THlE U. OF M. DAILY. Why Not, have your Clothes made in Ann Arbor? Jos. W . Kollauf, The Practical Tailor, will givec you perfect satisfaction. Prices are reasonable. Remember Kollauf, The Tailor, 110 E. Washington St. Up stairs ~Employ" Men todistribut ments in part payment for a igh g rade Ace 5bicycle, which eed them en approv~al. No. iwork done until the bicycle arrives and proves tisfactory. Young Ladiesse t erms.h If boys orirls apply they must bewelltrecom- ameded. W itefor particulars.I ACME CYCLE C411PANY, ELKIART, IND. A, G, SPALDING & BROSI Football Supplies a Specialty. Every requisite for the game. Jackets, Vats, Jer- seys, Swweatert, Shoes. Cas, il elts, Stockings, Morrill's Nose Mask, lRubber Mouth- Piece, Sis Guards, Headi Harnsess. Spalding's Official Intercollegiate Foothall must be used in all Matglh Games Price, sa o0. Spasling's Official Footbtall Goie-News Rules-Pictures 5of all thte Leading Players. ~.n.~ Price,l10 tslansdsomely Ilustrated Football Catalogue sent Frete. New York, (hicage, u'biiade!phia. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARIBOR. Organieed 1863. Capital, $00,5000. Surplus and Prefits, $40,000 Transacts a general bsankitng kusiness. Foreign exckanges bought ad sold. Furnish letters of gredit. V. BACiH Pros. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Sttock, 550.000. Surplun, $1501100. Rtesources, $1,100,000. Organized under the General Banking Laws of this Staste. Rleceiees deposits, hays and sells exchatnge on te principael eities of the United Statetm.Drtafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit boxs to rent. OrrE'Enus: Christian Mack, Pres.; W. D. Riae iaan, Vice-Pres.kas. E. Bicock, Canhier: M. J.(rite Asisant Cashier. SCHOOL FOR DANCING 44 AND 40 S. STATE ST. B M. AUSTIN, MiSs NELLItEa. TYERn, gy Thtompnon St. P. O. Block. IXJC\1T TI N2 17.22S 7 #FS t~ > NOBLE'S STAR IGENT1LEMESN T Clothing HZOU.Se You have he enoweveingplain and smr tcolors for the last fesc years. This gall w 35 S. MAIN ST. tave a complete citonge Somse mill prefe the plini, wliilt more enthusiastic dress- ers___________ w__ ill tadopt else new colors. Thte gootds shtownareegreytnd brown tweeds with a dasit Thsecrownineg part of mansat- of heicit colore in plaids atnd stripes. You tire is his hat and is needa a re- will find a bseaatifutl display of thest' fabries gaily good one itt give tie eees- altosa fne lite of 0Oveicoatinst s in Kerseys, nary ditisiig touick. Meltons, C'sckr. Fur ansd Ptent Beavers, See sue Imperial. Fsklmos, Stlasids, Astralkhans ad Chin- chills at $300 S. W. UC IEDS Merchaint Tailoring Sttee, No.16 E. Huron St IN OU WINOW. Centlemen wsitine to he infoermed on tsg IN OUR INDOW. probie and correct ting in deecs are itnvited to call an.]seeeme. tomtie aspecialty of Dress Garemensts and Sktret costaumes forLaies. of A. C. McGraw, of N; M CIESO A. C. McGraw & Co. NE4NC 1N1SO tforce a settlement ANDREW HUNTER,: . Libety St. ate. Shoes had to go. ht 3,000 pairs for Bicycles Repaired or Rented. .e $1. Have opened D)ental Instrtiments Repaired. st slaughter known story of Ann Arbor.~.STT Y~uto investigate. loop COU, SlIET.ATE d e ed's'Call on them foe P Fine Lunches, Fine Chocelates, S. MAIN ST. and Baked Geods. i Try Our Lunches. SHE DEATH' of Detroit of the esta We boug] Sac on ti the greate 17 i Try Our "Red Star" Oil. No smoke. No offeiisive oder. Will not char the wick. Perfectly safe. Light gravity, Has 1ne equal in this mnarket. Delivered promptly to any part of the city in our coons. Price 10c per gallon. DEBAN & COMPANY. 44 South Main Street. To Have a Solid Eant. CALENDAR. Al ist isetlltg01 ~l' ttsllllttcfllei O(lt. 2 ?.-'Valliy ta. Lake Forest. "tli., (let. 28.,13is. l)t., Newbierrs of thi tatsi'e'ast of lt'e11issstppli t'x- Itail-kolitiesil issilityI'Cltb. cetilg litigsit.hldtiill Ns's'ttei'y' Sit., Nov. ll, S ivieritly Hasll Iieil yestc'esay It it a. its..reptls -- . L. A. courese, LlandssTii'. Poswers. shtowseel tihatlt'e tudsensts1sf thse t imerstonator. state arewell rganzed nd tht t Tsihus., Noc. 19,Sp. n. nvriy alsiles icc s'clltergatleHall11-0hirait ist'on ser'1'i'sily' e'lst wsoutldl Its solidi. It w.s d secidlesI orcestsra of Clicao 10 hsoldl tsetcauctius relte's',ing tir ' canidae or ,) la cassprstdntNOaTHING LIKE IT, '11143 0111 esitlilslefee 11 11Welis lescile~t CEN~TRAL \MILEAGE 1TICKET. Iselsy'se 