tt* 'Of [URI)AY, OC'TOB3ER 261 1896. FOUR .PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. No. 2 4. UNIVERSITY OF' MICHIGAN, SAI ONE GUITAR N ON Is enough for one person toH S play on at one time. One goitar is not enough, how- IN5 qw O ever, to sopply 3,000 Stu- I0 dents. That's why we have . MN1 constantly in stock several j dozens of guitars of various H!s 1 makes and prices. "BETTER LOOK AT OUR 9999 U. OF M. GUITAR. I It's good as its name. 919 THlE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO, ' S.MAIN ST. c Sheehan's complete stock of SWEAI[DS AND GYMNASIVM SUITS in the city. We make them to order, in aniy color, desigtn or style desired. Agcnts for the celebrated 13E0. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN,. Engraved visiting carsds we sup- ply in five days. 30 S. STATE STREET. - WIL D - THE LEADING TAILOR~ AND IMPORTER. The latest and most Fashiotiable Foreign Fabrics for Men's Wear. The Imrgest Stock in the City. NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. WILD. WE NAVE WHAT YOU WANT, We can meet your needs in the. way of text-hooks, supplies, etc., no matter what your class or depart- ment, at either of our stores, and we have the right kind at the right price. Bring around a list of your wants; a trial purchase is the best indicator as to where you should trade alt the year., We buy, sell and exchange second- handbhooks in large quantities, and can. offer you special bargains in this line. We are sole agents for the celebrated Waterman fountain pen-everyone guaranteed. You'll also find the best University Station- ery, Note Books, Drafting Supplies, Saweaters, etc, at special rates at] W AH R'S. ip Town, newn Town, University .bosktore, opposite Courtueouse 20 S.state St. 4N. Mats St. S ENATOR !lILL SPEAKS. old landtttark wlich hs lot -11wit s - 'ilies sllothldi e jealouslsy guarded; GOOD OPENING OF THE STU- itthos titeltdis not Is(-totiittus sthold~ DENTS LECSURE COURSE. lx' (estroyedi. \o idea. or super'stition He Talks of "Old Landmarks'' which delays human progressshtoitli Such as Jefferson, the Constitu- I,, preserved.' tion and the Benefit or "Hard" 11.Still giots train Ani Aribor is M~oney. _____Ohio, ashlire itte willttmake 1fou-trcetit'' S-etator iDavid B-. H-ill stieS'' to an in thei' political cattlitelt. While litre audt~ientce of I SlO leslin nivitersity hli as1bese5to-by inewspapjer eel-re- t1,a1t last iiciti, auspicioslysieopeintg sisli'tts. buti tothiog of a; political this year's S. I.. A. coursie. its rtecept-nattice coiulil he obtainied ft-iohint, titti was hearty tatd tile' address was atnd he car(efulliy avoided lily political irequently intetrruiptetdti y applause. rlereitees int his address. Seniator 11111 said in part: A Good Example. "Isp'eak tonightttf '(Olit iamdi-oarks,'- lnst itste strict teise of(tie termlll u iTesutbscrittiotn of Jacobis .&All- So a ibroad Ostnse, signifyos ilt-setfleit' atnit. these dio'eatileris. hasbee thtttsits pas at wic haemad t1cwold' po-dttlltrs, watoprottised biy this it-ittlast: iktsprwhich 1115's' ttiatlehitt'rwitrodleeti bluss atiti whichtwe titwrregatrditssiistatgiisiitlrs 1'it sacredi. 'S'lit' olsdlltanmarks of outritis- tffer, astohiety arc tittatetitt't-s o coti- tory iatethose which havs-itoodi1 t'etrittitt'to t'e 'wttan'si5< ylllttsitltiti. sttormotfititbtic optiniotin to which they , is liopit-d thai. loss' t'hititliig-s htave bieenti stitie-i. ('ontservatistit1isassitredtieit-1itistitistiens iniAttnt tirt'cornte-stollet' d nduanc isArbirrimay fotlliw fhits getierostiex- liii te'st of titeir iaccepitanlce. aimpltiantdthatenthelitomlti on o1 "This is stliagte of ttciitelo, aitti thirs 1hlceddblidn; tf progress ititia perioti of unr t t 'iie mist slid stf tielt' ti-r corritdtr STday tmay lit'rega~rded astiheiiiire-sy of f lertastiiiaii s tt-adiuii.ootiti.'lTe otf tolitirows. Ii is tiolt wse tac-elpt Oomiut'.s UTaguet'art' to tirittoti tilis nt-aw St-eoriss.tisclutiiiig fdsilt id- atol, istheietntiontt s to ittrt-lase' nmar-ks. only silt-itarticit's its ty tbt, tf tier t-tecttedi onGolittl e t''soit. It sacks to shosw'ilt'iritirest iiitt'theclit'gt atnew i-ca iiihisity. Except at tat-i' Otitili itevais.St'e righttof a pele t'to ovi- At the Fraternities. ei tihemselses iadi notttieen si'rte'd E. C'. Weeks. '9.) miia--or'tof'ifsat hb-fort' heii"tuoptittnlof tisititiotaltt tiea's ba~ll tam. Se ti tie',glit-fof sit'ei tocument't. Thtonas .Jeft'rsotit's framter-,was'atrully liii xtt'iasi- ituiler, tlieltifite-it Th'ie Adeiittit fl-ta ILli, Delia Kappait wstho bildtedtitot for iii Hotutilt fir ,gentertiones. 