TIEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Hlighest Tribute Ever Paid to a Bicycle'! 12.s, Z, . ,& fD~ New York, March 25th, i 896. Me. C. Pawley, Sec. Jersey CityvY.M...H G P C iR b D I H U The National Bouard of Trade off Cycle Cyl Y IE I OA D °H . Manufacturers hereby sanctions a public es- Located half a block frons University grounds. Uader nw anaement and with hibition of cycles, accessories and sundrics, at the clew of aceontmodating any persnt aputyin T for boad Neareare assured of good the Y. M. C. A., March 27th anti 28th. spring patronage. Statc one capacity is limucecapply at oneoi or call ttl1 Maynard Thin sanction is granted on the cxpress under- at., neat to Schoolof at titai. standing that no enhibition of VICTOR F. J. RENNINGS, G. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS BICYCLES will he permitted. Yours truly, YOU WL SOON NE R. L. COLEMAN, President. WIL WYare the members of the A Trun11k or Tgave i ~gBag _____ Ntioal Bcyce BardLirgest assortmettt in the city. Buy it at of Trade AFRAID to exhibit their weels with VICTORS? BECAUSE VICTORS Cost more to build, Are nude of bsetter material. Show better workmanship, Rur asier and wear lunger, Are worth more than other bicycles. WHY NOT RIDE THE BEST? OVERMAN WHEEL CO. New York. Boston. Detroit. Denver. San Francisco. Los Angeles. Portland, Ore Deal nor anad maker of fine toot wear. Boat msace for repairing. JOHN W L KE, 43 S. MAIN ST,, UIP STrAIRS. FIRST NATIONvAL BANK. OF ANN ARBSOE. Organized 1803. Capital, $100,000. Sarplus and Profits, $40,000 Transacts a general banking businens. Foreign exchanges bounghtnadnsold. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACH Pros. S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stoch, $00,000. Surplus, $100,000. Resources, $1,000,000. Organised under the General Banking Laws .of this State. Receivres deposits, bays and .sells exchange us the principal cities of the United Staten. Drafts cmshed upon proper =identification. Safety depunit hones to rest. OFrICERS: Christian Mach Pres.; OWi. n. Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chau B. tisncuch, Cashier: M. J. Felts Asitant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. r Hat :Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. ITHE FINEST LINE OF AND SUPPLIES. BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES., Everything, inthe Bicycle line at M. STA[BLE'S Cycle Emptrium, 11 W. Washington St. Teufel's Hiarnness Shop, 45 S. Main st.' 1JniuersaI Crandall typewriters fo.3 MCRANDALL MACHINE. CO., G00100, N.q MOOR]E & WETMORE o S. Slain and S. State St.. Corner of William. Invite your attention to thseir line of LAWN TENNIS 6000S, We keep the celebrated Ashby Rtacqusets, strictly bigs grade at a tens price than other racqtuets thrat sreso be3tter; also the Taltsan, Oxford and Harvard for cheaper racquets. Try the new Tennis Ball, the Slazenger, GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Also Haseball Condo and Ilammochs. PRIVATE lessons in dancing will be given by Mr. or Mrs. Ross Granger at their academy during May and Jane. Program evenings, Tues- day and Saturday. It's Cheaper $ to .ct sagood coats oar thtst will giv perefect satisfftion, though itimay costa trils.sore at first. kind thtat wear. PALMER' S PHARMACY. Yousnooltmes,thte tiveryman. $You cost'sfitnd.a bettor rig intsotwn thats begnesaiveso. GOOSPEED'S Bicycles AND Hummer'." APORE YOU COINC HOME ? Then btuy a Summer supply before you leave the best iuarket jot Amoerica. 100 Pittsburg Stogies for $1.00,- - -- - - - --4 for tic 100 National stories for $1.35,---- -- -- --- ----- for tic 100 Aifottzo Cigars $2.00,---- -- -- -- -- --2 for 5e 100 Prodigy Cigasrs $3.60,- - - - - - - - - -6 for t5e 1110 Owl Btoquet Cigars $0.00,-- -- -- -- -- ---4 for 25e tO0 Royal Bannier Cigars $7.50,-- -- -- -- ----3 for 25c D EAN & CO M P.ANY. 44 South Main Strest. UNIVERSITY NOTES. IANN ARtBOR t 0. It. l.C1f7ttSION ItAl1ES. The dental otpirating roott will be MBinevolten t ndrrotettv(e Order of tlose'd aftcer today-fete the retinhde'r Elks. Cinc-titnati, O. thato' of onse fare otf the yiear, for the roundi ttrip,tiktoto be sotld A valedictot'y addrcess wsill Itodli'lv- Juy 5th sold th, good retutrninsg uy 'eed by Dt'. 