THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY., Published Daily (Sundalyexcepted) during the College yvear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orricn: Times builiding N. Main t., opposite post office. EDITOROS J. F. THOMJAS, '97. WV.IV. THAYOSS, 'i L. E. L. CoissuNiE,'C L F. M. Loomss, '55. 0. 1.IIlANS, '15 F. S. SiNIONS, '95. t.C. CDEooWOOD, '15. C. 1A. Cotta, '19. ANAGINOI RIDITOSI C. B. lARsISO-N, 'iiiL. BSCINESS MANAGIERI L. C. WY~fKooi, '01. ASSOSCIATEI EDITORS WV. WV. hughes, 'li. S. R1. Smith, 'SitL. S. W. Soith, '97. C. 1'. Morrill, 98. J. L. IWoich, '0 MI. 11. II.'Skllolau, '55 L. C. B. lOse,'55 1D. Loulse hedge,'Oi. B. B. Methasy. '05. ii. Corolo, '0. Lola . Diloiosoo. 'lii. The subscription 1ric0 of tho Daily has hers reduced to 75 cis is advaooelfor the rest of She year. Leave'soriptlons at the Daily office or with P. C. Moeyer, C. of Mi. NewsaStood. Editor of loday's pallor, It. C. 1INDEtOWOOD, '9S. In rilidilioi to issunlg tie 'reliiie besfore coinini'Bceilllt Itie iditors of this year's anual hiave imade a v'rry deirablo addition t teSolii (iett5of lir book. 't'lirergister of S-iee Ciili- cetiigi ltiiliis very 'coniiiilrtoand shows ithe reslt of cosioderablelo bri '96 TECHNIC ON SALE. This Year's Publication the Earl- JAC 0 0B5 N lies Eve Issed.Have something of Interest to you. 'Theso'1 Techinic is on oale it the Enginertig Builing asid ail Wlir's storrs, at 15 cents a opy.Tis is Call and see miuchi earliertlaany p' re'vious Tech-i nile has ben issuedl. Thie editorial boa~rdicoiisists of Charles U. Spenier0,iJACOB AL1r ~N ,WasliigtonBlki nlallilttgisig editor'; Herbert CV Merlrill, U Wnalinghsn St. bulsiniess siasiager; Guy 'D.. '\ IC tll. J% FS & A L A " CliffordroAl. Pritchiaod, IFiedeorick1.. Vikes.VACATION II.LTES. I Irofeosor Charles E. (Greene ronltrib. Tlio Anni Arbor flood will makeo U ti g o oles ,iii article oii the deC'rloll('illof ratfes of' 2c peinile 10oian' point iii the eniginee'rinlg dItrillilOut,rvirw-f'eiitral Traffic territory ho parties '& C l r lg tih' history of tile deplartmenill'l t en il (10) or niore traveling toigether.& 1 K . . the work of the professorsw'onare or kSperilltrail will bo rein to Chicago liavo born connectedi'iOwth if. Other Junie 17 if 75 peopile take tickerts. ,allice's are "-Notes Reigairdiiig Moilcr. Quickest timr and good service gollr. Ecxonoloy," It. f'. Carpeonte'r, '75; "Tiie'%aaltceth Leave our5OtnamleiCat ticket .,l00-iisrse Powoer 'fTurtbinrs at Ni Ofiier. aigar-a, Falls," DeS'olsoui W'oid; "Moeon- R. S. GREENWOOD, Agi. oniics of L Doubfle Trolly Ra~ilwaly TaIMIS ON TH-E LAKES,,. 8slil.," Eiiear Darrol; "Temllates StioeitoSld ileracntmpahn'il Stos's;"A toieri Elcire Tghtfind it tsoithiir interest to purchase of Dtit ilnak Plant," Arthnr F'aitzeii;"'T'heDeecp their tickets lt Ilieof Detiogtiwil'enare Wa'tier Chansnue" Georgo'1.I- lCli ticket oflicee. Tiekets sold slit bag'gag' your sittings every "it'lirallis of ltivess ilvil-fAllil checked .Ibrough via oillprinicipli Melts,"tGeiorge Y. Wishner; "Etliieo for selolpliis etsodro Engineers," Cfare's C. Bioron; tlgrlll vilithotraciro Polem in'i i111'PTresses 111111 C'Valley'I' Wuife 'B AND SATIROP 'Tross'sL," J. 7N. Htch;( "W.Itelirfink tLAW STUDENTS. ATTENTION.AT lliitfoms," Jiames -Al. R~ll's. '96 ; Wit to Frederick Stains, Attorney, - T "Chicalgol Lake Front lmllriveail'l,",, Albioii, Sticli., in relatioii ho forming fleorge it . SpireDr; "Flictol's in fill'a co-flrfiersiith1011a well esfab. NO0. 5 W. LIBERTY ST. Cost of S'.4aiii Sakin)g," Iruifessor A. lilird buiniiess. A chance with a1ny i,. C'ooli'y; "Plane Talate," roissior oie' of three attorneys in three locali- fl .. Da i~s: "TJ.ransnisooilof i'llwec iiiei. tWrite at once. 9,02 1 PYRV RI N !iD2 I Tecni a aqurfrlyrIl''i e ciiby IComprilessedi Air," .Ri. Alie; 'A IREDSERICK 'MAIN~S. torialNoiscuEsugn.n'eeiogdithrelare"ofie a 1c IJI'TANT NOTICE 'T0 WHEEL- Soia risosslll,'Ill' dtos ir (fDarrow;t "Rltive o'Curre'nth Density 1MIEN . file opininBthiaftitiepicipial ofbjee. 