TH1F U. OF M. DAILY. THE VICTOR INTERCOLLEGLA FOOTBALL Is unquestionably the fr on the market today. 11 mess and durability iss favorite with all players Price complete with $5.00. Victor Foot-Bal containing the new re chapters on the game b nod others, 2 cens. Also a complete line foot-ball clohing, OVERMAN WHEEL of Victor Bicycle Boston Newa YorkDetott Sac Franciso. Los Angele. A. G. SPALDING & Football Supp Specialty c Eery rekalsIte game. JacketsPI sets, Sweaters, SIR BetStoc;kings, ''1 Nose Mask, Rbbe '. Picc Sin Gar liasness. Siadin s7 Itercolegate mtust. be se inIsa G aes. Price, $5 - Splting's Offiia s Guid-NewRs- of althe Ladin t+. .rice, 10 ts Ia tIlustratedt ootbail Ctaoge sent News York, Chicago, Pila FIRST NATIONAL B OF ANN ARBOR. Organied 183. Capita, $i00,000. Srpun and Prfit Trsnsacts a generl bankingI Foreign echangs bought and sold. letters of credit. P. BACIPen. S. AV. CLARSON THE ANN ARBOR SAINGS Capita Stock, $.50t00. Srpus, U Resores, $1,00,00. Organized nder the Generi Bak -of this Stat. Rccies deposits,b es echange on the Prinipl ctith United States. Drafts cashed upo identification. Safety desoit boaes OFIcERS: Christian NMakPenn HarimanVicePes:Cs .N ashier: M, J.SFrt Assstnt Cahic UIVEIRSI'T- SCHOOL FOR DAN( 44 AND40 S. STATE S B. M. AUSTN, MSn. NELIE L. T' 27 Thompson St. P. C YOU Want to know (mos the boys already kn where you can get beOst GYMNASIUM SUITS AND SNi for the least money. is at M, Stadlers Cycle [mpori 11 w. Washington St., Ann Aeb Noble's Star Clothing House, y, Main.GEN TLEMIEEN I - - ---- You hae been wering plin and omb JUT'rtO.HA.M S SO coloro for the Ias.t fee years. This IweSmwit JUTATUC OFW A UMUST SOONiEXPECT., te etin, sat ite mre etlsiastic drss eswilltdtpt tie ew colos..Tite oodo Boy that Overcoat now, it might save you a large doe-cshown arc grandct. browas te.t dash ofua brge nht- opiaids and strie. You tor' bil. Yu se w areat ll imeslooinw witfin5d a be'atifultdsplay of thso fabris torsbil. Yo se we re t al tikleslooingafter aso a fine in of Oerctistn : In ery, yourWelfre.Mctsns ('astor. Partand Patent Beaers, yorwlae Eskimos. Shetands, Astrakhans and Chin- chlls at OUR UNIrDER:PWEAR S. W. BURORFIELD'S. Mercant Tailoring Store, No.0 E. Huron St T E Is complete in all lines Prices extremely low, but the Genlemen wistin to ibe Informd on tio shhirts ar.go0 adlog to calli and see m. ________________________________________________________ I nmae a speciaty of Dress Garmets and Street Costmes for Ldirs. nest ball t'g light ET oA.CMcrwof N W M C I ES O ike it a DAH A. C Mc~raw , N W&TACOE.HO inflator of Detroit, force a settlement ADE HUNTER, 3 E. Liberty St. I Guide, of the estate. -Shoes had to go. Bicycles Repaired or Rented. Ines, and H E We bought 3,000 pairs for Dland 500 on the $1. Have opened Detal Instruments Repaired. of finest the greatest slaughter known T O O - in the history of Ann Arbor. Tffl62Pf R . STATE U It will pay you to investigate. 1'~ W Ui STREET. + a g g, Fine Lunches, O F * o s ee ' , Fine Chocolates, * and Baked Goods. D2ce 17 S. MAIN Sr. Try Our Lunches. tYortl'an d j~Try sOur "Ried Star" Oil. LAWBOOKS! lies a No Osmoke. No offensive odor. Will not char the wick Buy all you can afford, for r.Perfectly safe. Light gravity, Hlas no eqial in this present aid future use, at our or thec market. Delivered promptly to any part of the city in -LOWEST PRICES ats, Jor- or cans. Price 10c per gallon. We shall be here for a few 100, at, days only. Monre- -DEAN[ &COMPANY. dfHeads44_South Main Street.C alg n C o D.11 Miatch LAW PULISHERS, CHICAGO. 00. UNtiRITaNOEi Music at Newberry Hal, AT SCHLEEDE'S, 50 S. STATE ST,A nnr -Pitrs sAhr Fn e ~tdftciYtcisOlS t shci 05 yetstrdaty siaftnonst 3:0 to icecaiiGRANER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING. aah~tphics.aIlLyt' livinig. Prcof. Slit'snthe tJu'iletSin lgers Tele yerscf techinig i Ann Abr i'io Fik U ivesity 'Lna. Peit3 itic a ol of 103.0ppls 'st sasoccn ae Str. Ncil wscseeced per~liclrma etic "s S'c 1rit.