriy sat iuniters' rates. SIP Ohio Ceitri Agnsi.Sil2 To' see Staber's wiows, 25 S. Very peasat rooms t 3G Ciurh t. Fu'rnace hea. A few boder desired. 30 Found-A pocketbook. tquire adOil E. Washington t. . Wrd Studies. "Dago," an applied to an talianI incorrect 00s weli as impolite. It isa contraction of Diego, pronounced "De- ay-go," the patron saint of Spain. All the older forms of "good-bye" ex- press the ame idea. "Good-bye" is "God be with yo" "Adieu" and "adios" are "I commend you to God." A neighbor is merely a "nigh boor," or the nearest farmer. "Boor" is in this snse not an epithet, but the equivulent of "Baer" in German, or "Bter" in Dutch. The Bwery boys, themselves dwell- ers on a street named for a farm or "bouwerie," uise "farmer" as an epithet. Both "villa" and "town" swere for- merly used to mean a farm, Gradually the former came to mean a country resi- dence, the latter a collection of houses. "Peek" was at first merely a baset 01 any size. "Furlong" was a furrow 1ong. "Rivalo" were those who dwelt on the same brook and were apt to quarrel ahout the water. I)(N"i' AIL 'illse1e'stller's OIllol, 2-j -5. Mlen on comimssonf6PE71H1011 St MOORE & WETMORE 6GS. MAIN ST AND STATE ST, CORNER OF WILLIAM, UNIVERSITY- TEXT- BOOKS! New and SecondHand Note bo ok sld otelr StdetsSplile. Founltlines, 'lIHine Stlionesry, sporisg Goods, etc., 11hich1 they offer at tie loest prices. Coll and see us before Puchaing. TrHE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL li-sotle soly folseetles ill tescty Whollesale cgs an' ,sd totacco and cigar- cttes. Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Monlseytouloall 051prsoall peopery. THE BOOK OF ATHLETICS AND OUT-OF-DOOR SPORTS, NGORMAN W. iBINGIIAM, It., Captain of tie MtttRaven Tem, 195. This u uboklle1001iss tleti symposium Coi tebuteli to by wel-nowielI naleos ex- pees and coellel-eeteam-apains. Halra'rd, Yale, al osier ladig 'collegsre repre- .sessed. Foi~losll, lbaseball. essnis, golf, crice hu srdlinlg and tealeliathletis, ychlt- leg, shatig,bieeineg,ec., ue prcticlly and sggesively terated One yl., Cot, 8osI., pesfuselyillustrlased,S$130. F or sale by all booksellers. THE LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY, 2 earlStree, oston. E: A Look -AT- erviceabe 6 N MAIN Si' Closing Out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of - - WRITING TABLETS whticti can be closed ot as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, IGD PP. 3 FOR IOC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - 8C CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C 'WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. Coose quirk for first choice. Argus Printing House. This §pace is reserved for the Grand Opera, House. Lowney's Chocolates.. HotUiLunches. TUVTTLE'Sk, 4%~S. State St. II ,I He's Going To Do It. AND WHY ? The bicycle only weighs from 19 to 23 pounds, but he wants the best. It doesn't break down you know. Then again. He thinks of selling bicycles and he wants scmeihirg that is "36~5 days ahead of them all," so he buys a KEATING, If you follow good ideas you'll fol- low his anti buy a Keating. A postal, Unole Sam's aid, and you have our catalogue. Keating Wheel Co., Hlolyoke, ]Mass.