THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 # tu * Sate Medical Society Convener- hethirty-fixirtanualti et tllec of the iciein eeState-M('ecal iSocicly Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during olipee'd Thursdacy ineocctin ati.l11. the Colrco vear, at t 'lemneii. Aibouti 200)lphysicians xfromt THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. aill partsa of tierstate bring preseant, Oerrim:Timees building N. Main st., apposite awilehottiers ciaiii i oii cachti iinl. post oiicer. Ite l ev.cof Dr. 5 cigint, pc-l ;lciit icf tier aociety, Dre. Il1-1 el(' all, JIDITOsits of Lapeere, tisic- tcccc lnt, calledt J. F. T110'Msa, '97, . IV. To seek:, 'a6 L. tt'e scretlg so ordler. E. L. Geceovtee, 'itS L F. Al.l.Lootex. ' 'flle eveelig aev_,-lote was el trill ec 0, 11. lANSa. F1. 1. 0. Octeccax,'c. Ki. C. ljaEo)Ott, 't. t'. 11. thary , ' 3, Presbytccceceterin c-e. leetierabec'ce -of fDr. 1tlatiiec, lir. IF. t. Novy II INAOIN~ E~ilt~li readi itt'c'pe'sicdet's t11t1"lcl alcllt"s, IBUSINES5StANAG U andc H ila-Foe-I." At theclose c'of tisi L.C. WAxx'.s,ecce, s tieinl er. IW... lterclcaei -crnelcii- - cli ~edthe(' iec'eic''xat tilt'Averey iucee ASSOCIA4TE EDITORIS Aithtilatecxhiitioneof iphoiographslxole- w. W. llacihe-, '533. S. R. iil,'6L Oe- i icy neccccex of lice X rays, efece' S. W. Sith, '97i. xv.1'. 1111111, '93i hc 1 sceybSue -sfed J. L. Wallh, '111A. . I. ki lman, '98 L. x1cct tc oi'y cecccla-e e C. B. liar, 'axII. Lialac II' 3 D . H It. O(ortitcl eile'adD. J. It. Cae- B. B. NMtbeany, 't. Fl. C(les sex cedc iscxtoatteri's. IRe- Lcla I. Dickicscx'cc. ctll~ O1c'iiil ne tcceb 'ie alc'lcl'c icl -cpcric afthile Dalcy thas11.111Y' lllocl'lltlc'lll ictcytc-lec, ccclcclg been redcdo ia 7PCscinc dvlaccec Icte ccrecit xc ho a is Dr~t. (ic'oc-gc'Doeki. of thce yearl. Leavese a'taaciptclcisat'cce(ic e '11cc' I'cliiecra' repot Shoex'-cac Daily atire or sith P. C. Meyer, .oC M os.'.at ite ulolIS41a el ___________________________________ bescc arccIi'eslliupcjc oll thiciduiic. 'lce Editor of todcays paperlet meiil ccill ciibcc'ihe l t 'ad 0. II. IIAtNS, 'is3. -aicsin iiie11irt ivxecl etk lt'illl e1S). If thec' 1rc'limcinarcc rkleay xc a' c"ci'- ry-lix r. ccmplriiIed 'Ici cceebet-ecay ichcl- Oracle Offero a Prize. eeleecf1c'cecll'cfccc aca l piel'of xi,is occerc ci iy Ili(, Or-cec, '9l0asill lhcac' l eelclecilt cicias Dreie iioad for Ithe il-c atlcy aili- aeeieetc. 'fleedciltricl oardchaicc'- eWilttedfoerllltllica~toninhei lic :'UOra-c g1111eativer ax-rkaonc cc cresillielteet. 'Tie xstory eccicaIce typ11icllof cti- icloecl csa c ihi --ueac'cok. Thce it- hlee lf.' cnecll lelilchit ecmect enotcic hs1',ieii1,ll c1 0'e tlcanec2,.5001 letecraiilicslcic'lc asill icr a f'eicuercliI sr0 o scocala. 1alcciec-itl ecect icc ice by ilt'lcuictione, 1111icc'bectc lclcrett'. 