'i' SteatIutiltattd tsehpsl atdoptiotioftitir ('tnstitustioni arse land-ti111(tSPiiKapptaPlihetutheii'r atitital fallinittiationis last s~i. tmat-ks, imarkiig theticulmittiittofa csios ittSt'e worlud's litstor.t"'t'e'Pii K1-Uttuist etfraterntity hlli 'Ser annual invittion' la it tg wouittit ake Ithice i iin h tugovernmtts' mietntionitig ini artittltir fotritmed- Ca-i-Is awert' taitfor lifts'. niints awhicht should hi' titte to itie' 55 iidti1]. 9 'ittitit.'961 LArthutr (G. constiltutiett. it' favoreti -in extet- tiul'r, 't96, Walter S. Hoitlen, '819,(G. Sioni of thti' pr'esitde'ntial tirto to osi 11'Slush, S'S:)F..tlin , ;,W. 0'. yeiie.,-:,aithi a irtisisittittiatii~g a ir's- iditfiniieligihle' to te-eletion; ti lts e~e- anhuhtiiersaietthtlt'giltsof the 111i titintof settatet's ty ite sirect a-ste if Kla si sfraterity~. Shle tieople; confeiritig sil thett'presidtit As Others See Us. the right to aeto specifiitete iinitp-- pttopriatfton hills wtitttiakitig a-oid Thoftillowatig edtitoriia liraglrlphl the entire hiltl; aSnsatanentintetpro- appeared'ttin tie'Clee'tland t'Leader for hihbitig te eslie of te goaertttnent's (Oet. 22, 1895: gridirotn. III muany lios faoktheti l'tiis'rsity of -Mihgan htils tittie mlsit ti give lt'einstitutiiiostf higersiu- t-:titon aw'tsStof lt'eAliehu'giot'fait' tndhonlori iSin t'eLit andilsinc' tilt towit iWestt'rnt Reserte litys ha e i t tov'erwa'helietd by tt' lmtiAbotgiatts in fottbal, i ilas idoienitihat-utithte Mli-iigatuumtit-it nst ake somei' tf this u-seitlfoutof Yaltatidtitite ti'thees of Slarvsaitd to tiie iirtiw'tss of t' yountg aia'rstltseof the l aki' rgionu aidttetit'sisissippi Utlity. Todays Game. 'lilt' gamii' asithithiLisaoke'Fetshlni- versiy ttatmtwsal lttegiii at 230thSis aftrnoo, tldiprtialth irtyitttt Woiasey; lfttu d.iihn omu; lift t-It, litititttt tright cua-rdi.,Situiit; right tekit, S-'llu'ativir; right endiiSags-,; quatretehatt, Wood;ulft -lhalf, Livy'; right ihaf. 1Lee; futl loisk. lii. A trtp' has beetn s et'ihis'tl ttit itltY aiountitoiilt- lit 01'pliay,'and telet' ire's it-tasid asill tie'gaittired abottthis. 'lPteisill tolittel latiis tstaud,.ashilt-i The Freshman Spread. As helivi tiattionsistsuetr'i his'filt' so'phiomorei' tonit teoh' gitls ,sicy liit hta esat-hedtievery il",. thi sophomoistre classi oiallyti incites aif 'Its irl5s t- asill lit'gist-uitheiilii 5itlliin'ti, 05. 1. 1893. Report Before Tuesday, Oct. 20. 'hure dissrtttis i-inuti'':5itti stettdlof;'.as i'o-tst'ily. optioittl. Sit. -letader' tesits's tall ii ,eititoS ihoseand t eprt'iitheirticuus to Morit Y. M. C. A. Meting. te Univer'sitys'Ytiitg lien's (hrtistiati Assotr-tionttis s-hanugdtlft-num it.,Ii. tt Aun t-outitof thi ts'Sutth't t'ottii'uetus-et'.iLaks'etGtt'etiaill lit gist-n hy thr dletgaitsswhotwesrthfitri. Allnits-tisttdents it-i' ortlitihy initedt. Oracle Is Coming. ritorts ver'y "stiefttuuy prgeiss sot aut' cosftintmlY cinhg i ath it is t'xpeOet'tito lhip l ice t'(rae itl Otstle bty Dee,. 1, 80. pronmissory note's as money. Thu speaker coitfined hutstdiscussion of tese hotnts almost entirely to te last one, and the latter part of lute addres~s as mainly confined to tenmoney tquestion, advocatitng the psritucipiles of "htardl money." tn closing Setuator I-ill said: "Every "'ths''Uiersity- tf .ihigain is tile- ly So take' itis teasoniittii utuustigliii foremnost eollegtes of Atuueiainifoot- htall. Its fretni is sit hig and ts stuig; thast tee may blit' i lurhpu-tot' in store for ilHauard uwetithe Iltigt-sf tuniesity of te last tim-s e ilg-' gosh one of the Wes ipo1110 te fateful