THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHJIGAN DAILY. For a Styli ATM-) WELL. :TAIPE ---(hiT 0N Merchant Tailo Commencing Monday Morning, June MOORE & WETMORE We will close ot all our remaining stock of. Negligee blurts 6 S.Slain and S. State St.. separate tolais an tr , at Rinous Prices. Corner o-f Wiliam, S ALL $2.50 SHIRTS AT - s - $1.97 Invite your attenition totheirline of u ALL $2.00 SHIRTS AT _ - _ - 1.47 LAWN TENNIS GOODS, ALL $1.50 SHIRTS AT - - - $1.19 we seep the celeted otOAshby 'Racqses, These Shirts ire Madras Cloths with two separate Collars and ether racquets. that*ore ns titter, also one and two Pairs of Cofts each.'1Those goods ate a great the Talistnani, Oxford andiH arvaied for ba~anantd will last but a short e eal and gt lcheapser rataci-el.Try the actw Teanis bargain Citery gt Oithe eeger, lau irs choce.GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. - U. I ^a HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS. 1 II IX L3 No. 9 S. ?main St He Pleases all the Students. JUST OUT! 10 E. Washington St.LJ11I2(L5at Gibson & IUiversal Crandall C pewniters Ino.s Gi s n Clark1 'Ali iits Wated veywhreStendfrCtafi n ..eetANDAtLMACHut COOCIOTON ClN. Aisso sehal oeods ais)Himmcs. lessons in dancing will be given by Mr. or Mrs. Ross granger at their academy dnring May and Junie. Program evenings, TUeS- day and Saturday. PHOTOGRAPHERS, i ___________ A2REUONST YOU COILTCHOME? .Its.eae 12 W. HUFZON STThen buiy a Sunmner supply bteforte youi 1eave the bestItsC epr 0 niarket in America. ii to p re t cc c i oe thtii 0 ANN RBO - - - - - ;.ti>pct t sfaictionthothsi .ANN ARB R 1leaPtttobnrg iStogies fur 01.1,0, - - - 4 foi ic ftlu yCot a iic mr tttirlst. 110 National Stog:-es for $1.35, - - - - - fr sic kntat war ,e 100 Alfoico Cigars $2100,---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -------for 5c gslccla 1a00 Prodigy Cigars $1.60,---------------------------ior5c PALMER S PHARMACY. 10Owl Iliitouet Cigars 0(.00----- ---- ---- ---- ------4 for 250 tieIYo uknwHe , th e iie etyma1ii 1LRoyallBaiiner Cigars $7.50,- ---- ---- ---- -------3toi 25c Yte cantindtia hetterig it w TI -I11na Tv 44 South Main Street. - E N&CO FA Y No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. Sammet Late Lecttie s,Cciv. ef Vieginiae, Jaly 1 tii Sept. 1, 180. Pr students ad practitieners. 27th year. Fori-cataloigiie, ad- dress (P. 0. Charltesville, Va.) R. C. MtNOR., Secretary. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARB~OR,. Organized 1863. Capital, $100,05. Sarpitisad Prefits, $400 Transacts a gecersal ahkinghusicess. Foeigit exchacges hoaght and said. Farcish letters ef credit. P. EACH Prest. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stack, $50,000. Sarplas, $150,000. Resoarees, $1,10,00. Orgacized under the General Baching Laws of thic State. Receives deposits, hays and sells exchiange on the principal citiec of the United States. tDraftsi cashed apes peeper identification. Safety depesit hoesite rest. OrrccecotChristiacnSMseC Pres. ; W. 0. Harrimia, Vice-Pres.; Cuass F. liacach, Cahiert M. .S. Frito Assistant Cashier. .Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. STIHE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES, BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Everything inthe Bicycle MSJA[BLE'S Cycle Emfporium, 11 W. Washington St. UNIVERSITY NOTES. IANN AItltii11 I. It. RI+ llIt It0N Piiif. Sti-ilol will delivier(lie lost ut-ni--oletiantiPtectiet tsOr ir lectureito the seiorciloas tlassM1tit1:,l, icinntnci, 0. Rleofuteiiii orv day, Junt. 2i, at 9 s. ii. OIs sttijeci for liie rouindipii.ticketcisoldii will tie"The tese of Itelioris. I July 5t11 eiidl0th, gootd returning .11stly All stiiieiiisciniodinti be liettsenit 