~I~c.. Al. VOL. VI. No. 189. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, M1ONDAY, JUNE 115. 1696. Fouit PAGES-3 CENTS. We Must Move The store we now occupy has 5 been sold. We moot seek new 1 wilsl goods if low prices masythiog to byr NIfyou scaot -onythioc in the li wee.m ucci arurprices this WTHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN COI, Ol S. MAIN ST. :1111S - - ssaulsng- IMPORTANT NOTICE. G.H.AfWID. The Leading Tailor, and only direct Importer in the city, has just received his entire stuck' of Foroign and Domestic Woolens for Spring and Summer '96, at NO0. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN. }ull Drens Suits a Specialty. Graduafing Gifts ]BOOK-S. All the latest publications now on sale at our~stores. Fine illustrated Gift Books. Illustrated Poems, Art Books, Standard Books in nets, Books in Morocco, Levant and Calf Bindings. A Discount Prices to All. WAH R'Sv UP Town, Down Tawn, XInlernlty Bookstore, Opposite Court House 20S. tate St. 4 N. Main St. EASY FOR MICHIGAN MEN.iClair () s-:ed. eiht,5 fet 55EX-COVERNOR FELCII DEAD. Chicago Scores 50 Points Out of Pnttiiig 1(-pound shot, six riftered- The Venerable Statesman Sue- a Possible 117. Woithy E. A'. Williamisoin (C), )iE. I cumbs to Old Age. detent (.AT) second. Distaince, 34 fei-i Michigan11 won liii' (clickliliect withi11 inchecs. 1Ex-Gov. Alphess (dcli diedl sater- (1hirago Saturday, secur~ingi eight firsts Iliinnin5 h roadl ilulp, four entered- day ifs-crlini illnless of sieverail nionilis. andnin seond toChiti-ls eve Won by J. A. Lelloy iM), -'1feet 10 u-ivs nearly 12 years olilamd lils incus nineBseconls(to (eccago21seeet tics ant ives-cseconds. Thie t(1o nlt';C.t.Nola)leon,2 fe'deathliwas dueitoInlis, advansced age number of points ohtaoined hy AMicisi- 2 iiiclies. nior'tha(loinI anyolimer cause. Throwing 16-lloiidli aniier. six t'i- 14 would have been much larger if Ex-Goc. Ftlei ccas horn i Limieriec, lime heavy rain of (lie uiay heforebidl eretl Wois hy- McConkey- (AT),.1,00 fet ilMe.,inl Sepitenmbr,180.1.0Is'prepamred list hut (lie track iii poor coindiiioii. nle;JAN.B ntt(Iscod for tollege iitIPhillips Exeter lind was luiiuilack lowered thle recordi of 103 feet 2 iiiclies. gradutatedl froiiil Iii-clusiii in 1827. Ile 7:51.1-5 inithe(lie ei walk iuu by Poei vault, four enlerei-WXoui by C. tonik iti)tile practice of law ini Maiur, Bunniell, of Mliniuesota., a weekt 1( I-I. . Hersclli'rger (C), C. TF. Tryoii il) bht-, failing hlili cauisedl his rtcioval Th oloigtal f uiiaisseconid. Height, 10 feet. 10 Mlichigan, where lie settleid at Moii- shows the tdetails of tlit ineet: Two 101p0 relay race, f11(5 yards- roe ini18i' li. Tlliye'ars later lie iii Mi-itlie -to Stater: Cicago , imrtgs.li- to Aiii Arhor, which was his liiine 1)0 yartds 3iyir, Poulon, Patterson; Alielsigauuiiii iacli i22) caids Jii'immiuug, Stuarittnioinias', leit id. won I it, halrelcady be-omle a promineisnt 141) yaiiis s~~~y litliitae ,Chicago secondi. T1imeis, fhe i inithiiimi iiico liiiy O ile run.s0 5 andin iithe Iiextlten yeairs follow-ing Oime mile ccalk 3 5 Woman's League Meetn. his remnoc-al to Ann Arbor lies-c-cl 12(0 hmudle- -0 8 as auditri i-eril of (lie stuits, iium 220 Imrille flue aiiiiuaml lacw-nmfete csas gicem to B-2 thurdle 8uus egu Sttila0h-juidge if liiiStale SupremeiCsurt. 11iccl . 0Ili11hle wcssiIseleedthei-fouirtl hiv- High juiiip ......8 1) SIms. Aiige-ll. ilos Louise Stickmsy Broad eiiiip 5 S12)liseretirizg lpiesideilt, giice a irevi ofewu-iau.(i-r-sgu-d(i Shot 3i 0iof (lie ccorkcof (lie past y-ar ,I(int-i pocitioniaitler ia yseir's ervsi-for a hlmiiimhisi'- - -8 iil i illshI iiited stati - Summits-. At Pub~ caul- -loucisi Mils Sara lirocs-mi, theii' iii (ili- - - - vauiisicliiioliis li au li te i-loss-nf islaterin tirssient lii-e nexs-t Year. Theie por'1 it of the .sInlssslilts s l iio i t iiiiadisivilt.ofl-c, i' Totls ..6--7 5 j iisiinii csoiiiiillu-te shiocesi (hit s-- issi i.