THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY- OF MICHIGAN. Demion: Tins building N. Main St., opposite post office. EDITORS J. F. THOMAS, '97. W. WV. THAYIR, '90 L. E.L.F Gesouno, '98 L F. Mi. Loomis, '55. 0. 1. hANS, '18. F. S. SIsiONs,'58. R. C. UsNDEowoon, '98. C. M. CnEE', '19. At least, as it stainds at preocnt, this action, of till coinmitteo is illegal, for the class has not decideidevein tat it wishes to have the nicniorial present- ed. It so, we are sure that evcery memeinhr wsill- wish to have Profe'ssor' Kclsey make the speechi of accettDne. But, the toii~ittee owes himuln al-1 ogy in having thus involved him in their illegal action. A NU.MBER O 06 '9(1 EN. All Ladies' and:: Gen-ts' Colored Shoes, - AT A--- JACOBS & ALLMAN D ahugt t COMMENCEMENT PIIOGIIA. Friday, Juno lb-Ann Arhor tHigh MANAGING EDITOR School Comuiencemuent. G. B. HIioaSON, 1'B L. Sunday, Juno 21-Baccalaureate scr- LOW RATES FOR STUDENTS - 111011by IPrcsident Angell; S p. niI. via 'i BUSINESS MANAGER Mo.aJne2-a5 epr et MICHIGAN CENTRAL. H L. . ~is~n, N. Class Day, University Hall; 2 1). in Parties of 10 or more trayelinsg to- ASSOCIALTE EDITORS Monday, June 22-Senior Promenade gether can secure a rate of 2 cents per & W. W. Llughes, '55. 5. R. Smith, '55 L. On thle campus; 8 p. nl. -milo via the Michigan Central, it wiii S. W. Smith, '97. W. P. Morrili, '95. Monday, June 22-Second Triennial not be necessary to secure a larger J. L. Walsh, '53 M1. B. B. Skililman, '98 L.RenoofldrlsinifAnAbr nuniber to obtain this rate, and extra C. B. Roe, 'q8 C. Louise Dodge '9. z ino le l !o n ro B. B. hletheany, '55. H. Corwis,'99. '' Highi School coaches wil be provided for all trains Loia J. DickInson. '99. Tuesday, June 23-Literary Depart-.-as will sleeping and parlor cars like. Th sbsritin rie f heDalyha Ient Class Day, wise on application to H. W. Hayes, P been reduced to 7l5ets is advance for the cost Tnesday, June 23--2\heeting of thegl( t. ElegItn qileli"'ls of the year. Leave subscriptions at the Board of IRegents; 10 a. iii. i time," Secure tickets in advance and P Daily office or with P. C. Meyer, C. of M. TlsaJn (-Sno ee o avoid the rush at train time, News tand.and Ball, Watermaln (hylnnasiulo; 8 B. IW. HAYES, Agent. Editor of today's paper, P. 11) TRIPS ON THE LAKES. of E. L. CEISM-NER, !95 L. Wednesday, June 24-Alumni Day. Students and others contemlplating a _______________________________Celebration of P'resident Anlgell's 25th trip to points via tlle great lakes will yo Communication. Aneniesayofusevice. l! ay find it to their interest to purchalse 9_a._in.,WednaJl Ap~le 24aill ntay: their tickets at the Mi1cisigan Central I J To the Editor of tile U. of '.NI.Daily: 7 .I. eia ll~lleIrDna ticket office. Tickets sold alnd baggage Since tile official programis for 0Ol-AumiIesng lc.hni nvr lecked flirougil via all hriucipal luencelnent have allleared, a good sity Hlall, celebrlation of the 25th all- steamsh~lip lilies. Berthls ordered by inany seniors in the literary depart- llivers,,ary of the presidenley of D~r. telegralph withlout extra chatrge. N ient have been nucsle trpris '&l lt Angell; 1 p. in., ill Watermanl iylilult. NTRSTT SUENS somlethiing contained thereini. Frolo 5mm, dinner given by tile Senate and COFaINtEraesTto STUenTS.n the programl of class day exercis ,es Au~i l I. nTIpi al u- Cepstrtst lvln n ncx Tus, tapasta luo110 Almi;4peet inof Aluln ssat,, b-Pittsburg, Eastern Ohio & I'ennsyl- Het Tuteyis apathdvntAno itres el i(rr etn e &unt; 4:30 p. Ill.,tinvania I'oints are via Michigan Con-50 Hethcls Tutte ialu aond toesertF.Lia y Le tn100111:b0sipessnu.,tintraol and Detfoit and Cleveland boats. Vt the clsseoilc dPrtofehalfof ;' AwLumnitusriatisl, lasinesaretint. For full informuation and rates please rid W. Klse toaccpt t o bealfof lumi Asocatin, aw epatmet. apply at 1110 Michigan Central ticket the iiniversity.7:0pini ovrLcue1omfofc. Ths s hefrs tatha ee 1noatile Medical Building, atunual alddress T 1._______ of any stuchl presentation -yal )ta t Meicall Alumni, by Dr. Andrews, Wanted-To rent for tile' year 1890- very fewvIllenbers of tile class. It president of tile associationl; S 1).il.'97 by a 5111a11 family, a furnlishled or Tro is stated that tile ulemorsil nli lit- in II'aterllull (ymnasiuml, Receiptioll palrtly furnisihed house. Addre'ss WV. xvh( tee took it upons tllerselves to mallke by President and Senlate. 