THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIIAN. OFFIcE: Times building N. Main St., opposite post office. EDITORS J. F. THOMAS, '97. W. W. THAYEa, '96 L. E. L. GE1sMER,'98 L F. M. LooMis.'98. 0. H. HANs, '98. F. S. SIMoNs, '98. R. C. UNDERWOOD, '98. . M. GREEN, '99. St1XIAdAING EDITOR G. B. HARRIsoN, '96 L. BUSINEsS SANAGER L. C. WALKEo,'96. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. Hughes, '98. S. R. Smith, '96 L. S. W. Smith,'97. W. P. Morrill,'98. J. L. Walsh, '93 M. H. B. Skillman, '98 L. C. B. Roe,9'8 D. Louise Dodge, '99. B. B. Metheany, '99. H-. Corwin, '99. Lula J. Dickinson, '99. The subscription price of the Daily has mitt suo a coim is C SALE UnJUNsE 1s of Professor Jacolis IeighrPo-si p1 ~rp.6UNTIL JU E 10 fessor J. P. MeMurrich and Professor W. P. Lombard, isas now been formed in Ann Arbor and is prepare] to re- ceive subscriptions. All persons who have taken an interest in the life all. work of Professor Huxley, whether they be professional naturalists or not are invited to contribute. Subscrip- tions may be sent to Professor Jacob Reighard, 12%5 N. Thayer st., or to Professor J. 1. McMurrieh, 92 E. Ann st., Ann Arior,,11 nmay be ofany aniount. Subscriptions so far receive I in England range from two to ive hundred dollars. Dr, Voss to Leave. Dr. Ernst Voss, instructor in Ger- man, has accepted a position for next year'at the University of Wisconsin. It is to be regretted that Michigan is to lose Dr. Voss, vho is a very popu- lar instructor and one who will be hissed. AlI Gents' $7.00 and $6.00 Patent Leather Shoes..A All Gents' $6. and $5.50 Colored Shoes for......1 : All Gents' $5.00 Colored Shoes................. . All Ladies' $5.00 Colored Shoes.....R O All Ladies' $4.00 Colored Shoes for....... . ......$3.49 All Ladies' $3.50 Colored Oxfordsfor ................$2.99 All Ladies' $2.50 Colored Oxfords for.. $2.19 This sale includes all our elegant lines of summer goods in the latest colors and styles. JACOBS & ALLMA ND, Wa*higtonSt VACATION RATES. The Ann Arbor Road will make rates of 2c per mile to any point in Central Taffie territory to parties of ten (10) or more traveling together. & C lark Special train will be run to Chicago June 17 if 75 people take tickets. Quickest time and good service guar- anteed. Leave your name at ticket office. been reducedto 75cts inadvancefor therest ANN ARBOR B. RI. EXCURSION of the year. Leave subscriptions at the RATES. Daily office or with P. C. Meyer, U. of M. T News Stand. Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Cincinnati, 0. Slate of one fare Editor of today's paper, for the round- trip, tickets to be sold F. S. SIMONS, 15. July 5th and 6th, good returning July 11th. The Daily will receive telegrams National League of Anerican from the Chicago meet and the Ober- Wieelnen, Louisville, Ky. Rate of one fare for the round trip, tickets to n gamsse and Iiese Xviii be postei at be sold August bth and 10th, good re- the olfie this evelning. turning to August 17th. Baptist Young Peoples' Union of Readers of the Inlander next year America, Milwaukee. Wis. One fare are promised soie very excellent mat- for round trip, tickets to be sold July ter in tile article, "On the Buying of 114th to 1tth, good returing July 20th. Book wtharinAu, " whithBwyillgbe.National Educational Association Books wit ais Ail,' which wii be Buffalo, N. Y. One fare for round continued from the current number. trip plus $2.00 membership fee, tick- The writer has seen fit to announce ets to be sold July 5th and 6th, re- that he is a book-lover, leaving his turned limit July 1201. Young Peoples' Society of Christian resders to guess his idenity. Endeavor, Washington, D. C. One fare for round trip, tickets to be sold Next year's Psisebsill schedule Xiii July 4th to 7th, liuited for return to receive capable attention at the hands July 15th. of Ward Hughes, the ianager-elect. G. A. I. Encalipmeit at St. Paul, Mr. Huglies has a thorough knolv- Minin., Sept. 2nd and 4t, one cent per edge of college baseball and of the .eBay View Camsp SMeting, Bay View, college teais of the country. Sc is Mich. One fare for round trip July One of the hardest Workers in the 7th to 10th, good for return August Athletic Association and call be de- 15th. pessded oin to look after his portion of Chicago, 