THE U. OF M. DAILY. STUDENTS! We Give You Credi - - - FOR KNOWING WHERE - - -- TH. T0OHNO' is sold. You have shown us by your generous patronage thiat OUR SUITS ANID OXViEIROATS are just right for peopie who wish to dress correctly and at the same time SAVE MONEY. - ,, SPECIAL NTECKWE.AIR SAL-E 'THIS W-EEK. * 37 S. Main St. LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL. MJGHTGAN GEl l AL' Alpha Nu Tonight. Time Table (aevised) May is, 1854. The Alpha _No1 will render tihe fot- EAST. WEST. lowving p~rogriii in their soeiety hall Mall and Exn-5 55 Mall------ A4 l oiniglit at S ocleck: (Clarinet solo, N. Y, Special-5 00 N. Y. Specal-_-- 7 30 A~.nDudey; readiiig, Miss,(adly; Fidyl, EasternEx-F-a- 1012 N. 5. Limited.... 9 25 A. M. Pacific Ex- ii--1157 lMr. Scott; udetbate, liesolv eda, 'ltsthle' Atlantic Ex____7 47 P.M. D. N. Expresn.-.. 5 40 Wetern Ex ----2t0lUited Slates should annlex Couba," G. R. Express ---11 05 Chi. Nt. Es.---15 280tiff., Daniforth sld' Sheehani, .neg., Id. G.R.Ex.----557 0. W. IlUonLES, H. W. HAYES, (leisler a1n11 Chuibb; reading, Miss e. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor (Osrdioer; miusic, Mfr. Dudley; critics TOL 0 replort. The pulit, are cordially ini- Ssited to stlent this iieetinig. t$ ;Firnt Meeting at "Forty Club." - NORH IsICHIAN 'm' lliarty giveni by the 'Forty Club' RAILWAY,. - last esvcning it (:ranlgers was is 5 r Nnone. SOUTe. pMete success. 'Thle program iconisistcd 8:075a.m . 11":05a.,im n *12:210 . i:5am of tssenty reguilars aod lice extras. 4:15 p. m :000.p. 'I'lTh' clul)l)ittlet'ini charge wre 1.t.L. All trains daily except Sanda, ly)PiIa aPi . .Sit R. S. GREEN WSOOl), Agent Ieli 1'liKa1 Ii I.' I.Sml, W. 1t. BENNETT e. P. A. Toledo 0. Alphai Dells Phi; Johnli Keatinig, Psi Upssilon; Hest(er Ma~ycr, Bela. lie-IsPi; ANN ARDOR & YPSILNTI ST, RY. Williaiii 0. Ilicie, Sigiia:i lii. T1he psty wsvls cliaperonled by Mirs. C. b. Time Table, Xay 26, 1895. ,: Oreci siid Sirs. Jerome CI. Knowlton. Leave Ypsilanti from Congresst.. 6:00, 8:00 and 11:50 a. in.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 0:30 and CALENDAR. 11:00 p.mi. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00,80:10 and Saot., Oct. 19-Alphas No. 8 p. i. 11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 2:d5, 5:30, 7:15, 10:00 and 11:005 a. c 5,23 .i.'=ast s p. m. StOt 9 :0p c- sst s SUNDAY TIME. Adelbert. Leave Ypsilanti from Congressont.. 1:30,3:30, SMon., Oct. 21, S p). in., Unita~rian :00,0:210 and 9:00 p. m. cu -Tecilir onOhDante, l'es. J.01 Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00.,d:00,. 530, ciiti. 7:00 and. 9:30 p. ms.Whtod Cars run on city time Fare: single trip 15 Wbtod cents;' round trip ticketn 21 cetea. I I'ri., Oct. 25, S p. in:., University hal WMn. F. PARKCER, Supt. --Senastor D. B. 21111, S. L. A. tOtl'50. Oct. 26.-'Varsity vs. Lake lorest. MAMMOTH WiE SALE h O siIe rom JOIQf,,,7 & COoS* pate.'tsvo blocks froin tihe cainlil Removed to 18 5. State St., Sager Block. on the street car line. Board if de- Hot and Cold Luanchrs at All uHours. sired. 102 S. State st. WANTED-Froin twelve to fifteen students to work on conmmission. Call RI-P°AN"S at e F. Huron St. aThe modern stand- LIard Family Medi- cine: Cures they wcmmon every-day ills of humanity. o FALL GREE'TY NAG' COTRELL &.LEONARD, , Suiting to order 813.00 up: Overcoats to. order $,1150 up: Trouserings to order $3.75. ALBANY NEW YORIK, Cleanine.Oyeing, Cresing and Repairing Makers of Caps and Gowns to the Univernity anspecialty of Michigan. FORDHAMX & GLEN, V. XURRELL, Local Agent, Merchant Tailor. 