THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MJGHTGAN GLaiiL Time Table (Revised) March 1, 1896. Mal adEx..3. 150 Mail-......8 3 N. Y. Special-00 N YSpecil.-- 730 Eastern Ex ---10 12 N. S. Limited.. 9 25 Atlantic Ex.-.-7 30 Pcific ENo.12 10 D. N. Express....- 5 40 WeatersE..2 0 . R. Epress ---i1 05 Ci. N t. Es ....10 1 0. W. Rosses, IH. W. HAES, G. P. A T. A g., Chicago. At. Ass Arbor RAILROAD. Time Table, Juer 7, 196. NORH. 5SOUTH. 07:35a. um. 1":Na. m. 119:0 a. mo .10 a - 10 3' 1), . 185a1.. . oondy oly betoco 'Toledo ad iam- Dsalily slepers belAes Toldo sd raokfort. *Daily ecept Sody I. 0. ORENWOOI, Aget W. H. BNNTT G. P. A. Toldo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST fBY. Time Table, May 17 1896 Lsve Ypilati from Cogres s., 60.80 and 1100 a. r.) 1:45, 200, 8:4,5:0, 64, :36) asd 1015 p io. Leave Ass Arbor Jnctio, 7:0,S:07)0 sd 11Z0 .,in.: 1:15, 270,4:006, 5:W, :5 a,:0)sd 10:45 . l SUNDAY TIMR. Leave Ypsilslltrom Cogresst.,13,30 .006:31 and 9:00 p. s. Leave Ass Abor Josctio,2:O,4100,5:30, 700 and 9:30 p. m. Oss roo so city time Fre: single trip 13 cents; roond (ip ticet 25 cnts. WM, F. PssER, 'Spt STUIDENTS T If yo aoltgood e lur ifesr nere oralli osFsed T SlcOnbe: oicNo IS. Forth ave. Bicycle Repairing. Bicycles Enameled and all kinds of machine work. HUNTER BRE3FOS.. No. 9FstxlLierty St. RENTSCHLER, PHOTOCXLP..&PHE1 ANN ARBOR. MICH. Jus t ecied a Lrgoosd legsst Line of New Pipes 1 Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Bon Bons. IR. R. JOL1, 1LY & 0 0, 20. Sate St., Sger Block. RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. Closing Out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of --WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IO GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LIEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY 01 for shipment. All kinids of Rugs, Draperies, and Chinm to ZZA 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. OURNJE~W P] from5$140to010. Pantsfo6)5 $4 t i 2. We liss that -wecss pleae eyou sodt boyils opsis, fonjs hins F. J. GI e.;;n, T he 20 S. STATE STREET. F REPAIRING AND PACKING Household Goodsa, Furniiture, enl. Rts satis t.itory. L fm CA LPAY Furniture. R114G SAMPLES assortin seecrson sinsoimArbors Soilt. ltws)) sleaseyou to)lokto ur010 sm lebefore State St. Tailor AINN ARBOR, NICH. the summerll~ to carry me thirolig-l the winter? WV!rite the ~ 01 i Merchants' and anu- n facturers'Mutual Life Association, of De- ~ troit, take an a(,Irency to sell A life Insurance tilat peoplei will buy, and youl can bnake en Money all summer. We furnish tile most lpopullar - : forms of life Insurance of the o ,e day at lpopullar prices. Our (D eerywhcreo (,Y commrissions are liberal. Ac-I tive, eniero-etic men wanted.p ( Address the Association, Alblit- WAGNER & CO., AGENTS, ney Opera House Block. 20 S. 'MAIN S TU T ! THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL "'kj *RAILROAD TICKET BROKE.RS Ileadli~yht's illustrlated edition hOEY TO LOANtON PSON 1'AL of Aiiu Arbor con)lllining 0 11111E110. views of the Uiiversity bu1i1)- Whoksasle Cig::, Tobasocos and6) Cj(aetss ings 1111(1C011115120,tog6)llhiI -.NA... wvith lportraits of 0each1 111010- Tflfl. 