THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MGHGANGCETEIAA AN AWFUL TUMBLE IN THE PRICE OF BICYCLES, Ibe COAST LINE to MACKINAC ET.TbeWReiedSMrhT.19 THE MASCOT-au up-to-date wheel fully warranted; price $60.00; TE--+~ EAST. M.A. M our closing out price $35.00. Ealan d Ex--3950 Mail _______8 38 THE MAJ ESTIC-The popular 1890 wheel; price $85 00; our clueing N. Y. Special...._1510 N. Y. Special----ou pric Eastern Ex---10 12 N. S. Limited.-_ 5 oupic $5750. A. M. P.M. THE IVERI JOHNSON-A wheel with no fades, hut the strongest Atlantic Ex__._738 Pacific Es----1.2 l5 wheel in the market; price $300; our cut price $69.00. . 1 .Epes--sP0Wser x---20 G. El. Express _--11 5Ohi. Nt. Ex----10 12MAO 3 OO P Y, G..E----------.5957 0. W. RosCIett, H. WHAVES, 50, 58 and 60 S. Main St. Furniture. MTI iloACKINA+C G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor DETROIT'1OU Z N W S R G \ FLASCI GE lHave arrived. The larg.est -ad finest assortment ever shiownin Ain Arbor. Cils fromB $1OtU;50 nsfom$ t SPRNwtlPasng PLESCHI aO r x We ksow that we cas pleaso yea and'twill please yes to look at oar samplies before 2 e elPsegrSemr baying spring famnishings. The Greatest Perfection yet attained in Bsat i - ~Construction-Lusurious Equippnt, Artistic 1r. J.ulein, iT e £ tate St. Tailor isrn the highest degree or RAILROAD. 20 S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, M~ICH. COIFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. Time Tabtle iMtaj. 17, 1896. _____________________________________ Fi ssmsEe sor NOTHeOUTH. ( Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac *7:35 a. im. 07:10 a. im. LAWVSTUDENTS, ATT ENTION. IIn paldng p Bos ' PETOSKEY, 91THt 5OO," MARQUtTTE# 19:15 a. ni. *11:30ta. im. $b! i G.I ~lD[AND DULUTH. *:2d p. m. Vomil p. mn. Write to Frederiek Mains, Attorney, LOW RATES ts Picturesque Elaokinac and **9:55 p.m. *9:02 p. M. 5Eib"Toe tatme aGarcl e tulrnld ing 8; es TandBerthUs.Font iSundaiy only betwcen Toledo asd Hans- -bion, Mieli., in relmationl to formnns, igntene sat he- ee.landing8; rmTedo5;rts.DFra bneg Jonction. a s-patrtiieroliip with a well estlib- heoin it is lime best trait, $53.50. **11o11y nieepers betsteen Toledo and produc-ed. UnsiforomsoEERtY EVtENN Frankrort. lislped business. A chalnce with :ily :Id Supplies or every: *IIaiiy except Sunday d _ - iesciptlion foerlHase. Between Detroit and Cleveland i. S. GREENWOOD, Agent oneft lc atteys in heecalC bal. Tenis. Golf. W.l VCrd74 ooloie Conseetisgat Clevelosd withEarliestlTrais El . BENNETT GOF. A. Toledo 0. ities. Write at 0o1ce. t lSiend fCalandseoeral ilstiSil odnhsadt Detroifor all poinssNorthoand Northwest. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. btIlb ZlIlRICK MIAINiS. The As-ise sof leeretiun- SunsdayTs lelmulAuus and Setlembsernl. TieTalBao1,156 Ratro Inm T2 HE SPALDINO BICYCLE FOR'96, Clev'eland, Put=in=Bay , Toledo LevHYslatsfo CnresnI,0:0 8t m UUL. 0 tlT2 R S.,en or eIllustrated Poaphlet. Address a 11s08an.; 1rom5Co:grslst, :0,8 5:00 jA. G. SADN RS, A. A. SCHANTZ. Qa .eA., DETnOIT, MICH. and 11 . m.; 1:4,_200_330,5:0,6:4,_:3 Nesw York, Chicisgo, Plsllsslr liha. 14e8 Detroit & CGleelana Steam oNoy. Co Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00, 0:30 and Largest Mainuifacturers of l3icycles and Alli- N0 a.mi.; 1:15, 2:W0. d:00, 1:30, 7:15, 0:00 and Th'e A .chor' Iain. lethic Goods ilie worlid. .'d -m.Spiling's Ocial llamseba:ll OGuide fo:r 4 PR lob IINA IE otan'' pg.o e ci ntradd4 LaeYsilnifrmUNDAY T ssE., :3, 3Plying between Buffalo and Duluth :o~is~I:gs11c~ i :ilr:500 pae ofhlEoepctrsleadngalte50, em30 and 1:008p. m. so.l3,:,offer special inducemelnts thlis year Natimoenml Leaigueteams, imino emo e ham Leave Ann Arhor Junction, 1:00,4dm08,5:30, to Students desiring to go h~ome by pmos college toemidomild-timoeplayrrs; Repairs all kinds of Gold Pine, 7:08 and 9:30 p.m.tmeinIot. Th aese a-time New Playinmg limles;mifficial mierooes of -Cars runes ipcity time Pump: sngle trip15 ers Inda, Chiia and Japan leave allmgcamicleecom.lie 0gmo Rings, etc. Call ald see cents; ound tlticketsl..acents. Wa. P. PARER, Sept Detroit twice a week each wvay. Forraetmtblsndfl foa- .W.H A . ." 