Amok, tt VOL. VI. No. 23. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1895. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. No. 23. UNiVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1836. FOUR PAGES-S CENTS. ~ONE GUITAR Is enough for one person to I play on at one time. One1! gnitar is not enough, how- H$ jII ever, to supply 3,000 Stu- il S dents. That'swhy we have S constantly in stock several dozens of guibars of various I9$ makes and prices. SBETTER LOOK AT OUR 11. fF M. IlISTAR. lt.;~ ; isnae r -- ' . t / l -- ' , .. , THE ANN ARDOR ORGAN Co,, S. M AIN S T. Sheehan's -.E P You can find the largest and most complete stock of -SNTRD SWEATERS- AND HILL WILL SPEAK TONIGHT.1t P~fIIAVI~tRAN ADDRESS ON "OLD LAND- UIIYIJIIIUII ~J~lO MARKS" BY THE SENATOR. in the city. We make them to Forty-First Season of S. L. Ato Be order, in any color, design or Opened Tonight-A Large Audi- style desiredi. ence Predicted-His Address Not ____________a Political Speech. Agents for the celebraited Scouter Davitd B. Hill, of New York, B EO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN, will arrive iniits city ait 2 o'clock this after noon.lie will bh etiict hicsit- Engraved visiting cards we sup- crgi of liiistiidcents' Lecture Asse, pl _ cfv ay itiois iandiwill irohably make his S}-{EI'IiA1{ & cc lieadquarlteis it lie Cook House dusr- 30 S. STATE STREET. inis listcay in Aim Arisor. Ibis lee- lure will begimi at 3 o'clock this cecii- " W JJ.AD inky iii Uiiversity Hall. The subject THE LEA ING TAIOKwill.lie "Old Ltnmmdsarks." THE EADIG TALOR Seiiator tHil's appcaranuce before the Stuidensts' Lesture Associatiomi here has AND IMPORTER. been the suhject of much coiiiieiit all The latest and most Fashioiiahle oer the country. Papers hostile to Foreign Fabrics for Men's Wear. himn in New- York have editorially dec- The Largest Stock in the City. precated his being ieceived here, oust NO0. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN, ss'veral Chicago papers have coin- YaL 1i ented in the siiiiicstraimn. This his isiade his appearance here aumatter of tiir arn r vniWAUTgeneral interest and severtal outsiide WE HAVEYWHATIYOUuWAT papers will very likely have repi'e- We can meet your needs in the 'ittioatli'ecr. way of text-hooks, supplies, etc., no It his heen inimmed by Ditroit and matter what your class or depart- New' York papers that Senator Hill mont, at either of our stores, and we have the right kind at the right would take this as aii optportunity for price. Bring around a list of your imaking politicail capitol ansi clat it wants; a trial purchase is the best would he iii the nature of mi political indicator as to where you should trade all the year. reception to hums, 'his is't of course We buy, sell and exchange second- out of the questioni. tor several years hand books. in large quantities, and there has heen a rule of the hoard of can offer you special bargisi eetsta oseceso oiia this line. We are sole ag~nsrgents thtnfoeere fa oiia the celebrated Waterman fountain niature could he iiusdei' iiit'ives''ity pen--everyone guaranteed. You'll Hail, and thits ini itself is sufficieiit to also thud the bestUniversity Station- preveint anythiiig of ltme kind,. .'he S. ery, Note Books, Drafting Supplies, L.A. emdisl tnt oscr 'weaters, etc, at special rates at; ~ emdisl otnt oscr tesenator fora popular addres, a,a W A a 9 thing which lie rarely itiales, anil W A R 'S InicstyH-all will no doubt he Up Towna ouwn Town, crowded to its utiiios-tho hear hlin to- fliuSesity.Bookstore, OppasteCourCeaose :g a0S.stabte St. 4N.Sain St. igh AID B.HILL. 'VARSITY'S LINE STRONG- Yesterday's Practice Showed Some Hard Playing. Yesterday's practice developed sonii- goduedfaiiiwork atind individual play. Desinty was hut.sit cnter sin the 'Vai-- -4ty' with ('arc at right guard. Weissn- hacser ilayed center' on th" e stiuis. 'file teamnsolinsedlsitsas followrs: Greienleaf-.... e.--.....Scult'r 'illthins-----------I. t.-....Evains Hoosiper-.....I.g.-.....ohinsons Deiiby - c -i... Noiiihaclisr ('atr-------i. g - R..aker llemssisiger-...r. t.