THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~IIf~NET~LThe Rose Talrn oI'be COAST LINE to MACKINAC Time Table (Revised) March)1, 1896. T io i g Co , ~.TA KE T HE+-~- EAST.M. WEST. A (SUCCESSORS TO THE GOLDEN EAGLE). Mail and Ex--350 Mall ------ 838 N. Y. Special....-S5SO N. Y. Special....- 7 30 Removed to 106 Woodward ave., where we have fitted up the Finest Tail- EatenEs 1 1M. P. Limted 5 1 Establishment in Detroit. Mr. A. E. Rose will be pleased to Atlantic Es-.7 30 Pacific Es.----12 15 D.NExpress.--- 5 40 Western Es.1-- 200 have students visit him in the new store. ~V)i G. R. Espress ---.11 05 0h1. Nt. Es .----10132 0.W.RUGGLES, . .HAE _SUITFS TO OIRDEIRA$120.00 UP r G. P. a T. Agt.. Chicags., Agt. Ass ArborDERI N. B.-Mr:- Rose will show a futll line of sanmples at the Cook PETOSKEY' Honse, TUESDAYS.0 CHICAGO 17"The R.ose Tailoring Co., 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers The Greatent Perfection yet attained in Best 6110 Woodweard Ave., Detreit. Sucecessors to useGosiden Eagl.e. Cstruioin-Luxurious Equipmnt, Artintic Furnishing. Decorationad Efficient Service, insuring the highest degree of RAILRtOAD. SENIORS, ATTENTIO-N! flI I Ii1fl COfIFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. Time Tahie, Jone 7,1. Seniors are retquestedl to cli at the HPI lf~jf ~ T I FOUs TeePSPERsWEEKsBETcoEN NORTH. SOUTH. stewards office as soon as coiivcnicnt RetIJurnII omeb Boat To edo, Detroit and Mackinac e7:3O a. m. *-l:00 a. m. to got their commnencetiu~t invitations. _______P_ ETOSKEY, i"THt 500,' MARQUETTE, 1905 a. m *11:0a. m. ASD DULUTH. 4:38 p. m 05 :15 p. m. Hours 1 p. in. daily.T e A j LOW RATES ts Picturesque Mackinac and 10: 33 P.M. *:53 P. M.K. McAMULLEN, The &nohLJor ddd. Reisrn, incudin leassand Berths. Fenom ISseday only.betwen Toledo and 1am- Ceead 1;fo oeo 1;fo e burgJusnction. Chinon. Invitation Coni. Plying between Buffalo and Duluth troit, $13.5o. **uiy slepersbtwees Toledo and EVERY__EVENING_ Frankfort. Pyyu eircastxadmk offer special induceiments tihis year *Daily except Sunday Pyyt eircastxadmk to students desiring to go hlome by Between Detroit and Cleveland R. $.GREENWOOD, Agent things a success. tile Lake Route. The palace steam- ConectiiegatClevelond with Earliest Trains W.H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. _______________ rs India, China and Japan leave foall pons nstSohand cSthwstand at .1f~ft Deroit ta-ice a week each way. For netroitlfor nil points North end Northwest. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY. A, G Spalding & Brs- rates, lime tables and full iiiformna- Sunday TipJune,July, ust nd eptember nly. "TeamIaGur tion apply to J. 'W. AioSSol. Agt. EVERv DAY BErWEEN Time ThelNomeayIs7a 189r- Address P. 0. Box 150, or call at 94 Cleveland, Put=in-Bay o Toledo Time Table, May 17, 1896 so~tee" that th~e article E. Washingtonl St. edteIlsele epi drs Leave psilani fromCongres st.,6,30, .00 bering it is toebest Sn o lutae aplt drs ave Ypil anti.;from4Congre0 s s:3, 0,648:305 roSd. tisiUnfoirnt 0. A. A. SCHANTZ. a. e. A.. DnaTaROIT.MICKS. and 115ap. i.: 1145,:05 .:0, 505,.:4, 030 nd Sopplies of every 2:1,405,5:5,1:1, :0 an ___ description for 11WtI-A.A.S. N1e DCIIIII & Clevelaod Steam11 Ny. Go. Leave Ann Arbore'Junction, 7:05, 8:30 and bail, Tennis. Golf. .._W._______HAAS.