THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 34 ~ ''~ BACCALAUREATE AI)ORESS. M N Of Gents' 6a. of UL P a Ift. UHUOf Gents' (Continued froi First Page.) f Ladies Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during fact that after the carful study of Dongi the College tear, at eti10lic 1a11(1 ijtoriell Otbjects, 1ma11y3Black THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 3011101 id hal~atnhi oTe OFFnC: Time building N. Main t., oppiteor otunq aeienyto tof we0pig10AOf Ladies pat office. ariaiiguousate1)t o )soe 1 DongN'T tical platformis. But with the recol og eeiolix freoh lli our iuent11orieo of te Toe). EDITORtS J. F. THOMAS, '07. W. W. TAEn'N L. daysa when 00oimany3 of tie raeseat E. L GEiouEu, '5 L F. 1. Loomis, '5s and et of our yongiteiiroied o. 11. IIlAw. 'a. 5. SS Sa, 'a. froiii thee haiia ani froml every c!ol- K JC B 11.C. sonwoo, 'a. . 1. Cors 'lt. lege to the attie hield, many of them ans.N~a1NGEDITOI tals! never to rettri, it i dihicit t G. 0. IA([GITnORu aA.iliiti o noeralqcta h NN ARBOt R.I. EXCURSIONI - I~i ANGR burning lPatriotom of (teknioricai RATES. B~snESSlILNAD~t todnta Tter, is no brighter chap Benevolent aid Protective Order of L. C SYAansi 90, ter Il te'hiitory of our Civ'i war lk, Ciicinati, 0. Rate of ooe fare ASSOTAT mrnonu tliii iuitwticii ecoito ue ai~t offor the roniid trip. ticketa to e sold W. W. ila1ghes, 'a. . 0R. Smth, 'at L. till youg ien wio rushed froiiitieJl t itltu odrttraig.ti S. W. Sm ith, '7. 5IV. .acnril, '6. Colitges to te frit il 181. No 15)1's'ilti. J. L. Walab,'10 3. 1. H.3. Shllmao 'aaL. is it rae that College studetsl tr NatIoial League of Anerical C. . Rn, 98 . Juls Doge,99. notdeely nteestd i ou poitialWieelme, tLouivile, y. Rate of B. B,.Nletheony. 'aa9. I. trwito,'a.apfiearil Lla J. Dcinso, 'a. affair, though it nmy bte l, a n 'fr orteroudtarp, tiket to .sould to, tiat lhey ae (liposdto be sold Atgtist 0th11aid 10ti, good re The sutariptioaarise af the Dily haas unn oAgs 7h ero reduced tot)Mta is adanceortha ran tetirtinditeedient Jidgment in de trigt uts 7h nf thu year. eaa ,'ubscriptions at the ciing Oil POlticl doc (iiss ats Ytigtepea 'ioio Daily ofice or with I. C. Meyr, . atf3. "t is liecanac I have this conidence Aiieria, Milwaukee. Wi. Ona fare News Stand. t tli~illadii~ foiliund tril, tickes to ha sold Jtly ill y ortItriia ill and lloiilatftil 14th to itth, gooti returning July 20t. Nteisiara of the senioltiteary' (lss 'cis itertittii to inlic til'iOns tat, il Te WabahlI. It. 10011 00Sttenis inns's teci rther lax iii the ptaymleit I have asked yti toiight to reltct tl to Chicago, Kalss Ciy tiid St. Lois of the class tax. 'Nhiit't3-x has litre- ili is outtoler lttitiie 11s a. Clris. 'Wedesday, linace 17. Spcia cals rail tfore ttt't'nforcilous ileey astiaii iatioii toward the othei' great tttg(lielvig.11111Aror 1t. 0. ta- enierpirise aiid shitiuld iot t this lte powt'rs. an11 espcially on il tiit3 l 'i oia at 11,30 i. i., reaciiig Cicag establihilig an artirit 'riilt'oielit 7.30 a. mi., Coine'tig with all trains tl~itt' 0)11)1 tie ('hisittli'rtr f101frt e eeitnt tf iiet ttii west. Another special Prtty wil leave hias be'n laile. Muc~h tdeient,,' "iltlidiliciltit'. 'ile Erttal'l uitiatno under it'eslme alraigelltnto Tlur- eChii1iimeimber who aslit paid1lil1 lav'literfilly recogied the gretld10, Jule 2. OFar for 10 or mloe $55 sistii'ailil. 1155aconildtteltl' tvc'st 1)S'0tii IdIt 130to Chicago. To S. Lttis 2c a mile, suillis ot "ollet'd iitilliteli'r'1'- kind 11y laboriig for the viidiciitili 's-abash Pascenger Agen r'n (itiIt' elargeneit ot'this rigits of wtod at Ctttk Hoilster iqlre a tt'nillll'it wil ttt'11515sty Ind neutals 11111d113'furishling 50o111)1113Ai Arlor 1t. 11. station. Baggage munie ad othertoliluiit'lelielt a Iilustriotus eXallltes ifbtt 1i1'tiltchotlicketo 1dtestiiatiOl, raiigt'eits will lot Its as ,extensive' 1 '7'153 11u011'eXclnttion froiii tile . S. (tLMOR, Agent. ais atfrtpllledreaftl imilitryiuidns ner whicl ______________ Ithey grtan Is there ally higher atoh OF INTEEST TO STUDE-NTS. Amid ltl111thile ePamai~loadi'tto iott t~c 5~ci OSPttitCheapest