THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College Year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OFFIC: Times building N. Main t., oppoate Pot office. EDITORS J. F. TaooAS, '7. W. IV. TIAo, '0 L. E . L . GeISsuc, '8 L F. Ml. Lous, 'OS 0. H. HANS, '8. F. S. SeONoS, '8. H. . UDERWOnD, '-0. M'.7. GEN, '0. MANAGINe0 EDITOR . B. HARISO, '00 L. BUSINEiSS MANAGER L.C.W at,00 ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. IN, Iughes, '8. 5, R. Smith, '00L. S. W. Smith, '7. NV. P. Porrill, '0. ,L L. Walsh, '00i. IH. B. Silmas, '8 L C. B. Roe, '00 D. Louie Dodge, '9. B. B. jietheany, '0. . Cr, '0. Lula J. Dickinso, '0. The subcriptin Price o the Daily has teen reduced 1o075 cs in adaceor the rest of the year. Leave subscriptios at the Daily office or with P. C. Meiyr, U. of A1. News Stand. Editor of odays paper, IV. 1. ]MOItILL. 'T'iere trc liitiiicioiioresosowhy congratulations sioud be extended to '97 for ahiicving aomboiaiiion of thc raiiadluiitiainullClitalial. Tit Ow' arc to have n oiiiuai Of a gradte s- perior to tiat expected froli a high school withoutitCompelcinlg(le editors to go down iito tir lok~ts to iiak good a deficit i a great deal. We ca look forward to it rprentative t'ii- X'rity anintial Dex yr-one ot' which Do excOco aned be offerd Th Iuiiatioa is in tien iids of ii exec- ilit board, aiid there i every pro- b(et Of stires for the iii num1111ber of the book to be issued by the olo- bincd forcs. Tue editors of tnext yer',.,nlaider wil be eiected soonoc tne this week. 'T'he ellrriage Of 1. F. Nid. "95 L antdMiss IRose touiiiio, '6,'Xwii taki' place ltiSt. Adrewos chtrh toiio- row ceeinig. NOTICE TO D9ALY FDtTOIU. The last neeting of te Daily di- torial Boartt for ihis year wiii be heitd at tbe otie Thursday evening. 'Te impliortace of the btsioiieso to be trats- acted mankes a ftillattedtance ex- treiiily deoirabie. G. B. HARTtltfON, Mnaging Editor. ANN ARBORI It'S SPECIAL TRAIN The fasttri for Chicago via Ani Arbor and Wabash roads wiii leave at 11:30 local timue Wededay nlight. Studeiits are reqestd to bring bag- .gage to station early. Qite a nuber of ladies wvill edompay the Party. E. S. GILMORIE, Agent. ROMAN ARCHAEOLOGY, t.ATIN 10 The photographs and bloc prits or- dered in tis class iay be ad at Rtoom E o Thursday 8 to 8:30 a. In. They mnay also be ad by calling at No. 44 E. Williamot, at any time prior to June 21. For Rent-Furnished house suitable for it fraternity or society, at 102 S, State St. READING NOTICES. All Ladies' and:: A maiden toll and slender, set out oue leiasant day, To learii to title a 'bike," andlthus, be Gents' Colored Shoes, nuiibered Xith the gay, This niaid was energetic, and foll of AT A--- lutck and situ, What cer the fad or fashion Xvas, she G 'R_'S A 'r w R ' mID cO r i N too was "in the swiiii." ~~ Nowv perched up high -11001 her Xvheel, anti lookitig biave aiid bold, I~u * s~antai She hung on tighlt with all bet iiogil W A L lvi IN I.. now turning hot, then told. ,*JC BS & L M N Wnlingtoa S. Her Xvheel Xouldi not go straight it TRP ONTELKS seemed, lout pitchled from sir to tide. F~irst tiling she knewv, right off sloeflew, Studlents and others contenmplatinga iowo thisqut hurt her pie trip to points via the great lakes will full11 g33 Shirts, Bu hetitmedado lnri no t fiiid it to their interest to pturchase Bti 1she juilin thellatolio, 10their tickets at the Stieigan Central Fl deonieaged inbe tathersrtre, ticket office. Tickets sold and baggage rl rs is 17c herthea toal he shnt roechecked through via all principalDrs Ji , her braovery iiirreased. steamship lines. Berths ordered by She boarkeed lie shinis, she bruilsedi her telgrolXvtouexacirg.IP liiis, wvas stritoed black anid blue. _______withoutextra__ *,rnmnn She tore her gown, once more sat dowvn, LAW