~Itc , . a n. VOL. VI No. 186. ANN ARBOR, MICHMGAN, THURSDAY. JUTNE 111,#-,. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. IED) WITH DETROIT LEAGUE We Must Move The store we now occopy has Game Called Because of Dark- been sold. We most seek new quartes . ness After Nine Innings. We Must Close Out I The 'Varsity lalyedl a pretty tie ous stock of music goods and iicycles. We offer nrcoss whichII' tame with the Detroit League testm will sell goods if lose prices 1 mean anything to hayes y esterdaoy.Heasrd latyedi sort in ai IITHIS MEANS BUSINESS 44Very credtable mnoter, antitl itrfs- 44ney rov ered Biooitlgslons pslae it If yeauswant lanythinn in the seod Sxtnithbo ste mscline ges sacr prices this srn etti t h , asie I wsnek. 4 backbone of the Michsigani teamti. tte "THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO,, hIelil the leaguse teamn dowisto 1'Ji S. MAIN Sr fl 'scatterinigtilts, and iii the nlinill in- BUY BEN-HUB BICYCLES. nisig miadie a hasrd lisle drive iltosleep 44 I right fotr three bas, which clearest the _____________________________balses andi allowed himt to s-ore oii A G oodtungan's wvild throwv to the t Isto'. Thrlis hrotughst in foote runs anod tied the score. i t (tillaosib. ..... 4 10 2 3 i0 lEly, ti. ..1 0 0 1 1. Egan,p..... 4 0 1 0 1 Totals...... 38 11 itt 27T Ininsh.g..1 2 3 4 5 Ii 7TS 8 Michliglia . 1),0 0 52 10(0101)4-4t Detroit....2(1 2(120 23 0--1t E rrors-Alichig sis.TDeans, 2; MRits- tney, Shields, Hteardt. Detroit, Dunogan, (At111ait. Earned rosMielilgan, 2; Detrit, 1. Twoo-biase hits-\Vlttkitis, Heairdt, MctKenzie, Knoll. TI'ile hase hits- Watkins, Sexton, Bturniett. Htotme rots-Bturntt. Stolens tases-Htollister, Bturntet. Dlouble tilsy-Dottigan tio Trot. Base on tbtlls-Off Sexton, T; oil' Ely, 2; (1ff Egani, 4. Struck outl- ttollister, Deitis,."McKinney 12), Sex- ton. Shsiehds (2).,lteartd, (,onrtot (2). P'asos'sthalls-Condo (3). T'fhoe-2:43. tiotipire-Datly, of Detroit. Atte'ndance --T00. LAST OF THlE SERIES. Fifth Chicago Game Will 1Be Called at 4:15. Tlodly's game will lie calledt prompslt- ly at 4:1-5, and Stagie will iumpire. The Chicatgoiteamos arrive lit tioonto- stay. Their hbattinsg ortder will he: N'ichiols, p; Tones, c; Swveet, os; win- otots, 80i; Herseliherger, s f; Adklssson, 21); ('hro, r f; Ahills, 1.ts; troovie, 1 f. P'rofessor Stgg tmay tmalke at chiangs' its pitches, ssistitsutisig Clasrke, as it is his nule ties-er to sit- nounice the hattey rdefinitelyutl thi umpl~ire lsas called tlay. ich-iganiswill tirobablly coilse'to st iii rihefollowinsgnester: iHollister, I f; Deasns, ';b; MfcIitsiey, 2ts; Wattkinss, Bath Sponge r -FORiA Better ones if you want them at uMminr yS OtuR Stole, 17 E. Washington St., cor. Fourth Ave. SIMIPORTANT NOTICE. G.W H. WILD. The Leading Tailor, m.ad only direct Importer in the city, has just received his entire stock of Foreign and Diomnestic Woolens for .Spring and Summer '96, at 110. