THE U. OF M. DAILY. STUD NTS! We Give YoU Credit,... ---FOR KNOWING WHERE - - - THEBS C TNK is sold. You have shown us by your generous patronage that OUFR SUITS ANID OVEFROOATOS. are just right for people who wish to dress correctly and at the samve time SAVE MONEY. . SPECIALEN-EC1KWEAR AEETHIS -WEEK. ,. , 3'7 S. Main St. LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL. MIHGA ENTR AL I At the Grand Opera House. Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. "The Bowery toirls" big success is EAST.. WEST. enicouraginlg chins to entier tile sonic Mall and Ex--- 350 Mail --------43 (-1as0. They will miake a success as it N. Y. Special---. 5 05 N. Y. Special.... 7 30 is -tseeol ef wich there is only one, Eastern Ex-:--10 12 N. S. Limited.... 1 25 a511 A. M. Pacific Ex---31 57 and "'rhe Bowery Girl" wile has woo Atlantic En--7 47P.M D. N. Expres---. 540 Western Ex--200 tile public to her will keep it. G. a. Express ---31 055 0h1. Nt. Ma---02 I~ngrHryWilas f"h G. a. Ex----------erIliry 5i ii57of"Tl O. W. RUGsGLES, B . W. HAYES, Boewery Girl," picked iii a colored e. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor uiiicii in St. Louis the othier day who ruistgeinfnd He-vsavtrn - ~oilis fi-st appeiaranice. It uwill iliatia- 1 1 lbly i'eiitire ian ox c inaiito hold lilni. tiAt lthe G(tranil operaliotise, lct. 23. NOT MCIGNSide silittiing icoiieiliies like nonve.soevn. "('liarlie's Aunt," "Frie'ndts." anid 'The 0:07 a. m. *7:i5 a. m. Ga:y Paris:ins," lie inow- the rage, we *12:25 pm. 11:30 am. havie yet anuthtler, "My Wlife's Friend," 4:15 pm 9:00 All trains daily except Sunday andi it wsill be' artistically pirescented biy R. Si. GREENWOOD. Agentt MWiii.('. Aiiirews aoil his asOOP- W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Tsledo 0. - ciates at Graiii opcrai house, Satuird:ay, ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, BY, Oct. 2. The play drabs will: the usual Time Table, May 26, 1895. hiabit eo' tellinig the white lies, atid Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 0-30, 0-00 young pteoebi- it little too gay, and 11:00 a. i.; 12:45,2:15,5:00, 6:45, 9:30 and of couirse' it is perfectly :iriiiless and 1Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00,8:30 and "c~onies outuill right initt'ewaishi" Mr. 11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30,7:13, 10:00 and 11:00 Andire's is a new' stari but lie i a,3 p.m.- SUNDAY TIME. thioiotighly learned his btusiness sup- Leave Ypsilanti from Congs'esnt.. 1:00, 3:30, porting Btarney McAuley, Mrs. Joint, :00, 0:30 and 9:00 p.m.DereeikW dRoad ed Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00,5:30,DrwFerikWrdtladtci 7:00 and 9:300p. m. anid others. He hias sel'ctetd a bright Cars ran on city time Fare: single trip 15 cents: round trip tickets 25 cents. slid cl'e-er conipanuy whtich inc'ltid: WaM. F. P~ARKEn, Supt. Ma~rioni Giraux, Minnuiettoink, Antoin- itette Wailker. Altert Livingston, II. PIPE QALE Oee's Datvies, 1W. W. Ptun, W in. Fi+ ir- IH Lbanks anld otlhers. -AT- JOLLY & Co's., Rermoved to 18 5. State S., Sager Block. Hotad Cold Lunchkes at All hosurs. Go to RANDALL for Artistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. [ARGESI OP[RATING ROOM IN SIAIE NO, 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, C T EL&LO A D Ann Abor, ich.ALBANY: NEW YORE, FALL MMakers of Cape and Cowns to tbe University FALGREET):Nli G. ofKURELLclAet Siting to order $13.10 up; Overcoats to V.1UR L oclAet order $1O30 up: Trouserlegs to srder $3.75. 44 William st. Aim Arbor, Mich Cleaslo Dyeing, Pressing and Repairing _________________ a specif4fyDO'BU A F'RDHAM & GLEN,DOTBUA Merchant Tailior, 20S. State st., Ann Arbor. D1 C T I10lNA R Y !T IIMOTR~ ATERER, till yen see ISAE, Washing- THE ST ANDARD. ___________________________ Drop a card or cail on J. T.