1 etl~" atue' ic'. Coesmore umileage thisn aily ticket SlEO:IAL TIIEAlII T'I~N. ini the mlarket. The oiily book gotte Hlttoi'5 ""siiilsicita," thast gleriosioni entire B. & 0. systetm west of espectlasisr e'tertsainmet, will occupty Piltsburght. It also includles the-Zlig lt'e boasredsatllt'e 'Peoplea'sTeatere, 4 systeml. Oct it setielhav'eaiiietr 'Toledo, Monitday, Ttuesdsiy' tnidiWeliitc- ready ticket oser till iimposrtantt lilnes daty of next steelk. Toenitbtle' thse Itll. trice $20.011; good onte year. Applly isle ott Aiti Arbotr to atlted one Ill'- to Gluts Central Agents, or adecs forsmsnce, the Anti Arbor Rltsroadeellii Motiltotn Houtk, G. IP. A., a'oleedo, 0. i LAWBOOKS! Buy all you can afferd, for present av~d future use, at our LOWEST PRICES We shall heeIhere for a few days only. Callaghan & Co. LAW PUBLISHERS. CHICAGO. AT SCHLEEDE'S, 505S. STATE ST., Ar!~ GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING. Twteleveerssef teething in Ann Arbor wli aetoillof 1653pupils lic csteonaore a -affisiresI guareseetee as to ouersibility to teachl dancieg s it shosulsd be. All classes sire un- der te persosnal instesetiosnef lie, and lire. hoes tGringer.Itenmbers of te Americasn NsatileeAtssociation of Mtasters of lDanscing. Fee lenformation regtssee lsseandaselteres call at theoffice. ground floorI It tMaynsard at. Circulars'at MuicseStoreseer Mileed. OP[BA HOUJSE J[f[lDYSIORE General st'eis of Wvatch~es, Jewelry and Nevelties. Rtepairing of Wtatchtes. Jetw- elry, Gold PIns.RthessasuetSpectaece sa spelaiiaty. Cshs paid for old gold and C. H. KE-YES. SMvOKE? Yot'll find yotir favorite brantd of cigars or tobaccos lit You snow alto has the fietcHIackss and Delving Rorses in te eity. Itas Holmes. Telephone him from here. SPECIAL. UOF M. SHAVING PARLOR, and Bath- roomsus. All sppoitelmensir lst class. Imported and deemestic clears. Ladies' artis- tic kale dressineg and hatiisg parlors. ... Trojlanowski, 30S. State at. Wr lIkEN YOU WAN'r your clothses cleaned, p reseed, relineed os' rehond go to Mrs. Fingerie, over Sheehan's Steak store. LaS- oratory aprons made to order. J.~ SCHLEEDE makes a specalty of F" Fountain Pens. Students' Note Books, and Binds Beoks froma 25e upwardn at 50S. State st.' TRADE - MR I'JU Want to know (most of the boys already know) where you can get the best GYMNASIUM SUITS AND SHOES for the least money. It is at M. Stadbler's Cycle Emporium, 11 W. Wvashington St., Ann Arbor. stee a spleciltraeite lesavinig Anne Arboer at 5 o'clock p. it., Ws edne'seday, (Oet. 30). lRetturning traini letvs'Toh'let 11il:30 pe. set. ase 'ftor routnedtrillT-) rents. Adisionsltteater The, 25e, 50c 75c tatd $1. If this trseiniliys fee' the v-entutrte, It swillitt'rtnetioleatll flrshelss entertaeinets aelTole'do. It. S. GlI EN\WOOD~, Agent. 1111 LADlES WILt. DA\CtE. Cl'sesait (ii'siue""sc Acaemi'ey. Ladeies excluisiv'ely i'aturdayatferniooii 1:115 o'clock. Lasiesa tnthGe'ntleeni Sssturdaey an111 Tuesdaty eettiilga 1:1;) o''loe'i. (Getlemee'esesiiel,' h'teis- elsy ev-eninlg'and Stui'dymynornietg, 110 o'clock. air. ath-Mrs. RotsIberanger pesoallly instruet, tasistetd hytoter gradiute ps Iupils. Ottice lt Ac(adlemy, 61 Mtynard at. NOTIC E. All mtembiters ofOhio AtlticBoardl are reqhuested to be at Gibson & Clark's phlotograplhic gallery en Stun- dlay mnorning, Oct. 27, at 11 0'clock sharp for Ohio purpose of leaving thse Be~ard's pieture tasken. COMM.\ITTEE=.. Men en commission, 61 E. Huron st. IlO"OMS. Pleasatnt stilts tendsinglecroosuftr- nishecd to order. Bathtroom ni d fur- uae'e. Twso blocks froii thecampnu~ts ontt he street car line. Board if dle- sired. 1112 S. State st. At 4 N. Fiftth tie., very' nicely fur- nishued front suite rooms, furnace hetes and bathi. Also test table boardl at $2.30 tt cweek for ia limited numeber. esathier echairs antd couciees for liberte- ries 5111 ftraternlity' houses iin ihelaig- est assortmnt. Pries e'r'iy 11ow, sit MARTIN IIALLII'S. For Sale or Rlent.-A saluare Piano (Decker) in good condeitioet. 'Terms reasonable. Inquire of No. 14 N. In- gallusO. WANTED-From twehve to fifteess students to work en commnisnion. Call at 6I E. Huron at. Elegant Suite-bath, beating and lighting-rent reasonable-Forest. Inn, 14 Forest ave. tFor Students-Patsent revolving hook casen, heat make and good ptatterns. Lowv prices at MIART'IN HALLEWS. Subncribe for the Daily.