THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 1(. of fit. aii . ____ O UICCc~l-s A FEW LEADERSW IN FINE FOOTWEAR FURDAY, VUNE 6-7T _ Schedule of Faculty ad Giad- Published Daily (Snday excepted) dring _ ae P n the Colege ear, atatePrgam.. THE (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFIE: ime buldig N Man s., ppoite This evening the latFaculty tCon- pri oTm stldnc. lus lcpate rt for this yar will le given, It ts o be hopd that a) large aitience will EDITORISie lpreslt at this the las appear J. F. TnooxAs, 'i7. w: w. Tycs. 'be L.I once of th miembro of tfaitulty. E. L. heioet, lit L F. 1i. Loomis, '8. 0. H.IIiANS, '. F. S. Snioc, '.. 'hey will all hae exedingly grae- R. C. UxseRWOOo, 't. C K RtilEc, 'lil. ful inumibers, aid we are cictii'i clat this will be -fod to tic one of O5ANA~l~tt EOTI thitmsot ejoytble coittits f iti- t. . lintxaictov, '9(i L, BUISNESS MANAE~ The pogrmis t as follows: L. C. WAttEa, 'i. Sointa for Piino lanii Violi (MS.) Cf. . Cle. ei;('irlotte Jaffe, iii- ASSOCIAT EDITORS mann A. GP.ilt7. "7, that bie' two S. b. mtache. ' . S. It. . S mihrlt.'9La. weeMlyisg," \evii; Maid cf J. L. ttah,.'93 Hl. IH. 13. killia,'bo aL. Aheis, Goitodl, it.e titd Air of C. . tRoe, 'b8f. LoiseDodoc '1. Valintie, (Fais,i)o'Ilpolssente"; B. B. itltheosy, 'b. H.crix. '9, Clrdot 8.. L iisson. Elicis, op. Lxia I. Dikinooc.% ___________________________________ No. 1, 3, 4,. Chrels Dnee; ft. The sulccritian price cofte Datily has gtiol. "St. Frtanis walkig ennCiie heenredeued'itoi iscits n advan ce ite rest.C --0, rn'z Liszt Alerto of te year. Leave sbsc~riptos t Cte Daily offie cortwith 1. C. Myer cU. ot M. Jititts. Gypsy Dnct, strst; New Stand. Httriiinin A. Zit. Tre Moeri t'niglish l adbis: Bid iii' to livi, Editor of today's paper, Htitons; Thursday. Mousoy; 'The E. L.. HESMEl, '9S L.. tld Navy. (bborts by Ca't. Marry. at). Sttnfort; Gardetir S. tLaisoi. Mttiy of te tittilitits hatv in- 'lThesctedl o01'ocetrt t it iitmed tha Itt their tplacs of businss School of MiusiC' is as follows: will be closed after 4 o'clock this T'hursaly, 4 :0 p. 'i. ratduitle'oll ~ ina.~a~ C '~ ittr t'll~ci rt 'iss tetC ills; fIttiy, S aftrnon n odertoperit her er-P.Ii., fttcully oct ri ideay. 4:31) te ployeesttoatitnd te'bol gcmttand1(Ia ragclte oceree'', i ss,ouisee M' fthttt'attendace of town ieootieill b i'tv; IMoiltiy, JinietS. 8 p. m,5at (1titt ltrge. Thitleshtopsn in~testate rogrCiam;iitl1TueIsday, Jne 9, 43(1 in Iiivistiy affairs whch usould c- i p .. tittal re'iel; iTuesdlayJune !), crive ia proerc acknovledgttlcnt on the ~P . ctltit tegttt ciis day, Junce itt, 4:0tt 1) m., orgn c. ptxrt ofCite stldore-.citel. Cni'rsiy Hll c. .. ..Cecai Thle arrantlgeti itof te ittei t yand ,gctdutticn eii itliMliss Att, M. blbw couirsts esithat lie'de res ill hch 1tridt Ttu' 12, 4:11) p. i. bot cliiibe obtine by six year' a- occooirecitl,Univse'sity ittul, A. T. Cesitilii'litClt' utcosit Iiticc \Io 1.Woothulf; Mtondaly, Jut" 33, 4:)' tendlnc atthe nivrsiy a t lp., violii recitl; Testay, Jiie I, iie'tCwith otjetionis onite'Caret of 4:,310 p. i. vocalr'cital; 'Tuesdaty, saine' iemiiersccof te oiiitCte it Jut10,Sit. ii., gadutetexerc'ciss. pitetd to hike tctioni otthClub liles. I Clie evinilg lprtogras Jiiec8tand titu, It is to te hoed Itht otiig 9 iiorctestra will aept.tu will be done to itake cven years' Art Ehibition This Week, work niecssariy to tclelt thCie' The AititAior Art Shoioel is hled-l ciourist's i luere decaticilt1s, ticste tg its tirdannilitiexibiltiotis thiorouighniessof iliversiC)' insti- cok ii the Musenice'Bloc, oerit'e titin will sot suifter'imaterillly by a.Sainigs fank, tbb'ill Cit tpei fromi redctin o on yer i ths mnue l:30tba. ii. to 0 1. ii.edily, elsiig redutio ofout~ ii ths iltiliii',Satcrday night lt.10 o'clocktFrtni. It is possible to comtitlette acad tPaulun 10arist of Detroit hits givei emical and lawV courses ins ix years the istut''ioi, wichihaics ben oft at etsterninsittitutoins and thic'discuS- a b'ery high orer--aindl ha given Cii sioun of this matter by lecding eutca- Aicn Arbor giCstidetsotetneit of tore has shiowvnelit tenajority t- his imany ye'ars' study abracd.'Ture lre 300 stisties of puiils on ehibitin, bir stchi a regulation. f etn adverse all of whiihiae the woik: of the rs- decisiosi