STUDENTS. ATTENTION. l Des oel wvere hoes in bthl her shoes. Write to Frederick Mlas, Attoirney, 'Albion, Michi., in relation to foruing She ran int10 the f eiocs. mdcstraight a co-partnership Xithi a Xvell estab- ftor every tree, lished business. Achnewtay Amid inait or beast, if lul lax iath, oefthree a hane with lca-W AGN ER & C0 ) Xouldiiliorror-strirkcio flee. iies.of teattornceysi. hre She piracticed on her owieel earls day iie. ri e at on c AN. ]UR IHES in spte of bruise or s prain, FEEIKMIS U NS E S Thoutghi perseveranice triiigostiuccess, it $5.00 'T'O CHICAGO.21MiST, - ANRB . soiletimes coiies Xwithi pain. For 10 or nmore persons traX'elintg to- With eXvery step she gives agon 10g(eth le above'v' Xaii is hielipless qit~ie, t~to 'Michigan Central. No deposit Her list of bruises is roitlete, though necessary. RdcdPie nalNg soiie arc out of sight, H. XW. HAYES. Agent. Rieded irts. al. Ng Still banidiaged upoaiid plahstered, she OF INTERIEST TO STUDENTS. geShrs glories in ilils spoort, Cheapest rates to Cleveland and. Bitt as fior me, I'll be exculsed, If e Pittsbturg, Eastern Ohio & Penusyl. really is too short. vaiiia P~oints aire via Mi1chigan Cen. F. A.,. tirti and Detroit and Cleveland boats.HO W E H[ NO DOUBT Alut 't' IT NO*W!-'TI For full information and rates please A TRAIN COES! apply at the M\ichigan Central ticket The Sperial WXabashi tars XWili lun to Clicago. 'Theisplerial traiin leaves Aiti Arbor It. 1t. station at 11:300P. ino., Wetincos- day, Jutie 57. Party rate $5. XWe haove (lie party! Railroad reporet'alltiX'es Xwiii acroiiipaiiyItie party to Cliirago. Parties desiring sleeper ran reserve berths now. This sleetoer Xiltoe at- toorhed to the traits at Milan. A 5100" rial effort Xiiwin adt 0niake thr lathes comifortaole oti the trilp. W~eXwiii also hiave a party of ten or moi'e on this train lot' St. Louiq. E. S. GIL-MORE, Agent Ann Arbor It. R. .The Ainn Arbor Railroad will sell tickets at one fare for the round trip to all stations on their line betwveen Hanmburg Junction and Toledo on Sun. day trains. Tickets limited to date of sale. H. S. GREENWOOD, Agent Furnished Rlouse to rent for two months beginning July 1, excellent location for those desiring to keep a hoarding and lodging house during the summer school, Apply or address 18 S. University ave., opp. campus. Wanted-Four energetic young la- dies or gentlenmen to travel, salary $45 and expenses. Also have profitable employment for those desiring, to work during vacation. Call or address J. J. Cargill, 18 If. Liberty st. Pay your senior clues tax and make things a success. Lost-Athletic Association button.. Reward for return to Daily Office. office. Pleasaiitt'ooiiis for C'ommenieie'nrOti' wveek and the Summlner Schiool at 45 WXashteiawv ave. 1963 Mr. 0. P. Cole toisXXlays teady too re- ceive $10 for your class tahx. STIUDENTS! Headlight's illustrated odition toft Anii Arhor containing viewvs of the University build- ings and canmpus, together with portraits of each mom- Itet of the en$110 faculty will he placed on sale iD Main bail, Mon-day, June t5 aind Register office, 30 E. Huron St. This edition makes an excellent souvenir to mail to your friends as it is pre- pared expressly in order to show the importance. and mag- nitude of the University and its snrroundiurs.. SEBTZLER Z BIROS. You outhit to oer a pair of Kolored -Shoes AND KEEP KOOL. ALL STYLES IN KALF DR KID. BEIAL'S So SCHIOOL OF DANCING Closed for the Season. To be Open October 5th. BIG SHOE SALE Randall Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand Rapids, Mich., sold to us., 65c'ON THE DOLLAR. Men's Hand Sewed Rossias $6.130, cut 10o$4.5 Alen's Hand Welt Itussias, 051, cot ho $4.29 Men's Dark Drown Itnasias, $4.130, cut to $2.98 Men's Pat. C FHale H-ussias, $5.613, cut to $3.85 GO.ODSPEED BROS, MAIN