THE U. OF M. DAILY. STUD NTS!GiveYou - - - FOR KNOWING WHERE - - - is sold. Y ou have shoe ous by your ;generous patronage that OUFR SUITS ANI OVERCOATOS. are jost right for people wsho w ih to drecss coirrectly iind at the same thme SAVE MONEY. .SP.ECIAL NE2SHCKW EAH RSANL.E THIS WEEK,' , , [JNDENSCHMITT & APEEL.' 37 S. Main St. MICH G N At the Grand Gpera House. Timeo Table (Revised) May 19, i894. W ill. C. Andlre's, the star ef "_My EAST. P . WEST. A MAiles Friend~" Co., is IlcslilllI bar the Mail ad Es-___350 Mail ___ ______8 3Ness York He rald as a 10111 (o1 itolli- N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Specia1__ ..3.0 EasternExEs----- 10 12 N. S. Limited.--_ S 253 ,o(lire duicationi an1.11 e(laiillnl, pos- A. M. Pacific Ex- ii-- ST5 Atlastic Es._-_1 47 P. 'Al. eiiiiill,111 0 iipr ll.NEspress.... 5 40 Westers Es.__210 -sigke ni hadi h ot 0. It. Express ---11 55 Clhi. Nt. Es----15 2 0. iR. Es.--1111--- 5 57 rhltofichiracter. is ijiellioclo are 0._ P. & T. Age., Chicago. -Age., Anni Arbor is 'skillful ill iii-iual 1crea11ions, ill N l~t~lU fie slilterer role lie ssdys his aio if tt 1 ... k ..t ~ forids keeii enlitiyil id1111gives (si- -ercof rari-oailily. )I-"?NCRTH MiaHit-AN J. At ihe (G111111opera tiouss, (Oct.20 ' RAILWA.Y. NORTH1. SlOTH. Tie I ilieslitylof, 12riiii las a ll i- 8:07 a. in. El-it a. is. rolnii-it iof liser 5,000 1studenlts. *12:25 p. a. - 11:30a.i. All trains daily escept OSiiday R. S. GREENWtOOI), Agent All collectote l niLie inv1is, lollI)o ANN ARBOR & YPSILMITI ST. RY J - lielanhl t:a h il iin~ to harIresident An;glls lalore~s. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Couirse It (inii lla vil iin) Will bse Lease Ypsilanti frsm Cosigeess st., 7:10 :1 given Tuesslay ansl rlhursdayi ltI ad 11:00 a. mi.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:15 asd oeclock iustead oif at.1. 50:45 p. a. Lease Ass Arbor Junctionl, 7:40, 9:15 and11 JOHiN 0'. l2OLI+El. 11:30 a. a.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30, 7:15, 1:45 and 11:15 p. a. tall at Stabler;,f'or luln' picture SUNDAY TilIE. illoliigs. Pictures fraiiied swhile you Lease Ypsilanti from CongressSst.,i:30,330, ait-l. 24 :00, 6:10 ad 9:00 Lease Ass Arbor Junctios, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, Very pleasanit roomis at 311 Church 7:00 asnd 9:30 p. ia. Cars ruii os eity tiae Faee: single irip 15 St. Flrllli ieu et. A resw boarder's cents; rousd trip tickets 25 cens. Wta. F. P'ARKEiR, Supt. delsiredl. 0 M AMMOTH PIPE SALE "hit (lledonio adsigt. oii -AT- 1'7L . Leaveworsd 11 Daily offiie'. 27 JO .LY & C 'B At Statileros, of csurse-Artist's proot etehinugs framed for $1.25. 24 Removed to 1S S. State SI., 0110cr Illoek. IHoE and Cold 2Lunchfs at All Houirs. Als~lios11 t0i1Sll I u i thleir otibscip~tilllonloos tis 10eek. Go to RANDALL for ANN ARBoR Artistic Photos. STEAM LAUNRDRY CO. 4. ________High Glossian([ oe stic.ihish. NEW GALLERY. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, LARG[ST OP[RATING ROOMMIN STATE 23 s. FOURTH AVE-. "FLAG PINK" AS USUAL. NO. l5b WASHINGTON BLOCK, We al1oh11eIi ne Oarlise 4 Ann Arbor, Mich. o ofTimporte FALL GREETYNG. W ARNOLW'S8 Suiting to order $1:3.50 op; Osercoats to1 cerder X13.50 sp; TYe" serinso o111er x.15 Jewelry Stire.I Ceasisg. Dyeing, Pressing-'ad Clepaiin a specialtyDO'BU A FORDHAM & GLEN,DOT UA Merchant Tailor, 20 S. Mtate at., Ain Arbor. D I C T' I O N IA..RIY? Tr I CATERERnrrtiliiyou see RnhAING T RFEn1 2 E. Waslilag' THE STANDARD. s .. .,, .. , ..Drop a card or call on