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. lullDrenss Suits a Specltty. Griaduating Gifts All theo latest pnblications now on sale at one stores. Fine illustrated 4tlift Books. Illustrated Poems, Art Books, Standard Books its sets, Books in Morocco, Levant and Calf Bindings. DMiscount Prices to All. WAH RaS UptTown, Down Town, itinirernity Boohettooe, Opposite CourttHouse 2518.State-St. 4 N. Main St. , Illts fisi rst two isnnsnsonlty six of Death of B. H. Brooks, is: Shieslds, e f; M~eeisse, 1 h; Iltles, tile 'Vlsesity focest the'Ds'troit Iicher. s s; (ondsons, r; lisisoisi, r f. sisis Ainnisuey wasthie osly on to The followlingresolustioswoerectaos- smuts' a.ihit. D~etroit insshls' ilneii yesterdasy relaitive- to Ilthesieth of Work In Three Yearn' Law Course. tout soirs-itwtto rusoin thes' ilt in- B. H.Itrooks thest'esniosrhlaw studesnst, - sinog by sa sase esi tislls give-s' nollwho Oietdyeterdaslsy siornsing: e i-w-s to-gardlieuestohesn suit iltoiet's lioosntisu. Its the see- Whes'its, It hsss pisased the Glrantd lolw a ei e y tDeain lute o te niere n isininteHustchissTuesdaty slorssisg. 'fts' sisis thsey tere retirest isoorste. Miieo ieUsvrt t tsisist Helerd opeedt hse thirs th a l p et- twisdoms, to cssll fromss iis earthily 1st- deanisat thei close of the lectisre, ex- bur ou eseemd roter retH li re-s-scsihissself is Ihighly satisfiesd ty twto-base lilt, wichi, toge'theor wtths )1soeetoietietseBe iit issos tstshl, its's 'stihsis silBrooks, of Palestline Lostge'No. ) :57 F.owithsthss wtork of the class is aswoleii, Dean, sngls b Holiserand.l~- &A. Z ,theefoe b itreslve-Ththr ousst thec year. As tlisslassis Diaissisiss ythhislt, h inte- he ,flotwert'forebitsrots he lie helost to b rats d rmth w Kinissy. andstW'stkins's three tiag, lttl'tlt co isyuhs-le it ' 5 esrth'lfoosteisi gitc ue 0 aoih ft-cscoessti ths'itdsiall its chastianitd isrosects se ys'ar cousei, twhile tse tvo e'nterinsg gvth'Vsiyfvscrsadtel ssstisarais'isvtio h ll os-iloesaelstytgiiseil'ilt' leads. 'The tisitorsladdiesd tt-o isore t otna n nltn.Iyhssd laess'-s'-ares yn udrth e to thirsor~e iiilldir ha~lf of tlis t'ssuh"5l d'11't-eheiso5 . sse'hss'hssiistsi- it~flitag. brother's-anditfriensdlidsoubly endleatredt->I's derb O ifil-in iar05rangingtghed In this'foureth Sildhss anodhIeliri11itby the lii'ss ot oureslistsiandifrtescwoork of thi sesniosrslass so as to gioe thismssthis'datn-sitagseof the('niswly ssd- 'mtadlesinagls's and051 Meneisifsoowesd sily asnsof trues'atilltuprighlt imial- soidis o tovo toase~ lilt doigSssslhiless. Ies a fsasithiftu liard otlri-isescourse's is fass pohsssile, ooiistu aonsi knocskinsg Ely out of the box. lng studsent, i fs'srle'ss, cosesietosstot'sselsis lisso-lsosik iu 'l'ses Iat toasisit ts o it'imfo assls tohsomsiit was sa isesase statal the whos'liii' ye'srt'has lienatsot Detroit, andt lt'esits'wsrestirod hsy tush's to isis-tisis)hsis presnce fesistsso sfs sss shifs-oy s.'h work of tihittoer tsses as t-ill as towo stike outs anditlhister's thy out amoti s toill tie sadly missedl.We ho cesiter. 