TILE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ,IGHIGAN GEIn1A L Time Table (Revised) March 1, 1896. Mail and Ex-__3 5 Mali -e.......8 N. Y. Special.-. 5 0 N. Y. Special... 7 30 Easters Eu..-10 12 N. S. Limied.-- 0 5 Atlantic E__-_7 30 Pacfic Ex.....12 15 . N. Express.... 5 40 Western E...12 00 G. R. Epress ___11 05 Chi. Nt. Es.i..1012 G.R.Ex..---55 . W. RUGGLE, 5H. X. tAE, G. P. & T. Ag., Chicago. Agt. Aa Arbor RAILROAD. -FTmr Tahle, Sne 7, 1S896. NORTH . aS.OUTH) . . +90:5 a. as 51:5 a. a. 4t:55 p. m 5:17p. 5. -1:3 p. m. 8:55 p m. tSsday oly betweca Toiedo and 1am- burg Juctio. esiaily slcepes btwea Toledo ad rabtort. 0taly except Suday R. S. GREENWOOD, Agt W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY Time Table, May 17 1896 Leave Ypsilanti from Cogres s ., :0.000 and 11:00 a. m.; 1:4, :00, :0,:00, :45, 8:0 and 0:10 p. a. Leave Ann Arbor Jction, 7:0,8:W0 and 1:0 a. a.; 1:15, 2:10, 4:00, 5:0, 7:15, 0:00 and 10:45 p.as. SUNDAY TIME Leave Ypsilanti from Congres t.,1:30, 3:0, 500, 0:30 and :00 p m. Leave :Ann Arbor Jnction, :00, 4:00,5:0, 7'00 and :0. a. (as rann city time are: single trip 5 its; round trip tickets 25 cents, WM. . PRKER, Spt sSTUDBNTS IT If yon want ood reliable life inuarnce call on Fred T MOmber, offe No. 1, S. Fourth ave. Bicycle Repairing. - Bicycles Enameled and all kinds of machine work. HUNTER BROS.. No. S East Liberty St. RENTSCHLER, PHOTOCRAPHER. ANN ARBOR. MICH. Just Received a Luege and Elegt ieof New Pipes! %Aot Lunches, Chocolates and Bon Bon. R. le. JOLLY &i CO 0. State St., Sager Block.- RAN DALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. Closing Out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of -- WRITING TABLETS which can be clooed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 50 6000 RULEDJ TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR I0C 6900 WRITING TABLET, - 80 CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 150 BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35 WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. The -Rose Tailoring Co., (SUCCESSOR TO THE GOLDEN EAGLE). Removed to 106 Woodward ave., whore we have fitted up the Finest Tail- oring Etablishment in Detroit. Mr. A. E. Rooe will be pleascd to hove students visit him in tlhonowstoore. SUITPS UTO OIDER ' O.0 UIP N. B.-Mr. Rooe will show a foil line of sanmpleo at the Cook House, TUESDAYS. The R.ose TailoriĀ±ng Co., t n Wooctwardl Ave,, Deroil. Sucersors to thep(leisEagle. SPECIAL SERVICE AND REDUCEID RlATEOS. To insure sufficient iccommiiodations to all persoons taking Michigan Ccentral trains dulrilng the breaking u1) of tie college extras coaches will be provided on oil trains. Rieduced ntes for parties of ten or m~or'e can also be secured between al oinits oni thecMich~igan Central oii early :applicationi to Mr. II. W. Hayes, Agent, Mich~igain Central. HIALF FARIE TO ST. tOUtS. The direct line to St. Louis, Mo., is via Toledo and1: thecWaibashi Ry, $13.40 pays for a routIrip ticket, Julie'(2 to 15, good to return until June 21, 01n account of Reputblican conlven~tion. It. S. SSEEE.NsVSSSD, i51. P. A. IIIt0T51tANT S IEEFTIN G. There will be animpioll:rtanlt business mleetinig of th~e Glec, Banljo and11 Man-i dolini Clus Wednesda~y eveninig, June 10, in1 50011 24, -lain building. Otli- cers for next year will be clected at this meeting. C. H.II.tOlISE.l, Pres. LAW STUDENTS, ATTENTION. Write to Frederick :Mainis, Attorney, Albion, ;Mici., in relaitioni to formng at co-partnership with a well estaib- lishied busineos. A chanuuce vithi aily one of three attorneys ,in three local- ities. Write ot