J. T. Mdgley, 18c Subscribe for thet Daily.Teaser St., North Side. Agent far Wahtenaw, 'Gakladaned Macomb coanis. to give 31111 011alt supplement wvith till' 1. of NI. IDaily every cdoy itl tiele eb, 1111dwi' (10not oiler laly tforty-oight page edi- tlionis lit,111ourlresent rate of $2.50 a S-ear. WI alim to give a thlle- oigh ly represen-iveiso, up-Co- doitelUivsrity lnewvspiper, cov- erinig all llelolrlifeil of the 17nisersity 111101all C -stuldenlt urgalllioil. reglalr delivei'y 1of thio')aily a your doosr uni litlii- 0111 oftheii collegle year, furniSbi eg yell prompllt, liciiraite 11a111comnplete reposrts iof Uiv sersitly ev-ellis faculty lull class nootices, a tiol- letiii ofth te1110oilathiletic lewo-eyurosiil anid111thei'other deplartmentsliuo iisuch It miaiiier 110 t1oinabsle31111 to2kieepp osted or pertiinig tothio'Uiiersity rheir's no Contradiction to the filet ltaiit'e U. of :N. Doily is1t11 onily lollrer wvhichi cmil iakeou 111this oiler. It has 110 tomtlleito~r. If you feel any~ interest ini the lUivorsity you will reeive o' lre' 011011your mnley'Ss worthl fromulyour sub- sri iili beforeotheeud lof the flotball seasio. WES ARE SEA-SOIN( Students' Lecti .OF THE T.0. & C. Ry. K. &X. Ry so111id rethrogh 111110 s bts'ri iToldo,OCo;e, 11n1d Chlesoln, 1b Na.ivia ColIumbps, the short iod onlydi-erte'. Toledo, 0.- Findlay, 0. Renton, 0. Columbus, 0. ,Athens, 0. Mliddleport, 0.. Pomery, 0. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comufort, Va. Williamsburg, Vs. Newport News, Va. Ndorforkt, Vs. And 1111 southea1lsternlpoints. PEl-gant d r furtherlins o mlio n all011111.ica Ticket, Arentl or isrite1. MIOUJL'TO 110110 (.1al 'lbs. A-l., Tlole-do, 0. WV. A. PETElRS, Slieliglall 'ass. Agent, JENNINGSI EAST LIBERTY ST.. Hot Luinches, Chocolates and Homle-mllde Candits. Adverti a Your Wants in The Daily. COM0TVING DF' 189-5-96% ere Associ at10ion U. OF M. 1Seiiator David 13. 111l, 1of New York -------------------------------cet. 25 2. L.eandT.1'loersimperlcsonator.-------------------------------v.16 3. lion. JohiiiI. Fioter, Seco-etary of Siate auider Fees. Hasrrislon---------Dc. 11 M Srs. Johoistoiie Bishiop, Mms. Clara Muorray) 4. liedpatli Coiincrt Co. 1Dcc. }-------- 14 Miss Aiasil P'weli, Mr. Von Scarpa. y 5. iev. T. Delitt Tlioage-- ------------h-------------------- an 14 0. limn. Heary Itittersoii, Elilor of Losisslil Corier-Jorsal-------------Feb. 14 7 Bloston TempleQuaretl(Silos Katharine RIidgeway, Iteader)-------------Feb. 295 8. Oratoical Ciotest of Cue Cnivirsity Oraterical Association ----------Maiichi210 9. Aias0'Rell, (M. Paul thloset) 'Coroedy Leotured"--------------------April 1- 10. lioa.ITeodoeRseIems tFresident New YorklPolice Comisson------i ---April 24 11. Archbishop Ireland ---- ---- --- ------- ------- ---- -------M yi~i There A~re Eleven of 17s .811 for $2.00. Reserved seats for entire couse 500 extra, single adaission a0c, exeept Seator 11ill, $1; Rhedpathi Concert Co., 75c; Oratorical ContesC 25.c Tickets oii sale Wednesday, Oct. 16 at W~ahr's Bookstories, State and Main s1s., Palmer's Drug Store, 46 S. Slate st., Shereh~a & Co., Bookstore, State st., Catting, Meyer & Co., 27 and 29 5. Main st., Moore & Wetmore's Book- store, 60S. Main tt, and Anii Arbor Organ Co., Main st., ned by students oii Che 'snipes. Coorse tickets may be exrhanged for reserved neat ticketo Ion payment Sf 5Meson Tues- day, Oct. 22, at Palmer's Drug Store, 468,. State at. and Moore & Wetmore'o, 6 S. Main at.. W-No conditional numbers. Every actually secured by contract.