'Tie last men'stionoedltoas a since'rs'lyissossrssos-es' tsebosandithsat of liii'seisess has bt't'n very sacifiice ansoersed Hteardl. de''ply sympatsohsizecwthllhIis famtiliy, ret- geitifyitig ho the fsasulsty.tInst lis IIIthe ssext foute iissgsthss''Vasrity aliissasoolfriens. deonstsstresdo'hto thirle'tiese niofsc- toas retieswitiutt a runs, ansd lie hatsacoisy of thsersosoiusiosobis'tonslt'e advanstsogo's aursofth tishiree'-yesar le'aguses rants hesir score sip to tes-its. ssreadsuption thes' iltis ofsite shutscorse Il the ninth, howvere, Itssiisto'r's bsase' utansdsa esopyfoitrar'sd to isis fatily. tPgoths sisfoe'tcissaxt yn'dos'hu t onO bails, sisngls's froms Deasns asnd Wtat- iietiob'uuf -gesea hs tr osl oho' th kius, osnd Sexies's thrseetbaggser tio'd ust-nfersity ot Michuigan i Musoisi eerlthsir oudf-lw h rise score. I.thitieirs'suift heiossliters (lus lt 5ittiit s u'.~isuuesost so-tcblauhest aasttlsuiir Day ~siei Goldten Rius'lesLde, No. 134, I±. & As next year's sesnior class is itsmll the gamue on account of starikness. A.1M.Ot'itslroshletuttsseosihlt MICHltIGAN. Frsaternitly L~odge, N.2(2, F. & the ipractice coutewoill be muuschs(ix- AB It ItI 1)A A. l. tensded. IProfessor Bogleehispilsans in Htollister s - 2 1 2 0. thy (leo. P. 1Itct:lusu, tees. uivo'r- views-by Othichiithis steo51555y ss'iusisie 'st 4 uschioe opsrtiaithae hetforeo Mcttinnsey, 2b.s-., .-. 1. 2 4 1 IH. it. Dedoleyr, 1W. ',. Goldens huh'adhac fmrevlet h ls Watikinis, e r-t 1 I sLge, No. itO, F. & A. MI. as it ireeiarauiti foe their actusal torio Sextosn, C. i 2 0 3 1. B. Davisson, W. '.N. Frsaiernsity Shields, , f-.. 1 1 osg',No.22, F. &A.M seen by the Asssuenretest thue re- ..... 1 1 1 Loge,\ . _- . -I. quurleunts foreenutrance to thue isaw Heard, ss.n ...4 2 1 1 4l Three Morn Gamon. - departmoent have bseens largely its- ittKetuate, lb.ts- 2 0 1 9 0- creasesd; these adsditionolreqsuireeuments ('ondion, e -..,..3 i1 0 S 0 Sigmas hillotis)-'. si Tipsiin tlayedl do suet go inato effeot,ihoovever, unstil -- - - - - off their litd gaule yesterday. Dsark-thue fsall of 159h7. It is the iltiesoliltio Totals -..7 11 13 27 131 Mess closed thuecosntest at the ens) of tse boy faeulity ulsat the scoise of tse DERtOIT. tile fourethininssg with thue score 12 ho work to use deisartnment shahl be AB Rhiti 0 A. Sin faivor of I'si Iilotu. broadenedanstu rhengthuenedl is every Nicholson, 2b-....i 1 0 1 0 There renmaissthree ganoes ho ise Wa-y until one csuarse hsere is the isest Knol, e .. ....4 2 1 3 0 played in thueleaguse. Alhsa Delta Philadms hruhoeofrdi n Dunnoh, r f 4I3ansi oste thoroughtiOne offeredSiin assy Dugnf sv e w anewt iutli law tchaool its the country. Burnett, lb -3 it 2 3 0 and one with Psi Upsilen. Trost, c -....5 1 -3 11 31, There wvill be a suseeting of thoe'War- Gayle, I f -..,,.3 1 0 2 01 Subscribe for the Doily and get all sity Glee, Banjo and Mandolins ('husl), Corcoran, ss-., 4 0 '# 2 0, the baseball news. tiss evening at University Hll.