.1 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MHIGAN GENT1 AL Time Table (Revised) March 1, 1800. Mal and Ex----- 3150 Mall ------ 838 N. Y. Special ---a 00 N. Y. Special.-- 7 30 Eastern Exa---10 12 N. S. Limited.--- 0 23 Atlantic Na--- 7 20 Pacific ENa.---12 16 D. NExpress --5 40 Western Ex.--2 00 G:. R. Express ---l1105 Chi. Nt. ENa.3-- 0 32 GRExs----5357 0. W. RUGGEaS, H. W. HAYES, 2. P. & T. Agt., Chicago, Agt. Aaa Arbor RAILROAD. Time Table, Jane 7, )806. ISOSSTHO. SOUTH. *7:38 a. *-00 am. ":05 a. m 1:30 a. m. 5:30 P. l. 1'00:33 P.m.n *10:W2P. M. 05P. M. "Sssnday only betwccn Toledo and .11am- burg Janction. **D)aily sleepes btteen Toledo and Frankfort. *tDaly eacept Sunday R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, May 17, 1896 Leave Ypsilanti from Congress t., 0:30, 8:00 and 11:00 a.mi.; 12:45, 2:00,13:30, 5:00,86:45, 0:20O and 10:1 p. m. Leave Ana Arbor Junction, 7:00,85:30 and 11:30 a. in.: 1:15,2:380,4a:00, 1:30 7:13, 3:00 and 10:45 p. m SUNDAY TIME, Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 1:30, 3:30, 5:00,60:30 and 9:00 p Leave Ann ArborJunictIon, 2:00,4:00,5:20, 1:00 and 9:30 p. m. C~ara ran on city time Pare: single trip 15 cennts; round trip tickets 23 cents. Wm. P. PARiKER, Sapt STUDENTS! If you want goosl reliasle life inserance call on Frend T SMcOmbr, office No. 1, S. Fourthave. Bicycle Repairing.- Bicycles Enameled and all kindn of machine work. HUNTEBR BROS.. No. 9 East Liberty St. RENTSCHLER, PHO0TOCnAPHEZn ANN ARBOR. MICHf. Just Received a sarg 11n Elegant Lino of New Pipes. A F ON ALL TRUNKS AND BAGS 1be COAST LINE to MACKINAC 1= O FF UNTIL JULY 1st. TA ET HE -4--f-- That means you boy an iron eovoepl all Iir0nk 32 inch, price $5.10 for $3.81; on all Leathler Bag, 16 illell price $3.20 for $240;.a GO: d Leathler Covered Telescopo, 22-iilch, price $1,I5 foi $1.00, 01 any Trunk or Bog in stock ait thoe .5lil0 reduetion. 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. Furniture. M C IA __________________________________DETROIT OUR NEW) SPIRING SAMPLEwS 1 PETOSKEY Hlave arrived. TI elargest and fineat assortmsentoever howno is Asn Arb::. Suits OHICAGO f rom$14 to -0 alslsrom 4to$12.I We bowt01: e or:an please yeu aad twill please you to lootkst oursa'msnples before 2Ne telasngrSam s buying spi: .furlashi:ngs. e te asegrSemr 1T3 (lc'oi... ~s~onssrncies-Lunsrios nEquipment, Artistict F. . G enTheSt te t. ail r Famnishing. Decorationand Efticient Service. 205S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. j insureing tbs highest degree o COFIFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. _______________________________________________ Foss TRIPS PER WEEK BEcTEE1 THE COMMEMORATIVE ODE. Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac FETOSKtY, AsTHE 030," MARQUETTt, (CONTINUED cO M t'oosT PAG.E) AND DULUTH. Co t ll~ght wih g::ey0131tLOW RtATES to Pintsresqse Mackinac and Us t heghtswit ' lorysintl eturn. iscluding Reassand Berths. Fron But his bright 0ex1mplcelholdea Ceeland, 8$5;tenos Titleds, $5;fronm Dr. to the hea:rf,uconoscious, go:llentoit, $8.3.50.EVREENG Life ::n lives of oth~ers writ- enttsa Life fliat tells o:f longer life withino, iround, abtove, Bew nDtriadClvad Life thsat treadsi the path of iduty inl tle freedom:llthaot is lovse, Connscsing at Cleveland wital etITrain Life thast kios:s- the w5oiths of life asows~s the wsealths or it.] foruall points -Et, South, and Southwsest sid at Vaisi thleipraises thatave gsve 1h:13, Detroit foe allpoints NorlhSand Northswest. Vain, uno:rthyv to outliv e linSundayTripsiJune, Joly, August and SeptembehOenly. F oe lie reeks ofl il'a~aisnothingcouiits thiem neither fair nor lit: EVtRY DAY BtTWttN Re whlotiear iis hono1rs010Iiliftlv -dTl Aisil hose :ge ~ ~Cleveland, Put=inl-Bay *7old Lodtlweo csseech i-e 10e11w1'itszesht-Seud foe IIluilooled Pamphlet. Addreso And is sa run bes. ZA. A. SCHANTZ. a. P. A.. DETRITMInCs. Anil sa 551111105 ea 14e Detit & clevelowl Stem ayNo. Co. Honor tolhien, peace siito im, pointing" us tse sayisasove, Loe nt hmIo,-lfetohi, ho n lv o lfeca. ov!OPERA HOUSE JEWELER [Hlyldsohallave liiansiothier Whses: lie cceas, Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins,, BaGs .