11111. at tiii'Si. ILiuiiiscitvnocIttinshotes at Naitiinli ieis of Ameiricant Wtilt ci iiiloisl ci- iiiniiortler to rs- o ii'Ci thoCiillrouind itiCu-etsoii Ciiii resecild seals. he siiltl AugusCti0theiid 10t, gooiiri- Tuhesecniolat w hsclass lieldl a imieii tngtllialtito August 1ilt. yesterdlay toi -onsider-cclass dayicatcs- lBaptist Yosuni; PeopilesUIunion if viises. Iitwas vot-id5 tolil ilass day Alni(ii -a isliii M s iwak (nefilli exi'ses Moindaly, lone 2:1, at 2 p. Ciorioiind iii ktt-s Clt' b iisl.1July- A taxt 5cnts onieaihite-ill 1-bitCo 1iiKith oodiretuinitg July 20tb. sas voed to suet cliss laysexpienses. Naitiona iECdlcaitionlal sstsittiiiti Mattew lanulon, ontofthe iuffliN. V. iiie faiiefosreriund ftuniders osithliii1. of 5A. iDaily andtip ll uslili .iOttemit eshiplilifete.lis-k- thie Inilander-, Issrecently accepiCiteditti out soldiy= hiah'I Chic assistaint irofessorsii undlii u.) mt a h isorSte1ii er cci Yoting Peohples' Society of Christits sititeSat'Misc atlinaia'tivr eedl.Hr-E 'ndeavor.Washtigtont, 0). C. (lini sity Sies'graulaili hee M. Uitifia'ie orounid trips, ticketsCo liesoldd nioitl as uiisnel hs suutii' abo JiCii 4th to Cii1, limiteid for retsirn to JohnIB. hPhillips,. sho is finishiing hJuly1<- Cwo years ot' gratae swork atMis-i G.A. It.PEcanmpsmtint at St. Paiii iga. receis-ed notice yesterdlay thtin Miiiii Sc it. nil andslth, oiie ccitt le hei hail setced a $flO()fe'llcwshipinmile. political scienice'lindulfinance at Cotrneli l By Vtiew Campllt Meettig, Bty iyte -, for neixt ear. Ste. Phlliphiholdls te Mich. One fare for roundsiarit i sy iegrei's of A. 1B. anii A. SO. from Chic 7th Co 10th, goeod for rettirn Auguist Uivttersity- of Indilana. 15th. Messs. rigt, &Co. ofDe- ChicagoIl., Deiiocratic National tritlbesos WinhlagestRam&Co.nofDConvisention. One fare for round tript ti'itbesdesbeig Oie arcst an- lid to 0th, good retuning July- ufactnrers of frtaternity badges in Che Jl United States, are headqunarters for 1h.ihso yhasUiomIak faentrceboo k hakbls on boxes, bag tags, canes, fobs, ICevladOhiho. tOne fare for rotunid glov-e fasteneis, gdosveimenders, glove Agut2cto21,odfrre buttoners, garter buckles, sockets, CliAgs ht silver lorgnette chains, silver lockets, STUDENTS, AcTENTION! silver hearts, iienthols, meimorable Men or women whovitosh to go to day tablets, imeiiorandnin tablets, Bay Viesw, Mich., for the season for imatch sates, necktie holders, pipeas.tork, 'please call Thursday afternoon pocket pieces, paper clips, paper cut- only, at No. 7.N. State st. Mrs. 11. C. tees, rules, spoens, stamp boxes, run Eames. dials, sleeve links, umbrella clasps, vinagrettes, stationery, crests, mono- PN NEW HIGIC GRAET BICYCLES TO grams, etc., etc. RN. Clevelands, Wavielies, Majestic, Subscribe for the Daily and get all Stearns, at lowest prices. Stivrson & the baseball newus. Co., 24 5. State st. DIJLK [D[JISIJIS Are all the rage. Why donf't you wear a pair ? We have them made right and of superior quality FOR $1.50 Belts 25 Cents and Up. CUTTING, REYER & CO, 27 AND 20 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. SPECIAL. DITETAS &. SCHIANZ sell Satts cud Panic as prices te seit everyhedy; we. also do repaliig, cleaintg and pressing. ,'f'rk called fee asd delivered. No. 4deS. State ci., second these. M.LMARTIN, Fuaceiecster, Chetk an etallic Casketiscd Fine Grads Ceffins. Ecihalming a Specialty. No. i7S . Fourth ave. U OF S. SHAVING PARLOR and Oath- .reois. All %ppointmients first class. Imsperted and domestic cigas. Ladies' artic- tic hate dressing and hathiag parlors. J. R. Trojacowchi 300S. State st. T THEN YOU WANT year clothes cleansd !'V pesed. relined or rehosund ga te Msa Fingerie, ever Sheehan's hook store. Lab- oratary aproni made, to erder A A NEW COLLAIR