11., Democratic National next year's Xork in baseball Convention. One fare for round trip next _ersw _rk __sba_ sJuly 3d to 6th, good returning July 12th. Huxley Memorial, Knights of Pythias Uniforsm Rank, Some months ago a general commit- Cleveland, Ohio. One fare for round tee was organized in England for tise trip August 22d to 24th, good for re- purpose of securing a memorial to turn August 31st. the ieiory of Prefessor Huxley. It ANN ARBOR RY.'S SPECIAL TRAIN is proposed to erect a statue of Hux- The bsys asi girLs are workimg iard Icy iii the cenral hail of the Naturai for the special train to Chicago via History Museumi at South Kensing- Ann Airbor and Wabash Roads, to ton at the foot of the stairway where leave at 12 o'clock luidilght on the the statues of Darwin and Owen now 17th inst. This Xill get tiem to Cli- stand. Whatever funds remain after 1ago for all trsis Xest O the tsh providing for the statue will be tssed i fst. Must isave all naes in by Moo- to found one or more Huxley iedals day night. Special coach for ladies. and if funds still remain after the founding of the medals they will be NEW HIGH GRADE BICYCLES TO devoted to some biological enterprise REN'T. in memory of Professor Huxley. Clevelands, Waverlies, Majestic. In order that all friends and ad- Stearns, at lowest prices. Stimson & mirers of Professor Huxley may have Co., 24 S. State st. the opportunity to be associated in the The Ann Arbor Raliroad will sell securing of this memorial the general tickets at one fare for the round trip committee has authorized the forima- to all stations on their line between tion of local committees. Several of Hamburg Junction and Toledo on Sun- these have now been formed in the day trains. Tickets limited to date various scientific centres in America. of sale. At the request of the general com- R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agt. TRIPS ON THE LAKES. Students and others contemplating a trip to points via the great lakes will find it to their interest to purchase their tickets at the Michigan Central ticket office. Tickets sold and baggage clsecked through via all principal steamsship lines. Berths ordered by telegraph without extra charge. LAW STUDENTS. ATTENTION. Write to Frederick Mains, Attorney, Albion, Mich., in relation to forming a co-partnership with a Xell estab- lished business. A chance with any one of three attorneys in three local- ities. Write at once. FSIEDERICK MAINS. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO WHEEL- MEN. The Ann Arbor I. B. Co. take pleas- ure in announcing that hereafter Bicy- cles will be checked between all sta- tions on its line without charge. OF INTEREST TO STUDENTS. Cheapest rates to Cleveland and Pittsburg, Eastern Ohio & Peunsyl- vania Points are via 'Michigan Cen. tral and Detroit and Cleveland boats. For full information and rates please apply at the Michigan Central ticket offee. Gentlemen-If you want to save money on shoe repairing call on A. Levy, 31 N. Main st., just below the post office. All work first class. Light soles 50 cents, heavy ones 60 cents. Packing and forwarding of furniture done with great care. Low price guaranteed. Call or 'phone to Martin Haller's Furniture Store. For Rent-Furnished house suitable for a fraternity or society, at 102 S. State st. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. Photogrlaphers of Detroit, will make your sittings every WEDNESDAYS AND SATOBAYS' -AT- NO, 5 W. LIBERTY ST, 502 "BABY" BLISS 502 weihing only 002 pounds rioles The America To introduce this magn~ificent wheel, 1 will make a very liberal (liscount from list price. It is 1he handsomest you haive seen, it isa beauty. A. WILSEY, SOLE AGENT. N. B.-I SELL THE CLEVELAND. 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Closed for the Season. To be Open October 5th. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS MONEY TO LOAN ON PERNONAL PROPERTY. Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigarettes- BIG SHOE SALE Randall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand Rapids, Mich., sold to'us. 65c ON THE DOLLAR. Men's Htand Se-wed Russias $6.00, cut to $4.85 aen ad Welt Russias, K50, cut ho $4.25 Men's Dark Brow n Russias, $4.00, cut to $2.98 Men's Pat. C F BalsRussias, $5.00, cut to $1.85 GOODSPEED BROS.,y