~itte ::I s:hsRings, etc. Call aind sre. Counselloi, 0 Revercend Mothser, Whenoliescees,- Grasnt us '.rievsn esuc0 h ioi thser cA .I(, rS Presidlentadlfiendl anil broth~er] Ripe in wiodoms, just ss injdgiseat avlons the yeas revolving prorve- Leadingg010 thle say of duty in the llceo~lisstha t is love. nA 1W T A K~ May___24,___1896. _____________ _____________________________ Pisrest and host Soda ill Ils city. Home made and fr01escandies. LOW RATRS FOR STUDENTS H-ow shall I earn enougoh durinify Fruits in 00e001n.tiive us a rall via. Z!) Z!!' and be well treated. C01. State MI1CHIICAN CLNTRtAL. the summer ff1 carry me and N. University ave.. Parties of 10 01rumore traveling to- througri he winter? Irte eSUMR-OELIS gettes can secue a Ite10of 2 cents per heIrtDSMMR~v~~i mnile svia 1110 Michigsn Central, it sill Merchants' and Pvanu- Waist Selo, Silk not be necessary to securlla ~rr ad Leathler Blelts, Silk uibellao, 1'U. numobet to obta in this rale, and extra facturers'Mutuai Life of NV, o.l, t-leioo. coachles ssill toe pros s'd(ed f or ill ttains A scain f D -f RODSJWLfSOE as will sleeping 10d parlor cass ike- Asoito, f De WM ARO 'SJELYTR. agent. "Elegant esquipmoent," "fasst time." Secure tickets in advance and avoid the rusli at trainl timne. Hot Lunches, Chocolates and 1t. IW. HAYES, Agent. Bon Bons. R;1. EB. JO0 LLY & co0. tor1 $5.00 TO C1IICAGO. t, Fr 10or more persons traveling to- 208S. State St., Sager Block. go~ter the above rate wsill 1h.. iwitsli'vii 01:0 Michigan Central. No 0deposit R~ANDALL necessary. 1.WHAEget p ho o g r ap ie r Fot Rent-Fiurnishecd house suiltale 15 Washington Block, for a fraternity or society, at 1029 S. _____________________State St. Closing 0Out AG, paling& Bros. We have left a fair stock of ,I"h os .aOa all sorts of anton" that the. article Snoaring it is the bet T~flErT~ 2odsced. Unilforma - WRITING IABLETI'Idsrpto orIae wihcan he closed out as lendrat h a-dseoe f ollows: IlsrtdCtlge Tbe Acmeof Perfection- MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C THESAON ICCEFR'6 0OO0 RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC I1_PADNG___CE O '6 CRANEWRLINN TABLET, 8CIS A. G. SPALDING & BROS., CRAE LKENTABET,15C Newr York. Cictagos, Fhtlade~pbte. BEST CRANE LINEN lABLET, 5 Larget Manufacturers of Bicyclesand Ath- WRITNG APE BYTHEQU1E O LB letic Goods la the wold. WRITNG PPER Y TH QUIE ORLB palding's Official Bseball Guide for 1006 Thisstoc wil no be eplaed. contains 223 pagea of reading mattee and 00 Thisstok wil nt berepaced Vages of h- if-tone. pictures, including all the Come quick for dirst choice. ational Laguoe teams, minor league cham- pions college teams and old-time players; Ar ous riuiu~Houe te Iw Playing Rule; offcial averages o ArgusPrintiug 'ouse.atii league and college clubs. Price, 10 e(,t. troit, take an ag-ency to sell Life Insurance that pleople will buy, and you can make Money all summer*. We furnish the most popular forms of Life Insurance of the day at popular prices. 'Our coimmissions are liberal. Ac- tive, energyetic men wanted. Address the Association, Whit- ney Opera IHouse Block. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS MtONEY TO LOAN ON FPESONAL PROPERTY. W~holesale Cigars, Tobacces and Cigarettes 26 SOG.0.STATE TOOP 01*ISTREET.+ + Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine CIcocolates, and Baked Goods, Try Our Lunches. Subscribe for the Dal1l. Info ondtFiaEbu LOISrItlto The OsigDrewing GLenntint betweeno TeondColumbaus. lslntn uLn te between oeoClumbnus and THEONYrietriS nn ee sd TedoenColeds aCharlmstos, FlmnSeprs between aoladumbu nd THE ONLY LINE with 4 teaineeehwiny dily betweenoToleo andMowlumgbueesnn THE ONLY LINE with 8letans each wayvdny Snsbetween Toledo endeolumb.a THE ONLY IRECwth5LinsbetcwnTodil THetOPULARlIeoBtwengGents.d Findlaye.Gavindnwe bsiieteten oelndtee beestee, timean teains, etc., will be ceefully furnished by any Agent ofithe OhtS Central Lines. MOULTON SIOUK, 0. P. A. TOLEDO, OHIO ,/l