THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Publlshed Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. orecE: Times building N. Main St., Opposite post office. EDITORS J.F. THOMAS, '97. W. W. THAYeR,'96 L. E. L. Gknsseo, '98 L F. l. Looxms, '5. U0 H. I 9As,'18. F. S. .SOss, '98. K. C. UssURwooD, '98. C. M. uaEn, '99 MANAGING EDITOR G. B. HARRIsON, 'Si L. BUSINESS MANAGER L. C. WALKER,'96, ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. V. Hughes '98. S. R. Smith,'96 L. S. W. Smith, '91. W. P. lMorril,'98. J. L. Walsh, '9 M. H. B. Skillman, '90 L. C. B. Roe, '95 D. Louise Dodge, '99. B. B. Metheany, '99. H1. Corwin, '99. Lula T. Dickinson, '99. The subscription price of the Daily has been reduced to 75 cis in advanceforthe rest of the year. Leave subscriptioos at the Daily offce or with P. C. Meyer, U. of M. News Stasd. Editor of today-s paper, W. W. THAYER, '96 L. The Daily has often been under special obligations during the past year to leilibers of the different fac- ulties for contributions il the way of news matter. The work of a college editor illay not sumi up as of any il- portalice to the casual observer and its deficienicis arc painfully and Ilost obviously apparent. however, it must be considered as secondary to the regular college -work and coiiso- quently the aimateur staindiing of the student journalist will be plainly an- nounced at times, wlen lie is entire- ly upon his owNv resources. To the ' professors and instruLctors who have I aided in furnishing a Umversity Dews service, the Daily editors for '95-'96 desire to return hearty thanks. Thei' assistance has frequently aided iti iaking the Daily a readable paper in the presentation of matters of Ui- versity interest, both in regard to promptness and authenticity. UNIVERSITY NOTES. J. W. Beacham will Captain both the football and baseball tearns at Cor- nell newt year. Get your binding done in first-class manner at low prices at Argus bindery over Ann Arbor Savings bank. Graduating belts in fancy leathers-- buckles furnished if desired-at Argus bindery over Ann Arbor Savings bank. Cards anounce the marriage of Louis A. Pratt, '96, editor of the Inlander, to Miss Helen Truesdell, of Ann Ar- bor. Professor Kirchner has found it im- possible to deliver the lecture lie was to have given to' the law classes on "The Basie of Legal Ethics." Thle P. of Al. Daily will be deliv ered during 1896-97 at the usual price- $2.50, in advance. Subscriptions will be taken by solicitors and in the Main ball. The Chicago papers state that games have been definitely arranged between Brown and Chicago for June 30 and July 2, with the prospect of a third game July, 4. Professor Mechemi delivered his lec- ture on the "Use of Reports," to the senior law class yesterday at 11 a. in. He will deliver the last lecture to the class Monday at 9 a. ii). Alpha Delta Phi defeated Psi Uspsi- lon by the score of 16 to 4 yesterday afternoon. The batteries were de- Pont and Caulkins for Psi Upsilon, lid Woodruff and N. P. Boshland for1 Alpha Delta P1i. Blooluin stela eted 15s uipire. We Get Six of the All-Western. Last Sunday's Chicago Inter Ocean published the names of an All-western baseball team in which Mtichigan was given representation as follows: Holmes, c; Bloomingston, 2b; Lowney, ss; Deans, 3b; Watkins, p, and Shields, e. f. LOW RATES FOR STUDENTS via MICHIGAN CENTRAL. Parties of 10 or more traveling to- gether can secure a rate of 2 cents per mile via the Michigan Central, it will not be necessary to secure a larger number to obtain this rate, and extra coaches will be provided for all trains as will sleeping and parlor cars like- wise on application to H. W. Hayes, agent. "Elegant equipmuent," "fast time." Secure tickets in advance and avoid the rush at train time. H. W. HAYES, Agent. OF INTEREST TO STUDENTS. Cheapest rates to Cleveland and Pittsburg, Eastern Ohio & Pennsyl- vlinia Points are via Michigan Cen- tral and Detroit and Cleveland boats. For full information and rates please apply at the Michigan Central ticket ofice. TRIPS ON THE LAKES. Students and others contemplating a trip -to points via the great lakes will find it to their interest to purchase their tickets at the Michliglan Central ticket office. Tickets sold and baggage checked through via all principal steamship lines. Berths ordered by telegraph without extra charge. SENIORS, ATTENTION! Seniors are requested to call at tile steward's office as soon as slveenient to get their coinmenceioent invitations Hours 1 p. m. daily. G. K. McMULLEN, Chinn. Invitation Com. Furnished House to rent for two mnonths beginning July 1, excellent location for those .desiring to keep a boarding and lodging house during the summer school. Apply or address 18 S. University ave., opp. campus. Wanted.-Four energetic young la- dies or gentlemen to travel, salary $45 and expenses. Also have profitable All Ladies' and.: Gents' Colored Shoes AT - GiRIESA"T 9%FIRIE D UC IO N!T. JACOBS & ALLMAND, Washingltou~t T HE ATTE-NTION of Students who are interested in th study of Biblical Literature and His- tory is called to the new course to be offered the 1st semester, '96-97. See announcement- under scientifics. JAMES A. CRAIG. NEW HIGH GRADE BICYCLES TO RENT. Clevelands, Waverlies, Majestic, Stearns, at lowest prices. Stimson & Co., 24 S. State st. $5.00 TO CHICAGO. For 10or.nore persons traveling to- geiler the above rate will be hmade vi, the Michigan Central. No deposit necessary. H. W. HAYES, Agent. The U. of '1. Daily will be delivered during 1890-97 at the usual price-- $2.50, in advance. Slubscriptions will be taken by solicitors and in the Main hall. Show your loyaltv to the class of '96 by paying $10 to o. P. Cole at once. STUDENTS! Headlight's illustrated edition of Ann Arbor containing views of the University build- ings aind campus, together with portraits of each mem- 1101 ofthle entire faculty Xwili he placed on sile in Main boll, Monday, June 15 and Register office, 30 E. Huron st. This edition makes an excellent souvenir to mail to your friends as it is pre- pared expressly in order to show the importance and nag- nitude of the Unliversity and Its surroundings SETZLER BROS. 26 S. STATE TOO &jC01I STREET. + + Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. Advertise in the Daily. Full Dglss Ulovest WAGNER & CO., FURNISHERS. 21 MAIN ST., - ANN ARBOR. Reduced Prices on all Neg- ligee Shirts. HOT VYEATHER! You ought to sear a pair of Kolored - Shoes AND KEEP KOOL. ALL STYLES IN KALF OR KID. BEAL'S "s** UNIVERSITY SCHOOL- OF DANCINGO1 Closed for the Season. To be Open October 5th. I. I - I I employment for those desiring to work I during vacation. Call or address J. J. Cargill, 15 E. Liberty st. Pleasant rooms for Commencement week and the Summer School at 45 Washtenaw ave. 116 For Rent-Furnished house suitable for a fraternity or society, at 102 S. State st. Pay your senior class tax and make things a success. Lost-Athletic Association button. Reward for return to Daily Office. BIG SHO E S 'ALE' Randall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand Rapids, Mich., sold to us. 65c ON THE DOLLAR. Men's Hand Sewed Russias $6.00, cut to $4.85 Men's Hand Welt Russias, $5.50, cut to $4.25 Men's Dark Brown Russias, $4.00, cut to $2.98 Men's Pat. C F Bals tRussias, $5.00, cut to $3.85 GOODSPEEBROS09 MAIN