THlE UNIVERSITY OF MlICHIGAN DAILY. + i4 *1PCt~U, Pblished Daily (Sunday excepted) during the Collego y; ear, at THE UNIVERSITY .OF MICHIGAN, DFce: Times building N. Main ot., opposite post office. EDi)ITORS J. F. T11oNAS, '97. WV, W. TeAxYR. '90 L. E. LD os,'L F i. MI. LooNiis, '9'). 0. 11. hotNS, 'N. F. S. SIMONS, '. R. CI. lUooossWO, '98. CX 1, OYN, '9. 151 %INAGING FEDITORO G. 1. 1iloostoo '9 L. J3UIJONJO5is MANAGERO L, C, WXLN.le 91. A550C[IATE EDTORS W. X, l~loljs, '9-. S. 90. OSnik. '00 L. S. X. So-litil,'11. X. IP. Morri), 'N8. J. L. 900101,'"11Al. ii. 13. Skillmalk, ')'i1L. Ci. B. Moeasy, '9D . L.osis 1)11. B A Lotla ,9,IiCorkl nl, '0. The sk.01 P 7.11 10 '01f 11ileDily 1"as beesnoedueed to T55 I'l iii 111500ce0for tihe rest of tilo year. Leavee 0'a115001pt10115 at 11he Daily office 1' orthlP. (C. Moyer. C. of Al. Neos Stood. CLOSE GA.ME ATr OBERLIN. ftIM '\'arsity Ends the Season at the. Ohio School. Have som-iething Of Interest to you. Oberolin Xwas af(10 l t'lin .11tr(ilay's 911101 for thie'seon d time thi~s 'o'a1. MIllior pitched sll theio gillexc0e0t5 -t1e' Call and see . b1,1',-t1jmng Xll ihe' lliaiirg. 0 positionso 11115 'Watkins.lo.llthiishiIIt frely- I AmIX W&Wasbiugton Blik sidt ll il . ne OnfioIl1)101837."X tin 10J A CO B & A L L lvi /\ NDSt. lnoi(-ked a Iihiomle 1r1un 10dr i e It iti fi. l'rX-lichlilit a 9tree011011)ly ianl he1 VACATION IRATES. nif fifld lol msiiake third. 1. (10C'lanlmde' ThiAnn ArborI' loid -Xii l 1m1ke pla~yedl a. goodi all-aound t i n eil0for ('(ntrial 'Traffcito ry to0 artliofO 0 Ai lli-gal. toin (t0) or' imore lral(.'lil g 119'l00l.fl T 'file~~~~~ ~ 9000 ' trca inill11be rmiito ('1iioo ll ifS pj. l.)IEIIIIN. slne 17 if 75 11001110leake tickoto,. All Ii10 0 . ()Wic'kelst htbm111n1good servXice 711i10 silorril, c . . 1 2 3 -),12ev ori m ttce C. 9'. '1 0 '5I f 1 11 ['1 II ollico.ou 1X. ('lancy'. s -..5 2 It'l 100', 1.).... 5 0 O11'l '5'cf1..... 1 Editor of today's paper1 .11 1111010, I . 0. 1k. tIA-NS, '3 .Cacrf. - W'hile, of101101s1, 191oll '011017018 I IltA'N. do ionoto eolkgace ildlbthe hit 1171oliter If. . ..3 pills II' 11t5191' el i'd 110 d it~ tlety ili d' I I 9111 1' 'lit 'b.....4 1 of o nstog ltio'ntg aheredf om 0(1111 f08 c11fIl l p-, ...4 tatr-11e0.aWve1h1a 0 nol di 99111lty 11.l1de- I zltnl, . - dI-Illild 99ith t1hem, thlyetlfootballMit',1,0f 1 ) wXithl011111, 11n1d Contested'l 99011ithl'lmillToii . 1 S II 1 11 0 11 ,l1 11 11 I 11 1 to ;L 2 0 2it 0) v 2 - X't't WN '1ThE LAKE&S - Stloeilto andtlothierosOeltI'Oltiln" 1£- a~' Itrill to point v111t'911ho I zt aeAIlXW AGNE1R & 1find1 it to their interesttIo 1111001,! -thelirl' ickts a0 the leilininaCi('n11ral ''FURNISHERS. 0 ticket otliee. 'iek't old a111nd111bapggmag.' - 0111010011 thr~otgh tl 911alll rilliillti 21NMA I N ST., ANN ARBOR. o JAXV STU'DEN'fS. ATTETI'_\I.I Reduced Prices e n all Neg- 1 OXrito to Frederick 'Mainis, Attoy, Albtion,,'Mich., iii lolation to f'0rllll11g ligee Shirts. 1 a1 0tt-lartlloOsll itl a011 1 9111 ttib- 01 lioliod bushess'. A. oil 1101 witti my11W11 I, itios. Write at 01100. IH0I T o t-'1EMii91CER AIIN". 1R. S. GCItE I- NXV(117 D. Agi. a %All wa %AIO IWdt 10 27 12 fie'ldi 1901110, tool11510' 1 ill ol'1100'il'o' p~ln0tdtill'ibanner't'of 91010119 blob ab1109 outr ilin. Ttio'record1 110111'ill 1111'ser0005by 500 basoball loot) is not 111991110 1o1ly 5111t-oilt 701110. 