THE U. OF M. DAILY Published iDaily (S raoday ece ped) drig the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFrICF: 'Thnea huildig N. Mae st., opposite post office. ED ITO RS. .. A. Leltoy, '0, ilaonaging Edito. G. . II lb 11110), 'hOi L, Assitat. G. it. Sls, 'N., Asistat. C.1D. Coi, Cr. L, Assistat. S. . Ksc es, '0, Athletic Editor. L. C. AI Kta, '11. i sness ana r. i. C.'. isuies, '005A, Assistant. Associate Editors. L. A. Pratt,'i. A. K. erie,'18. C. A. l oghon, '00 i. G . .Heath, '00 P. J.a. Tle'rllliac, '7. W. W. Goamoe, '85. B.IB. Matheany, '1. tR. It. ililly, '(. it . 10kcl, '9i M. Commcatoios regardig 1111e1gn a11er- tisng shold e addlessed Ito 10 iB lirriso. All Ibsness cIon'ct(Idciwith 11t'elocal sb- scription list of this laper i. i chr~e of P. C. Meyer, 40 P. WilliamI st. All other bu hsiess mamters aceue1r tlei'eOlailWlOdiecton of tie husines 01ge. 'lhela 10. of tlelai1ly10 will Ill.as05here- tfore, $.2.9 a y'ar icariably ill adance, eoteilllsltsodinn, tie'fat tat puloliatio willelotiuecd asil tomllslcemenl~t. 111new' Clumns al )liiide~lillon tol ofheilteraly ll lltgllt it)111110ing1 li ofe adliisii litol1e 'byord10on11 t als tiio ve~rri studel t ls oftha t deparili-i itition o'aoiy locilite ll enorcs1111a1 Ofhe1'oardlof Contol i cetill , sdtyar 'fr iscit'was vleci (ie13011101 ofd of rfil stuelie nglgediitsO1111riorusi fomeeting ofthe mOsraleboard wilexercitelagcof reorangctllar WOO tePp Da iit(A .illirans te spii elected e ptoftoh111li aaeyamstatoivel edor. B.e .olick f iloc advr. H. Ofarrll oxere 111t1 lect; e to helow~r dol 1111lletaposiles.roa fedi A1)ELBEI{T IS DEFEATED. Closing OUt (t'cciiictl fom lrsiI~oe.) We have loft a fair stock of 111x1 kick lilt forc ai 311 yar leC 1. Adel- all sorts of j gin untd.Feterttok 1tg.bll WRITING TABLETS 1111 a1 50 yord 00111. '11V1ill, loi - 01110 Iii bards 111111 flllilgt 11111e0 which ealo be closed oct 1as g(1111 7111110 111111Villa 1111111 .1 11oucIi- follos : doi lii1 illilllli's. Cio. S1cit. MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C Adelbi'rl kickeoff l nlt 13 ilillg- GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC 011111 'll'riI'Il 111h11111(lliii the)1711it GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC line. lRichiardiO 111 -1 ard,1110a11111CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C lli(-ko eii 01111oudthell e111''ld fIr 11BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 85C ylll'Il. I1'rllI't 011, l~ihlrdlt ; io gltlI: WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. 11111 mililitoa. lilI1IlllillgolItl kicked'li Tis stoth will lift be replacod. goa11 111liii'th 11111' 0)111111C4 11o 10(.Cnie qutick for first choice. Cil liii'x ic 11k olt d l'rllIt 1a1111d11 Argus Printing ImHouse. 11'11111' 1te 5 ,-rcsli 1111' 11 i citic-cr'l'i' ph1117. AdiIll1I'lt gtr 1111'he 1b1ll Opinions of Our Teamn. Grand Opera House.. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 25.. First timeee.1cTihe Season's Novelty.. Harry 0William01'''New Sceonic1Play, 'owery Gi'rl 11011ndoriginsacni0c10effects. Tile recrd eoml.I'evecrywellre. 01 great. tomlpa. W 0p1111111 011the 01000. The latest 1100111 specia~lties. PRICES, 35C, 5CC, 75C AND $1.00. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. ('BUT TLE'S, 48 S. State St. 1'; 10111(1it ii' nig 111 11 slo l 111 01101 sOlell thelini) le 0001 of1111e1 I iOO llllllI'I 1(111, 011toxress ll iii't111110s 1to05thel 11111100 7a011 1 l101'Iln iii 7for OIw tlreaig- O '1lllt'llia e ht. 111 051111 lll's lfdloll I 111(111 11111 11111 r1 st'11 y11 11 e 0111 l111 11n ide' n 0111111 'll1 11 11 f tl. W e u'll' ili 1ot lei Ilil 1010 'mad1c1 ili ,flkes 11111 db lii 00 1101 1 o lllCoftle llllol ''Moo OlandI'that ;11110 '111011as abliii' 111 1g15 1111 ' so i 'll'0'I'ilyas tllilrou111 liltr C'l' line.111011d would1 1111ao efeat ifs Ihmhdnt ot lc n ofical be Ta a ket[1'11 I thu l ta. A cud eLa ookef by bou -AT- 0 C.W.Via , heNSllkownsinteo and Natona l~e-wumprvioabe an ol Adelert ean ylsoehpost his amiraion fr t w Aitia elci~el. e rfered o te orln l Adeber gae ctoer 2 ho ehr ed hatAd~lbSt Noud AIN i t A. pelO(ly 11(11an thot HEATING. A strtong.Imanlloil it HEATING. A light noan on a KEATING. A heavy noon oni a HEATING. Theo right tman ill thie riight phltce. 365 DAYS AHEAD OF THEM ALL! a\ (W=EE .5 _. HOLYOKE, - FI"NG. L CO., - MASS..