onee. lEEI)EIIK MAINS. The invitatiion for eoollllllelelltn h111e0ariv-ed. The regular numbiter of irritations togember wih the extras wvhicho have beeno orderetd may be oh. tamned by presenting a reeipt for the class tax at She Steward'sofofice oil Slontlay, We-dnesdlay and Friday from' 19 to 9:30 a. iii., or oii'Tuesday and Thturoday froiii4:5to 4:30 p. in. G. K. Me"XIULLEN. Climnu. Invitation Coil. EXAINATItON IN StOCItOLOtGY. A list of those excusedl froni thel finatl examiunation wiii be pooted ~Sat~ur- day mnoring on ruedsoor of Slit lecture. rooni in Tappaulalt~l. CHARILES It. COOLE F. For Itent-Furnished liouoo suitable for a fraternity or society, at 102 S. State st. fi . tal -A, G.Spalding & Bros, a}"Ti. Nomis ina Guar- 1011cr" tha.t the article 'reaiug it is the best srodueod. Uniflorms iu3 ad Supplies of every --E Senod lorp beudsome _ lilustrated Caral: ioe. THE SPALDING BICYCLE FOR '96, A. G. SPALDIN G & BROS., Nesv York, Cicargo, Pisildephia. Largest M~anufaictueers of 'Bicyclesinsid Ath- letic Goods inthe world. Spldieg's Offii itst5:.i liOode for 106 t he COAST LINE to MACKINAC -+---iTA KE THE -4-- - MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers The Grratest Perfectisn yet attainrd in Boat Construction-Luxurius Equipment, Artistic Furnisinis. Decoratison and Efficisnt Service, inisurng thehighrst drgrrr uf C011FORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. FoUR TerI EReWEEK BETWEEN Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PEtTOSKtY, 6THE 100," MARQUETTE, LOW RATES ts Picturesque Mackinac and Retucrs. including rleats end Berths. From Clceeland, 5$s8;lfronToleds, $S; from De- Between Detroit and Cleveland Connetingat Cleeland with geliestvTrins for all point asatSouhsand Southwest and at Detiroit foruallpoints North and Northwest. SundaylTrips JuneiJly, August end Septsnher Only. coEReY DAvttTWttN Cleveland, Put=in=Bay Toledo Send lee Illustratrd Pamphlet Address A. A. SCHANTZ. o. P.e.. DETROIT, MICH. 14~e Detroit & Clevelagvl Steama Kav. Go. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER Repairs all kindo of Gold Pino, Bingo, etc. Call aind ocr. C .TRADE YWIITiPARKEI L Piireot and heot Soda in this city. Home made and fresh candieo. Fruits iri season. Give us a" call aiid be well treated. Cor. Slate and N. Univeroity ave. SUMMER NOVELTIES. Waist Sets, Silk and leather Beltso. Silk Umbellas, "U. of M." Pins, Steins. WMt ARNOLD'S JEWELRY' STORE. ORDERS FOR TRAINS, PARTIES, DRIVING Promptly attendcd to. STUDENTS' TRADE SOLICITED. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. TELEPHONE 68. Call on them for TAEB tr m Finn Lunches, Fine Chocolates, h ,n orL e and Baked Goods. T eA n h rL~ Try Our Lunches. Plying between Buffalo and Duluth offer opecial inducemenuts thio year Summer Law Lectures, Univ. of Virginia, to students desiring to go hlome by July 1 to Sept. 1, 1800. For tudents and' the Lake Route. The palace Steam. practItioneCrs.o2thtear.lleor catalogue, ad- ere India. China and Japan leave R. C. MINORE, Secretary, Detroit twice a week each way. Fot rates, lime tables and full informa- HAiNGSTRnErr CATERER, lion apply to J. W. AoE.callatt. 29 E. Washing- address P. 0. Box 150, or call at 94 tetns. E. Waoshington st. The Os1?i 51 'flunerOruwle Rea (le w. if w THlE OL INl- p 1ta~sechwya The OnySLYeLingwGtaSteLeethwaredToy ledolndCoumus The OnlySleing t or rngeeReomeyGar Libetween Toledo Chalumbtsn andYe THEOaYrieCT. Sesse si saOlyDrtaewingRomGai insbtwe Toie, OCys.oumbslaendChaestn, Pallaneflopeetrsbeltientoleaenbuseanf bcesfthehn Toleaines.lmbs TH OULYLEth 8OUtra.P.ea.wyo SnasbtenToledn oumbuIO