THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. RMjCHGAN GENS! Time Table (Revised) March 1, 18. Mail and Ex-8 .350 Mail -5_______838 N. Y. Special---. 5 0S N. Y. Special--. 7 30 Eastern Ea--is- is1. N. S. Limited.... 9 25 Atlantic Es.1 753 Pacifc Es.__12 15 ON. Exprese.... 1540 Witern Es.___2 00 G. R. Express ___i1 05 Chii. Ni. Es.---10 12 GRExy . Sal__ 5 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. H1AYE, H. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ass Arbor ap RAILROAD. Time Table Mla 02, t1l96. *1::t a. m. 417:10 a. m. 1'9:15 a. m. -11:30 a, . so:2 18:11 p. m. *0955p. m. ':02 p. M. 'Sunday ouly betocro Toledo and 1am- 00i t ily sleepers between Toledo anti Frankfort. 0iialiy except Sanday It. $. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H1. HENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, May 17, 1896 Leave Ypsilanti from Congress t., :30. 8:00 and 11:00 a. in.; 12:05, 2:00, ::30,5:00, 6:d5, 8:30 and 10:15 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, :00, 8:30 and 11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 2:30, 0:00, 5:30,7:15, :00 and 10:05 p. m SUNDAY TIMIE. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st.,1:30, 3:20, Leave6:3An0 nn 9:Arbor Junction, 2:00, :00, 1.30, 7:00 and 9:;10 p. m. Cams run os city time Fare: inge irip 15 Cents; round trip tickets 25 cents. WM. F. PARKE, Supt STUD:EN.TS i If you want good reliable life insoraco call on Fred T lOmber, office No 1,S Fourth ave. Bicycle Repairing. Bicycles Enameled and all kinds of machine work. HUN LTER BROS.. No. S East Liberty St. RENTSCHLER, PHO0TOCnAPHEXL t ANN ARBOR. MICH. Juat Rteceived a Large and Elegaat Lino of New Pipes!? So unches, Chocolates and R on B.O nYs&CO Bo Bonn.L Y t O M0S. State St. Sager Hloch. RAN DALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. Closing-Out We have left a fair Stock of all sorts of - --WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC: GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 350: WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Friting House. Mrakes a specialty of Renting Furniture, Rugs, Drapery, China, etc.: at Satisfacory Raies, A large line of Micyclee, Caiies, anid all kinds of Sportiiig Goods at 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. Furniture. the COAST LINE to MACKINAC -.--l-TA KE THE.------ OUR NIEW SPRING SAMPLES IHave arrived. The ltrgestaildlfttest as-ortmeat eereshootn it:bAnAr)or.Suhats ftrtmn$14dto&0. Fatis from o $12.8: We hktow that toe: canpleatseyouattd'totill pleate youinto lttknatousampiea bcfore buytang asiangfortntshing.- F. J. Glen, The State St. Tailo r 20 S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. Honored in thoeREat. How shiall I earn enotighl during ta. L . eniigs «howa fr the sumr t carry me three yeatrs :assistint iii the Zottlotgiecal Ltabortatory under ttrtofe-ssor Resighatrd, throug-h tile wiliterWrite the 11:s juttpassed the exaitionoirt Merchants' and Manu- the tdottorstldegreeSt 5 t~rvttrd. Ite hats itten t~isartdedtlheit rot Waliker facturers'Mutual Life porice iby theiRooiiSocilty oNit tttril history anittihs ben-i appiointetd to a. Association, of ]De- I',irlw er loittwitjb111 mrvatrtl Uni- vrsity. fThe fellowship eiiales hitti troit, take an ag;ency to sell to spendtt two yeairs iii stdy ab~roatd:. Life Insurance that p~eople ANN ARBORlttt0. It. BULLETIN. will buy, and yout can make Ra~tes of oine und one-)tirdl fare oii lie certificte ipltn will be imatde for iMoney all summer. the following itteetinigo:AWe furnish the most popular Chicaigo--Associattioii of Nurserynien, fom tfLieIsrne fth Jlte 10 to 13.'frsoLieIuanefth Clerelaint, 0.-fi. AM. C. A. Secre- day at popular prices. Our taries, Juie I5to i9. Escanabtha, Mtich.-Hliberian C'oiven- commissions are liberal. Ac- tion, Junie 1fi. iioskegoii, ichi.