0%Qffl 2noS. STATE Iser of thie entire faculty will I UU[ U I I-iTIRi'.. + + ibo iplaced on sate ii Maoini 1alt, Cal) on themo for Monda, J~n I, Fine Lunches, Monday JuneFine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. and1 10. istet oflice, 30 E. Try Our Lunches. Hluron St. This edition makes ail excellent sourculir to mnail to your frields as it is Pre- pared expressly in ordler to s1h0w the inmportaonce) anldiiag- nitoodo of the 'Uniiveroity anld its stlrrolHndiois. SETZLER BZ E3ROS-1 ASpalding & Bros. Special Sale 4otre" thot the article br).rin- t slhe boot )roucd, nlor~s ocetKodaks anud Soessilco of every sccriptios for IBase. bali'Os. GolfO. -0, Send for handsomeo40 Illustrtetd Cottoligoe. Te Acme of Perfetion- THE SPALDING BICYCLE FOR '96, hl he at A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Six of themi. Noe York, Clhtcago, 1'lutde.r.ptssa. Largest Mhaufactsrers of lBicycles. and Ath- letic Goods is the world. Spaldings Official Basebali Guide for 1000 coutais2 pages of reading omatter and 40 pes of haif-toec pictsres, Incsdinsg al I the atiosal Leagse teams, mioor leogue cham- tie , college teams asd oitm lyr:PAM C. ieNew Flay loglses; official averages of ali league sno olege clubs. Price, 10 cests. HANGSTERER TERER, [lbe COAST LINE to MACKINAC -S~1'TAKE THE --od' P7,il MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers Tise Gretest Perecinsta inead is Bet Consruction-Lusuin uqol.ct, Artistic Forisieg, Decrtin adi Efficient Servioe, i,srng tehighst degreof COFFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. FOURs Tos PR sWEKo seseEx Toledo, Detroit anti Mackinac PETOSKEY,"TOE506," MAQUETTE, ANDLUTH. 1.0W TRATESis Pituresqe Mkiac ansi P~clus. , nldig teiRand Brths. Fros crcioosld, 918; front Tedods$j, ssfrm D-. iroi, 313.50. EVERY EVENING Between Detroit and Cleveland ECoctgoat Cleeisla ith liest Trains foreall Solad Sctlestnd at lltoit for allpois Northsoand Northwest Sndy TripsJune,isuly, AugststndsSepeeloi. EVER0 DAY0BETWEN Cleveland, PUt=ineBay $ Toledo Son orccIlostated Poomplet Addes A. A. OSCANTZ. . . . S~T, Migi.. ~l 8 D t o t & C e v e a , l e a i r t Nv . G o . OPERA HOUSE JEWELER Repairs all kindso cf Golt Pins, Rtings, etc. Coll aids c. 0. 1-1. KEYES. IBADE 'IID PABK[B, Purest asnd best Soda110 this city. fl12)in raan~ sid frool-ohcondie. Fruils isseson. ()1vr Vus a clt anisihb ueli reaed. (or. State adN . lniversity ae. SUMMER NOVELTIES. 2Wist SetsSilk Silk 1ibelis, 1U. of I.Pins Stens. WM. ARNOLD'S JEWFLRi' STORE. The OosI~ewl g GromLier etobetwee. Tedon Columbus.ef leretn PLlmnSeep between oed, olumbsus and The OnlTLINEawinghom CrLneeawyens iseueoToledosd Charlmeston THE ONLY LOE wih e leinueswayen beteden o bleon dobsd.issn THLE OLT LNE wis 8ttrseh waonl buda'ltee Toledo andow lumbGruase. THE ONLY LINEI with 6Strins ehwysay bewe Toedo ad Charles, W. Y. TE OLY DIRECTY LINE between Toloa asndlbs Vireilels. THE POPULA LNE betweeToeo, Fte. rim, Bucyrs,.Grnviled Newark. Pol Iformteion rolie to raie, time oc Otot. wII1 ho'eeerfol3y furihedlby any =ge.eeObis 1o, etralLnes. MOULTON IHOUK 0.P. A.