'obern tot the Methodist 11h. then-isl next Sunoday- eventig, oi lte Nationitl Leagsoe of Amseritc-an btti, "Thte Letartnitg of thte Antcents." Wheelosen, tLotisvile, K~y. Irate of Prof.00cc-heot soillsipeak tuptont"'fl:le Otto ftre for tlle'rousnd tip,tickits t0 Rteptbsa ndotiheir Usc's" soesdsay bc sold Augst1,lls ansd 10th, good rc'- nsext wesek. 111e last leo-hure to the trninlg to Atugust 1701h. se'tiortlaw stdetsilol be odeiivered l Bapttist Ysotng Peopitle's' Uiion oif iyfsu up~t tllIon itsom' otiher susbet. AmIei,Milwauskoee, Vita. Otse fatr' W.it. f'onesthe e tr~oit :artseis-los fetoritund tripi, fictos0to'esold illyti~ laitoly. oferedtiotpIaint a piortit; lof 114011to 16ll, gooestusrntitngholy2(0tht. Professor Ksnowolon for theleioril'atw Nationsal Edut-ctil AsociationI classs for $200, ha~s given oout to lte Buffalo, .Y is sr'frttsi tart stores itt Detroit tht thlereatftert'it- iplluit $211010tmembelsrshsiplfsee, tch- 1ils tict-s5for three-fotu'thlen cgtllh oc- ctstolie sol tuly5ltsond0011, re- Ot-silosou be$501, stt to relos tu rnsed limtit Issly 12111. toayboy.Voitng Peopleis' Sotiety of hiristiaul to ttI~olii'.Endieav-or, Wasingt~on, 0. C. Otti Thte body of 03. it. Brooks, who lied fore for routnss trip, tickets to be solsi y0estdaty, 0wa ssken to htis fa~thler'siuly 4ts to 7011, limtited for retun to home i~at tHsrtSMit-b., ths ri t ' .JulyI' 715t. 1-lorati pieces weres'e010 by thle setnior G. A. It. Encaostpmeont at St. tPaul, i~so class 0111dteuniv-ersty MaoiceMitto., Sept1. 2nod ttnti4thl, one cent oser C'lubt. 1-'. tO. itolalls'ilssI, '9tt 0.. tc- tsile. ltttltttie't Its'elbosyi~-Ol behalsoifiO t'e Basy-Vteow-Catmpt tMeeting, Btty View.v Mtasuonic' Clisb 51110cily lodigses. Mlicht. Otns fare for counttl ritsJitly Paickintg atnd forwoarding of furnitosre 7tht to 10011, goodi for return Auguost siotte with greto'carse. -Loov prces 15ths. gutarsatteesd.(toll or 'photne to :Martin Chsicatgo, Ill., D~etmocratic Natioonal tHaller's Furnitutte Store. Convsetition. One fote fsor routtd tr'ill Metssrs. Wrighot, Kay& Co., of De- July 3d to 6tis, good retunitng.1u1y troit, be'sides being the largest utan-12h ufacturers of fratertiity badges -l the Ktnighits of tythsias Utoiforssm R, United States, arc headquatrters for Cleveland, Ohio. Onse fare for ronosod fraternity brociles, book marks, belts, trtp Autgust 22d to 24ith, good for rc- bon hon boxes, bag tags, canes, fobs, torn Augnst 31st. glove fastenera, glove tmenders, glove STUDENTS, ATTENTION! buttoners, garter buckles, sockets, Mno osnwosiht ot silver locgnette comaetloosilvertlocketo sleloetchins, sIsrsIIlilverlock'hiMay Viewv, Blob., for te season fort silve heats, enthlsn emoaleswork, pleate call Thut'sday afternoon day tablets, nmenmoranum tablets, only, at No. 7 N. State sO. tirs. 1LI. C. match safes, necktie holders, pipes. Eatines pocket pieces, paper clips, paper cut -________ ters, rula, spoons, atatmp boxes, run HOME SEEKERS' EX.CURISIONS. dials, sleeve links, umbrella clasps, June 1C and t3, vtnagrettes, stationery, crests, mono- via grams, etc., etc. Ohio Central Lines. GOLF AND Ars up to data and a little be- yond. 5h Mains.St. SPECIAL. D OETAS & SCHANZ sell Soits and Pants at prices to suit everybody; we also do repairing. ceassutg ansd prerasing. Work catted fur and delivered. No. 48bS. Statesnt., secosdtfloor. t/0 M.MAETIN, Funeral Director, Cloth . tn etallic Caskets and Fine Crade Cofftns. Embalming a Specialty. No. 17 S. Fourth ave. U OF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- S rooms. All appointments Senst clans. Imported and domessic cigars. Ladies' artis- tic hale dressingand bathsing parlors. J. R. T'rojsnowskl 30'S. State at. N THEN YOU WANT your clothes cleaned pessed, relised or rebound go to Mrs Fisgeete, Oer Sheehan's book store. Lab- oratory aprons made to ordee ,A A - NEW CoLLAR