-...Johinson Dickesi -.r. ec.....sitchsinsonm Baird----------..q. b. - M..lorley Shilts ... .. .1.I. ..... rumheller Riharmds-....r. It.s -...'Vei'oi Blooumingstoiiii-.-b ..,li .-McIencie Baitrd play'eda a mrsd gameineiitil ise wasscoiiipelleid to teav-cliii'guns'firom aii injury to Isis knsee. Tin 'V'sarsiiy's lin~e was strong aid id u omie iarud phta-ing. Shields, Htitehinsom, Sentler aindi:Morley lidt somie gioud hlocking stidsitacklitig asitiBlooinigstott mnd McKenzie "sonse goid uil itng. A GOOD GAME FOR TOMORROW. Rush-Lake Forrest Eleven Said to Be a Strong Team. 'The ratio iores-bssl -Mc'slis'al coin- binsed Iteaiiwtill lirobsablyarrive tiers' tonsightfr'oii Chicago. 'The, team iss iowia- deis'up of liii' best, 5dayi'ms of thei (ta-isfoirmerly s'pret eamcis mind inicludles somie players of first rank. 'T'ir'fisll(sack, Pill, aras formierly i Sciitch Associationi footliall player and is a kicker of exce'ptional ability,.lHe pusis or srop-kicks equailly well withi bells feet and sdoes ner step back fromi his usual 1iositioit to isaae(lie hall psasseui to hims, He kicked a heist goasl ii Its'gamue awithsWisconssimi. Mellillan Hamll" reqss a mll stsidents wise imave copies of last ye'ar's Daily. for which thcy Isaaeiso furtheir ise, to slomate them to (lie hall iii orser thiat the ile" may be completed. MR. HANCIIETT ThINKS NOT. REGENTS NEED NOT REMOVE HOMEOPATHIC DEPT. Opinion on the Subject by a Wel- Known Lawyer-Also Says Re- gents Are Not Under Legislative Control-Courts to Decide the M atte r. Ross. Bentons thaiciett, of Sagiissi, aaas msed for a legal uopiniotiythlii tRegentis r'garding tis'cinsmittiomml- ity sit tie ltcv providinig fo'lie r- imoval sof tie homemopathic udearmtmen'mt to Deli-oi. lii has reently cauimplieu, sibimitting- that it. is smmcsstitstiool bec'ause tieb aawas mit sigmedhtiy Goc'rnriss'etll mbefore mie mdjournment of tie legislature Mr. thasclitI alsomsamys that, s tie RBoarsd of Regents is mm consitutonsl body, it is beyond legislativecomtrl atuhammt le laca'is invamlil simmhist ;'roiundi. 'Ilte mamtter-cill iprobambly hi- dec'rided'lby a est cat, brosighthis compilel tie Regnts to make- tim ec- LECTURES WERE APPRECIATED, Prof. Raymond's Addresses Deiv- ered to Good Audiences. Rloomi24.asasfills-st yestra-ftsr. ioonsoim l Hte'mi tis tie lu srs-of Prof. Ocoige L. Ramyimonds, of P'rinceton,oiii "['ilieNature andilFuitci isi'sf Poetr'i-' Proif.hRay-miond lis isiting Prof. 'lius- blood,asummitertt'm his letire bforec thie Oratorictal AssosiatiomiWednsdassmy, lii' soisceitish at this'requhest (f theissgEi- Itoh) depasmrtment to deliesr yesterdayi~'s eccisrs. 'ihs' wla-esturs'ha'sets's'n thiooughly appresmsciat'sby a arIg' msumber os-m'mbe'rss'ssf this'fsisuily mmii Caucus of '96 Independents. At tie scaucuss (f '6literarmmy indie- penets, sf im Ns'ambes'-uy Hll yIestem-imus aifternoomn this folloin-mg cmnidahits, care unoiminaste'diforthies'ir'maininmg clmis ofshcees: vice' Prs'siden't, Miss (iclemiss Fishesr; tressu, 50. '. ('oh; orator,. '. Sadiler; Pos'5, Mils Euirs'tm A Boyless: hisrianm, iiss Iss- is' Porter. 'hess'oics'ouf scretary mmiiiproheiihtess5 x-wsu-i'lft51open, n iisiiili- tious thi'be min t ihiss'slmass l's-isism 'Thes'elhsctionm caill hi'ehhe unsxithsMn- sliy mafternosons sit I-iso'slock iifn iitheihom- ouipatie ampuhsithesatres, achitshi is si t ile' sousthm cmii sit'this-liomeo'piiathii- buidig Fisk Sngers at Newberry Hall. Puof. Spenee's,mmmialulimiius f httih- gsun, ami i. Mosirs, f this' Fisk I i- cersity fom' c-ioestiudesnts. Nasvlleth, 'T'nn.m,, acill hi' hisce' Suuiyhmmy ms-m- pailed.ibysti-singssfronumithast immsti- lutisui. Mr hMs-'osr mme m-is r f souse repustationmindslusis'ndumislehi' -sm- limliy of sigers ccill muhshsesmr st Ni-' hrry Htall Sundaymi' afte-noonsi. Aidsmis- suon ccill liefm-i', Engineering Society. 'The subhjct tthi s-tuui sm'sitfg sit this'eengineer'intg siesity tornuorowca evcening in IboommIt)(5of this'seuginee'ring builuing is "Tis' LiftingI'Power sit ltagneu," by Prof. hashesson,