THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ft1 hetr of close decisioint, a majority of '+ f i shvicl iniihils opiniion Were tigsiiiit Michiiiaii Mr. Stage ha's ialway~ Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during acted iin good faith antd it is only the College year, at duiniii to acknowledgr that lis excel- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN= lent work atsnump~ire has bee11 a pirolli Oresen Times building N. Mlain st., opposite inetnt feature ill 11111gamtetsit the athi- nest office. __________________________________ie tfieldi in which hr hat otliciateth. A EWC LEADERS IN FINE FOOTWEAR SATDYUN - All[ Gents' $7.:00 and $6.00 Patent Leathor Shoes..9 All Gents' $0. U0 and $5.50 Colored Shoes for. $4 All Gents' $5.00 Colored Shoes................. .4 All Ladies' $5.00 Colored Shoes..............$S44 All Lladies' $4.00 Colored Shoes for.... ............$3.49 All Laties' $3.50 Colored Oxfords for.............. $2.99 AilI Ladies' $2.50 Coloretd Oxford s for. ............. $2.19 This sale includes all our elegant lines of summer goods in the latest colors anld styles. JA OB &A LM N ,Washington St. EDITORS' J. F. TuoowS,'i. X. TW. TAtYR. '5 L. . L. OEismint~,'05 L F. MI. Loois, '. . H. lNS, 'l. F. . Siiox, 'lIS. R. C. OUND sRVoon. TS, C. l. GRENe, Il IAAINGt EDITOR . B. lI~rxsoo, 'lt-L. BUISNESS&IANAIEP L. C. WLK. W, 5. ASSOCIATE EDITORS AV W. lougies, 'i8S. 5.R. OSit"N'iL. S. W. Smith, '1. T. P. lorrill, '5. J. L. Wlh, 'N T51.1i. B. Skillesuts.'55 L. fC . It o, 's D. Louise Dodo, 'ii B. B. lMlcibeny, '5. H. Corst, '5. Lla . Dicisso,'5. The subcripion price of te Dily has been redcd to 75 cs is avanetor te ruAo- of the yor. teave subcriptios at te Daily ofice or with P. C. Mleyr, U. oh Al. NewsSttand. Editor of today's paper, N. IV. TtSAYE, '9 L. fTorm are several things in cositc- tion wills yestrday's game wicht shousltd call forth adierse critici. The opinion which a nutmbster of sits's tators held after the gvie Ithat Chit- ctito's victory falitia ipreoncie'd r- rarge usct is rather asrd at frst thought, ut it really shows a wat cf confiuence in the teami which is soinewhitt discourging. Te idea that ally membner of the 'X'srsiy -wotldhstool) to any ttuchlissrept aile practice as to give away a game in oruder to secre funds for the At- letic Association is not -worty of tol- eration y any fair-minded sttdent. It is surprising that it should e rought up at all, yet he assertion was seriously made yesterday by per- sons who are upposed to have some abiliy to appreciate the game. It was simplly iii "of-day" ntl instead of tunjust asersion the san shsotld receive commiiedation for their work. The action of the ciowd waslnot what it shonid have Dcci. Te visit- ing players were entitled to gentle. umanly treatiment tindt it is hardly lice. essary to state tht they did not re- ceive this froim te settors. There wvas enotughl entluiisins dispayesd, Dt it was5 directed along lines ordinarily shiowXn at fourth-rate professioial gaimes and it laked proer leader. ship. The members of the Atleti Board fuled to direct the cheering and do not seem to have sufficient in- terest to do their shre of the Xork at sueh times. Since they are not to be depended upon, it wonld Do an ~x- cellent plan to appoint 'yell-masters' for the remaining honme games, wose duty would lie In making the cheering syntematic. A spirit of fairness wan hardly shown toward Umpire Stage ester- day. Ile was obliged o make a nuns Last Faculty Concert of the Yor. The faculy concert given last even- ing in tFriece Memiorial Hal was tec last sne of thes-sesois anth was ery XXel attended. Thle inumbesrs wer somewhaX'lttmtore pouslar in charcte thatn usul andl tll were wsel receiX-d. Mr. Jouas'tendiion of te legens "S. FrtutisXalig oiltie wves," by Liszt, iece'Xsi1tive nethustiaistic' tns wll, deservesdh encore. 'M'. i Lamonl XX'l15 at lilt best iiihis rendecrig f thes "Three English 1;lsihos," nch ilt' - sreitativ'e fromitFatst vas15 also Xvey issil execu'tet'd. 