THE U. OF M. DAILY. Why Not have your Clothes made in Ann Arbor? Jos. W. Kollauf, The Practical Tailor, will give you perfect satisfaction. Prices are reasonable. Remember Kollauf, The Tailor, '1e E. Washington St. Up Stars. . . SPALDING & BRS. Football Supplies a Specialty. ' ~ Every requisite for the game. TJaket'. Pats. ee- y ses, Sweaters. Snoes, Caps, i^:,-E .' Belts Stak~nnS orrilla Noetsk, tf Moth- b iPiece, Sin earstead Harness. Spadig's Ocial (. aItecclegate Footali mst be used i all Match Gams. Prime $5 00. SSpaldig's0icaiFotatt Guad-New iRules-Pictres __ of all the Leadig Players. __ - Pr c, 10 cts. iandomely Illstrated FootballCataoge sent Fre Near York, Chiag, Philadelphia. .MOORE & WETMORE, 6 . MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., UCRNER OF WILLIAM HAVE A COMLET STOKi tOo ,UNIVERSITY- TEXT - BOOKS! New and Second-Hand. Note books and other Stdes' Spplis. Foantan tens, Pine Stationery, Sprting coods, etc., whih they nfer a t Iowst prices Call and snn us before Purchasing. FIRST NATINAL BANK. OF ANN AROR. Organized 1863. ,Capital, $10,00. Srplussad Prfits 8400S Transacts a general baskIng bsines Freigs exchanges boght andsnd. Farnish letters of credit. . BACHI PesS. W CLARKlSON Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS ANK Capital Stck, $5,00.0. Surplus, 815,06. itsorces,$1,16,00. Organized under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, hys and *sells eciange on the prIncpal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed pas proper identification.. Safety deposit oes to et. Oresens: Christian Macl, Pres. W. . Harriman. Vice-Pres.: Chas, . .iscock, 'Cashier: IM. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. .UNIVERSITy 'SCHOOL FOR -DANCING 44 AND 403 S. TATE ST. -B. M. Acovs, 11a. mELL= L. Tmn, 27 Thompson t. P'.0. Blck. "THE FINEST IN THE LAND" lBabylon Coal1 Give it a trial and you will always use it. SOTD 0NLY BY MOffice 11 W Wahington at. Phone No. Yds t C R PhoneNo 5. Noble's Star Clothinig Hou~se. 35 South Main Street. We Do. Not Advertise A few things at half cost and ask a hundred per cent profit on everything else, hut sell at a uniforluly low price, at as small profit as possible. That's one way. SEE OUR WINDOW OF ALL.-WOOL UNDERWEAR AT $1.00 PER GARMENT. S of A.C. McGraw, of DEAH A C.McGraw & Co. of Detroit, force a settlement H O ES of the estate. Shoes had to go. We bought 3,000 pairs for 50c onth $1Haeond the greatest slaughter known * in the history of Ann Arbor. O F It will pay you to investigate. II')~FF 17 S. MAIN. ST. M AiAP S That have perfect combustion and do notsnmokte or smell: The New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, .The Perfection Stu- dent, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, all Inickel plated, with latest improvement. We sell what'we advertise and guarantee quality of gosods, and are never undersold. 44 South Main Street. DEAN S& COM1PANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. I The University Y. M. C. A. Ml's. B. 13. (lAffortd, '75, is visililig ill Th nvestYo g;MnsCr- Ann Arbsor. Ii is tlls' ~st till shsllias tianAsstociation wi it'lbe :laedlill the iarlsors of -McMililnIHall Ithis year. bees'eilcrei'lli twenty years. A weakly sdevosionial meti'ilg is heldi Dr. E. I1.1Troy, of Dtr'sit, formelrly ech SaturdaylS nighit, 7:1:5 to 7:45. Dr. Gibbeis'sssistaist ill ihistology Ihere.Sna\t'trona sipent yt'sterslsinllAnn Artioi'. naylfliooiat 'uclock a "en- The omens, Lagueof te sial e- leeting wRill lie' heldi, subject '1'seWoiitiis eaue iflit'I iisct f"Prayir." Tbt' iiit'niof 1110 University Saturday. Oct. 26, froiii3:110(;ip. mi. _______welcome.__ 'The East aisdl Wiss seminaliry rlil The Freshmen Election. in thse libralry builing will tie opii hie'ns'efoi'thifromi 5to 12 a. im. aisslfrom111 T'1ii0'ftl'51l111' ld1(1heiir class ele't' . to G 111(17 to 10 p. ill. tioni liIlolisiH at 1:50 p. iii. today. "Hovw Soreail tse Biblh"' will lie the 'he'letlion proises 1o be a strongly subject of lt'e Stunday moiring's is ot'iti'edi one. Presiden'lt Angel iss course at liii'M. IE. church andf "Soils'appited a'l senior fo' presidinag officer newsyclaove'rie's" lii'eeeiing discus.