Tril. UNIV.!,RSITY OF' MICHIGAN DAILY. For a Sty lislh AND WELL MADE Gradvatiog Suit -CALL ON- Jos. IW. Kolauf Merchant Tailor, He Pleases all the Studcents. 10 E. Washington St. Gibson & Clark PHOTOGRAPHERS 12 W. HURZON ST ANN ARBOR Steam Laundry, No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. Summer Lewe i. tures, lsl. f Virgii, July 1 1') -UP.cIa. 0l. For studetuad practitioners. 2th year. Per catalogue,adc- rrcc (P. 0. Chrltteville, Va.) R. C. MINOR, Secretary FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Orgnized l8e3. Capital, S10,00. Surplus and Prelits, $40,00 Transs"e" ageaedbahing busimseuu Eriga echaugra bught andod. Furnish letteru f credit. P. BACH Peru. S. W. CLARKSON Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Captal Stock, $5,000. Surplus, $15,0. Resource, S,00,000. Organizedunder the Oeneral Baiaklug Laws of tis State. Receiveu depuita, buys ad sells exchange n the rinepal cities of the United States. Drafts cahed pes proper idetfication. Safety depeit bues to ret. OrICERo; Chrlet1saback Pres.; W 0. Hiarrissan, Vce-Pres.; Chau . Hisock, Cashier: . J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. THE FINEST LINE OF' BCCESUN DRIES AND SUPPLIES. BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Everythingz in the Bicycle line at M, SABL[RAS Cce Emprium, 11 W. Washington St. Oo==~enciug Xonay LMorning, June let. MOORE & WBTMORE We will close out all enr remaionn stock of Negligee Shirts e S. Main and S. State St.. separate C.ollaris adDCoffc, at Rusinous Pisces. Corner of Willi1am. ALL $2.50 SHIRTS AT - - - $1.87 tn-eyraetitterinf ALL $2.00 SHIRTS AT - - - $1.47 LAWN TENNIS GOODS1 ALL $1.50 SHIRTS AT - $1.19 We keep the celebrated Ashby Racquets, strictly hick grade at a lees price than These Shirts are Madras Cloths with tsvo separate Collars and other racquets that ore no better; aiso one cud twvo Pairs of Cuffs each. These goods are a great She Talismasn, Oxford and Harvard for cud illlas ho a sorttim. Cme erlyandget cheaper racciuets. Try the new Tennis bsargain adwl atbtasottm.Cm al n e Bail, the Siazeng-er, first choice. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFAGTIDN. D, A. TINKER & SO N, Also Baseball Ooods and Hamnmocks. HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS. No. 9 5. Main St Iw-%,v-, . ' " A P &niversaI CrandallICypernviters no.; . Agen~ts Wantet Eerywhere Sed forels. WC0AI0DALL MACHINE eCC, GROTON. 5N. SYOqu COING HnO)m? Then buy a SummeDr suopply before you leave the best market iii America. 10 itburg Stogies for $1.00,------------ -----4 for 5e 100 Natioiial Sto g-ies for $1.35,----------------- for be 100 Alfouizo Cigurs $2.00,--------------- -----2 for 5c 100 Prodigy Cigars $5.00,-----------------0fo2c 100 Owl Jisquet Cigars $0.00,------------- -----4 for 25c 100 Rloyal Banner Cigars $7.30,----------------3 for 25c DEBAN &COMPAN-Y.1 44 South Main Street. P1<1 VA1IzL lessons in dancing will be given by Mr. or Mrs. Ross Granger at their academy during May and June. Programn evenings, Tues- day and Saturday. $It's Cheaper $ eo get a good comb, ore that will g isc perefect satisfactioin, tiioisg it may cost a trille mere sti est. N We have a fine liue of food combs, kind tbit wear.7 PALMER9S PHARMYACY. You know Hlmes, iiie lss-erymuis. You cantfind h elter rig in towna thansiihe give, you. DUCKT OUSEHRS Are all the rage. Why don't you wear a pair ? ANN ARBHORIIt. Ii. EXCURSION SRATES. Benevolent anti Protective Order of Eike. Cinciiiiati, 0. Rate of one foire for the round trip. tickets to be sol July 5th ohndCiii, good returniog July Sith. Natioiial Leamgue of Aiierican Wlo-c-inut-n, Louisville, Ky. R'ate of slip fort' for hle rosund Itriip, tickets to be soltd Auguot liii unil 10th, good re- tuniiiig toAugust 17th. Bapisit Young Ilesides' inion stf Aimerica, Siilwatikc-e. Wio. One fao, for roundi trip, tiikets to be sold July 14thtis 16 (h, gooid reluiising Judy 20th. National Edueatioiial Associatioii Buffalo, N. Y. Oine faire for roiiiid trip piulo$2.00 msemlbersipifee, tick- ets to lit-sold Jully 51iii oliti tth, re- torned limit July 12thi. Young Peoples' Society of Christian Enidetavor, W11ashington. D. C. Our fore for round trip, tickets to be sold Job- 4th to 7ltb, imsiitedi for return to Juy1511h. G. A. It. Eneaiiipinenlt at St. tPauil, SlmSept. 