THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, o necEt Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS J.F. THOMAS, '7. W. W. THAYvn, '196 L. . L. Ginisa. '98 L F. M. Loomiss '98. 0. I.H tets, '5. 1 i. S. SioS,'90. i.C. UNiERWOOD, '98 C. 1.M GEEN '99. MANAGING EDITOR G. B. HA0AISO, '9L. BUSINEss 1SANAGR L. C. VALKER.n 6. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. Hughes,'9. S. R. Smith, '96 L. S. W. Smith, '97. W. P. Mrrill, '98. J. L. Walsh '93 M. H. iB. Skiiman, '98 L. C. B. Roe, '98 D. Louise Dodge, '99. i. I. Metheany,'99. H. Corwin,'99. Lula 9. Dickiso, '99 The subscription price of the Daily has 'bee reduced to75 cts in advance for the rest -fthe year. Leave subscriptions at the Daily office or' with P. C. Meyer, U. of M. News Stand. Editor of todays paper, S. j. SMI hS, 'S-i L. Te last number of the Uiversity of Chicago Wekly says, in an edi- torial headed, "Baseball Champion- ship of the West ": "An important decisiois in the hiSo tory of western athletics was reached at Ann Arbor last Thilursday when t e ehaiiitonship of the West in baseball was won by the Univrsiy of Chicago. Tthus is uthe loug-pending uncertainty re'imioved; the suprliacy rests where all western supremacy belongs, Ii Cli- cago. "And it hlas tken some lime to reach this poitt. Miichigan and Cicags have long stood-and do now stad- as the two great rival universities of the West. Especially is this true iii respect to baseball and football. This year all other colleges and schools which nay be said to play in the saiec Class with these two, and which might claiia tighting chance for the chain- pionship, either were vanquished or dropped out of the race. The great daily press as well as the student papers representative of the two schools have approved of the plan by which Michigan and Chicago played for the chaipionship." The editor of the Weekly deplors tie lack of student spirit manifest at Chicago. This condition necessarily results when the students are denied a part in the management of athletic affairs. The Weekly does not take kindly to the suggestion that Chicago should confine her main efforts in ath- letics to contests with Eastern colleges, but is of the opinion that further work is necessary to give Western supreo- aey to Chicago's athletes. TRIPS ON THE LAKES. Students and others contemplating a trip to points via the great lakes will find it to their interest to purchase their tickets at the Michigan Central ticket office. Tickets sold and baggage checked through via all pripcipal steamship lines. Berths ordered hy' telegraph without extra charge. '96 L CLASS DAY EXERCISES. fl lf l Of Genti ONIR Of Genti (Continued from First Page.) UU I Of Ladi each itember of the class, and ex- DonE horted each one to let his conduct be Blac such as to reflect honor both on him- Toe) self and the class. Of Ladi The feature of the day was the pre-'N IiO L sentation of Professor Knowlton's por- Donf trait by Daniel It. Hughes on behalf Toe) of the class. He said: "We -present this not merely on account of Profes- sor Knowlton''s renown in the world JACOBI or 'in his profession, but on account of what lie has done for the class, his courtesy and unabatin" labors on be- SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE. half of the class. "We des*ire his portrait to be placed Via The Wabash aid Ann Arbor Rtailroads. oii the walls of the law lecture room, there to be kept as long as a vestige Thursday, June 25, special coaches of iliac liitoric pllce remtainis. Its will leave the Ann Arbor It. R. Station best that his poitrait be placed wItrc at 3 o'clock p. i., local time, for Chi- is. ,ttispa ,be en. he cago, St. Louis and Kansas City. One his heart has always been." coach will run through to Chicago Regent Barbour in accepting the por- trait said: "You have left to coming without change, the other to St. Lofs classes an introduction to yourselves, and Kansas City. A party rate of $5.00 will be made to Chicago. A and ,in inspiration for future efforts. :-"5at f$91 il emaet "Never forget your ala mater; eeparty rate of $9.10 ill be iade to eer in your mind and have i n eye to ast St. Louis. Tickets to all western her~oit willyorbemsiantilavedtilgeyegt her prosperity. Elect mento the halls it poits will be sold ai taggage of legislation who will have her best checked through. Arrive