TlIiP UNIVsZSI'IY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Hlighest Tribute Ever Paid to a Biyce New York, March 25th, r896. Mr.W. C. Pasly, Sec. Jersey City Y.M.C.A. The National Board of Trade of Cycle Manufacturers hereby sanctiono a public e- bibition of cycles, accessories and sundries, at the Y. Ml. C. A., March 2th and 28. This sanction is granted on the epress under. standing Itat on0 exhibition of VICTOR BICYCLES wiltIbe permitted. Tours truly, R. L. COLEMAN, President. W yare the members of the' W Y National Bicycle Board of Trade AFRAID to exhibit their wheels with VICTORS? BECAUSE VICTORS Cst mre to buil, Are made f etter material. Show eter sworksansip, Run rsier and wer lnger, Are worth mre than ther bicyces. WHY NOT RIDE THE BEST? OVERMAN WHEEL C. New or. IBoston. Detroit. Dener. tan rncsco. Los Angeles Portland, Ore. Desfigner and taker of fine foot- wear. Bet place for repa ring. JOHN WO[LKE, 43 S. MAIN ST, UP STAIRS. FIRST NATIONAL B.ANK. OP ANN ARBOR. oraized 163. Capital, 100,00. Surpustoand Profits, W4,008 Transacts a genral banking bsssness. Freten esean ges Iouhttandold. Furnish lettersnoa credit P. BIACH Pes.S W. CLARKSON. Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stoe, $0,000. Surplus, 1510,00 Resources, $1,100,000. Ognled undethe Genera Bning Laws tI tis State. tReceives depstt, buys nd sls rexunge us the principal cities of the United States. Drats case upon poper identfieation. Saety driosit boes to rent OFetens: Christian lact Pes; W 0. arriman, Vice-Pes.: Chs EB. Hscoe, Cshier: B, . I.Frice Assistant Cahier Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S8, 48 S. State St. THE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Everythina inthe Bicycle line at M, SI[DL'S Ccle Emprium, 11 W. Washington St. --OR HYGIENIC - BOARDING - HOUSE. L~ocated tall a block lernm University grounds,.tinder new management and with tire slew of accommuodatinrgrrny prsn apalyin'. foe board. We aire assued of guod sprinrg patronage. Sitree our capacity is timitecTappiy at once or call at 11 Olaynard St., next to Schrool o1 Music. F. J. RENNINGS, G. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS YOU WILL SOON NEED A Trudldnk or Travelfing Bag Largrest assortment in the city. Boy it at TFeufel's Hiarness Sho0p, 45-a5. Main. st. - LEHIIQI1 IKT1ES5AND f1niversaI Crandall typeihrs flo.s AgrntstWantet vrywhe, Sedlfo Caerel C"RANDALL MACHI.ECO., GROTON, sN. Ann YOU COZNC HOME? Then bsoy a Sumtrmer stupply before yen leaveo the best tmarket illAnterica. 100 Pittsbnrg Stogies for 81.00,------------ -----4 for 5e 100 National Sto-ies for $1.33,------------------for Sc 100 Alfoisee Cigars $2.00,- - - - - --2 for Sc 10 .roiy Cigars $3.60,-----------------lie25 t00 Oswl Iloqitet Cigrers $6.00,------------- ---4 for 25e 100 Rtoyal Baniner Cigars $7.30,----------------- for 25c DIEAN &COMPAN-Y. 44 South Main Street. ANN ARtBORItI. It. EXCU7RSION jLOiW lATES bOil STUDENTS RATES. Ivia Blenevrolrtnt andc Protective Order of NIIGIHIGAN CENTELA~L. Elko, Cintcinnati, 0. lRate of one farre Parties of 310tsr tmiore traivelitng to- for ltre rountri ti ktstets to be scrtd geticr ca11 seces a ratc- of 2 (,eins pc-c Jrtly 5it an trl tt, good returning Jolly mtiles-inc10' tireMct1or iiriitwl 111:1. itot bre tecs~rrsanry to sere a lrrgcr -Natiotnal Leatte of Ainerirars numttrtlo otith is tale, andrtextrar Wtir'sltir't, Louisville, IKy. tRate of coraches will tre srovidedslfosr all ltitis otse fate, for tlls rournd trill, tickceetsro as will sleetpitng anrsltarlor caro like- be soldt Autgutst oi tirnirllit, good re- AwiseOtt11l9t,1icaitioti tol IL.W. fliyes. ltrintrcrAuigust.17th. agsert. rEldegantt euilsrrrslt," rfasot . la1,tist TYountg Peoples* Utniontirf