25 S tate at., Ann Arbor. 44 William St. Ann Arbor, M11ch STREET. Call on them fo:r Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, anod Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. Gei 'sLivery and oarding Barn* Phone 143l.Gosod Backs :-".sfLivery alwasys oahhand. Enqutire i;« ....evrge's Hack. 94 and 94E. Hill st., 1.n Arbor. Horses Boa:rded 5a:d sect .,)red for. Getle iDriving lHorse or 1tidis STEAK 1ARORLAUNDRY CO. ;{sigh Gloss ana Doinsntle inish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 221 S. FOURtHx AVE. "FLAG PI" AS USUAL, W~e als have a fOne line f , vof importedt WM.ARNOLW'S 0Jewnelry Stare. nRI~u~I~nr~n,20 F wa $g-e HA G T REVery plesant rooiis at Wb Curch st. Furinace heat. A few tboarders desired. 30 T.o,& C. Ry. K. &M. Ry Solid through: tr::les between Toledo, Ohio~ and C'harieston, W. To., via Colum~bs, She abort and only direct route. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 0. Ronton, 0. Columbus, 0.. .Athena, 0. Middleport, 0. Pomery, 0. Pt. Pheasant, W. Va. Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Norfork, Va. And all southeastern points. Elegant drawing oem cuts on ail through: trasins. For farther informnation call on: your local TicketAgent orwrite, MOULTON 110CR, Cen'l Pass. A~ct., TolIedo, O. W. A. PETERS, Michbigan Cuss. Aren:t, Detro:it, OMich. Go to RANDALL for Artistic Photos, NEW GALLERY. LARGEST OP[RATINGROOM IN STATE NO. 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, j Ann Arbor, Mich. WE ARE COMING SEA.SOI 0OF 1895-964 Students' Lecture Association OF, IrBIU. OF M: 1. Senator David B. B1i11, of New FuYrl,. . . . . . . . .Oct. 2S,--------------- [2. LeadT loes hnesoeo. . . . . Nv i a. lndTHon. rsIJohnnaor-if.- --Foster,--------e--r--cta-ov 13ofn.John1'.losernereeryof Freu.ndr re arrrrionon --------------- ec 11 IMrs. Jehnnistre laihop, Mrn. Clara MlurrayI 4. Retlpath Concert Co. }- De.1 Miss and 1Powell, Mr. Too Scarpa. I.....o.1 5. Rev. T. Deiitt Talmage . . . . . . . . . . .J--------------------------- an 18, 6. Bosn. Henry Watteron. Fdltorof Loalarlle raier-Journal -. . ..----------Feb. 14- 7 Boston Temple Quartet Mviss Katharine Ridgeway, Reader)------- . ._-Feb. 2q' 8. Oratorical Contrst of then University Oratorical Associationa .--.--------March 20' 9. Mlax O'Rell, iM.Plahlouaet) ',Cored} Lect:ured". . . . ..-----------------April 3 10a lion. Theodore RooseveltFresidext Newro'k Pollee Commis.sioon ----------Ap Ii 11l Arcb isabop Ireland ---- --__ --- --- -- - -------- -- -- ------- a Thereo Are Eleven f 617Uz All1for 0s2oo. Reserved seatn for entire ross-ne 50c extra, single admissions l0t, except Senator 11111, 81; Redpath Concert Co.. 7-3c; Oraterfesh Central hie. Ticketn on sale W~ednesf-iay, Oct. 10 at 'Tabsr's Bookstores, state and Main ala;.Palmer's D~rug Store, 411 5. 5tnte sI., Siheehu & Coe., Bookntore,'State at., Cutting. Sleyer & Cm, 27 and 29 5. Main at., Moore & WetmorensMBock- store, 6 S. Main st., and Ann Arbor Organ Co.,.Ma'it at., and by students on then campus. Co~urse tickets may be exchngedlfonr reserved seat tickets (on paymenht of Met) on 'lies dav. Oct. 21, at Palmerns Drug Store.,405. State st., sand Moore & Wetmore's, i>S. AMain at. l"'No conditional numbers Every saumoeractuallysac,--nered by conieetee..