THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Highest Tribute Ever Paid to a Bicycle! New York, March 25th, 1896. Mr.W. C. Paly, Sec. Jersey CityY.M.C.A. The National Board of Trade of Cycle Manufacturers hereby sanctions a public ex- hibition of cycles, accessories and sundries, at the Y. M. C. A., March 27th and 28th. This sanction is granted on the express under- standing that no exhibition of VICTOR BICYCLES will be permitted. Yours truly, R. L. COLEMAN, President. W are the members of the _ National Bicycle Board of Trade AFRAID to exhibit their wheels with VICTORS? BECAUSE VICTORS Cost more to build, Are made of better material. Show better workmanship, Rn easier and wear longer, Are worth more than other bicycles. WHY NOT RIDE THE BEST? OVERMAN WHEEL CO. New York. Boston. Detroit. Denver. San Francisco. Los Angeles. Portland, Ore. A- DesIgner and maker of fine foot- wear. Best place for repairing, JOHN WOTZKE, 43 S. MAIN ST., UP STAIRS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR, Organized 1863. Capital, t100,000. Surplus and Profits, W40,000 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchanges bought andsold. Furnish Ietter of credit. P. BAC eres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, 50,0. Surplus, $150,000. Resources, $1,10,00. Organized underthe General RankingLaws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit boxes to renkt. OFFICERs: Christian Mack Pros.; W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier: M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. THE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES, BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Everything inthe Bicycle line at M ST1ABLR'S Cycle Emporium, 11 W. Washington St. YOU WILL SOON NEED A Trunk or Traveling Bag Largest assortment in the city. Buy it at Teufel's HIarness Shop, 45 S. Main st. JUST OUT! - E e LEHIQH DKMLES AMD OniversaI Crandalltpewiters lo.s COANAL L MACHINE CO. G0RoTO, N. 1. -. 41 .... ...o, 26 . 1tW., hw o AnE YOU COXNC -OE ? Then buy a Stumer supply before you leave the best market in Atterica. 100 Pittoburg Stogies for $1.00,- - - - - - 4 for 5c 100 National Sto -ies for $1.35,- - ---- - 3 for 5 100 Alfonzo Cigars $2.00,- - -- - - - 2 for 5c 100 Prodigy Cigars $3.60,- --- - - - - - for 25c 100 Owl lBoquet Cigars $6.00,---- - -- - - 4 for 25c 100 Royal Banner Cigars $7.50,- -- --- 3 for 25c DEAN & COMPANY. 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. NOTICIE. Anchor Line Steamers leave Detroit Tie results of tle examination for every Saturday and alternate Wednues- position iil lre rlospital for tile ensu-- ays at noon, for Mackinac Island, sng year are as follows: E. A. Nevin, ''Soo," *larquette, Portage iLake and iosc sr-rri; C. E. White, IOse Delutli. Gt rates and secure bertlis phlysician. from J. W. AMESSE, Yesterday forenoon at a session of Ticket Agt. Aniclior Line Co. tie circuit court, oil motion of Profes- Post Office Box 150. sor Tloipson, 165 senior laws were formally admitted to the bar and got R TYOU CAN fEAYC their certificates whirili entitle thei ltACTICALLY ALL to practice ili Micliigai. THE GRliEAT RESORTS OF AOERICA, Professor Trueboo will read a pa- , THETIII O per on "Tie Qiualications'of tire Ora- CARLIESTHROU tor," and Professor Scott will discuss ''AMERICA'S GREATEST "Tie Relation of trhe Paragrap ito RAILROAD"- z the Oration!" at t e omng nievg THE NEW YORK CENTRlAL. of the National Assoetion of Elocu- tionists in Detroit next week. LAW STUDENTS. ATTENTION. Dr. 1E. I3. Aistlews, of Cfiiiagoprr. 