TILE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. For a Sty lish AND WELL MADE Gradvatiog Suit -CALL ON- Jos. W. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, He Pleases all the Students. 10 E. Washington St. Gibson & Clark PHOTOGRAPHERS. 12 W. H URON ST ANN ARBOR Steam Laundry, No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. Summer Law Lctures, Univ. of Virgiia JuyI Ore' 6. 00 u tdeuts ad practitiocas. 27th year. For catalogue, ad- dress (P. 0. Charlotesille. sVa.) R. C. MINOR, Secretary FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1863. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profts, 540,000 Tranact a general bning busines. Fore n exchanges bought and sold. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACH Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Reourcs, S,100,00. Organized under the eneral RankingLaws of tIs State. Receives deposlts, buys and slls exchange on the prInc31pal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper Identification.Safety depost boxes tor ent. OFICEnn: Christian Mack Prs.; W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hisock, Cashier: M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S 48 S. State St. THE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES. BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Everything inthe Bicycle line at ,SA.BLES Cylemporu, 1W.Washington St. GREAT : TRUNK : SALE! We have the large-t stock of Trunks and Traveling Cases in the City and are s- situated with the largest Trunk Manufactory in the country as to enable us to see these goods at Jobbers' Prices. If you are in want of a Trunk or Traveling Case now is your opportunity. We are also overstocked with Straw Hats and will close them our regardless of cost. D. A. TINKER & SON, HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS. No. 9 S. Main St JUSTOUyT LEHIQH DKT LES AND - nivrsal Crandall ypewriotrs o.3 entsWantedEverywere.s en for e l o eRANDALL MACHIMt CO., GROTON. 1. . 3343B6-4-0. K- Yvk. 206 U 314k e6u. Chcaa A YO" COIhT HO12M? Then buy a *ummer supply before you leave the best market in America. 100 Pittsburg Stogies for $1.00, - 100 National Stogies for $1.35, - 100 Alfonzo Cigars $2.00, - - 100 Prodigy Cigars $3.60, - - 100 Owl Boquet Cigars $6.00, - - 100 Royal Banner Cigars $7.50, - DHA - - - - 4 for 5c - - - 3for 5c - - - - 6for 2c - - - - 4for 25c - - - - - 3for 25c S& CO M PANY. 44 South Main Street. Senior Litn Are Hard Up. NOTICE. Anchor Line Steamers leave Detroit It is ruluor(-d about college tliat the every Saturday and alternate Wednes- senior lits are in financial difficulties. day's at noon, for Mackinac Island, Many of the class lave so far failed "Soo," Marquette, Portage Lake and to pay their class xax and funds are Delutli. Get rates and secure berths consequently low il the treasury. It is said that unless more of the class pay up so1e of the expenseo of next week will have to be cut down. Probably the first to be made will be in the senior reception by rescinding the con- tract with Sehreiser's Band and de- pending on the local orchestras for iusic. The Wabash It. R. took 60 Stuldents to Chicago, Kansas City and St. Louis Wednesday, June 17. Special cars ran through, leaving Ann Arbor R. 1. sta- tion at 11:30 p. ia., reaching Chicago at 7.30 a. mn., connecting with all trains west. Another special party will leave under the saiue arrangements Thurs- day, June 25. Fare for 10 or more $5 to Chicago. To St. Louis 2c a mile. See Wabash Passenger Agent Green- wood at Cook House or inquire at Ann Arbor R1. 1.. station. Baggage checked to destination. E,. S. GILMORE, Agent. STUDENTS, ATTENTION! Men or women who wish to go to Bay View, Mich., for the season for work, please call Thursday afternoon only, at No. 7 N. State st. Mrs. H. C. Eames. SUNDAY EXCURSION. The Ann Arbor R. It. will run an excursion to Toledo Sunday, June 21, leaving Ann Arbor at 10 a. m., return- ing leaving Toledo at 7 p. m. Round, trip 75c. TO RENT For the season at Old Mission, a furnished cottage, beautifully located. For terms, etc., apply to Theo. Price, St. Johns, Mich., Lost-On Hill st. between Twelfth and State sts., a Phi Delta Phi Watch charm, liberal reward offered for its return to the Phi Delta Phi house. from J. W. AMESSE, Ticket Agt. Anchor Line Co. Post Office Box 150. YOU CAN REACH PRACTICALLY ALL THE GREAT RESORTS OF AMERICA, 13Y THE THROUGH CAR LINES OF "AMERICA'S GREATE7s5T RAILROAD"- z THE NEW YORK CENTRAL. LAW STUDENTS. ATTENTION. Write to Frederick Mains, Attorney, Albion, Mich., in relation to forming a co-partnership with a well estab- lished business. A chance with any one of three attorneys in three local- ities. Write at once. FREDERICK MAINS. Students who have relics they wish worked up into binding can get the best and cheapest work done at the Argus bindery, over the Ann Arbor Savings bank. t Wanted-To rent for the year 1896- '97 by a small faimily, a furnished or partly furnished house. Address W. 0., Daily office. 194. Messrs. Wright, Kay & Co., of De- troit, besides being the largest man- ufacturers of fraternity badges in the United States, are headquarters for fraternity broches, book marks, belts, bon bon boxes, bag tags, cases, fobs, glove fasteners, glove menders, glove buttoners, garter buckles, sockets, silver lorgnette chains, silver lockets, silver hearts, menthols, memorable day tablets, memorandum tablets, match safes, necktie holders, pipes, pocket pieces, paper clips, paper cut- ters, rules, spoons, stamp boxes, run dials, sleeve links, umbrella clasps, vinagrettes, stationery, crests,' mono- grams, etc., etc. MOORE & WETMORE e6SaI an and S. State St.. Corner of William. Invite ynur attention to their line of LAWN TENNIS GOODS1 WI keep, te elbrated Aohby Racqoets other cqut that are no batter;a so theTaisos, xfrdan d arvard for chesper racquers. Try the new Tennis Ball, the Slzenger, GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Also Baseball Goods and Hammocks. PRIVATE lessons in dancing will be given by Mr. or Mrs. Ross Granger at their academy during May and June. Program evenings, Tues- day and Saturday. WHEN YOU GO HOME tahe a box of Plow's Chicago oChocolates with You. We ' received a fresh stock saturday. PALMER'S PHARMACY. 46 S. STATE ST. S Leaveyour hack and baggage orders heefor holmes' Livery, tie never misses you. 98 Cents is the purchasing power for a pair of $1.50 DOCK TAO OSEBSI Avail yourself by this op- portunity and get a sup- ply before going home. 98 Cents CUTTING, REYER & CO 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. SPECIAL. IETAS & SCHANZ sell Suits and Pants at prices to suit everybody; we also do re ain, leaning andgressing. Teoh called tor and dev red. N.4 S. Stae st., second floor. O 50. MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth '.and Metallic Casets and Fine lads Colins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 17 S. Fourth ave. TTOF M. SHAVtNG PARLOR and Bath- U. rooms. All ppointments first clas. Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies'artis- tic hair dressing and bathing parlors. J. R. Trojanowsoi 30S. State st. THEN YOU WANT your clothes cleaned Spressed, reilned or rebnound go to Mrs Fingele, ver Seehan's bok store. tab- oratory aprons msd to order NEW ~COLLRI