4 THE U. OF Al. DAILY i~t ~ ~ Bachelor of Arts, 5a new,' rionllly der' i~ ' '' - Gand TOpera House.. f + p'Ut+ otrci to esniversity otere t.". ~ A j'.7k TONIGHT ON LY TPhe i k loluilee Sn~silsooile.av:lftafar tok f SAT1URDUAY EVENING, OCT. 2&r Published Dtaily (Sunday. excepted) during at the serfvices of the Yooog M en's W aelf arsoko all sorts of ther'oi. (lobofytharooat the ollee yar- t ro11 r 1u 1dof t evesllst et- WRITING TABLETS MRI.IWl'llC.,ANDREWS THE UNIVERSITY OFMIHGN Y tclaC11'11111aye 1DI t OFFICE Tires' buttdirsgN. Ma'in at., opposite 26t. Prof. A. K. 'pence, profeseor inl Andos 'Ex'celtetComspany tn Feed potofc.which can be closed out as Irn'dssdrlltiant Corsedy, pos ofie.IFisk Vtoivreity. and tormorly Irofes' follows: nu~u EDITORS. Sor irs the totvs rity. will speakt. MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C0 IIM'Y WII-V\FHIINil J. A. Lrltrv, '55, Managing. Editor. Iniss turther efforts -are l(. 111e;o RLOTALT10 P3FOR lO^liiiLU EL 1L , G.B. IhooIsosM'L, A. sitant. 00RLDTBES 0 P O O ' iest ltw (4hiss will iveosr 1foottr l ODWRTN1ALE, -B1' esyescpo'CaIisnr G. 1. SKIrS, 'li9.Assistarrt.GODWIIGTBE,8 SaeSyeo 1yasCrl'sAn c. I). tARY rryi. LAssistant. 'Is's Ill this fl. 162 All busirsess.coeorrrte'd oriththers locsu b-s ' roForsmil15I Irrsa'r'tIll s' rt rs 's aertilis1.0or tistpaper' is Iirc'hargr' ot 1. aeto e~ n n t~y(~i5 . Meyer, 4061E. Wilia t. Alt othoer busirs'a5115rfe ''rsi1'sss'Ilsb''lri. mrattersareuror t'r'immedliraterdir'ectirrrr 115' is owbrsirvsstill b Irr'risrsrt'rll ofhe Slebusiner a' naoilrger'. rmlrsr'r' Ilssss. 3IARIA IJ, lt..1. The pricesofthre Darily wilt eanas0 r-10 j, - E M R Soorae. $'3.50 a year, irseariably inadva ORnceT OR nrrrwidtansrsdirsgtire Sfa'1tthat pulitioton S AN 'ADSAE , willbe caotisssed utitComnrcsemernt. BS ANS.ADSAES. CORNER OF W11ILLIAM, UNIVERSITY NOTES. HAVE A CtitrEErroSTrsOn' O C.rSlrbur'y. '1r8, issesrroslyaisll. UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS!' F.'. Srrdletr is the Allh N"man New and Second-Band. bers elf inrterr'rllr'oiriv l'' I Con-Note rrsndothr Srsdersta'0Spplres. l'rtee ounrtaoin l'r'sro 1ineo Stairor y. Sporlrr losiltl's'. rr orods, etc'., whichsltrhry otter at thlrowIrest Flisk tC. Sisitlir. , ) ll11 ttr' frthlie prices. tGler' C'lsb, is Silo'gileel of tre tilt Cell and see us before Purchaning. KarpparI tsi fratrirty'. ' lssrr'sill bhra11 sos' 0510 'fIthel ' ITHE Prrhiitrirsnstsllell'.atr 'c lrock tissKINDEHOARTEN BILLIARD HALL evening;l asit44 I.. 'r\i limnSs t. Hasatire rrrly flIssiz're tbleassllthse cty >retotAset'it wrh00 orl 5'irlesale esor'sssnd tobacorrasnd 5sC1o olrerstreforrs the As'inrinLss ltlarry Railroad + Ticket +' Brokers. Atssrrciation illDt'rorst 'T'srsrday. Moeytorlorsrsonper'sornastpropety. t'rel't't S'0t ('srsssl l a.l s .i ledrtlr5 ieetlillfof.' 1 r istthebors 1111isoTHE BOOK OF ATHLETICS orrlrliliserlre rt 1412 p. sss tolls AND OUT-OF-DOOR SPORTS, 'hIlse lterril librrrry Ihlasscredolit DrrlrrBoY r~e coy o tenbei sI'lcteiol y, NORMSAN 5W. B~tIIAM, :.10., ress otryof .lr'lslhrrg's '.y~ Captairn of tse MsotstIlaven Tran, s895. '9,j o'otiors, for tire uses' ot ssscoiersl stru- Idents. ernceThisniuet. book is rarr athletic aymosiumen 'bs etrlr'torros in Air.oows conribertoulr sby oell-kir 00011 sesorexs- petardrollts'e temcasptaisir. lHaressrd, ssi~ondsth'r eaingesllges sre repre-0 srrrtrd. ill istosory lhr -'t'100011 tlaredl11Ill'slee. dhrFsootal l.ldbn olseboll.ateurs o, 1 iteciil eas~ce 2lirsthetile .t t". 'thelnr,'rcet, ihurdlisoandotrrachksthletics,VSainybcyln ,et. otepatclrly perlr'rrillibrorrd.sdugestvelytyrrr'rted. One yet., cloths, ,genrallibary fio., prrruerly illustrated, 51.50. T.1. A. Iserkitole, of Ki~lasity, i For sate sy all boooksellers. thecanidte f he tuent wst f HE LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY, The sll~hiriieof ileettdoot OIo'5 ot 92 Perrrl Street, Boston. tloe lisssip o h rsdn ftest yearirlaroslss. as~ 'hrIsitlliso t'olitei'.ca lec As-o- ='l filiori sill isseet tonlDetroIrailasy and1101LoA Saturday of next sseek. Sevs'rrl of LookI orrr lofes'saors sare 011lrt'elprorrin. .~-AT - ArthIs'llbbrl, '104, roirretr'e rl 10.11.n Il'is~ic il lotsrlasbit, It' 55110 111111-L I'.' ied durriog; She tsrmer ad stritorss' LA i tarking tIheo'awsroutrrl'rs t llrrrl. B A I,. C'. ''lkt'r, trrsilrt"s iilla'er of -- lbs Darily, hssben) 1111r'illthle Con-lr vention of She Nationarl Delt'tpsiloneobled fraterutty in Glreenco'astle, Irnd., slo:8s ervioeable tylrnh week, as Sloe delegaltte of tire loecrl _woft chapllter.V ekirng hoes 'IAillians II. 11Boara. of ie ?las of '68,noSw105pIresitdent of ltre New York Itilro 0 (Gazette Co., represents Micl-hAN.T igan en thre advinory board of the S6N INS y~y~ -~ N Writing, Running,1 Wheelin But the Pleasantest of these is Wheeliri Whe yo whelwheel with the handsom( wheel. We'll promptly furnish to order the spef lest wheel, the lightest wheel, the wheel of wheo --the KEATING Wh ee' CATALOGUE. Keating Wheel Co.,L Hoyoke, . Mass. " -- i ..l r >' rig testI els 4 1