THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f+ # 1+Miss Dow at Newberry Hall. F5~ Ms Virgmnia Dox, who will speaki - in -Newberry Hall next Sunday mlorn- Published Daily (Sunday, excepted) during lug at 9:1-5, is a prominent aluna of the College year, at the University, who is known as a THE UNIVERSITY OF.-MICHIGAN. very fascinating speaker. she has OFsICE: Times building N. Miain st., opposite spoken hefore the students of nearly post office. all the prbninent colleges in the coun- try, and recently at Olivet and Ober- EDITORS liii, where she addressed large and- J. F. TaussiAS, '97. W. W. THAYER, 'it L. icuces. She was for mulny years a E.L.G Ceissino, '98 L F. \l. Loowis1. 0. 15. Ihose, '55. '. S. SiMONS,'-s8. missionary to the Indians of tile West R. C. UDneuwuon, '55. C. M. CoEn, 't. aiid is said to he a very interesting -INGN OTi speaker on tiiosutjeci, which she so G. B. IIARRISON, '95 L. well untderstands. _ ~Her suhject at 'Newherry Hail will BUCStNESS MIANAGOER he, 'Life Amiong the Indians," L. C. VfoKeno, hi. tey. Johnii L. It. Trask, of Spring. -field, MLiss., says: "During a minis- ASSOCIATE EDITORS w. V. iohes iS 5 II SolS ,~L. try of twenty'-five years I have hiadi S. W. South, '97. W. t'. atorul, '98. tic pleasure of entcrtaiining iil my pill J. L. Walish, '%3 Al. 11. B. Spiilan, '98 L. j pit maiuy excellent woiiuc who have C. B. Sloe, '9S D. Loulse Dodge, '99. spiokenioniitile diversified work of till B. B. etheany, '55. 1:5.Corwls,"0. mnfl hit h amesl e Lola J. Dickinson, '9. illiillChitTeaiicisyh- ________________________________ lon bgs to Miss Dox. She has ai won- The sub~scription price of the Daily has (deful story aiid she tells it wonder- heen reduced tot'J cts inoadacfothe t retA fully twell.": of the year. Leave suscriptions at ClueMisDt iltel"o ac- Daily office or with P. C. Mleyer, C. of M. Ms o uiltl lovMru News Stood. W'hitimanislived Organ," to (lie Youn~g Mcin's Sundaiy Evening Clbof liie Editor of today's paper, .5 engregat isnal church, tomorrowv AFEW LEADERS IN FINE FOOTWEARFOR FR WAYND -SI- AllE Gonts' $7.00 anti.$0.00 Patent Loather Shoes. . 9 A l l G en t s ' $ 6. 0 0 a n d $ 5 . 5 0 C o l o r e d S h o e s f o r . . S l e t ' $ . 0 C l r d S o s . . . . . . . . . 1 ,4 All Ladies' '5.00 Colored Shoes.............. . 4 All Ladies' .00 Colored Shoes for................ $3.49 All Laties' '3.50 Colored Oxfordsfor ............... $2.99 All Ladies' $2.50 Colored Oxfords for .. .............. $2.19 This sale includes all otir elegant liues of summer goods in the latest colors and styles. J A COB S & A L LMA ND, Washngton St ANN AERBORIt . It. BULLETIN. n i o atsof oiie and oue-thurd far oiilji~ ttig t the certificate plan will hreimade toi the following mneetings: Chiago- Associatisn of N urserymnen, & Car Julne 10 to 11. " 0 0 Clevelaiid, O.-Y. -I. C. A. Secre- taries, June 5 to 9. ''j~E Escanaha, Mich.-Hiheriiiau Conven- lion, Juno 16. Muskegon, -Mich-Arheier Bund, I June 9 to 11.IIiI I h s Oiie fare for round trip for the fol.P o o a h0[ low-iiug:9 P Buy Yiew-Caup -Meting and As- seinhly, July 7 to 16. of Detroit, will niake Chiieago-Deiiocratic National Con- vrention, July 3 to 6. your sittings every St. Louis, -lo.-Riepiihliean National SConvention, Jeune 123Iao1.. W Whashington, D. C'. -Y. F. 5. C. I.. [D[nvAYeANtSAoJnA. Tue intecrest takenu liy the lower classnmen iii atleiticsold~c give thieii a large crowdl at the sotploiiore-fresli- man meet Mondtay litlernoonl. 'Ninsety- eight iiid lI99lhave shown coinsiidersahte class enthusiasim so ar and this spirit' is deserving of a stronig -xpressioni of approval froii the oltder uneitlrgrlad- uates. If tie publishiet arrallgeilii1ts re- garstilg the comihination of thii Pal- lhdium a111d1Cataulian receive iall !ratification '97 -sill tuike a lonlg slip toward mlakinig University pubilica- tions relireseulliti-'e of :Mii-higan. All aininual of the high graide ichel is ohvioutsly expected fromi anIin1stitu- lion ilo'-Michigan can silly he securetd by the co-operatioin of the entire sill. dent hoidy. '9T Class Rooting Tuosday. Thle Independents of the class of '97 shouild turn out in full force at the class mieeting to he held niext Tues- day at 4 p. iii. This will he the imost imiportaint meeting the class has ever had. The meeting is for the inudiose of electing the hoard of the '97 senior anuallanld every patriotic '07 !man ad wonian shioulid feel the importanlce of selectinig meiiibers mlost caplahle of filling the position. As the wonien play a most import- ant pairt