at Chicago interests at heart. Just as you talk c oraisame evening at 9:45. Arrive at St. act, so her reputation will fall or rise." Louis extiiorning at 7:32. Arrive E. P. O'Leary's valedictory devel- at Kansas City next evening at 0:30. oped into a strong oration, and Passengers for' Montpelier, Columbia received marked attention. "Our City, Peru, Logansport, Latayette, days of study togetier are Attica, Danville, Benent, Decatur, over," he said. " t SFor the last Springfield, Jacksonville and points time we meet as a class witlia C 1- reached via these places, will take St. . . louis ear. mnon purpose and with kindred hopes. Luscr iiirios asd it kiiret hpe. Get into a party nsw! Mark y-our Tomorrow we shall part and each one i . i baggage plainly and send it to the Ann wil benfl th wery riacliof ifeArbor Railroad station. Don't put it alone. Lt each one feel as l e goe'soff untilte ist minute. Siet'piitg forth to life's conflit that lie is inas car berths reserved in advance without measure restonsile for site weal ot woe itt till lisi filiows. Nt alone to txpetst. s' Patent Leather Shoes. i' Colored Shoes. es' Oxfords in- Patent Leather, gola, Vica in Button or Lace, k or Tan, (Razor or Square es' Slippers in Patent Leather, gola or Vici, (Extreme Razor All at a Great Reduction. Washington 'IS & ALLMHUU; Street Huntington & Clark.. Photo 9 aphefs of Detroit, will make your sittings every WEDN[SDAYS AND SATUBDAYS -AT- NO. 5 W LIBERTY ST, 5O2 ,IBABY" BLISS 50 weighing only 5027pounds rides The America To introduce this magnificent wheel, 1 will nake a very liberal tliscountfrom list price. It is the handsomest you have oeen, it is a beauty. A. WILSEY, SOLE AGENT N, B.-I SELL THE CLEVELAND. 26 S. STATE S &CB I'STREET. +' Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Closed for the Season. To be Open October rth. himself is the uIty of man confined. Other forces vastly more iiportant than his own happiness are dependentt upon him. The security of society rests upon his acts. "May the future historian say as we say today, 'Well lone, mlen and woi- en of '9t, well (lone! Alumni Day Exercises. The following announcemient has been made regarding the Alumni day exercises toiorrow: The members of the various faculties ac requested to uteet in the general faculty roomi at 9:45 a. mu., Wednes- day morning, and to proceed together to the hall. Tickets for reserved seats in the hall can be obtained by all aluimni for themselves and their families at the secretary's office. Tickets for the dinner are on sale at the secretary's office. Tickets for the Senate Recep- tion can be obtained, free of charge, at the secretary's office by all alumni and friends of the tUniversity. TO RENT For the season at Old Mission, a furnished cottage, beautifully located. For terms, etc., apply to Theo. Price, St. Johns, Mich. Wanted.-Four energetic young la- dies or gentlemen to travel, salary $45 and expenses. Also have profitable employment for those desiring to work during vacation. Call or address J. J. Cargill, 18 E. Liberty st. Those wishing books, pictures and the like packed address or leave or-I ders at the Argus Book Bindery, overI Ann Arbor Savings Bank. LOW RATES FOR STUDENTS via MICHIGAN CENTRAL. Parties of 10 or more traveling to- gether can secure a rate of 2 cents per mile via the Michigan Central, it will not be necessary to secure a larger number to obtain this rate, and extra coaches will be provided for all trains as will sleeping and parlor cars like- wise on application to H. W. Hayes, agent. "Elegant equipment," "fast time." Secure tickets in advance and avoid the rush at train time. H. W. HAYES, Agent. THE ATTENTION of Students who are interested in the! study of Biblical Literature and His- tory is called to the new course to be offered the 1st semester, '9G-97. See announcement under scientifics. JAMES A. CRAIG. $5.00 TO CHICAGO. For 10 or more persons traveling to- ge(t'er the above rate will be tuale vin the Michigan Central. No deposit necessary. H. W. HAYES, Agent.I BIG, SHOE SALE Randall, Argard &oCo. Shoe stock, Grand Rapids, Mich., sold to us. 65c ON THE DOLLAR. Men's Hand Sewed Russias $6.00, cut to $4.85 Men's Band Welt Russias, $5.50, cut t10$4.25 Men's Dark Brown Russias, $4.00, cut to $2.98 Afen's Pat. C F Bals Russias, $5.00, cut to $3.85 GOODSPEED BROS.,A.