1 STUDESNTS!T tion apply to J. XW. A-itoSS. Agt. Address P. O.Box150, orcall at LVRHCKADB9AG4R D IT KR fyowntgod rceiabtle lifeoino.ra1,eoallE.Vashilgt01 . T A EWT A K Fourt ave+f+f LINE f++ 26f 00s. STATE Purest ainid beet Soda in thio city. cyce pIrng. TO UP RFE~r.& 21 N. MAIN ST., OPP. POST OFFICE. Honme lade anld fresh caddies. Call oo them for Frulits iii season. (itvt uea, call. Bicycles Enasneled and all kinds Fine Lunches, ORDERS FOR TRAINS, PARTIES, DRIVING and bt well treated. Cor. Slate of mchin wor. Fie ChcolaesalndIN. Uiiiversity ave. omahnwokFieCooaePromptly matenedtlto. SME HN IR ] OS. and Baked Goodo. !z UME NOVELTIES. H NT.9ERs LbrS . Try Our Lunchss. STUDENTS' TRADE SOLICITED,.as etSl ETSHE, THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL TELEPHONE 68. SilkdLahBelts,U ENTSCHLERof NI." Piela, lSteino. FX10T CnAP1En RAIROADTICKET BROKERS 1 TEER cJt , FER CATERER,. ANN ARBOR. MICH-. iI1IONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL HAlN LU E 20 ERaston. WM. ARdNOLD'SJWLi'SOE PROPERTY. Just Rleceived a Larne antI Elegaiit Wholesale Cigars, ;Tobaccos and Cigarettes Subscribe fre ]o.Daily. Line of 1'evw Pipes!I Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Bun Bonn. 205S. State 01., Sager Blech. RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. Closing'Out We have left a fair stuck of all sorts of --WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out ae follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5,C 0OOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC' CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR L.B.I This stock will not be replaced. Come quick for dirst choice. Argus P'rinting. House. TYhree i i *0fs: ",The CHICAGO RECORD is a nwodel newspaper in every sense of the word. "-- Harrisburg (Pa.) Call. "There is no paper published in America that so nearly approaches the true journal- istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECORD. "- From "Newspaperdom" (New York). «I have come to the firm conclusion, after a long test and after a wide comparison with the journals of many cities and coun- tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily journal as we are for some time likely to find on these mortal shores. "--Prof. J. T. Hatfield in The Evanston (Ill.) Index. Sold by newsdealers everywhere eand subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHI- CAGO RECORD, 181 Madison-st. - 4 . TheltyS1epitlng. ar Linbetween To-! isido and Coslsmbus. The Only Sleeping or Drawing Roses Oar Line between Tsleds,Cosluesbis and Marietta. Thle Only maing Rsoes Gar Line bntween Tsledo,Clumoebus anG Charleston, W. Vn. Pullesan Sleepers between Coluesbus and Chicago. THlE ONLY LINE with 4traes neash way dally betweenoToledo aindiColsmsn. THE ONLY LIESwith lesrinsnobc way on Sundnys betweeioToledo and Columbus. THE ONLY LINE with a teainn eneh way daily bletween Toledo, Bowling Green and Findlay. THE ONLY LINE with Z traneaenway daily btween Toledondalenton, W.Va. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE beween Toledo1 and the Vieginian. THlE POPULAR LINE betweenoToledo, Fonso. she. Bucyrs, Granville and Newark. Foll infoemation relative to role.time Of trains, etc., will he cheerfully fsronhed Ilyany Agent of the OhsoentealLinen. MOULTON HIOUKC, 0. P. A. TOLEDO, OHIO