7tcxccbc'e'.t o en}etichie artist(ax1 e'xteensiv'ethiiecleasIcexien c Itititid ilicexatIe-t''hc'e o c-slectcci. i'ersctics licrc'tcfoe, adc hsed 1c cicl sill clc'xileegf'iree'lc'c111( ri cleia 11119'ycall be of leecuxseal ici''c'sttail 01'.adcrecss,G.It. tSicclx, llcelcgiitlg ed'ior, ct 21 .1 ,:1. ecacci. CUT SALE UNTIL JUNE 13th: All Genis' $i.00 hud X6.00 Patent Leather Shoes. . fl All G9eents' $6.00 and $5.50 Colored Shoes fo.e... 1099. Allt Gemes' $5,01Cocicred Shoes. ............... . A AllLacdces' i55.00 Coloread Shoes. .............jS49ItLde'$.0Clrdhosf..... ...... 34 All Leedies' '4.i0 Cocl liefs foi'...,.,....... ...$.99 Ail Liccije' $2.50 Colocred Oxfor's for. .........,.... $2.19 This sale incltules all cour elegaixtlines of suemmer' goodsx in- the 'latest colors eail styles. JACUOFB" S & A L L M AND4L),Wehn t ANN ABiORtId. R UIL.ITI N. RPxtcs of oilne d "ion etdface cit Ice certificcatlat111 wiii he imacde foe the' followineg imeitings: Clicclio-Associalioee of Nurseryene, icte 10 to 11. Esaletica, Miichc.-ilihcieciin Consen- Musecgone, Mici.-Arbeiccr Itoei, Jcier 9 to 11. (lee fr fcec'lereoundccipifore 1rfol- ioss'iicg: 1111' Vic'w'-fCampll itiicga1nd1As- semcbly, deity 7 icc ii. f'liic'lcg-Deecocrc leNatioencl Coec- v'centiccn, Jeuly 3 in IS. St. Loeuis, 'Mo.--ipucicarcn Nationcil Coee'ciiloel, Juetictoe.! Illcltcglct D.ieLI 1.S. . E 'Conent' I:. . . (.1.1 1 XXX (100 . Ii1911- SE'tEKE-'I 's.ICURlIONS Agc'ncis cf Oheto (Centialinies asill seii Hmc ekrsc''lc'E 1xcurion Teiceis in licici inii X'ic'cc1 ar ccile'Nor cce'ccr- lieca cee duie tth, -'retun icei '99 cIicday, at rcte, of oce'a1e1fc' to undetetr1:itplus $.2. Fori firer omaicte011 coiladcres's: JohnecMoorecs, '1'Pi A., 1ceecix' IIO., ccr Wx. A.iPieters M.1 1.,.,Dcetroll, .Mich.Tel, ST i'ITNfS .'"l'PNTIO-N' McieeorSaxoticee ax-ito avesheto"o tic Bay, 'Views, M2titc or b e e' .'aasonefor weorkc, iplease ci'lleTh 'rcdaiy aft(enacti only, at No. 7 N, Stireost. Met.. ii. 1' D. & C. FloainegPaclaces are nlils liLmilg dacily bectwec'cn Detrict add C'levc'ndeeec d oen cii 2cy 1 a-ill eomc- inenlce to rite daily icets-wee Cleveclct, Ptc-ini-Bay and Toledo.* If you ace Prices Reduced -ON XiiL- Ngigee --Shirts WYe licexe bat yo111anet in 17nderwar for not Weatier. WAGNER & CO., FURNISHEMRS. 21 MAIN ST., - ANN ARBOR. Yaonghtto earcia peerloil ''lie'Dcaily ' xl-eg'tx to 1.1cr icxcili1 iceilc'ti'ic tht.lSoeee c tbli tcciy be' fuieedcfoe' drili lheerlc''ing ibc- foetthe 'hicago gaeeTiteaicy. Thcis mtay ibc'conte'-Va'rcsxiyprtice'' 01' 111 tie (lyceeeicexheesce111cc deretle'it dirictione of ye'll-mcaslters whsheloieil he cappoinedcifotheIlc' pulrose.11y'tis inoceas ome,'eaddiec iona etixecei wa-uld cr stirre'dlupc ands ysiteatic chieering cat thec gc ee oulecdctbe ls- sured. At 1tcr 1ast Chiccago gaete c irreguilarity' noticeale' ley9ell wacs giveniia'lted te i e'cinit~ecd- edl. thiscanli be etaily remtedied by proper ileacersheip, aeicdit is thoehuty of tiec manaOgemt tto seethtleadrccers