VOL. VI. No. 196. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1896. FouRt PAOES-3 CENTS. We M~ust MYove I The store we now occupy has been sold. We mst seelt ne 5 quarters. l SWe lMust Close Out or Stoct of music goods ad Bi1cycles. We str aices wich I wvill sell goods if low prices i mean aything to buyers THIS MEANS BUSINESS II It yeu a snst 'uytise io the siusic liat cci our prices this $ we. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO, S51. MAINST BUY BEN-HUB BICYCLES. Tills - -a IMIPORTANT NOTICE. G. H. WiLD., The Leading Tailor, and only direct Importer in the city, has just received his entire stock of Foreign and Domestic Woolens for Spring and Summer 9, at 10O 2 E.-WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. Yull Dress Suits a Specialty. Graduat'ing Gifts BO3OKS. All the latest publications now on sale at our stores. Fine illustrated G~ift Books. Illustrated Poems, Art Books, Standard Books ii sets, Books in Morocco, Levant and Calf Bindings. Discount Prices to All. W AH R'Sy Up Town, on Twn 20nlS.rs1taBtoe S4N. Main S. BACCALAUREATE ADDRESS tnt ourselves with securing a just latios with act(i hr Pt hers setleiient of questions which growv uiiter bids to kee) t ticopace with To the Graduatingr Classes b direct ly out of our coiuereial inter- us, if it is ilqseible for temi to do so. ~1O b course with theit. Dr. Aigll reviesed recent notable President Angell Last Night. "Onl the other hand, tleie was isexttirssiois in favor of itierutional - rational groundl for the satisfacion aritratior.aid stoke of the cislfer- Thebacalairele ddrss asde- with which We saw Fraice, Sial o nce hld lt Wasilgoia fewe weeks livered by President Angell last iighi-ttorttigal wsitidraw froiiitihi'Aielsean ago. It was tiere prtlopoed, is sill, in University lall. Dr. Aigll spokecoeninient. Esteially veewklt con- tiii ha t tle gverneit esablised a enl the subject "P'atriotiism undlter- stoultly iseinaced with os'risis Irittble cutlt of arbitratin with fet Britin il ialiisial Brohierhiood," sid said litiilth Spil so hong s her territory to be followed ly similaiiiiaroeets pitrt: . Isiwlied strs. Though the Lalln- iitli other ations. Ii regard to tils, "We lProfess, as idividusals and as Aimericaisrsses. wo iiilabi liii (iii- le cotined: ai natisn, to be gverneidby il(,irilii- usn"is which sretihs froimiostr sisitit. "Itsow.tshbseisutry Icud Cle at pises of Christian ethilis. We are Ill ccii bordr to Caps'ttoci, ha yetgil Iritaiss cni demostisrae' tile lrsiei- agreed tlht patriotism I,,socol) itichi islean aotitthe just aiiis- elsililty andthusefulness )f :liiiarbtrl ienablo it virtuo that we despise, -if ratiosi of rpubilliani forms of goveri- court, it is hoed that the chie Eur- we do lit hate, a citizein whio is dio- nient it is, Iiiiiiy sopiioii iso olley pein natos, who le lit Sorievotis- voi of it. We are all agreed tiat for str goernmient Isosdisotrge the, ly burdenedh by the isaitoaiee of sur natioin, if it is to iesopilecedtciby' Iaqutisitions by Esropeni powers of enormios armsameitsl and the(. cotsant others or by us, insst mainaini its sny iore territory on or iroitint slicititde aout the outbreak of wvar, rights swiths iigity htnidhslf-respect. hiln they iowv Posss's,.If they are imay imiae oir e ao~ Tls' is "While str eounutry cherishes this permitted to bgnsthe carviig lip1 f grett Engishspeaki g natitshlore hi spirit of inyihintepenideosice, whalt ft- lihi Ceitral aisd Sostht Americn sates'sisost i'hsphhicsuuo. if not a tosinant, tihsde should it hol oward otheris' t-ording ho te hprosts by which Prt to piy i sr'atdig citil frscloits cousntries's? WhIat spirit shisutld ii' ty are grabitnghihi ll thie nost(I('aistiChristiniciiliatiothroghihe ceirish oward oiler heoPhSh- What siraie trritory of the African souls-- world. I they thn void serisi ls- reatioins slould wve aiii to hitol wihi litit, Wei shahllii' in daigr' of hving seusins wt-hliechi aor, and e tline themii? Thesere qiuestions Whichi ithEurpesan cotrovrsiis froiiiwhih toihi'r t'adhitis of liberty nil scehis~sotir hatyos siosldconsder we, have kett aloof, ranisfsrre'dhto our fatit 5511115 hardly Iosih.' to kx- in t spiit at oic lilisliaihind ilt:-own nieighbhorhood. lie'es'sees to Ili' girti'the inlucsee they )ay wild riotic, as you are about to go forti nos indicatioun that aiy Eutropean for gois. Caii there be hily grater into active lift, Where yoti will 1110y'poxer is ins-lined to asortin uy of the aiidhto theiir to-pesrtioliniiiiiioiiiutiiig ati ilhloshint.' states of Cntral or South Amieria, th sinspiitf hilcaeaiiiuig ntlisn thesi opinion. I beievi' it is sot uiiseto-is or- ii'kioiid venture is do -so in the fact' thi adopitioi of a pomliei'otit systemw rig thst'dtay or theeisccasionm that all sf sut' strenluouss Irtest. of aritrtion iitholscolieroc six-r to thiemi shold te sought Ii the,, "B'ut it is to