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October 19, 1895 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-10-19

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Published Daily (Sunday excepted) dung
the Colegs year, at
OFFICE: Times bilding N. Main st., opposit
post office.
J. A. Letos, 'ii, Managing Editor.
G. B. 1AnI so, '00 L, Assistant.
G. R. SiMS, 'li, Assistant.
C. D. ARY, Gr. L, Assistant.
S. E. KNAPEN, '008, Athitic Editor.
L. (. WALKEs, 'it. Busiess Managr.
. C. FActDS, '00 M, Assistan.
Associate Editor.
L. A. Pratt, '0. A. K. Petrie, '8.
C. A. Hooughton, '00 D. G. M. eath, 'i P'.
Katherine hed, '7. 11. B. Gammon, '8 M.
J.0.C. Tiossas, 'li. W. W. Hughes, '(.
B. B. Mateny, 'SO.. It. 1.teily, '0.
R. C. Boo, '00 0.
Communications regarsing foreign ader
tising shosld be addressed to G. B. Harrison
All busin ess connieted with the loci sb-
eription list of this paper ki n charge of I'
C. Meyer, 46 E. William st. All other bsinss
matters are under the immesiate sdiretio
of the bsiess masager.
The price of the Daly wil rmain as here.
tofore, P.50O a yar, invariably in advance,
noiwsssanding the fact that pblicatisn
will he continsed until Commecement.
lihi'playing of liii'Stale eoiohaso
so far 'beeni svery u nsali aofryi-. 'ills
vigorl'sochracerli'ilistcso Yale's foiiei
t11e C'esc'ent. A.C. ws falxiifiominig
whslit Wssexpeted ifiTaoe's lfamiliai
reciorids. 'l'ii'Yle Weeskly says: "h
foiotball oitlook ili3s yai is fr froiii
bing so brigh as 1o warrnit (le feel-
ig of comifoit which lo-s. 'laiae'eried
tile woik of niany f lthe canidate
of lai. Ini (le ~goseos so far Oiers'
has been'i a lck of (lht'idio ir dills
spirit whiic'l 11a0 iotribteits'ii5mucihsl
to Yalsoatlietic siics'ss aiidl wit'h is
none11'too early ito exesc." Ii iteili
eviuent Yle is nt pluayig Yle
Baiiis hund i (t' games'wihi (le
(rescent. A.(. wscloel~ry 'w00 Yle
playedl ut inervalsistha shs' was Com-
pelrd' to inake a sfy 1o avoi he
scoring ofue adversary. We are
gil ladll110nosuch sentlisf ycanle
expressd lagaist(le 'Varsiy teami.
TShe 111n11a01Certinilyidoiig iicsly
and111al1 we need iow is ilo' presece
of every loyal ssu'iit o every gane
giving (lie 1'nisersiiy yell aoii'letiig
(lie telam knowllihy have the bes
wishes of ol patriotic stuiens al their
baks srgilig tieii to vicory.
They Will Organize.
At a meting of thos' most ative ii
forming a D'roiti(branchliof (le Alii-
niiAssociation aiiilie Russsel 11011e0III
Deroi, T'bursibiy eening,-Ses'ns.
Penidleon, Fii'l, iBalbs ansd Sherril
Were appointed a Committiee ts issue
the call1, for ai imetinig aid formuliae
a plsis for organiziion. This 0011-
muilfe isill111et1nx, 'h'urisday 1and(
will issue a call for a general mneet-
ing of all aluimni in Detroit.itote
hld Oct. 3Li
Elegant Slte-bah, heaing aid
lighting-rent reasonable-Forest Inn,
18 forest ave.

Comuictin. ClosiIng
W~ihill the imnproveentis itiat halve
bern r'eiintly iiade iii (le low udepart- We have left a fair stock of
ilicil, it appieirs 10 (hough (lie libirary all sorts of
faiiishave becen soiiiewliat over- WRITIN TABLETS
lookedi. Thie'ii is iniich dlissotisfaciioni VI III
bueing e'xprssedsl si all sidies aitibe which can he closed ont as
short and iicoivenentih oors inichoilo'si
stunsoave access io tie libirary. MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C
1:31 ii. mi., is mer(uch soolatr to open GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC
(lie idooirs ill itie afternoon, a10s si- GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC
dints who do no01 sis o go to theiir' CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C
rooms after diiniei', iave (o0 wadii ear- BEST CRANE LINEN 'TABLET, - 35C.
ly a11 hour be(folre'iakinill)1their work WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB.
again. ''hieii 3:30 p. mi. is ioo ealy This stock will not be replacedi.
foi' it to closi'.as it levs half anj Gene quick for first choices.

Grand Opera House.
First lime here. The Season's Novelty..
Haurry Williams' New Scenic Play,
A Bowery Grl
New and original scenic effects. The.
record breaher everywhere. A. (rent,
compuny. 60 people on the stage. The
latest Bowery npecialties.
PRICES, 35C, 50C9 75C AND $1,00..
Lowney's Chocolates..
Hot Lunches. 4

hour bifore suppur which caii be' hit
tou liiigood lpurplos',110it is not tiiie
e'ioiighi Is go (o yoiui rioiiiand ac-
eoniplishi aniytinlg. Wt'ii ito Ohs'us-
s-iionvs'ieni'e of these hours is added'i
s e'fart itiat5've'n thiiy sire not ia0-
wvays pruompt~hly obss'rvesd ('l'liilrssily
nightl for examle.thilibroar.y was not10
opeuneid yet at. 8:3l0),islot's 051111 as
ihoughit shioiiiuldive'aIre'formatsion.
If the library cannot is' speii all diuly,
let it bes so a) least from 1 p. in. to
60 p. mi. LAWS STUDENT.
Tennis Tournament.
Ini ile' iennils tournamentrii oul 111
campusill yesterdialy itie ressilt. was .is
l'ii'st cllass singles-Alexandier bellt
Shes'i'n i6(-h, (6-3.
Secondl class siligles-Mlck svoii
from .51111111by de(falti. Sdalii'u'iii-
feateduTaylor 2-(i, 6-0 -2.
Davis iion from Buirke-rt, 7-5. 6i5, (6-0.
'Today's soatcbes swl lbe as follows:
llerrirk 111111Alexandier play t(l ie'a1111
in thei'first class At t0 a. ii.; Ohernail
andG Muckiat 130(ai. 11.; M(a1e1ruaid
hDais at 1(0:3(0is-.iI.
Captain of the Mott Haven Tranm. 1890.
This unique boot is an athletic symposium
contributed to by well-knoiwn amaeurs, ex-
perts and college team-caiptains. Harrard,
tale, sad ither leadisg colleges are repre-
sented. Football, baseball, tennis, ;golf.
cricket, hurdlinig and trach athletics, yacht-
ing, stating, bicycling, etc., are practically
and suggestively treated. One vol., cloth,
8vo., profusely illustrated, $1.5.
hour sale by all boohsellers.
S2 Peael Street, Boston.

tArgus Printing House.I TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St.

A. speedy ma'n on a
A strong man oii a
Alight man on a
A heavy man oii a
The right man in the right







This. space Re-
served for Beall's
Shoe Store.

Finch & Laity1

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