Iitte." Secutre tic-keltsi adlvrancc and Aitericit, Milsatrke., Wis. Otto fnrrsavoid theremult at itrin htim'. for routnid trill. ticketu to be sold Sttly 18. AV. StAVES, Agent 14th t 16hl, good relrtrtDiitg holy 20th. SE.NIOISS, ATTENI'IONI\' Natironarl lsltealieilal Associationi Seniors are requetedl to rail at tire Bluffalo, N. V. Otre farre for 'roiud twr' liete ona oo'iel titrpers $2.00 membsrtershrip fee, lick- to get ttreir eollidle.etscat irwitalions ets to lbe sold Jutly Sittrnd 6thtl,rc- Hours 1 p. ill, daily. turned limoit Jirly 12lt. C. SK. McMULlEN, Voting Peoples' Society of Chiristian Churn. SIavitatioun tont. Enideavor, Washingtotn, D. C. One _________ fatre for rountirrips, ticketn to be sold TO blENT tJtly 4th to 7t,lhmiterd for return to Fer ttiheseasotn at 01lt Mission, a Jilly 1,50. furnished cottage, beautifully located. C4. ..5.Rtcattrpn1Dt at St. Pant, For termn, etc., apply to Thero. Price, MitsuI., Septt. 2nsd raid 4th, one cetat per St. Johrns, Micb. milie. Packing and forwarding of furittire Bay View Cairp Meeting, May Viesw, done with great care. Low prices N11h. lOnefgeoo nd- ripAunytguaranteed. tCall or 'phone to Startle 7thto l.i0, go for teturn Auus Haller's Fnrniture Store. thr._________ Chicago, Ill., Demtocratic National Messrs ., Wright, Kay & Co., of Dc- Crnvoticot. Oite faire for round trip troit, besides being t-Ie largest man- July 3d to 6th, good returning July ufacturers of fraternity badges in the 12th. United States, are headquarters for Knights of Pytias Uniform Stank, fraternity broches, book marks, belts, Cleveland, Ohio. One fare for routid hon ben boxes, bag tags, canes, fobs,, trip Augttst 22d to 24th, good for re- glove fasteners, glove menders, glove turn August 31st. buttoners, garter buekles, sockets, silver lorgnette chains, silver lockets, STUDENTS, ATTENTION! silver hearts, mienthols, memorable Men or women wlsowish to go to day tablets, metnorandum tablets, Ray View, Mich., for the season for- match safes, necktie holders, pipes, wvrt, please eall Thursday afternoon pocket pieces, paper clips, paper cut- only, at No. 7 N. State stk Mrs. it. C. ters, rules, spoons, stamp boxes, run Eames. dials, sleeve links, umbrella clasps, HOME SEEERS EXURSONSvinagrettes, stationery, crests, mono- June 10 and 23, grams, etc., ete. via Ripans Tubules core torpid liver. Ohio Central Lines. Iipans Tabules: gentle cathartic. MOORE & WETMORE 6S.B Niain and S State St.. Corner of Wflium. Invie your attentir to tieir line of LAWN TENNIS GOOD0S, We teep he clebrtedAstry acqts, otir hrrcirt iat are eru btter; nine tire Tatsardr,lod and Harvard for eceaperuaquets. Try the new Tennis B all, the Slazenger, GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Also Baseball Gods and Hammcks. PRIVATE lessons itn daning will be given by Mr. or Mrs. Ross Grager at their academy duritng May and June. Program evenings, Tues- day and Saturday. $WHEN YOU GO HOME $ reovearebock Sb aturday PALMER'S PHARMACY. 46 S. STATE ST. hnere eforlHolmes'LieyIlnvr $olsscs you "Viking AND Hummer." GOLFP AND IBIC-YCLE Are up to date and a little be- yond. 15i Main St. SPECIAL. I ETAS a SCHANZ sell Sols and Pnts toes is suit everybody; wve also do reairingclersing and prSs~g r fnlidor and delvered. CBu 4OS.5 State t., second foor 0M.5MARTIN, FuneralDiretor, Cloth . ial Mtallie Caneta nd ine rde Coffns. Embalming a Specialty. No. a7 S. Fourthr ave. Uj OF M. $SHAVINO PARLOR and Bath- rooms. All .ppontnents first lms tm " preanomestic eciars. Ladies artis- Ol air dresslig and bathig parlors. J. R. Trolanowui $WS. State t.11- WHTEN TOU WANT your lothes leaned $5pressed, relined or rebound go to Mrs ing ere over Sheehan bootstore. Lab- oratory aprons made aoeoder A 0, NE W CO00LLAR