- to pre'vei'ntsill iisselittiisis. lion. "THE GIERMAN." D~r. Jenie' isglesslies b s icitrge Tits danuce was introiducedi in New of heasinn' ti'ill'tllntinTie yii.York about the year 154.1. At that nsisusnde'i'Di'. itigeinlil, has bseein timie Itie quadirilie was tile ftashioiiable lI~l~tisla'l i~itilil o r. 'srailei ~dashc, bh ai is known as the ,cotillion. thet Honeoitthic department. 't'oniake a distinctioni betaseeiithut NOTHINGe LiKE 1111'? iHE 01110 ansd this dance, which was kniiwniini CINTAL MIi.EAIZTICJ2tKE'T. Itrope To' the saite namlue, thistwas Cjoveri mor'e mileaugethan1cmany ticket railed the "GlermuanCi.'llion"'; grail. ia the markit. The oiily book ;gooil 11'lbsthewisrd cotillion wassdroppeud, on entire iB. & 0. systeml west of the iiaiice becoinig simpily "Thi' ter- ('ittsbur'01. It also incluides the Il0ittiltn" We will teach the latest, 0ig. 4 system. Gtt it anid have in esir its's or"'The (Germlani" to our advane- reaidyticket over all impslortanitliies;,iiilriasss. aiso,\will give isrivate les- lie $20.00; goodi 011 yeir. Apply soi1s on "Tue (lenwain" or any dance 0Ohio Central Agents, or asddress of merit request eti. i~os GSjliiier, oaiitasn Honk, (.1.1. A., Toledo, 5). Sirigl's Acuiuheilly, ground, floor, S; THE VICTOR INTERCOLLEGIATE FOOTBALL Is unquestionably the finest all on the market today. It's light' ness and duraility make it a favorite with all players. Price complete with inflator, ~ $550. Victor Foot-Ball Guide, containing the nsa' rules, and chapters on the game by Deland and others, 25 cents. Also a complete line of finest football clothing OVERMAN WHEEL CO Makers of Vitar 1ieylr. Boston Nw York' Dtrit. Denver SnFandiso Los Angeles. Portland. LAWBOOKS! Buy all you can affrd, for present ai'd future use, at our LOWEST PRICES We ahall e here for a few days only. Callaghan & Co. LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO AT SCHLEEDE'S, 50 S, STATE ST., AnYir GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING. 'Twelve ears ofteaching ha Ann Arbor wils a ol of 03 ppils 'st sarso are a -otffciet gara tsstO or abiliy to teach dancisng as i shiiulide. All classes are un- der thec personal instruction of Mr, and Mse. Bos Granger. Memibers of the American National Assoiaton of Masters of Dascig. For isformation regarding casseanass terms call at the office.rond floor ii Maynard t. CrcuI'ar at Music Stores or Msailed. OP[BA HOUS[ JPNEIDY STORE Geersl stock of watches. Jewelry and Novelties. iepairine of Wathes. Jew- elry. Cold Peas, Risgs and Spectaces a speialty. Cas paid for old 0013 ssd - silver. C. H. KEY ES. Your Cigars and Tobacco will have tlic right flavor if you get them at Pa1m.erS FPhaoay 9e S. Sate St., Ann Aror. You may wat a nice Livery Rig or Car- riage. Come in and telephone to HOL.MES LIVERY SPECIAL. U. OP . SHAVING PARLOB and Bath- rosos. All ppolasmeas first class. Imported andi domesic closs. adies' artis- tic Isair de-slog and bathisng parlors. J. I. Trojanowski, 0 5. State st. y7 H~EN YOU WANT yor clothes cleased, pressed. reusned or rebund go tMrsr Fingerie, over Sheelans boat store. Lab- oratory aprons n-sde to order. F. J. SCLEEDE mates a specialy of FonanPnStudents Note Book end Binds Books from i5ccupwad at i0S. Statest0 MSrs. i. 7iou'tiii. esir. 'i1a3-i'c iu Lawi-ence sala.. scts the bh'sTttl' iii town for $;2.5)ls'r week. Cotiie silis trit. is Call at Statbler's fur flue picttire nmoldinugs. P'ictu'r's fruinei while you walt. 24 *Fcront suitei of rooms, furnace liiia, to rent at reasotabile rates. 27 T.houp- soni t At Stlilei's, olf i'otyr-Artisl'i proof eTchings 4frisisilfor $1.25., 24 Me1n n 'eiiniiiisisiois. Si I.tHnuon at. 1taynaril at. An elegant suite of rooms, also a siisgle rooni, both steams heated, at 12 Moinroe at. Chaiice for tutor to give privtet lessoiis for rooim: Lady pre- ferred. Fsor'Sale or Ren1t-A suarie 'iano (Dee'cier) i coodciconditioin. 'hernia relsomtmhle'.Iiiuquire at No. 14 N. In- gills. at. At 4 N. Flftn ave., very nicely fur- iiisised front suite rooms, fsurnace heat amid tath. Also table boird for a lina- it('d numhhber.