(i sj Issmul i FT'e suiiiiiaiiss: (thoui d doillars jiiist still'lie ra Mi 5.55 iii iiiiiand slilisll mimi slsiss '1i1 _100 yardus iassi.six stusiliro tiust ti oililijletet(lie ainssniiitescessaryfo (Caimoiaiiandiilhoi-si-i-ci-ilas proIdencit he"It 1-011 y 'Start, Iafteroll seond. lic 110111al's lii cdiiisiA se of heicoiiiil 11ion itsil hts ls;ror.wi-ri-r Timiis, :101 4-5. Secondmslbeast is iii y ,ut-rge-sm a, Ise ash IrliftYs-hu-c-ufinisheds. Buucrisuiglis. Thoimassse-ond.Tslie,11 1,,i. sily ulinilsleices- din IIses-uiug elol- Gc sI-igc-il lei-is rc Fiial hea~t ccoii by T. Ii. Pterlliso iiIrs iidiirigIii'siuninier, so (lie buiildl- ice of lsciwin 1873h. 'The- tUic-rsily (C). J. A1. 'Fhoo)s ,;(.A) sscondi. Timse, ilugIfsteiolsd hi' sntirel'lyliaid foi' iilthei-suconferreds lteusonoirary sie-i- is f I . :10 2-5. fallh. Thetciirespsoinding s-cretarsy mrmii D. iupiniI iii ii i187T.h1s'occms ihi- Mileccalk, three slarters-Won bi tl i-i ,, chIrul tsshsZ11 Ishiigo hiitlsdTapiliiirsofessorsi' (ilawccin E. T. iunsluich (C). C. T. Tryon (-.ii 1 sn' cceu-icof this' WisinsususLe8agueii.i1mm imu, ou ~ ya5 sconil. Tluue, T:21/2. TShe oositlity1- of AIris.uAngell css Commencement Wrinkle. 120 yarsis high hurdlhes, fouir staicters cery inuuch enjoyedi. Tetisususeumn rmli-c11hs -Won by F. F. Stmignesyer (C). C. 13.I'loCIoiiecnitAV ikewllb Nel C)scod.T m, 173-.Library Appoointments. out Wsdnaesdiay. 1mm11 frusuut-ecurse is Neelnie (C) ses-esa.d1Pairsens:iill-- 4401 yuidriunm, lics'stmutrs-lWsuuiby Thus librmr-y -omittileislet Satuirdiay ssiuei12-('ulhsnmusntsriusfu hi. (C. Mu'iumiuug (Ai), 1ii. I iesld (-i)uihims mld'1m-fhms-ug ~ iiisshs miiis us.'l'hiuiimi seos.Tiumus, :54 2-5. uesusu for thi'e ensuing year. Attenud- csmrhuose tA t uulm I t Onee mile bicycle, four starcu-a--Wouu 'suts at this desk. J. 1. Thniuiuss, 0.) l. Btioccusauu, ainii W. 11V. 'Thayer. SI isa by H., Macaim ill), . I. .Peahosdy (Ci Hanus, (1. D. Ji'uuuin1-o sansi I. Adiums; iunistmr anduB.iIi. Il. hsheisaiuycululcib- secondi. Tiume, 2:39 2-5. east seimmiary roo, 0. E. Tfi-; silo drawcings.Hiouoss-otes mis-s.giss'ii Ouu uuli' tuu, osu sarti--8boi h:wc-sst seuiiuary roonl, IH. 0. Ss'cu-rmuuce; of1W.7'..WiHiughses,'18, andsIui..A. -Ontunmil'erun,.. fourmuusil rtrhissi I-hey iby TI. 0. Petersonu IC), B.iF. IBailesy (AI), (a0cc.naimeWJ.uL.cNs-t(small(scumehas fusm-umm6). C. 0. Taylor (C), aimd ii. S. teCheima- -challeingsdsh(iicagu ho. usesrie-s mof luau (C) disquiitemi. Timne, 4:523I-5. Yale Defeats Princeton, gaiuu's humoifialy decithhm schimuipiusi- 220 yarsruni, four starem-s-Wlom Yuie siefeatesd PrinicetnmoiStuimuhmut- shuipiof (lie West. by tF. Ai. Tmonnias (AI), T. 1t. tiltteassim teiilh-ield, NewcYorkc, Saturdaiy ty aTime incvituaionm for Cuuimmiuuul'im'umsiu (C) secnd. Tiime, -.22 3-5. score of S to 4. flue tcvo great icaumus 220 yards, low hurdles, thre start- umce inw tied, eat-ihihavinig cvon twos era-lon by N. Ayres (Si), C. F. gaimies. Time mst maiid decidinig gaiume Chititb (SI) second. Timue, :28. ciii be plaiyesi at Newv Hmoen, Weud- itaif-unile run, four starters-Woi'neis-day. Six thousand pers. ons macv by F. 1I. Cmlhouii IC), E. P. Woodruffthegi (M) second. Timne, 2:.26 4-5. College ga~muen resulted as followvs ItRunaning high jeumup, fsour enters'ed -- *"ftIrJ,,iy: Harv-ardi, 10, Cornell, 3; Won by P. 11. Vernor () G. H. St. (Imik (Park 13, Beloit 0. hays'aumivei'du. Time reguilmar nmumber of inv'itatioiis (ogethmer withi ile extrmis wvhichm have beeni ordered nmay be ob- tained by presemutinug a rececpt for time class tax at the Steccarul's nitie in Mivonday, Wednesday ansd Friday frona 9 to 0:30 a. cc., or on Tuesdamy amid Thursday fromu 4 to 4:30 p. mu. G. K. MciULIIN, Clime. Invitation Coin,