is mtiatte it wiill affect a large nt yeas', The tbo pieces of Mr. numliber of tutsell yearly, many of Palus' obn work will reptty a iit. whome will unldoubtedly take advant- Five o'clock tea will be sred. age of favoruabe opportunities offered Tennis Tournament, elswhee.Te rainl intrferdl with the teni Chicago Wins Track Meet. turnament somiebbhtt yestrday afternoop so tht only tbvo Itatche The tai collegiate track meet, in secocutlteted, In these Cady beat which Chicago, Northsestern aidtKenney t-, 6-3, asd Warriner beat Lake Forest participated Tuesdtiy Herr G -3.tiil The other matches afternoon, was son by Chicago The will be continued this afternoon bie- points matde were: Chicago. ff3; fore the baseall gamle Northwestern, 44; Lake Forst, 3et. 'Wantd. Four energetic young Ia On fue holethemeetwassuccss-dies or gentemen to travel, salary $43 ful, although the rok was rather and expenss. Also have profitable slow. employment for those desiring to work Subscribe for the Daily and get all during vacation. Call or addres. J. the baseball news. Cargill, 18 E. Liberty st. All Gents' $7.00 anti $0.00 Patent Leather Shoes.. A O All (Gents' $'c.bO anti$3.50 Colored Shoes fo ....f S4 9 All Gents' $5.00 Colored Shoes:.......'AAlLds AD0 ooe hos......... 44 All Laties' "400 Coloredl Shoes fo................ $3.49 All Lathes' $3.50 Colored Oxfordsfor,......,... .$2.99 AtI Ladie.o' $2350 Colored Oxfor;?s for........ $2.19 This sale inclutles all tour elegant lines of sunmer goods in the laet colors anid styles. J ACOBS & A LLMANDĀ®, Wasbhington Bhk Itest of oneO and onethtird fColant II~il n o thie tetificaite la1 i llii b-iI t etm tic Cot te tolliceb'g ineectings: Chiicago-Associtionsof 1Nurseryscien, Jlte 10 to 13, Clevelcand, 0.-ir.31, C. A. Secre- tcaries, Julio 3 Co 9. Escanabua, ilicht.-ttiberuiian Conveni- Cloth, June l1i. Mtuskegoni, Mich.-Arbeitor Mouid, Junie it to 11. Oneccftare for round trip for etie fol- lowlig: May Viewv-Canuip _31-oeting and As- cetictiy, July 7 Co 16. Chicago-D~emoicratic NtionlhhiCost- & Clark.. . THE Photographers of Detroit, will nuake venlionutly) 3 to 6. your sittings every SC. Louis, Io. tRepubliccan Nationctl Conivention, lJute 32 to 13. I~fP~lV ~leTIR~'~ Wcsliutoui,ID. C-i. . . . . E. IL~lI IU~I~l~I Convbenion. R3. 5. GRIEENWOO)D, Aget."""AT- tIIl.ESE EKEIIS' lI XCUIISIONS NO, 5 W' LIBERTY ST' 'to virgiutiteanti-North (Carolusua. __________________________ Agenuts of Ohio Cenutrail Lines wilhl si-Il Hlomic'Sekers' Excursion Tie-ie-Is f9 Ifl V 1 O Co pintis in Virginitc tutelNothirco- 5JUL ,BABYI UL l.lUU linga ott Jituteith, retiurn limtit 30 datys, at rate of 0110 tore for roiundc trip hits weighin g otuly 502 pounds $2. F'or fiurthuer i'afocitictiost address: rides Johniu Moore's, '1. CP. A., Fidi-is-0.) or 11. A. P'eters, -1. C'. A., Detroit, T he A m erica 311th.b LAW STUDENTS, ATTENTION. Write to Frederick Mlainus, Attorney, Albiont,llicit., hut relatiout to formuitug a. co-partnership ivithi a is-ol esabl- lishued busliess. A. cutuie' ssith any otto of ltree attoruteys' in tree locttl- ities. Write at elite. FR'EDEICCK -MAINS. *STUDE.NTS, ATTENTION'. .Nleut or svomen svho wvishi to go to Bay Viesv, ih., for the sasont fee' svot-k,pletast'eutal'Thusday afterncoun ounly, at No. 7 N. Stale at. 'Mrs.1I. C. Eames, Studontesvwho have relics they wish wor'kedti p into bindting can got te boat and cheapest work dlone at te Argus bindery, over the Ann Arbor Savings bank, . Gentlemen-if you want to save money on shsoe ropois-ing call on A. Levy, 31 N. hain s)., just belowv Cle post office, All wvork tics) class. Light soles 50 cents, heavy ones 60 cents. To isutroduce this magnificent wheel, I wiill snake a very liheral (liseotunt frolu litt price. It is thue hutndsomest you Itoi-t seen, it is- a beauty. A. W ILSEY, t SOLE .AGENT, N. B-I SELL THE CLEVELAND. 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROPERTY. W~holesale Cignes, tTobaccos and Cigarettes BGSHOE SALE Randall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand Rapids, Mich., sold to us. 65c ON THE DOLLAR. Mlen's Hand Sewed Russias $6.00, cut ho $4.85 Alen's Rand Welt Russias, f5.t0, cut ho $4.25 Men's Dark Bro~vn Russias, f4.t00, cut ho 12.98 Men's Pat. C F dhais Russias, $5.00, cut to $11.85 GOODS PEED B ROS MA.