are furnisahed. \NO''I'E '10O DAILY EDITORS. A meeting of 111e hoard wiil be heeld at the office Tuesdauy evening at S o'clockc. Important business. SPECIAL SERIVICE AND RIEDUSCED RATES. To insure sufficient accommiodations to all pernson taking Michigan Central trains during the breaking up of the college extra cacises wiii be previded on all trains. Rleduced rates for parties of ten or more can also be secured between all points on tlhe Michigan Central on early application to Mir. H. W. Hayes, Agent, *Michigan Central. Subscribe for (be Daily and get all the baseball news. Phi Delta Theta Wino. 'lid'ili i D'eltas'lecil cccas'ialil teiii wxoe theire' ctcdl oceil f'ccie'Xxi Psxi Pitact lice tlelticrfield SatrdIcccyc ectcce-eieeg. 'Tie :gcecr s c lose't' dccl ex- t'lliitg'. 'T1h'avicexs-oleIy the'cre of six io lis'e.'c'liebcatteriesswer-cc is fccllcews:Pli Dltai 'liec i, Stzizle-r- Bracdfieldl cud(Ilorenflot Xi Pi 11iil Hickely ,d iPlti. al,1 Psi Upsilon Defeated. Thec s'elcndgacmeetw'ixeenlSigecetefiii ande lsi U'psilin iithe intl('-fccraeenili lc'cxuc' asplayIiedcScaiurcdcy9'at tie' fcair geciuilci. Afiere aleexciting con- tcot ini Whiichli tottecitleloticice lhit,, freelhell'giiie asasraill ct tier eld of lte fifthiining with thersore of L2 to 17 in ftavor of Siglilde Phi. Right Man for the Place. itlr. Shirley, whio has in charge tDh Aithletic tFid g'i'cld, imust h'bed- meeededlfor the cleanlliness tind neal capplearanllce of ithesoclte. His rfiD- ciey 11a11beeil tmade eviedent adl soldc be apptrecicetedl by 111e athlietic heard. Gentlemen-If. you wtant to sax'c money on sloe repairing call on A. Levy, 31 N. 1Main st., just below tD.. pent office. All wvork first clans. Light soles 50 cents, heavy ones 60 cents. Packing and forwvarding of furniture dlone with great care. Lowv prices guaranteed. Call or 'phone do ?Martin Haller's Furniture Store. tcreling betwveenl (le abcsvepitsi teadvcantage of a watertrt ip and n olored - Shoes stae meoniey. Speied -cur vacatiieoiloniie Greeat AND KEEP KOOL. ALL STYLES IN Lalkes. Send for illustrated palipitleL. KALF OR KID. Adrs .A. Schantz, G. P. A., De-BEALSho Nlailted.-Four enlergetic yotunglx-8tr dies or geintlemen to travlxolarldy $5 ameclexpeneses. Also 11ve pciotable 2d Seniest er. emlome or oedesiring 1o werl during vacation. Call cc addressoJ. J UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING, Carghll, IS 11. Lhberty st. Telenraphic repretsx of thle games Opposite LAW building. will be sent to the Daily directL f TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. BIG SHOE SALE Randall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand Rapids, MVich., sold to us. 65c O N TH E DOLLAR. Men's Hand Sew ed Russias $6t00, cut 10 $4.855 den's Hand Welt Rtussias, x'5.50, cut 10 $4.25 Men's Dark,]Brown Rtnssias, $4.00, cut to x*2.98 Men's Pat. C F Bals Russias;, $5.00, cut to $'3.15 GOODSPEED BROS.,