~1c I.of 1AL1 VOL. VI. No. 195. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S \TURDAY, JUNE 20, 19. FOui PAES-3 CENTS. SPROGRAM FOR ALUMNI DAY. Educational Statistics. I WHAT FUN rITILL. BE. WeMs ove -Inii ddress lbeore the grduating- The store we now occupylas I t Will Be the 'Big- Day" of Cor-cls of the Lansing high school Professors Will Play Champion- een sold We must seek new 1 quarters mencemient Week. Tutrsday niglt., acordig to the Din-shpB eBa. 1_WMu tCoseOu sing orresioident of the Detroit Free ,I Tie prograil of the Alcmini Day ex- tress,lStae Spertmendent of Publie f the wseatler periits the tall game our sock of mlusic 00(IS and erises commiieimorating the twenty- Istrctioti Pfltengll said that In btweeTn the teams froiii the Univer- sill sell oods if lois prices itf tih annisersary of President Anglfseligail this mioth there will be sity and hligh School facenites fis mea anl~ ythiiig to b)uyrs I THIS MEANS eceptmmee of the presieny of tile graruatedl rou theu high schools abut afteroon -will te uone of tihe mot lil- THSMASBUSINESS Univsersity tils been rraiiged for next 5.0.00 studncits of svloiii l-so tn 2 L, orlit tplayed oi the athletic field Ii t you want -sything In th e d wcsIm y. 000 lre bioys. Th le speaker sad lie since tile lst Chicago gaie. Evry S music line gem soc prices this - scoo. l The iiorifig exereses will Opeii hail made aii inestigationi to deter- treelutito Will te tkei to miake the 1iTHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO.,~ with mucsic, Chlors TrtIimliili mine the ocup~atini of tie palrnts of gme a sccess anil i detal of police ' % arch Fantasia with Corus' coi- graduates. Ile had found pt ter swill ho present to keeti the crowd BUY BE-HUB ICYCLissd by Professor Stanley, folloswed cent farmers, 25/2 per cent laborers, ack fromi the diamiond. The east BUY EN-UR BCYCESby trayer by Rev. J. 1. Gesto. The IS ter cent trofi-ssional men, and i7 third f the bleacers ill be reserved 2" a~wwim1 mx address on beha~lf of the Bord of ier ent miercalnt. Tie remiianing ;I for lades. As the troceeds will go iF- ~ Regets wtill be deliered by beg-tter cent could not Ie classifiec. Of tosaril the fundirtfr the Woe's ]FOR, A IV. J. Cocker, after whih the irdrss these clsses 2 ter ent pay taxes liii yinasiu, miemiber of the athletic am iiB2RIAumu ~ of the Uniersity Senate will be tire- $20010 or osel; Iier cent oi from boaruaid tewpaper reprtrs will " dby Professor Wm. T. Pette, lii -S5000 to $10,000; 3--,ter cei-t, foi i hre i ulaiisinfeo MU ME N 0 1 ecretary of the Sealte, aniiithiiirisi- 1,1.110 to $5,000; IS tirccnt, o li-so 2 cents. The game sill begin at 4 -youwil fid abot 1e f ctions of the State Teschers' Asso- than $1,000, iiiil 12 tircent liyliiio'clock, city time. you wil finda botte of eation will be presenltedc by trofessor taxs. These figures, Supt. Ptlttr-gill As liii Uniersity Snat team has sotte . F. A. PBrbour, of the S4tate Noral llssreid, sowv cocuivssely that the piay-d fesvhoe- gaieo this year chol Dr. Angels rsponse will high school is fa'eioor n1101's cohcgi. littleca be said of the, They have 17Sice -:-P er ume the fllo. Te cil)1111D~a- High School Commencement, a s-ry strong hiltery, hiwevcer, and tion ode, Written hiy Professor Chres- their tntieli o isouncec a very will be very acceptable M. ayley, '7, ai set to music liy The coiiueceiieit xercises of tle swift sne by ilicr of the 'Varsity to either lady or gentle- Professor Stane ilIesn ylm i Arbor High School svrm-mlo ie man. Some very pretty Choral Union. Grec-tings., will te gtive eteicl8y murninglt 10 ocock iii Thec-tiarimm-presentinmg tie High bottles at lie followss: FrommBhrosw nit Prinmce- t11g11 Schoiot11ai. There were hit Schqool facuty amd thei city sehool tol Universities by Rev. J,,liiiir -e fi ee-fty-for gracats this yiar, hsrlhsl-ncnii-mhlssrulm lrray, t. D.,L. 0., is-lbwslie101sv1ir-eiisemmihhti- 11than1any class hfr ed by imeecxiericIeeginIih ~e mu me 's 01R to eassmate of Presidet Agell -tLsesral y-are ack, last yer' clss rc-eit ff01111'ils)ith ie Iighm Sciol sunl- M u~m~ys Du~ Brown; from Harvard University, by Ilimbringan even htntred .fleicrs a1111iay le expectucd.1totpt up a 17 E. Washington St., cor. Juistini Wilson, LL D., libra rian of P&glli Of essull,&ys and orations was1 stiff gmlie. Plou. J. T imo-ohm is tie Halrari; fl-illt State University mis, folloss: tmtmcyuote;" Winifred heaviest itter, and tie supporters of Fourth Ave. ofIlinis by Preidnt AdrewSs Bogle; "T'hee'Ma n of Oie demi ilillis the High Shool enill are confident Draper; from thmt-Phmtonal Board of A. C'ampmbll;'tPictres of Meor1y." that lie sill mailke sverm. 