0., Daily office. 194. libc. this applointmet'IanOld 15lsotrlqtsttld Thursday, Jtune 25---Cololuencenlent; - ti President Augell to appoillt a Illelmler adhdress hy Uresident C. K. Adamls. VT k T se of tile fasculty to accpet Oheio lelliorial. NOTICE TO DAILY EIlORS. SIt U Di I~ fNT S t! All tlisa the conlulittee did s50lll, time 'T'lie last mneetiug of te Dalily 14dt1- ago, but thely have set-n fit toi con- tonial Board for tis year wiii be hldhHeadlight's illustrated edition cea i vrycaefll snc, ntl heof An Abr contining tea itver caefuly'sine. 11111 heat thle ofice Tlhursdlay evelling.'fh e An Arr officil rogriins were lprinted. h '1110te nvrst bid znaiportaiice of the business to be trans- iegs's f seUnverit.buld imtmblers of the class, it seel5, lire, actedl makes a full atteindanie ecx- insad campus, together N.8 to halvenohg to say as5 to the li- with portraiis of each mo-m- poiinoth ngmmoil dislel te treincly desirable, her of the entireefacility will 111 poditsforof the ImicmorialcowictteeyG. B. HIARRIISON, he placed on sale in Main hail, u bad o fill th nhlilsiahcoiulileeManaging Editor. to buy because the Illellibet - of thie li ~ inenL comnmittee were set on hlaving the The Ann Arhor Rtailroad will sell Mivond~ay, June 15 class get somnething else. Their tickets at one fare for the round trip chagrinl at beinlg comlled to yield to to all stations on their line between sn Zeitrofie 0E thle wisiles of tile class seceis to hiave Hamburg Junction and Toledo on Sun- Huron St. This edition makes c ani excellent souvenir to mail made thlemldetermnined to get even day trains. Tickets limited to date to your friends as it is pro- I. sonle-whiere, and they ha~ve doue 8o by of sale. pared expressly in order to niaking all arraingemients for thc pre- H. S. GREENWOOD, Agent. show the importance and mag- SC sietatonsecetl ad alpIntu Furnished House to rent for two nitude of the University and ofthir snume othing emai the e n. onthis beginning July 1, excellent its surroulndings. Cloal, Thee s othngpesonl n helocation for those desiring to keep a BETZLERBF BIRO S. protest thatt we, as memibers of '96, boarding and he-dging house during the arc naking against this appointment, sme col pl radesI hut wve think it time that such arhi- s-umersitne,o pplyoaddess. 1 trary' actiSn Universitydmavesaoppn.BcamupH O w aconne.The class of00 Ilhas -Wanted-Four energetic young ha- B I H 0 many things of which to be proud, dies or gentlemen to travel, salary $45 Randall, Argard & Co. Sh( and perhaps chief among them is the and expenses. Also have -profitable Rapids, Mich., sold to us'. feelin of unity that has always pre- employmnent for those desiring to work vale amnong its msembers. It is eer-, during vacation. Coil or address J. J. 65c O N VT H E, tainly a pity that this feeling should Cargill, 1S H. Liberty nt. Men's Hund Sewed Itussiasj be msore or less destroyed during its PayorsnoclstaanmkeM 'sH dWltR si, ;st year, and especially just at eoin- yhigyo urcsnos ls. txadmk Men's Dark Brown Itussias, mencement time. We think therethnsauce. Men's Pat. C F Dals Iussias,,- should he a meeting at once when the Lost-Athletic Association button. clasn may take action on this matter. Reward for return to Dnily Office. G O O D S EED E irntington Clark otographers Detroit, will mlake ur sittings every NESDAYS AND SAT WRDAYS -AT- 0. 5 W, LIBERTY ST. ,,BABY" BLISS 50 -ighing, only 5023-pounds los ie America introduce this magnificent eel, I wvill make a very cral tdiscount from list price. ithe handsomest you have a, it is a beauty. A. WILSEY, SOLE AGENT. -1 SELL THE CLEVELAND. 26C 0 S. STATE I)p &, C~jSTET.+ Call on them far Luaches, Fine Chocolates, and Bnked Goods. Try Our Lunches. 001L OF DANCING If ed for the Season. To be Open October 5th. iSALE oestock, Grand DOLLAR.,* $6.00, cut to $4.85 $5.50, cut to $4.25 $4.60, cut to8.98 $5.00, cut to $5.85 B3ROS.,7