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June 06, 1896 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1896-06-06

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Highest Tribute Ever Paid to a Biccle A' 11 , 1) LIDINC P.&n.LORS MOORE & WETMORE
-eOYr, och25h-86 6 S, Main and S. State St.
M. C. naiy Sec. Jrsey City Y.CA H V T NT0 H ADL NG H I PoreofWlim
yceThe Notitooll Bood of Tde of CyYicENIC - BOARDING - w '.# HOUSE- O Ivite yer attetion to their line of
hiition of cycles, accssoeis anid sundris, at the view of accoaodating gayperon aplying 'for board. We are aosured of goot LAIN E NIIOO S
the Y. M. C. A., March 27th ad28h. niring patronage. sPlae or capacity is limneitd aply at once or col at 11 Maynard II
'Shin sanction in grantd on the cpersnodie- sc, net to School of Masic.
standing that no exhihition of VICTOR F. J. RENNINGS, CW PRINGLE PROPRIETORS We krp the celebrated Ashy Bacuets
BICYCLES wili be permiltt. strictly hihan do at a les price than
Yours truly, Y U W L O N N E other racueclhat are no better, atso
b .CLMN rsdetY U W L O N N E the Talisneon, Oxford and arard for
R. L COEMA, Prsidnt.cheaper racqes. Try the new Tennis
_______unk Bali, the Slaenger,
WYare the members of the A X ~rtikor 'Travelinig Bag GUARANTEED TO GIVE- SATISFACTION
_____ ational 1Bicycle Board LAlorBaebat Gossortmeamockt
of Trade Lretastmnin the city. Buy it atAlnBchiGndadHmmhn
AFRAID to exhibit their wheeln with TreUfe's I1arness Shop, 45 S. Main St. TR V T
VIT RBECAUSE VICTORS JUS Oi!rlson in dancing wil be given
Cst more to huild, .LEHIQH1 DKTCLE5 flN by Mir. or Mrs. Rons G ranger at
Are reade of eltct mnteral."
Show hcotertworkmannshp, - (IfliVrr$M Crandaal yp wntfers n v 1 \ their aadetmy during May and
Ron raier and wearconage, c d? Jn.Pora-vnns u
geAre worth more than other bry clea 1RNDAL tI ACIESHINE o rTOeaict, V . ogdSatramyvnig.us
San Francisco. Lou Angeles. Portland, Ore Then buy a ummler supply beforeyo leave the best j A D EDCN S
market ini America.yo 10 cent bottles of tbllets,
10S Pttsaburg Stogies for $$1.00,- - -- - -- --4 for 5c Just fit the vnest pocket. 0
100 Nll i5 ational Ste les fr $1.5,--- ---- ------- --------for bc Chlorate Potash, Soda
Too 00Afetice Cigars $200, -- - -- - -- --2fee 5c Miti, Pepsin atd Char-
100 fPodig y Cigars $36,------------ - - - - ----(afot 21b col Lots smore.
fee Owl Boquet Ciars $0.0,- - - - - 4 for 2ci
100 Ryal Banner Cears $7.50,- -- - - - 3 for 2cc PALDER'S PHARMACY.b
V 44 South Main Street. D EAN &0CoXM PAN Y
UNIVERSITY NOTES. Wil Make It a Six Year Coure
it.. tilliea, 'S55 Lis vsiting ira Teccotacrtite fromet wand ss'tieSlat UUU UUI LL
Desiegner and maker of fine loot Annr Arbor. Se. K Iillilea is a ptit- erry edeprtets to cnser a rrag~e-
wear. Best plate for repairing. int lawyer of lctktlee, Wis reents by whihethercortsea in 5 these
Tesbetof fRea. P. 1. estotete
JOH WOTZKE, 43 S. MAIN ST., dicorse at the t~elycit rhdprntmuentas cn be cotmpleted ie sx cj( y cle s
UP STAIRS. tomrrtow night is lReligioen arrd the years cnsiss of Presiet tAnell
Mallt"Deants Huitcins, Professor lrosda ut
FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Two maatelhes w-re played off ii the Prfessr Adons Professor Meelett, "Viking
OF ANN ARBOR, tentis tournamnett yesterday after- Professor Wtalter, and Professor If d- AND
Oraie 83 on nteScn ls ige .stCapital, $100,00. Srplus and Profits,$40,1000 R. Mey beat l.fRt Coolidge 9-7, 4-3-. Nothing definie hs been done ty Hu m mj~tie."