in the production of the sen- ior annual, a large attendance of them is urgently requested and expected. Moreover. they are expected to do (heir share in electing the nmhbrs of thme hoard, several of the miembers of which are from their numher. LAW STtIDENTS, _ATTENTION. Write to Frederick Mains, Attorney, Albion, Mich., in relation to formling a copartnership with a well estah- lished business. A chance with any one of three attorneys in three local- ! ties. Write at once. FREDERICK MAINS. Yalo Crew Leaves Cur Henly. Thei'Yvle crew- which will taike lart ini thii royal tHenlecy rcg. lIa left Niw Htavein for New' v-It Sast nig ht. Thley were givi-l a greait senld-olft'Inotile acecompimeiiint of hrass hainds, fir-- wuorks and cheers. Blsh Cssk, tiii flauiiois coachl, will lmeet tein-n iNewv York, where tlucy bsarid the stcler in thi loriilg. 'Cue imembers of tliii crew took thi-ir last praictice yester- day anil al-e inilint-Cormi. Tsiiiiiy Clark, (lie coxsw-linl cho steereid last yiears eight to its victory over liar- card, willlagahinhact; as coxswain. Sidnmey, thue 5Yale rutiter for yeairs, will Ialiso alieetlhuiay9-the crew-. Evsery ar- rllngciuha ss benmunadto10keel) (le minui i good coniditioi i le ii o shitp- hoard. T1hey will slot he givemiilueihi of ainy work to dlo, b~ut Bamines and~ so forth hav-e teen priovided to nuaki- the tiine pass hy swviftly aiudplelas-j aiitly. SPECIAL SEIRVICE AND tIEDVCED' RATES.j To insure sufficient accommodations to all perssns takiing Michigan Central truins dluriug (lie breaking up of the" college extrua coueches wvill he Sprovideid on all trains. hReduced rates for partis of tcn or nuore can also be secuired between all ploints on thus-Michigaii Central on early application to, Mr. tH. W. Flayes, Agent, M1ichigan Centrul. Students wvho have relics they wish worked up into binding can get the best and cheapest work dlone at the Argus bindery, over thue Ann Arbor Savings hank.t Wanted-Lady or gentleman wiosi- ing employment for summer vacation, $1 per day. Address M1ayfred Finn, Ann Arbor Michi. 1S2 Gentlemen-If you wvant to nave money on shoe repairing call on A. Levy, 31 N. Mlain st., just below the p:ost office. All work first class. Light soles 50 cents, heavy ones 60 cents. For Itet-Furnished house ssuitable for a fraternity or society, at 102 5. Stste st. Subscribe for the Daily and get all the baseball news. It. S. GIIEENWOOD, :fgt. ItItMESEEKEIS.' t-tXCURISIONS To Virginuia anld North Cauroliina. Agents of Ohio Central Liines wiii sr-li Hteme Set-hers' Excuirsion 'Tickets to pints iniVirginliaand 'NourtiCauro- lisua onu June 9th, ritlunlSmut 10(lia-s. at rate of onue fare for roundt trip tluis $2. tFor further i"nforuuautiounatddress: Johin toores, '.1'. P. A., F-inuday, 1)., or WI. A. Peters, Si. P'. A., Detroit, Michi. STUDENTS, ATTENTION! Mcii or womtemi who wuishi to go to Bay View,',Michi., for the season for wucork, please ca1Tih Tuursdasy afternoson only, at No. 7 N. State st. Sirs. t1. C. Eaumcs. D. & C. Floatlig Palaices are noucv running daily betcveein Detrit anid Cleveland, anud onu Say 1 will coinu- imeuice to run daily between Clevelaund, tnt-in-Bay and Toledo. If you are travelinug between the above point-s, tke advantage of a water trip anud suave iioney-. Spend your vacatioun on the Great Lakes. Send for illustrated pamphlet. Address A. A. Schuantz, G. P. A., De- troit, SMichi. Svanted.-Foar energetic young la- dies or geiitlemen to travel, salary $41 amid expene. Al-so Save profitable employment for thuose desiring to worki during vacation. Call or address 3. J. Cargill, 15 E. Liberty st. -AT-J NO. 5 W, LIBERTY ST. 5O2t "BABY'99 BLISS 50 weighing oinly 502 pounds rides The America. To introduce this magnificent -wheel, I will muake a very liheral dtiscount fronl list price. It is Ilie hatndsonmest you ihTve seen, it is, a beauty. A.WILSEY, SOZOS AGENT,f N. B-I SELL THE CLEVELAND. 1. 2d semester. UNVRST SCHOOL OF OANCING} Opposite LAW building. TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF -THE YEAR,,, THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS- MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP'EETY. Wholesale Ciars. Tobaccos and Cigareilee BIG SHOE SL Randall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand Rapids, Mich., sold to us. 65c ON THE DOLLAR., Men's Hand Sewed Russiss $6.00, cot to $4.85 'Men's Hand Welt Russias, $5.50, eut ho $4.25 Men's IDsrk Brosv n Rtussias, $4.00, cot to $2.98 Men's Pat. C F Bals Russias, $5.00, cot to $3.85 G OODSPEEDjBROS., AIN