THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MICHIGAN CniI ime Table (Revised) March 1, 196. EAST. WEST. Mal and Ex-..1350 Iall - 88 N. Y. Special_.. 5 00 N.Y. pcal.7 3 Eastern Ex-...1012 N. S. Liitd ..0 Atlantic Ex.--7 30 Pacific Es.12 ib D NEspress.--- 5 40 Western Es.----200 G:. R. Express ...l1 05 Ci. Nt. Es ...10 8? 0. W. RUGLE, H. W. HAY80, G. P. & T. AgI, Chicago. Ao. Ann rbor RAILROAD. Time Table, Junns 7, 189. NOoRTH. SOTH. -7:3 a. m. e-7 .Mm is:05 .m *11:30 . m. 1 4 4:8p. m 8:15P. M. 550:30 p.. -8: P. M. ISnday only betwen Toledo and 1am- brg Junction. -Daly sleepers- between Toledo and Frankfort. aliy except Sunday Rt S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. 0. BENNETT 4. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, May 17, 1896 Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., el, 8:00 and 11:00 a. m; 12:5, 200, :130, 5:00, :45, 0:30 and 10:15 p. m. Leave Ae Arbor Jnctio, 7:00,8:V0aned 51:30 a. i.; 115, 2:0,4:00, :30, 7:15, 9:00 an: 1:45 p. m. SUNDAY TIME, Leave Ypsilanti from Cogrs s ., 1:30,3:0, 5.00, 6:0 and 9:00 p. m. leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00,:30, 700 and 0:30p. m. Cars run on city time Fare: single trip 15 cents; round trip tickets 25 cents. W. F. PARsKE, Spt STUDENTS I If you vasnt good relibe life Insrnce call on S ed TrScOmber, offie No. 1, S. Fourth ae. Bicycle Repairing. Bicycles Enameled and all kinds of machine work. HUN4TER BRSFOS.. Ne. 9 East Liberty St. RENTSCHLER, PHOTOCP..&PHE1. I ANN ARBO0R. MICH. Just Received a Large and legant Line of New Pipez! Hot Lunches, Chocolates and on Bon. IR. 1E. JOL.,L.y & 0CO. 00S. State St, Suer Block. RAINDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. Closing Outt We havo left a fair stock of all sorts of --WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IbC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - 8C CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN lABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE R LB. This stock will not b repaced. Come quick for rstocoie, Argus Printing House WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF REPAIRING- AND PACKING" for shipment. All kiinds of Houlsehold Goods, Furniture, Rugs, Draperies, and China to Rent. Rates satisfactory. Furnitusre. 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. OUR NEWU SPRZING SAMPLES Hlave arsived. The largest and finest assortment ever shows In Ace Arbor. Soils Osom$14 to-W.Pants Preen $4 to $11. We keow that we can please you and'twIll please you to look at our samples before buying spring furnishings.I F. J. Glen, The State St. Tailor 205S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MVICH. VACATION IRATES. Tho Anu Arbor lRoad xwiii make rattes otf 2c per mile Is any point in Central Traffic territory to parties of ten (10) or nioro traveling together. Special traini will be run to Chiicaigo tune 17 if 75 people take tickets. Quickest time and g,,,ood service guli- anteed. Leave your naiee at ticket office. R. S. GREENWOOID, Agt. Pleasant rooms for Commtencement week and the Sunmmser School at 45 Wssslteilaw ave. 1( A, G Spaldiog & Bros. sntee that the article l)eering it Is the best -lelduced. Uniforms andSupplies of every description Per 1Isasc- blli, Tenn~is. Gelf. Seed 'oeehasdome Illustrated Catalogue. ThseAcme of Perfcrtion- THE SPALDING BICYCLE FOR '96. Return Home by Boat!I The Anohor Line Plying between Buffalo and Dululth ofoer special inducements thiis year to students desiring to go hsome by the Lake Rtonte. The palace steam- ers India, China cud Japan leave Detroit twice a week each way. For rates, time tables and full informa- tion apply to J. W. AAtROE. Agt. Address P. 0. Box 150, or call at 94 E. Washington 01. J. W. HAAS. LIVERY, HACK AND BAGGAGE + + LINEs + +- 21 N. MAIN ST., OPP. POST OFFICE. ORDERS FOR TRAINS, PARTIES, DRIVING Promptly attended 41e. STUDENTS' TRADE