'he sonaa fosr pinlo tush violin iby Miss IJaffe andsiMr. eito shoswedi to the hist adsvntgiills techniical skill of these artists.Xwhlo tic. alwai'ys Xeypotular Xwitl an Ani Ar- bor atidience. At teclose of te concert Profisor Stanuley lannionicedlthat te grduai- ion exesesss in the School of Music' will tale' plcciinTiesitty, -J ie 16. This commiiencemen'it mars tshe sst pleion of tise Ousi;t fosr year s of 1110l e'xiste'nce of the Seholsi of Music tutd te class tuat is grtdtiate'dtthsyiar will he the first ce to rc'eive chubi- Ilas fromiitile school. TShe class is Compiiossd Of ninei gradtes ans it is certainly greatly to the resit of the schtosolthat is inabhledhis toae sutli ii excelleut 5showig at its hirst Coml- mnemenent. Rxcursion to Whitmoro Lake This Studnteis' Christian Association togehier with this'Youg teople's So- ceities of te various chutrces hatve arranigedh an excursint to Whitmosre tLukei for Saurdsay June i. A spciatll triniAviii leave oer the Aim Aror -Railroad at 1 p. il. aousrtaciri t lt0 p. i.(sandardh time). A rte of '15 cents for te rotundi trits has ].)'eoi mtaide. All younig hpople arc'ivited to go. SPECIAL SEtIVICE AND ItEDUCED RlATES. To insure snffiient ocoittnodations to ol persons takiig Michigan Central trains during te reaing up of te collee xtra coaches Xiii e rovided onl all trains. Ieduced rates for prtits of ten or more can also Do securse between all point on the Michigani Central on ealy Oapplcatlion to AMr. I. W. Htayes, Ageit, icign Central. Students who have relis they wisl wvorked up into binding cxii get the best and cheapest work dlone at tie Argus bindery, over te Ann Arbor Savings ank.t Wanted-Lady or gentleman wis- lug employment for summer vacation, $1 per day. Address Miayfred Finn, Ann Arbor Mih. 12 Gentlemen-f you want o ave money on so repairing call on A. Levy, 31 N. Mlain St., just below the post office. All work first class. Light soles 50 cents1 heavy ones 0 cents. For Rent-Furnished house suitable for a fraternity or society, at 102 S. Mt St. e A-NN AtRBORlt t. It. BULLETIN. I Rates of cue tand onc-thtird fare onl thie certificate iplnwill Dseumtde for thse followving mieetings: y.Chictago-Associationu of Nurserymen, 1Jtune 10 to 11. f1 Cleveland, O.-Y. 'I. C. A. Secre- -taries, Jnne 5 to 9. Escanaba., Mich.-Hihersian Conveit- tionl, June 16., Muisbegoni, icht--Arbeiter Biund, JItute 9 to 11. Onte fare for round trip for te fol- lowinlg: Bay Vsiewv-Camph'Meeting aind As- sembllly, July 7 to 161. Chilcago-Demtocratic "Ntiolnal Con- Xventioin, July 3 to S6. St. Lotuis, 'Mo.-Itepubllean Ntational CoinXen-tion, Junie 12 So 15. Wa'shtingtoni, D. C. -Y'. P. S. C. E. Coinventison. Satia;JOIeh 0 SPECIAL, SALE! NECKWEAR AND NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, Tis includes every Tie and Neg-, ligee Shtirt in the stock. WAGNER & COr PURNISHERS, 21 MAIN ST.,, ANN ARBOR, IIR. S. GREENWOOD, AgS. HIOME SEEIiJI IS' E1-C P151 ONS 'To Virginia anti NorhC'trollina. Agents of Ohio Centrial Lines will sell hlomse St's-ers' Exctirsion Tiekets to points in irginila andi North C'aroi- litaon uttne f9th, rcturn limiit 30 chays, It rmite of onie fare for rotundstrS-iptpls $2. 1-or fturthter i'sforsshtioit addsress: Johni Moores, T. 1'. A., F~indily, 0., or WV. A. Peters, M. S. A., Detroit, Mlich. STiUDENTS, ATTErNTION! Mi-i or women wvho XXitsh to go to Bay V'iewv, Mich., for thte season for, Xworb, please call 'Thutrsdhay afternloon oinly, at No. 7 N. Slate st. Mrs. Ht C' Eames. D. &- C.Floating talacees are niisv runninlg daily betweeni Detroit anch Cleveltand, atid en tay 1 will comn- isensce to rtii daily betweens Chevehiessi, tnt-ill-Bay ansi Toledo. If you are traveinig betweeni the above points, take adivantage of at wvtter trip anti save mloney. Spenld your vacation onl the Great Lakebs. Send for illustrated pamuphlet. Address A. A. Schuantz, G. tY. A., De- troit, Michi. Wanted-Four enlergetic young la- dies or gentlemen to travel, salary $45 and expenses. Also have profitabie emtploymnent for those desiring to Xvor;K during vacation. C.all or address J. J. Cargill, 1S B. LibertyOs. I/ Too outhtt to itestr a pate of Kolored. - Shoes AND KEEP KOOL. ALL STYLES IN KALF OR9KID. BEAL'S 100 6 N. MAIN ST. OPP. COURT HOUSE. 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. i B GRandall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand zizi Rapids, Michi., sold to us. 65c ON THE DOLLAR. Men's Hand Sewed Rtussias $6.t0, cut to $4.85 Mlen's Hand Welt Rlussias, $5.10, cut 10 $4.25 Men's Dark Brow~n Russia s, $4.00, cut ho 82988 Men's Pat. C Bals Rtussias, $5.00, cut to $3.85 GO'ODSPEED BROS., 1 S