rte to Ceveladad 11 ro fitinig honlor to Presidtnt Angtl them 1111111n11y shointlg them litS to Pitshrg, Eastern Ohio & tensyl i'5 ti'- IS iiI 11111113yCsts the idread aubi. S1l11 'oiit are via lMiciigan Cn. iioinig illtteair sthichi1 0.'i~is ocm ta iittof wrS y ll'(he,otatisluent trl and Detrot ad tieveland ots. tillotiS ei3'fron hfe studtint 01111. Tl , of l'iiiuieit cuirts? Nti nation (it'- lot full iformatisi and rates leas undtergratduates should le aihoig the tions our mhiliary' stienglh. All na. aply ait this Michigan Central ticket first to acknowledge their obigtioll titl Sillsiu ~liruett ti fice. to the aility of ulhe U'niversity's exe- apta, o scfl hilhiOo e Wanted-Por energetic young Ia- cuitivi'eeenIf 01113ytty'a simplile d-'%thugllcoimptoehetic luirct wihi Svltcidies or gentemen to travi', salry $41 iiiiistrhtioi. It SytOild iot be a difl. wihaliilihefots to in~trtodut 551 iu aid exese. Also have profitable iloilmideoid efourtsotoinercoouse wthemeiploynent for thse desiring to work fiitelt imalttet foe tie student-sto has- detiitidvauitstir OCali inoareorarseJ.vJ. seiiible iii front of liiiversity ttaihiOthirpwri'PS~s. hRemiemberin! that dring, vacat inCaltry ddeo tJ solttmeduig hesnir rme-'Catdhath imade Of one blood all fi- Crgll i --.LieryIt siie timevduing atsoptroee-t tiOls of 10(1,' whiat higher honor Cai Tie U. of A. Daily wiu be deivered h.Antelis resin ceo o re to nif s e swishs for ouit pepli' than that they during 19097 ait the uisual price-. Dr.Aiielis raidne tohihuiif etqbould aidtoI all thfiti triulmph,;in i $250, in advace. Subsritions -wii their appireition. No elabote arilthe iinuitrial arts adiin C ther esate be taken by soiiitors and in this Main laligenielts wvoud be neessary to ef- iihiiieit of free mid reptbianeainh- hal. fet this demiostration and its spsii. stitutios the splendid triumph 0of _______________________ tanety' wouiudhshowsmthn ofth teachinig alu niaions to i'e together nnon'J S. STATE oiehig thsas brothels ldel' tisbdessed coil- i u ~ . TET respect and admiiration for the tresi- nado hsPin ce oOtOece&"ClOn TETor + deit wvhichhia felt by 'every sttdent in Cl nte o theUnverit. - ltte anaemnt TIPS ON THE LAKES. Fine Lunhes, theUniershy.A itte liangsmntStudents and others contnipaing 0 Fine Chocolates, en this pall of this senior students hs trip to pint via this great lakes wit and Baked Good. all thaht will be necessary t0 accom- find it to tueir interest to purchase Try'Our Lunches. plisii the matter. their tickets at the Michhigan Cetral ______________ tief oiier. Tikets sold and baggage $5.00 TO CHICAGO. checked troghi sin all Principal B G S H For 10 or more persons traveing to. steamship lines. Berths ordered by ge-iler the above rate will be. aooevi's telegraph without extra charge. Randall, Argard & Co tlio Michigan Central. No deposht THlE ATTENTION Rapids, Mich., sold to necessary. of Students who are interested in the 6 c 0 II T - I. W. HAYES, Agent, study of Biblical Literature and His- 6 c O H TO RENT tory In called to the nsw course to be Men's Hand Sewed us FrtesaoatOdMs* offered the st semester, '909. Men's and Welt Rue, For he easo atOld isson, a MnsDr rw u furnished cottage, beautifully located, See announcement under scietifics, Men's at.k Balen RunE For terms, etc., apply to 'The. Price, JAMES A. CRAIG. MnsPt asRs St. Johns, Mich. Ripas Tabuls: one given relief. G O 0 D SPIE E E Patent Leather Shoes. 'Colored Shoes. 'l Oxfords in Patent Leather, la, Vica in Button or Lace, or Tan, (Razor or Square Slippers in Patent Leather, la or Vici, (Extreme Razor All at a Great Reduction. & AIL ANDWashington luII Dess Shirts, lull Dress Iies, WAGNER & CO-91 FURNISHERS. 21 MAhN ST., . ANN ARBOR. Reduced Prices cn all Neg- ligee Shirts. You oughtto war.11pircof Kolored - Shoes AND KEEP KOOL. ALL STYLES IN KALF OR KID. BEALUSsho LJNIVBFSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING! losed for the Season. To be Open October 5th E SALE Shoe stock, Grand us. EDOLLAR. iSasS $6.00, cut to $4.85 sns, $5.50, cut o $4.25 sins, $4.00, cut to 2.98 isins, $5.00, out to $3.85 )BROS.1, AW-