'lT'h'9111- 51919' playe'rs orke'lhard1111, 1111n1h1ad 1 not been'1so55 ulftlrt-loito as to loot' valuable 1'111"11, till' 501t0 11117117 11h191 lookedl Omtchtidifferenlt. To Oily ie beast, theo X'lrsity nee0d uotfeell sshaoied of its efforts. SPECIAL SERI~CE AND REDUCED RIATES. To insure sufficient accommodations to all persons takoing Michigan Centlral trains during the breakoing upl of tile colege extra coaches 9w111 be plrovided 00 ,il trains. Reduced rates for partil 5 of te10 01 nisre call also be securedl between all ptoints 011 the MAichigan Central on early apitlication to M,\r. 1-1. W. Hayes, Agent, Michigan Central. ANN AICMOIttRy.'s sPECIAO. TRAIN The foot train for Chicago via Ann Arbor and W~abashs roads 9wi11 leaveo at 0.11:30 local 01110 XWednsesdlay ni-lit. Students are requested to -bring bag- gage to station early. Qouie a snumber of ladies -will accompany tise part'y. E. S. GIL'tORtE, Agent. TO RENT For the season at Old Mission, a furnished cottage, beautifully located. For terms, etc., apply to Theo. Price, St. Johns, Mich. Oberlin . ..2 2 1 (9(0 0 1 0) 1---7 A-liob-,i~n .... 0 0 2 0 01 350.*-,, (1olor o oboiltsl '. atiXr. MiX'.i 151111MolD 111019, 2; 11110112;Kin- r1 wt o Ilbast'11109--Sierrill, 5'aitk loi. 2; Heaird. Thire'e 100 h Iis-Sll(rriil. Heartd~. Stoleni iolos-Obe'iLill. 7; Slioli 1115.Doubtle' i11111'X',tOillO out Mebloenzie. lilt by jitoto'l h ll-(I Fauvor, H~ollist'r (2). Wildl pi1011 Voerloeo . Tme ' iO21. 1110- Stag4e, of ('loveland. Attendanilo-7W1. NEW V IMt4R IAD1 BIlCYCLES TO) REINi'. Clcellands, 9'lltX'rlies, Mlotc Stearns, 1t lowoest p~rices. Sliioson & Co., 24 5. State st. Tloe Ann Arbor Ralroad will sell tickets at one fare for the roun~d trill to all sfations en tiheir 1l100 betwXeenl Hanmbnrg Jualton aind Toledo on Sun. day trainls. TIickoets limiited to dale of sale. E . S. GREENWOOD, Agent. Furnished House to rent for two bistlis beginning July 1, excellent location for those desiring to keep a boarding and lodging house during thle summer. school Apply or address 18 S. University ave., opp. campus. Wanted.-Fopr energetic young la- dies or gentlemen to travel, saiary $41 and expenses. Also have 'profitable employment for those desiring to work during vacation. Call or address J. J. Cargill, 18. E. Liberty st. IMt'RTAh1'sN'l'NOfICI,10 X',IIT 1 M\1EN. Tiho AnlIArttor1R. tR. Cto. tke 11010.1. hoot' ill Ilhllluilig haot heoreafter 11109' lo's 9Wi11 be checkeod between ll 011011 liolls Oilits 11n0 OvithlOtt 0111107'., OF IN-TEIIIST VT) STUDENT .1.s ('hoa pest rates os0 Clevelanld011d1 Pitisburg, Eastorn Ohio & k'0111519'- v111110Poitits 1100 I~a Michigaln Con- 10111 11111 Dettoit ailid ('levlllid botits. For loll iniftormaltionl andltl o(s p loI'e aply a'ttheli e Xlclg n traol tiokot 1)1000. Gentlelen-lf you wanht to save illi5D0 on shoe repairing c0111 on A. tLevy9, 3k N. 'Mlahinoh., ju~st below 9110 post office, Ali work first class. Ligiht soies 50 cents, hea~vy ones 60 cents. P'acking and forwarding of furniture dolne 95101 greaot care. LowV Iriceb 0guaranteed. Call or 'pllone to Martin Htaller's Furniture Store. F~or Ihent-Ournh!shed house suitable for a fraternity or society, at 102 5. State at. Ripans Tobules cuice liver troubles, YOU 0001101 to ear0apair of Kolored -Shoes AND KEEP KOOL. ALL STYLES IN KALF OR KID. 'EAL'S 8S1o0 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOLtFf DANCING, Closed for the Season. To be Open October 5th. Randall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand Rapids, Mich., sold to us. 1 65c, ON THE DOLLARD ommtc'.[Men's Hand See'ed Russias $8.00, cut to $4.F5 "lien's Hanid Welt Russias, t6.50, cut 10 *4.25 Men's Dark Bro n Russias,,$4.00, cut In *2.98 Men's Pat. CF Bals Itussias, $00, cut 10 $3.81 GOODPEEDBROS.