THE U. OF M. DAILY Published Dily (Sndy excepted) during the Collet year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Grirso: Times tuildting N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. LsRoy, '9, IMaaging Editor. G. B. HIAnsaso, 'oi L, Assistat. G. I. Siats, '5., Assistat. C. D. CAP, G. L, Assistat. S. E. KsAssn, '9, Athletic Editor. L. C. WAran, '9. Busess Managr. . C. FAULODS, '99 , Asistnt. Associate Editors. L. A. Pratt, '6. A. K. l'trie, '8. C. A. Houghto, '1161D. G. M. ieath, 'il P. Katherine Reed, '97. 11:. B. Gammon,00 l. .. F. Thosas, '7. W.W. itschs,'9. B. B. Mtheasy, '9. R. R. Reily, '0. It. C. Buc, '90 IM. Commuitiosregardng foreign ader- tising should be addressed to . B. Htarrison. All busisess coneted with the local sub- scription list of this paper is is charge of P. C, Meyer, 46 E. William st. All other business matters are under the immediate direction of the business manager. The price of the Daily will remain as here- tot ore, $2.50 a. year, invariably in advance, notwihstandisg the faci that publication will b e continued until Commecemet. Hdere is illseditorial opinion froms yeterday's ('hicago Timises-Hesald: The football sasoii ias oeled ros- lptiotlly iindiwith It iiiichismaller nunber of acidenslothanmnarked lts early piogress last yer. Th'ie coi- paratie' cleanilliessofitegiflit111y be attributed ill past01to a petty wide acceptanlce of the PricetonYale rles, which prescribe talt there slash be sven ii iieo in fth'le huertieii eball i naSifped back, but weQ believe it is duo in much greater degee to the better distositoin of lilt players. They hav~ herd fromiitie public iid the facsslties lave heard from parents, withs good reols. All the oppositioii of nervous editors wvilnt desroy fooball; btt tie gismfe has in it the posibiliy of destroying itself. Itosld be a slame if it should disapper, for at its best it is a slenditd trial of stregth of thew ,i(t] fleeness of foot, couage ad civity, besites being a spectacle talt all the healthy worldt rejoices in. There wiii be ni in ~e contet tils yeao. Halrvard will ply trincetoi for tlit first tmull Man511y19 years. Penn sylvaiia wii il lybohi Harvard oand Princetont andl probbly defeat them both. Yale and Princeton ilXii meet thie Saturday before Thanksgiving. The wet is developing some mighy teams. The defeat of Chicago U'iiver sity by Nortlvstrn was unexpected, but itwiii not detract froii a very 05>f eral. interest i tie struggle for -su- prmcylQ between Cicialgo, Notw~est- ern, Wisconsin 01101 iinesota. Tie Chieago Athletic Associatioi's team is makinsg ieieadw~ay. It wil try its streisgtagaint the eaterin teams this nientb anid returnisto Iis city t10 ililet, onlTianksgiving Day, it od rival, the Boston Atiletic Associatio. Foothullis tie national fed sport. In oevey corner of she an sturdy youts are arae on te gldironi ield. It is a fine glimei and it Xiii live dlown all oppoiions if it renains clean, fair, nanly and "uniprofessioall." It should be emnelbered, though, that it ic a gmeil for strong, young prsosii tlie best condition. and is dangerouss tbusiss. for suntiund1m1n. At St'sbltt s of course-Artists poof etchings framed for $1.25. 24 MOORE & WETMORE 65S. MAIN ST AND STATE ST, CORNER OF WILLIAM, UNIVERSITY- TEXT - BOOKS! New and Second-Hand. Note boobs and oler Stdents' Supples. Foutain t'ens, ine Stationery. Sporting Goods, etc., iwhich they ofer at the lowest prices. Canl and see us before Purchasing. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL Has the only fol sle tables in thecity Xholesale cigars and tobacco and cgar- ettes. Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Mosey to loaaon personal poerty., Ia The modern stand- 10ard Family MNedi- cine: Cures the w commonevery-day ills of humanity. o THE BOOK OF ATHIETICS AND OUT-OF-DOOR SPORTS, NORMANXW. iINGHtAM, JR.. Captain of the Mott Haven Tean, 1899, This snine boot. lan athleic symposium contributed to by well-hnown amaers, r- pensy and collee trum-cisptatus. Harrard, Yale, and other iadng colleges are rpr- sened. Football, _bseball. tennis, golf, cricket, hrdling and trach athletics, yacht- ing, sating, bicycling, ete'., are practically and sggestvely: reted. ne vol., cloth, SWo. profusely illusrated, $1.50. Fuir sale by all boseller. THE LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY, 12 Pear:Street, Boson. Take A Look -AT- olid EUensibe ervicembe ; tyitf£h wit iling hoes Closing Out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of --WRITING TABLETS which can be ciosed out as foiiows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C 6000 RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR D0C GOOD WRITING TABLET, 8 C CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock wili not be replaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. Grand Opera House.. FRIDJAY EVENING,_DOCTOBER 25. First tielmhiere. The Season's Novelty... Harry Wiiliams' New Scenic Play, ABow*.ery Girl "New and original scenic effects. The record breaher everywhere. A. great "company. tO peocle on the stage. The latest B3oweryvspecialties. PRICES, 35C, 50C, 75C AND $1.00.. Lowney's Chocolates.. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. Writing, Running, Wheeling.,i But the Pleasantest of these is Wheeling When you wheel, wheel with the handsomest wheel. We'll promptly furnish to order the speed. jest wheel, the lightest wheel, the wheel of wheels -the K EA ,IN ., CATALOGUE. Keating Wheel Co., Holyoke, Mass. 6 ~ N Si.1