2nid and 4th, one cent per mihe. BON View Camp Sleetiii. Bay View, Sich. One fore for round trip July 7th to i1iti, good for return August 15th.I Chicago, Ill., Deimocratic National Coiiventiou. Oiie fore for rouind trilp Jilly 3d to Clii, good retuninlg July 12th. Kuigiits of Pythias tUnifornm Hank, Cleveland, Ohio. One fare for rotund trip Asigust 29-d to 24thu, good for re- turn August 31st. STUDENTS, ATTENTION! 'Men or women whvi vis to go to Bay View, Michs., for the season for work, please call Thursday afternooii only, at Ns. 7 N. State St. 'Mrs. H. C. Rames. Students wiio have relics they wish worked up into binding. can get the best and cheapest work done at the Argus bindery, over-tile Ann Arbor 48avingu bank. t EtOSE 'i"AILOlhINtS CO. Jibe Dai lb is pleased tso aisoililee thit cullgill tihe it 11cof ie ll-Goitden Eag-le to liiieiRoeT-ailoring hoc., of Detroit. AiiiiArtbori peoileoind osi- chubs of tile Universiy are wi-lil ie.- qeaililtedl scil ii Ile tbusiness deolilgo antI cocirteous treatment Of tuis 11cm. and itosimanliger, Sir. A. E. Roc(,,. Air. iRose has bieeii a fameiliar figiire o-ri- for the lost eighlt5eals unitmis se- cust-il and reitaiiccIa very desoirale pattconag- amioing the good dessers of. (lie 0University. Tlhe iiew tbriiiis locedcat 10t1 Wood- w'iard asve., Detroit, aiicl los oureccf th- miost comleicte intl iscst taiitirinig ec- toltliinelolisi llt- betate. Studs-nbs olre cordialilyiviletito vsit liichew tqualrters on tileir-lelito to Detroit ,in(] make it thicir hleladquiarters. A cor- dial wcoec is occurred thieim. SE-NlOilS8, ATTENTItON! Stntors are requisedu to coil at tlie Steward's ollice no soon as conveilient It, get thceir coloilelicetlieiit Otitotions Hours 1 s. daiby. (l .McAIJVJLLEN, Cinii. Invitation tote. HO'ME SEEKERlS' EXCURSIONS. Juno 1C and 23, vilt Ohio Central Lines. Messrs. Wright, Kay & Co., of De- troit, besides being thie largeut nian- ufactureru of fraternity badges -iii Cue United States, are headquarters for fraternity broches, book nmarks, belts, hbon hon boxes, bag tags, canes, fobs, glove fasteners, glove nmenders, glove buttoners, garter buckles, sockets, silver lorguette chaiiis, silver lockets, silver hearts, iienthols, meniorable day tablets, memorandum tablets, match safes, necktie holders, pipes. pscket pieces, paper clips, pape'r cut- ters, rules, spoons, stamp boxes, run, dials, sleeve links, umbrella clasps, vinagrettes, stationery, crests, mono- grams, etc., etc. Itipans Tahuies cure contipation. We have them made right and of superior quality FOR $1.50 Belts 25 Cents and Up. CUTTING, REYER & COE 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. SPECIAL. D IETAS & SCHAN4 sell Soils and Pants at prices to suit everybody; wne also do repairing, elianiig and pressing. Worh called for and delivered. Node4 S. State s1., second floor. B . NiARTTE, Funeral Director, Cloth . n etallic Caskcets and Fine Grade Collins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 17 S. Fourth ave. UF 0M . SHAVING PARLOR and nath- rooms. All Rppointments Seast class. Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- tic htsir dressing and bathing parlors. J. R. Trojanowski 30OS. State st. ~~HEN YOU WTANT your clothes cleaned W pessed, reusned or reboundgo to M~rs Finger e, ever Sheehan's 'hook ste ne. Lab- oratory aprons made to order A NEW COLLAR,