tistch to expet that "LIle iicrpesat, it 15 not rooset to sliit o eusvoio to our coiutitry, ofsqustions txill iot aisi'froiii ilic tt leaei'orsles uilu'i'ititi gist 1st-e to oui' rou, aid of reerence to it titi-tttoityof ii'iii sriosi us n thi- aiugr, tsurrencidri a sitrs- right thle Fathes' ofsatoits,. s-tlt qsiiisis-hetxvesius anstioiblerof *in Amierica-stit-ihioi'itytshiro its "Providentially tx-u'tre so situlated ssntios. Wi' hve of lse y'ars liii thei fleef tis' earth, to Sumsit thus'e- that it hias beni iasy for us, wsitli it sveral suchi hritili'hii, esecially -ill ly toin lsult andhin ljury fromitay ginlhie tatil ot isit, to developi outi're- outr retionss ixiti Great Britin. War. Power tlii lin s this sligttst di- sources asid to attend to our oxin f accorinig to mosidernusehsod, is iehigreth iit arditusir it of Patriot- fairs iithlout muhcompoichshiation wixiti I dteadfutlcalaity, thitt r'cntly' at- ismh.Wi' anit-inals- ighity thle (rat poiters of this' worl, andish titoihas ibei clledsiafresh to th t(alo it appairnt Itothis' world thot withioutuhirising shalrp artiostiis inqiuiry xw-hetherxvi'usiay sot mik, we sik tit'sa( itl tll natiois, butt towiarud themh. None of tilestates sosti proisiiois iithi sotisi nations, if sot tat tx-i'knoiws-otr rights, and re of ts has been strong euoughi to le itith ialt sy tations, for te estalbis- ond, if neccsssry, to defeii thtn at menace toluss. rho oceani hahs benhei iihilt Otasl iitrsatioDRI csouit, to witt our goiiiright uis, ta~t iliihi our great bulwtarks agaist ecrii'o.h11 wichii 1diffiutie tat caninost Ileiati- as tx-u' uislsi' ia,'wet-cbells's-i'teire sents fromi the east. tFronthle1110 jti'ted by th' odinahry Pricosises of aru' clamlitis mtor dradful thns nicut that wve escaped in 1798S fronthan dipulsimachtiiiy te referred for s'ttle- wvar, adi that xvi' tre reaudy tirso'rt entangling aliance iith lFrnce, xxe liii sitIt 185 otcesed osIllttal b utllt toian to aoxrt temt. Btnt'ith the htave,wivit wiiso istict, oeyed tile tils ition i ishistliapily situalt' tedt sme'manlty udigity tx-ccasitsw o counsel of Washinigtons to axod tinyi this this-leadshiii so b'icllieit a ote--mansukindt that tx-u'an'wililig to sub- such alianci' iwithi transatlantic pott ili st tOurigeograhlishl is olation uniit to athproerlytcositituted rhi- er. All their dynastic disputes, therset us USi 1rom0 iauy i'tlibsnthsslieito trlry court all iquestios wi-h are iuestion of balance of poier, their- uhih itaEuropeani contictal tower suited fsr arbitrosoct and tht by squarrels aboit title to territory, theiutgitisuutrintsiith iniaotsixis nioirxsniet-'iosr cuvyisgs andu jealousies, whichi have tt c We liat-careaiy beets cohsil- to criiilid to tll natins tislts ic- ompeled hesi to xeigi tieni ,htesusniou tr efforts to imin It and to ful method of idisosig of itost i- down withs taxation for the support 0ofsivd tetevcls of war. We iere the tersational contrversis, whch ian- great standing armies and immense ist to eulhliaste the rights and do-.sot be adjusted by the usual methods navies, and have often involved theni ies of neutrals, of dilonacy. in dreadful iars, have sot much ion- "Thle spirit, Wvhicht should hoe foser- "I have thought it wit-te to direct your cerned us and have given its sie serious db our patriotic pridndos by our attention to tis tiem(i at this timei, trouble., Hoxwever, eagerly any ele cnsisiousness of strengths , istalt of snce you, as educated citizens, go out of the REuropeant nations may be quiet confidence in our power and of now into life to exerie an excp- Watching to colcs another at seie serene fatih thatuo nation will light- tionl influen'ce on public opinion, and disadvantage and fall upon it in war, ly involve itself lin srios dfficulty I wish you to exercise a wise and on- not one of them desires aught but oith us. If there were no oler rea- ervativ. influence in shaping our peace with us. More than once seme son for this faith, the delicate eqn- policy toiards other nations. Occas- of them have settled disputes with us poise by which the great posers of onally I hear the charge that life in by peaceful 'methods, which they Europe are kept fromn war witu each our American colleges and universi- could hardly have settled with each other affords a sufficient grounld for it. ties is tending to beget a sirit of lan- other save by war. It would, there- What European state could not be e- guid patriotism and political Indifer- fore, seem to be both wise and easy gaged in strife with us without ex- entismn in the students. I believe the to continue our traditional policy of posIng itself at once to attack frouss charge to be utterly without founda- refraining from any part In purely some one of Its neighbor, who would tou. It probably grows from the European controversies, and to onl- Welcome the opportunity? TIher r- (Cotinued on Second Page.)