Transacts a general anking hbuinms. In te doubles Seabury and flerrick the conmite. Tie members rori
Foregn echongen lought and sold. Frnih
lettern of credib. beat Mee atnr Dosel 6-2, 6-4. fle literary facuty desire the lan
P. SAGE Pre. S. W5. CLARKISON, Cashier. Thetlired edition of the book by Dr. faculty to concede one yeat's work
ltABR arughian and Dr. Notvy oi"Ptcom~atins, in tie laws deartmaent, atd tieet AND
THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Lencomns, Toxitns and Antioxins: tee are unwilling to do tis. The SIIC-v OL-B
Capital Stock, $50,00. Surplus, $fff,000'rho Chemical Factors inthie (auisa-I probable compromise waill allotw lit-
Reoare,,ne,1oe0. tioni of Disease," has just beets pub-+ rily stdents to choose la work as
Organized anderthe eneralankng Lawn lished by Lea Brothers & Co., Phila- a senior election. SBTLTJ I'T' S.
,of thin State. tteceives depoit, hays and_________
:sntls exchange on the principal cties of the aellalia and New Yetk. This work is
United State. Drafts cashed upn prper recognizedl as a lead in authtoriy inThintainfrcmeeet Aeupodtendalteb-
Identification. Safety depoit oes to rnubhv t2ve.Tergla ubro
Qerrenense Cheltion Bach Pres.; W. . regrd to poisoins. bs riel h eiie uoe f yond.
Harriman Vice-Preon.;ha 0E. iscoc, ivttostgte ihteeta 7
Cashfer: aR. J. Frite Asistant Cashier, At the Congregational clesrcehst-wihvitions oter edit1tMaeiextra
mrorrow monntgSisVirginia IDoxsniil laebenod mofuay be o-
Lo nys Chclts will speak on "Ptersonaer Work Amiong tolled ly presenting a receipt for te ___________________
the Mfexicans of Our Own Country." class tax at the Stew-nd's office on SPECIAL.
Hot Lunches. The order of tie other services is sonday, Wednesday and Friday frotnm ________________
folows 12M.,Sudayschol;4:3 i to 1:30 a. in., or on Tuesdaey tnd D~ITAS & SOAN ell Suits and Pants
-- folows:ay f1.,msr4dtouc4oo30(tO-in. .at prices tosuit everybody; we alo d
p.em,, Y. P. S. C, E.; 7:30 p. in., Thrdyfo 1 t a0p n repairing, cearnirg and peeaulrg. Work
TUTTLE'S, 48 . State St.YonSli'SudyEengCl. C. K. SeIcSULLEN, called tee and delivered. N. d S. State t.,
Youn Mens Suday venig C~b.Iseondior
At the ce-ning serice Miss Dox will iCinat. Initaion Corn.
______________________O S. SARTN, Funeral Directr, Cloth
-tell MHow SIarcus Whliman saved Telegraphic rport of flit games 0. and Metallic Cnaset and Fine Grade
THE FINEST LINE OF Oregon will be sent to the Daily direct. Forthins. Eamn pcat.N.US
BICYLESSUNDIES The Ann Arbor tRailroad wilt sell Mesrs. Wright, Kay & Co., of D- VJ OF . SAING PARLOR and Bath-
rom. All appointments Senst clan.
BICYCLES, SN~E tickets at one fart for the round fritp trot, bsiden being the larget man- imorted and domestic cigars. Lades artis-
te al satins n teirlin beweenufaturrs f fatenit bageninSlit deeing and bathing parlr. A.
ufacureS o fraernty adge IntheToanowai f0 S. State st
A ND SUPPLIES. Iamburg Lunction and Toledo on Sun- United State, are headquartera for lTE O ATyu lte lae
daytris Tiktliidtode fraternity broee, book mark, belts, ENed reled or rebound ,o to tsn
BIYCE UIS a rans icet lmiedtodFeiHNreOverSleehan'noksor.Lb
BCCESUITS, of sale. hn on bxe, bag tag raos, canes, fobs, raoney aprn aeto oosorde ab
BICYCLE SHOES, R. S. GlRENWOOD, Agent glove fasteners, glove mender, glove
TO RENT buttoners, garter buckle, socket,
Everything in the Bicycle 'or the season at Old mission, a silver lognette chains, silver lockets, frihdctae euiul oae.sle ers etos eoal R
line at For terms, etc., apply to The. Price, day tablets, memorandum tablets,iE
St. Jhns, ich.match safes, necktie hlcers, pipe,.1
Stleln,,il pocket pieces, paper Clips, paper cut 1
Mi STAERLlS Cycle Emporium, Packing and forw'arding of furniturew ters, rules, spoons, stamp boxes, mn A JEW'
cloe wth ret cre.Lo prcesdilsslevelinks, umbrella clasps, }fA Y
11 W. Washington St. gantd Call or 'phone to Martin vinagrettes, stationery, crests, mn- cV IJLR
Hlaller's Furniture Store, grams, etc., etc.

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