~t. icai cihent gcaraccte' s tonorabi cliy otechi sonkis Ottre'et'ttctt1''13'renderedci iy 11cc d'cgaes itsihold i. Alt classes are n- ,ANH. catacai of i ith 9 ccotblleileviecs, ati I lccis~w. i brti rc't hepersonalgistutio n of Mr adMs. nz0iititg eccf ist'irs Ssticc'cdcy. INaioccIal scration of basters of Dtacing. St. litticwill tct'titlchiscorseofcfltebci ccg c'yocung womenisitu sttor inf acormation regcceslig casses and tems a, issis lostin 1hecUivetrsiy. lir. hi)ttgc°0sitfr- alat thficne ,rood flor 0a55ayacrdt X4 ectutes to1thlicest grsdtlave i(.t'cisss Crclars atMosIt.Stors oMacIciirt.tiilttuScf.Scli i businem., onSIntijicionccs sandttIC'c'iX'~st'odayttitt' tt i rsand'It itt Prot'S.pA.en cch Furnsnh t mfnitprsiet fthii.. %reA cnnIi nPRnA HUEJW TR Cashier. 1irtsidtiitHatrpe, octh1c[-his'crsiny g +1'Lcibrief talk cliltily reiciicstct Iin tl 0USEJENH 10 B - ofir ('atlio. hascissued Itictttelqir ecth'i t' eri' an'dcitouItihillil icupn the lit OaGeneral strekof Wtatheas Jrwely and BANIK ht no irol 3e1' suiitc-ca tltbeccomet litutilts cclliits'tt'lwit it'e foninli., NoeltestRepacrinn of X tehesest citA cs-ihtl is nows- lie fturising S. (C. A. edry, God Sfcas. Spectacles Sucitter5'sof asiiGeek C eIt':t'retiater- ____________ sspelataty. tasic paid foe od god ad ca55. ntes. - 11-I1 LADIES AILL DANt 1 C. H-. KIEY ES. ingLaws Thae "ttb sitss hl t w mno't1ttu itit: i,(, (l ss s t Graer's .acdeicc. toys sand innee.let Ii NeN'iltt'adcit to cre1 crrtc55 r a i t S M O K I proper icroleis Fridayitn ticeI S;ar eeIAe to ren. . i ittc'ttsci 1:15 o'l'k. LI s ani's dd ctllle ii I. W Dtci ttics'las 'ond I) fs.stud L scodtIcd'itotIc+t n.a ttiltnt or eo.bat lcock, Hacl itt isSts'atsta ctit ttk tura n elldtt'Irxt'tsic'-yI cii oulfnd.fvoiArn isty cc'enit sthecl iitttirtisu ofiocigtar'Ts ot tobaccos t ~.NI nnt ctt ct umbetriliis ctthe li' 10o l iicsrta'dcic'l i o st '(r itt . ('" 6tatayntrd tu uilt pnpils' OfficTetasiAcaiemylcMaynardi si.Yooaknow who han the finest Iars and T. lss will laiatt'i$ct,00,000tttt - - . Drviang Horses in tics city. It's Holmes. There'c wil protalyttbeit'o10YlelItst"RobetiiG S. I icaiciotl's l'c'trcs aidi Telephone him from here. 0.1Block. -sad batsball Icies cx 'p~riia toracks lusy itteitatit I-i lsylit'tIst..SECAL Harvard l'tbliss icta' refustio meitt isiale- rstic.1 .A. tRtos. sage'ntt'5.r1(IFa-t-SEIL in footbcall, lossligct torsball. Ttyretll. "> TTOF M. SAItNG tARLORt and Bataih Ia m etill track athlte'its, hocw've, Lastrci n cncesforta' I_ . r oom. Aul 'ppotactas st tcltss. Itti Itit't clttir scttlt'stt'idss ittta.Impoted ant domesti c ciaa'. Ltdis' artis- ii h Inrot'rcollegiate it' 'tt(sts. ri-its a id ftstenty otsts ntlhe ate' tic hatirdsressing and btttintg parlors. J. It. At te lleeil~ tc tii' ctis st' Il) ct tsstc'uic~at. eico --o.- lSA, Troanowki.30S. State St. Saturday ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a thWrsdn ae7i p ii'I ILIE .T hEN YOU XANr your clttes cleaned, Staiutly dce trt'iti'li Otiti' Its 5~ 3A~itN iAI.55Fil'.Ypeused,rltaed or rebond go to Mse. poinniets fr te eecutvesocal, or ale r pnt.d scnar in gerle, over Sicrnian's bok tore. Lab- Iof cors yeOlldi atfc e tic t'xtt'itittee ct sl' t ieSA tt o Pin ratory aprons iade tooseter. coaco.~c'l uahtiliitt tccitciietsDuecker) it aoodicoition. Tertis - ISOE'D ae p sntiyo ,OW) ThSlutydocter busineiss-scas t' list" retsontble. ItiqicreratctNo. 14 N toE. JI oo~anPets Studentss0cc ook te intg of a castao xf 55) cents. gts 5ad Bnds Books crom I5c upwards at50S itOOSIS. A. E. lo, of thie' Golent Eagle PleasatlsitsOand sitngle' roomls t(t- Tailorinodc.. will bi t t hetold y t IDES oshard o orer. iBathroomlaaidfiu-ihos' Tutesdisy,'.OSt. It.V t nave. Two blocks fromlathle ~lcaps WANTED-Feoil twels'e ofifteenc onlthe street c'.r line. Boar'd if sdc- sidet osoeo 'llil~OlCc sired. 102 S. State St. at Si E.JHuron S. - At 4 N. Plifi ave., ery nicely ftil' Foe Sttl euts-lateuttoeesowin'iabooka I11l nished fret suite rooms, furnace lhestca~sts iest malke ad goaotternis.It a.ndl tsth. bettable ibocardatLos rc5'Ietis atSMARIN IHA I Lta . - g 2.31 a week fot' t limuitd numblcter. en n cmmislision, 6 L. Huron st TRAE - M1/ARKS