1 Write to Frederick Mains, Attorney, idr.e.t of Cthleriral Atinni Assorrc - Albion, Mici., in relation to forming tioi adressrr that holy in tire ,wI a co-partnership with a well estab- 1ecture room yesterday evening. Dr. lislied business. A chance with iany Andrews graduaterl from tle literary one of tiree attorneys in three local- rrrt"in '48 anr "f"ro the us1itiro Write at once. ical departmenti t '52. Tlie ionoraryFItEDERICKMAINS. degree of LL. D. was conferred on $5.00 TO CHICAGO. him in 181 by this University. IFor 10 or more persons traveling to- MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. Main and S. State St., Corner of William. Invite your attention to their line of LAWN TENNIS GOODS We lkep the elebrated Ashbry Bacquets, strictly hir grade at a lers prie thran otherrauets tlrrt are no better; also the Talixsm, Oxford and Harcord for ealsnerreseir. Try the new Tennis GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION, Also Baseball Goods and Hammocks. PRIVATE lessons in dancing will be given by Mr. or Mrs. Ross Granger at their academy during May and June. Program evenings, Tues- day and Saturday. Next Year t.en you come back we will Ie # t ec y d and supply ordrug sersts. a PALMER S PHARMACY. 46 S. STATE ST. S ntfot yeav our orders foe back ad bafgag iere for Holmes' Livery. 'PionIe 106. CUOO SPEED'S Bicycles "Viking AND Hummer," GOLF AND IBICYCLE Are up to date and a little be- yond. 15 Main St. SPECIAL. DIETAU & SCHANZ sell Suits and Pants at prices to suit everybody; we also do repairing, cleanirn and pressing work cnlrd for and delivered. Io.d48S.State1st., arerrad floor. Al. MsATIN, Funeral Ilretor, Cloth n Metallc Caskets and Fo eGrade Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 17 S. Fourthave. U OFM. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- roomsAll 'pp"inteinfirst class. Importedrand domrsnicigars. Ladies' artis- tic hair drersing and bathing parlors. J. R. Trojanowski 30 S. State st. THEN YOU WANT your clothes cleaned Vypressed, relined or rebound go to Mrs Fingerle, over Sheehan's book store. Lab- oratory aprons made to order NEW COLLAR TRIPS ON THE LAKES. Students and others contemplating a trip to points via the great lakes will find it to their interest to purchase their tickets at the Michigan Central ticket office. Tickets sold and baggage checked through via all principal steamship lines. Berths ordered by telegraph without extra charge. Wanted.-Four energetic young la- dies or gentlemen to travel, salary $45 and expenses. Also have profitable employment for those desiring to work during vacation. Call or address J. J. geilter the above rate will i imde v-A the Michigan Central. No deposit necessary. H. W. HAYES, Agent. NEW HIGH GRADE BICYCLES TO RJENT. Clevelands, Waverlies, Majestic, Stearns, at lowest prices. Stimson & Co., 24 S. State st. TO RENT For the season at Old Mission, a furnished cottage, beautifully located. For ternis, etc., apply to Theo. Price, St. Johns, Mich. Cargill, 18 E. Liberty st. Messrs. Wright, Kay & Co., of De- troit, besides being the largest man- Lost-On Hlill st. betsseen Twvelf th ufacturers of fraternity badges in the and State sts.' a Phi Delta Phi Watchl United States, are headquarters for charm, liberal reward offered for its UntdSaeaehaqatr o charmtolibealirelardPerhosed.forfraternity broches, book marks, belts, return to the Phmli Delta Phi lnouse. ho'o oes a as cns os bon bon boxes, bag tags, canes, fobs, Packing and forwarding of furniture glove fasteners, glove menders, glove done with great care. Low prices buttoners, garter buckles, sockets, guaranteed. Call or 'phone to Martin silver lorgnette chains, silver lockets, Haller's Furniture Store. silver hearts, menthols, memorable Those wishing books, pictures and day tablets, memorandum tablets, the like packed address or leave or- match safes, necktie holders, pipes, t keds address r Boo Bineryleave orpocket pieces, paper clips, paper cut- does at the"Argu ook "indery, over ters, roles, spoons, stamp boxes, run dials, sleeve links, umbrella clasps, Ripans Tabules: at druggists. vinagrettes, stationery, crests, mono- Ripans Tabules assist digestion. grams, etc., etc.