________ 10:45 p.m.Send frsio0sm 10:45 . m. Illuostrated Cataloue. Lae SUNDAY TIME, The Anine or 'Perfetion- LIVERY, HACK AND BAGGAGE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER LaeYpsilanti from Congress st..1:30,3a30, 5:00, 0:31)and 9:05p. m,.THESADN BCCEFR 9, + + LINE + + Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, ILSADN BCY EFO'9 + + Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins, 7:08 and 9:0 p. m. __ Carserun oncity time Fore: single tripi15 2) N. MAIN ST., OPP. POST OFFICE. Rings, e. Call aiid see. feats: round trip tickets 15 cents. Wm.,. PAiRKER, Supt A. G. SPALDING & BROS.,' ORDERS FRTAS PARTIES, DRVIG .H.'I-y S News York.Cisiengo, Phliidelphia. FOTRIS S ' LD]EINIS T Largest Manufactorers of Bicycles asd At- Promptly attended to. letic Coondo in the world. If you want good reliable life insurasnce call Spaldien' Official Basebali Gide for 10896TR on Peed T SMcOmber, office No. 1, S. coniains 224 paces ot reading ma:tte:ssnd 40 SUET'TAESLCTD .A 1W T A K R R19esnlLeague tteams, minor league lsam- TELEPHONE 68. ploy:S, college tresms sod old-time players;PrsanbetSdintscty oiyl earn, te~w Planying Rsle,,;:official av-eraesrof Home made and fresh candies. Biyl. epiig all league and college cubs. Peice, 10 cts. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL Fruits ill season. Give us aral Bicycles Enameled and all kinds eS PT TT-SNTST, and be well treated. Cor. State of machine work. Takecyeur Kodak Wsrk to RAMILIODTCKTBOKRUndNMniestyae HUNTBER R S.BERMN WE PaMRARB ONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL -.SUMMER NOVELTIESI No. 9 East Liberty St.POET. Waist Sets, Silk Satisfaction guaranteed. a .ilsuro t. Wholesale Clicars, Tobaccos and Ci-arettes aiid Leathler Belts, RENTSCHLER, --________W__ Silk Ulabellas, 11U Summer Law Lectores, tUniv. of Virginia, of M." Pins, Stemns. JulyC IA toR! Sept. 1,11-05. lFne students and CTHER pattoners. Ir~tsye-ar.PFor catalogue, ad- A bIh R CTRR drs P .Charlottesville, Va.: 20 E. Washing- AWN ARBOR. MICH. deR . t. C. MIlNORt, Secretary ~Os. W .ANI' EER'SOE Jost Received a Large and Elegsant Lin.e of New :Pipes! Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Bon Bonn. R. 1B. JOLLY & CO. 20OS. State St., Sager Block. RAN DALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. Closing OUT We have left a fair stock of all sorts of 4=- WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as f ollows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 50 GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR 40C GOOD WRITING TABLET, - B CRANE LINEN TABLET; - 15IC BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET,- 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. Come quick -for first choice. Argus Printing Hous e. three Opinions: thne CHICAGO RECORD is a model newspaper in every sense of the word.- Harrisburg (Pa..) Call. "There is no paper published in America that so nearly approaches the true journal=, istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECORD." From "iNewspaperdom" (New York). "I have come to the firm conclusion, after a* long test and after a wide comparison with the journals of many cities and coun= tries, that -The CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily- journal as we are for some time likely to find on these mortal shores."-Prof. J. T. Hatfield in The Evanston -(Ill.)Index. Sold by newsdealers everywhere and sutbscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHI1- CAGO RECORD., 181'adison-st. Ties Only Sleeping Gar Line holinesn To- leds and IColumbhun. The Onlig Sleeping emor nraing Room Gar Lineibetweean Toedoi,Conlumbusad Mritta. The Onig Drawing Reem lGar Line between Toledo, Clumbusa nd Charleso, W. Va. Pullman Sieepers between 'Clumbsa and (Ihinage. THE ONLY LINE with 4 tratns eaciewaydaily btwieen Tnledo and Conmbuss. THE ONLY *LINEeeiwit tainneschnwayeon Sundays btwieensToledo and Columbsse. THE ONLY LINE wile Strinis eacieway daily between ToledoBowlineg Green and Findiny. THE ONLY LINE with 2itrnins enchwaysiaiiy btweon Toledo and CharlestonW. V. THE 0NLY DIRECT LINE beween Toledo THE POPUlLARtLINE between Toledos, oto. i, Bunyrus, GranvilenandlNewark. FullIniforminreeiative to eaten, time of trains, etc., swillSoecheerfully furnishiedby any Agentof te Ohis Oennie Lines. MOULTON HIOUK, 0. P. A. TOLEDO.,05410