THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MJH IG-A N GLET AL The Rose Tailori ng Co., Time Table (Revised) March 1, 1896. FAST.M. WEST. A (SUCCESSORS TO THE GOLDEN EAGLE). Mall and Ex ---3.50 Mall--------8 38 N. Y. Specal---- 5 00 N. Y. Special.--. 7 30 Removed to 106 Woodward ave., where we have fitted up thle Finest Tail- Eastern Ex ----O1 12 N. S. Limited--.,9025 A. M. P. M. oring E stablishment in Detroit. Mr. A. E. Rose will be pleased to Atlantic EX.--7 30 Pacific Ex ----12 15 ON.Express.---- 540 Western Ex.--2 00 have students visit him in the new store. G:. R. Express ... 11 05 Chil. Nt. Ex.---15 12 G. R. Ex..----.5.57TO \C C G. P. & T. Act., Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor Q30 0 u p RAILROAD. Time Table, June 7, lon6. -7:3 a. M. ..7: a. i. t90:5 Z i *11:30 a.. 0:30 p.. t8:15 P. i, -10:3,Jp.m. -8:5 P.. ISunday only between Toledo and Ho- D~ily sleepers between Toledo and rantlort. *Daly except Sunday It. S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT . P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, May 17, 1896 Leave Ypsilanti from Congress S., 6:30.8:00 and 11:00 a. in.; 12:4,2:003:30,5:00, 6:5, 8:30 and 0:1p.. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00,8:30 and 118 a. in. 1:1, 2=0,:00, 53:0, 7:2, :00 and 1:45 p.. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypilant from Congrest., 1 :30, .08 6:30 and :00 p.i. Lave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00, 5:30, 7 00 and :30 p.m. Cars run on city time Fare: single trip 15 cents; round trip tickets 25 cents. WM. F. PAaER, Supt STUIDENTS T If yes wnt ood reliable life Inssrance call on 1 red r 3cOmer officeINo 1S Fourth ave. Bicycle Repairing. Bicycles Enameled and all kinds of machine work. HUNTER BROS.. No. 9 East Liberty St. RENTSCHTER, PHOTOCnO&HEn.! ANN ARBOR. MICHf. Just Receved a Large ad Elegant Lin.e of New ipoes! Hot Lunches, Chocolatos and on ons. R1. E. 'JOLy & 0CO. 0. State St., Sager Block. RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. Closing Out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of --WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows: MAMF4OTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5 GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR I00 8000 WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15 BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35 WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing~ House. N. B-Mr. Rose will show a full line of samples at the Cook House, TUESDAYS. The R.ome Tailoring Co.9 106 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Surressork; tiste Goldrn Eagle. SPECIAL SERVICE AND RtEDUCED W To insure sufficient accommlodations to all pernono takinlg Michligan Central trains during the breaking up of the college extra coaches will be provided on all trains. Reduced rates for portico of ten or more con also be secured between olIpoints 01 thle Michigan Central on early opplication to Mr. 1-1. W.. Hayes, Agent, Michigan Central HALF FARE TO ST. LOUIS. The direct line to St. Louis, Mo., is via Toledo and the Wabashl Iy, $13.40 pays for a round trip ticket, JUoc' 12 to 15, good to return until June 21, on account of Republican convection. It. S. GREENWOOD, 21. P. A. TO RENT For tIle season at Old ission, a furnishled cottage, beautifully located. For ternis, etc., apply to Tiles. Price, St. Johns, Mich. Betvrn Home by Boat!I Headlight's illustrated edition of Ann Arbor containing views of the University build- ings and canmpus, together with portraits oif each mom- b)er of tile entire faculty will be placed 013 sale in Main ball, Monday, Junie15 and Register office, 30 E. Huron st. This edition makes an excellent souvenir to mail to your friends as it is pre- pared expressly in order to show the importance and mag- nitude of the University and its surronditas. SEBTZLER BROS. J. W. HAAS. LIVERY, HACK AND BAGGAGE + + IN1E + + 21 N. MAIN ST., OPP. POST OFFICE. The COAST LINE to MACKINAC -+ --TAKE THE -4- f~- . MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY TCHIOAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers The Greatest Perfection yet attained inBonat Construtisn-Luxurious Equipnment, Artistic Furnishing. Decoration and Efficient Service, isuring tar highest decree or CIFWORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. FOsR TRIPS PEs WEEs BETeEEN Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PtTOSttY, 4THt 500,'1 MARQUEITE, Ass DULUTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque Mackinac and Return, including Sieals and Berths. Froun Cleveland, $18; iromn Toledo i Si; ronm De- trail. Sa.. Between Detroit and Cleveland Connectingsat eveand with Earliest Trais for alltpoinsEast, Souhand Sothwestandat Detroitfor all pits Nrth ad Nrhwest. SandayTrips June. July, August sod Sepember Only. EERYDAY BtTWttN Cleveland, Send foe illusstrated Pamphlet. Address A. A. SCHANYZ.a.. .A.. SETROIT, MISC. 14~e Detroit & cievela~vI steam Nay. Go. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins, Rings, etc. Call atnd see.' C. H. KIEYEVS. IBADE WIIH PARKEDC Purest and best Soda in this city. Home made and fresh candies. Fruits in season. Give us a call and be well treated. Cur. State and N. University ave. 7 SUMMER NOVELTIES. Waist Sets, Silk and Leathler Belts, Silk Umbeltas, "U. of M.11 Pievs, Stoics. W ARMQIIS JEWELRY STORE. I IThe -An .ohoz' Lin.e ORDERS FOR TRAINJS, PARTIES, DRIVING Plying between Buffalo and Duluth Prmtyaendto oiler special inducemnents this year.,TDNS RAE SLCTD to students desiring to go home by:SUET'TAE SLCTD the 1ake Route. The palace steam- TELEPHONE 68. ers I-ndia, China and Japan leave Detroit twice a week each way.- For STrUIDENTS. rates, time tables and fall informa- Take year Roda)k Work to tion apply to J. W. Aaiiissa. Agt. Address P.O0. Box 110, or call at 94 BBYAITE POFfABB E. Washington st.BERMN TH 01GAII Satisfaction goaranteed. 6 Ellouron ot. A, G, Spalding & Bros. - fi Tbeamelsa Osar- itntee" that the article Searing it is the best ICoduted. Uniforms aLnd Supplies of every 1,description for Aasoe- b al. Tennio. Golf. - ?. Send for hqnds,:me tllustatted Catalogue. The Aetne of P eretion- TilE SPALDING BICYCLE FOR '9. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York. Chicago, Philadelphila. Largest SManufacturers of Bicycles asd Ath- leticGosods in tiheworld. Spalding's Official Haseballoude for 18%, contains 224 pubes of reading smatter and 40 R ages ocflhalt-tose piclore. incluinig all the ational League teams, mnior league eh:,m- pions, college teams and old-time players: the Ness Playing aisle': :official averages of all league and college clubs. Price. 30 ents. Summer Law Lectures, Univ. of Virginia. July I to Sept. 1, 1896. For studentsan practitioners. 27th1 year. For catalogue, ad- dress (P. 0. Charlotlesville, Va.) R. 0. MINOR0, Secretary. 011 tP~~rfrrnCATERER, n~i~u~~EI~r 201109EWashing- !265S. STATE TOOP&' cl ISTREET. + + Call on them foe Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baited Goods. Try Our Lunches. Special Sale Pocket Kodaks $4.00 while they last. Six of them. CALKINS9 PHARMACYqn Subscribe for the Daily and get all the baseball news. Thet Onig Sleeping tar kivis between To- leosanodtoluimbus. The Only Sleeping or Drawing Rosin tar Line between Toledo, Columbus and Maretta. Thn Onig Drawtng Rsom tar Linebetweeni Toleo, Columnbus aol tharleston, W. Va. Pullman Sleopers between 'Columnbus sod THE ONLY LINE with 4 trinsseach way daily between Toledo ansd Jolumbus. THE ONLY LINE with .8 traiseacsh way mn Sndasobletween Toledocod Columbus. THE ONLY LINE with 5 transoeachway daily betweea Toleo,.Bowling ereenad Findlay. THE ONLY LINE wits 2 tealns eachway Sally between Tntlu and CharletoW. va THE ONLY DIREOT LINE beween Toledo1 ad the virgills. THE POPULAR LINE between Toledo, Psalm ema, Bucyrus, Granvilead Newark. Fulifomtonltve to5aes, time of trains, ete., will be cheerfully fuarnished by aoy Acent of lhe Ohts Central Lines. MOULTON HOUK, 0. P. A. TOLEDO, 0OHI0