SOLICITED. Thie COAST LINE to MACKINAC --+4-1-TA KE T H E -f-- DETROIT PETOSKEY T CHICAGO' 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers The Greatest Perfection yet attained in Beat Construntiion-Lusurious Equipmntn, Artistic Furnishing, Decoration and Efficient Service. insuring ihe highest degree of COFIFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. Fouss TrinnPERWEEKBEWEmN Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, rtsTE oO,y'MARQUETTE, Ass DULUTHs. LOW RATES to Picturesque Mankinac and Return, including rlenansand Berths. From Clevrend, 5.8;:from Toleds, $15; lin Den tesit, $13.50. EVERY EVEINGS Between Detroit and Cleveland Conetingsat Ceveland with EarieslTrains forall points Eastoutih andSuthwst and at Detroit ler all poinssNorth and Northwest. Sunday TlipJne, JlypAugunt aned Septmher Only. EVtRY DAY tETWEEN Cleveland, Put-in-Bay jToledo Send Poe Illustrated Pamphlet. Address A. A. SCHANTZ. a. P. A.,DETRnIT. MICiH. 14e Detroit & Clevelarid Sleaut Nay. Co. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins, Ringe, etc. Call and see. C. H. KEYIES. TRADE WITH PARKEIRI Purest and best Soda in this city. Home made and fresh candies. Fruiits in season. Give us a call1 aiid be well treated. Cor. State and N. University ave. -0 SUMMER NOVELTIES. - Waist Sets, Silk and Leathier Belts, Silk Umbellas, "U. of M." Pius, Stemns. IAuR Aninit y l WI Al DJ TnSDE TELEPHONE 68. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New Terh, Chisiago, Philadelphia, THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL Largest Maneufacturers of Bicycles and Ath- letic Coeds lia the world. Sp::ldingr's Official Baseball Gside Poe 189:6 coetains 22d pages of reuding ma:tter and dl RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS pages of bhsif-ione pictures. iscluding all the ational Leagse teams, miner league chain- 8EONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL poS. college teams and old-lime players; teuNew Playing Rales; official averages oP PROPERITY. all league aend cellege clsubs. Price, 10 ctsnts. Wholesale Cigas, Tobaccos asd Cig-arettes Summer Law Lectures, tivy. oP Virginias, Jely 1 to Sept. 1, 1896. Par students and Ham~rr CATERER, practitioners. 27th: year. Pee catalogue, ad- ~ K1 .Wsig des(P.O0. Charlottesville, Va.):0 .Wahig R. C. MINOR. Secretary I HNSERE ton st. Three Opiio' s "The CHICAGO RECORD is a model newspaper in every sense of the word. " Harrisburg (Pa.) Call. "There is no paper published in America that so nearly approaches the true journal=~ istic ideal as The CICAGO RECORD. " From "-Newspaperdom" (New Yorkf). "I have come to the firm conclusion, after a- long test and after a wide comparison with the journals of many cities and coun- tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily journal as we are for some time likely to find. on these mortal shores. "Prof. J. T. Hatfield in The Evanston (11l.) Index. Sold by newsdeale rs everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHI- CAGO RECORD, 181 Madison-st. The OnlU Slenping Gsr Line botwuss Ts-1 leds and tCniumbus. The Onlo Sleeping or Drswin Roson Gar Line-between Toledo, Columbus and Marietta. The Onig Drnwing Essom tar Line between Toledo,Clmbsbna ulharlenton, S. IVa. FuilnsoOSltepers between toinobus and Chicago. THE ONLY LINE with 4 trainn eaeh waydaily betweensToledo and Coumbunhs. THE ONLY LIRE with8 transemch way en Sssdays between Toledo and Clolumbhus, THE ONLY LINE with 5 trainsneach way daily between Toledo, Bowling Green ad Fis~lay. TE ONLY LINE with 2Itras eaeh waydaily between Toedo and Charleston, W. Fa, TE ONLY D)IRECT LINE between Toedo0 and the Yirglnlno. THE POPULAR LINE between Toledo, Fesis. ria, Bueyes, Granvleand Newark. FuBllinforatonrelative be eaten, ims Of trains, eta., will he eheerfully furnsehed by any Agent of the OhisoCentrailLines. MOULTON BOUK, 0. P. A. - TOLED09 OHIO