0110onQus IMPORTANT NOTICE. Education, by Dr. WVilliam T. Mirri, Sarihil Cambell; 'Tie Siitmmc-ged or three-bae ilts United States Commisioner of Edile- Contiment,' Charlotde Walker; "Night Ten Lawn Droped. thn, The program will close sithu a B1rings F-orthm Star," Llu '. hLsby: G . -H i. \A ii.:I[).choruis, "The Strain Uprise", by limo "Border Heroes," IL.J Mmrhall; 11g The faclity of tie las dcepartlent The Leading Tailor, Choral Union, conducted by Professor drsyl," Sybil i. Pcttee; 'T le New-s misc-h yetcrda y aftcrnoonm to- take ac- and onty direct Importer in the city, Stalmoy. paper, Its vils," Vera 'ham m!trlim; tion upomi the results of le ilal ex- has just received his entire stock Of At the Aumn banquet ait the gyn- "hie-Newspaper, Ithe Merits,' Irving lmllnatioms lnd as a result mine sen- Foreign and Domestic Woolens for nasius in the afternoon the follotwimg Uorleies; "Diplomas"," (racec-Swindler, ors -and one graduate lawx have beemm Spring and Summer 96, at toasts swill be repnded to; 'Our More Invitations. droped from the list of graduates. N~O. 2 E. "WASHINGTON ST-. NEAR MAIN. Guests," Profesor 2N. . DOoge, '2;- Thi is not the firt notice thatfthse lusml DessSuis aSpeialy. The nivrsiy ad te Sate" Guv-Te last opportumnity to otaimn con- nmemibers have ad that their svcrk ________Dress__Suitsa__Specialty._- "h ieru r siya n. th'le oard" of eneenet Invitatioms still be -Mon-tas mit satifactory, they havimg ernr Jhn . Rch;"Th Bordtfeem notiied last seneter that bet- Regents that Called Dr. Agell to the day morning. r. 'Melullen will be ter sork svould be reuired froma University," Hen. George Willard, re in the stewvard's office at 9I o'clock amd temi All statements to sniors amd G r d a i g G fsgent from 186114to 174; 'The Unie-oal enior (1esiring Imiitatiomms r'otl graduate stutents of fl eatnn Gfa uatng i~ s sity and Its Alumni," Hon. Byroni'M call then. As a mumber of te class comicerning the examinatons wee sent Cuteheon, '61; "Women in the I ni- have failed to pay ihir tax there are out last evening. ]BO O K S . versity," Mr. IMadelon S. Turner, '729; "The University and Higher Educ- more extra Invitations on hand than Improving the Campus. All the latest publications now on& sate at our stores. Fins illustrated tion in the Northwest," Dr, Ch rles ad beenL expected. The University campus las never -Gift Books Illustrated Poems, Art Ktendal Adanms, '74; "The University Gift to the Library. been in as good cmditio for com- Books, Standard Books in sets, and the Colleges of Michigan,'tres- Books in Morocco, Levant and Calf dent W. G. Sperry, of Oivet; "The The late x-Governor Fiel, in his Iunelcenent an it is this year. The Bindings. University of Chicago" IPresidnt W. sill, wshich was yesterday filed In tie lawn has been sel kept tils year Discount Prices to All. RM Harper; "The University and tepoaecut mqete i ie and owing to the wet spring it Is now _____________ People," Judge Claudius B, Grant, '6 rbt1cutelnahdtieetr in an excellent condition Flower bes, of the Supreme Cort of Michigan; library to the general University ib shrubs and flower urns have also been W A H R S The alierWays of the University," r.ary., Thin gift also includes manmy lately placed on te grounds and with W A ~ a "S ,r, Andrew D. White, who was in the vaable historical papers and doe- the Clowers in full bloom te atrac- Up Town, - Dews Tows, literary faculty of the University from nenta. The ladies libray of Amlu tiveness of the camps has been great- !UnIversItyBoostore, Opoie beutles 0 S. t ate SI., P415, Sale st. Os 1857 to 1867 Arbor also received a gift of $00. ly improved i