111111Tempherature Rise' for ('oiper ('oil- The AnnisArbor It. It. Co. 01ak10 lleaq- tiomo to ill' Proposedl chanlige is She dif- Olleors," E. 11. h'hcney'; "P'ipe ('over- sire in annuncnig Slat hereafter Micy. fctlty in securinigflhe necesslary coii- Ilug' lesis"i.1.wir 111(.S Dsli be checked beftween alOhio. hriilstiouis inl She 'way of msatter. This J Musoil; "Itelative 'iahsoe of tile ('0,O--floln onl its hune ithiouit elirge. obeukimuo l~ hatiho verome11111crings.8," Professor M.1.1F (Colsy; OFNTIET OSTD T. shoud no be ard o ovrcom andwrPessof 10,iLong Distance Riblwxay"; FETRS TlTDNS flue chanige wvould addS oichi ho teticdinlg 115111 Indexinig," B. L. (Iricul; Cbeaspest rates to Cleveland and "Strnghi o Weds,"t'iofcoor~ Pttlsburg, Eastern Obio & t'consyl- vale of he IsubheahouN.vonia P'oints are via Michigan Cen- Cooley; "Notes "Oia NeCw Proess for trall and Detroit and Clevelalld boats. Athletic Association Election, Filling Steel," Geol-ge F". Key; "iRel.Frfl nomtinadrtspes 1 vs Coot of Iron 1a11nd I1oeras EMe. e- laforeuicahiguuandCenraticet~ At a, meetiig of thle Aithuefic 1B0ard1trio Conductors,"J. 1. . Allo7.. illyatft iegn('nrlSke last nlightd tie following olieerisvwere A feature of the 1100k is a regishei lr e c'hIctclhl 1. 1.,. 111, of Detr'oit, track of engineerinugalinini, givinug oceolsa-, Gentlemen-If 'onuavant ho save mnaiger; Si. D. Hlerrick, of Chicago', tiouus and atdre o vicahiiel IOO nso earn alsmA Schuis iiismmnger, Chias. A. C'11k, of De-,-vt'ry carefullhy comipiled. Levy, 31 N. 'lain st., jnst below thm troit, assistanlt footblall uiasager; Allen ls fie l C0 rtcai ih Campbell, of Detrait, treasuirer, anud $5.00 T(15CHIICAGtO. sole s 50 rents, heavy ones 160 cents. 1'-. 0. Wrighit, of Freepoirt, Ill., vice F'or10 or nmore ipersons traveling ho- Lot-Atluletie Association button. presidenut. gt'I h le above rate Cili1 llil' .sI. i'lReward for retunrmt o Daily Office. Williams College ha.snbscribed $1,-tnecesaryg. eorl, N dhis ipans Tabules: pleasoant Ilaxative. wei,,bine oly 5O2'ponnds rides The America Tfo initrodnuc this niagn ifi cent -%visool, I wilnmalke a v~ery liberal llisffinnt fromi list price. It is T he handsomest yon haa-e soon, it isa -beauty. SOLE AGENT., N. B-I SELL THE CLEVELAND. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS MOONEY TO LOAN ON PECRSONAL, PROPERTY. Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos sod Czaretle, UNIVERYSIT-Y 'SCHOOL OF DANCING 1 Closed for the Season. To be Open October 5th.- 200 for thur foottiall teams oext tail 'J.'hueomanagcr hopes to br ibis' to make no eiargs' foradnmission to flue home gameus. Thur eSo. lo Art Scimool held its twenty- ffth annivrsary and coinaueneonenlt lash 'Monday. Tue anniversarmy ad- drrss Coi lsoivercd by Ediwin How- land Bhishufild, SM. A., Prsidenit of the Society of Amnericomn Art ists. ANN ARBOR KY'IS SPECIAL TRAIN Thur, fast train for Chicago via Ann Arbor anud Wabash oods will leave at 11:30 local tinme Wednesday night. Students are reqnested ho brinig bag- gage to station early, Quite a nnmbier of ladies will accompany tlue party. E. S. GILMOlIE, Agent. For Rent-Furnished house snitable for a fraternity or society, at 102 5. State st.. 1-1. W. H.ATES, Ags'nt. The Ann Arbor Railroad will sell tickets at one fore for thor ronnd trip to all stations oon their line betweenm Htambnrg Jnction anud Toledo on Snn- dlay trains. Tickets linited to daho of oale. R. . 5,GREENWOOD, Agent. Furnished House to rent for two mnonths beginning July 1, excellent location for those desiring to keep a boarding and lodging house during thme summer school. Apply or address 15 S. University ave., opp. camnpus. Wanted-Four energetic young la- dies or gentlemen to travel, salary $45 and expenses. Also have profitable employment for those desiring to work during vacation. Call or address J. 1J Carg ill, 18 E. Liberty at. Car S. STATE TOOP & COI TRE. Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunaches. BIG SHOE SALE Randall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand Rapids, Mich., sold to us. 65c ON THE DOLLAR. Men's Hand Sewed Itussias $6.00, cut to $4.85 Alen's H *aud Welt Ihussias, $5.50, cut 1o $425 Men's Dark Brown Rtussia's. $4.00, cut to $2.98 Men's Pat. C F Bale Russias, $5.00, cut to $3.85 GOODPEEDBROS.,