-Arbeiter Funidt, tfive, energetic men wanted. Junie 9 to 11. Address the Association, WNhit- Ont fare for round trip3 for the fol- lovwisg: ney Opera IlIouse Block. 1-aty View-Camtp Meethiig and As- steibly, July 7 0o 16. A, G Spalding& Noll Chaicago-Deiniocratic Nltoi:,siCon- ,. i: Noheflosa Gae- veitionulbily It3 ito te"thtthie -article :)e::iittit istebrat St. Loutis, o.-Riepublic-ainNationa~l prOoduted. Uiforttms tnd Supplies of ecery Conventtiont, une 12 t'15. 22 descripttio:nfor Itare- ' ial, Trennis (tilf. Nasinigton, D. C. -Y. P. S. C. E. - Sfentd Ittr i:::tdome Ri. S. GIZEENWOOD, Ag). The Acme-i e 0rftrctin- IlOsE SIBEK 'Iti1CUiSlONs THE SPALDING BICYCLE FOR '96, 'P~t Virgiiit nil NoI sell trolitta. Ageists of OhiotCe-ntral Lutes will A. G. SPALDING & BROS., sell lioitie Seekers' Ecursion'li tilo ewrYorb, Chicagto,Phitladrlpia. to ptao isii Virg iiiat tiltSNothiCatr:o- targestSM~aoufac:torers of itcycles atnd Atht- lisia onine t-,Gilt.rlurni liimit 30 lays, letic Goods in the world. st raite of out- fare for rotnt trilt this Spaltliecs Official Biase-ba:ll Gutiefr 9i1:: $2.Forfuthe i'foiiltio adres;contints ,24pages-- ofireaditiamatteir:and 40 $2.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ae t-a ute ~oitiititttittfcoof htalf-totne pictures.,ttteluingt call she bohiii'Moores, TP. P. A., Iluidltty, O., Natital Leagute tetams, minleauhm -pionstoellege teamsand ofd-time players; or WV. A. Peter-o, 1. 1P. A., Detroit, the Noew Playittg Roles: ofltii l avt-ragen of all league at! college cltbs. Prict-, 10 ctants. Stlicli, i t . e M-. (/ACKCINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passengr Steamers The Greniest Perecion yet attained in Bet Costrctiion-Luxurious Equipment, Arisinc Funihisg, Deoraion and E~iciet Service, otitsig te highest degree of COrIFORT, SPEED AND) SAFETY. Fate teS ecsERWEEKaBEcEEaN Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKtY, "THE SaO,"MAQUaETT, AD DaLTaH. LOW RATES to Piresqe Makinac and Return.eincluding rioals and Berths, rim Cleoeland, $18: 1mom Tled, $5; frmm Os- troit, 13.50. tVERY EVtNtNG Between Detroit and Cleveland ConetoeinggatCirveladiwithI HriteoTrans for all pinatos ustSotth antiSothtoanatd at DeiraitorealpointsiNorthond Norhwest. Snday Tripsine,Jly, Augnal and Sepebe Oly. EEYAY BETrWEEN Cleveland, Put=inBay of Toledo Send for Illusraied Pamplie. Addessn JA. A. SCHANTZ. o. n., DETOIT, M011, e IN(lfi & Cevelaol Gteam Na. C. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins, Rings, etc. Call aId c. C. H. KEYES.. TRADE WIITI PARKER, Purest and bes Sodia in thisity. 2Home mnade and fresh caiidies. Fruits in season. Give iso a call aiid ho well treated, Cor. State aud "N. Uniiversity ave. - SUMMER NOVELTIES Wait Ses, Sills iand Leathie Bels, Silk Uxmi-thhp, 1U. of 201" Pint: Stins. WM. ARNOLD'S JEWELBI' STORE. M 1 ~ y~ tedsand tloimb The Onig Sleping or DrawnQamla pOImn Sleprsbewen lombn n The OnL igSeithtrinebeacwayo ledandeGhlumbs.ooad oa. The OlYSleei oS traingeaoom warli Lbetween TldClmu n The OWNLYDinRECT LINEiebetweenl PulantiletheVrginitwn. Clmu n T betPOPUARTLINEoetweenColubsilnn TH NaLEayrho raineachwayon SPniidfoatbtweerniTolvo atoie lms.o THEaNLY eLINwih heraiynishedabyday .5sanTHE NYLN hltrais eac yda beOeeTeond hOUKesto.,P. A. THE NLY IREC OLeweDodoI TO llt:NT For the sesooiiati 0)1dMissioun, :a-t furiihiedt cottage, beatifully locltted. Fote termis, etc., aipply to lieo. Ptice, St. Joiiis,, Rich. Furnished Hotuse to rent for two months beginning July 1, excellent location for Shone deoiring to keep)a boarding and lodging hiouse during Slhe summer school. Apply or address 1S S. Pniversity ave., opp. campus. j For Rleint-Furinishedl loho si uitable- for a fraternity or society, at 102 S. State St. Subscribe for the Daily and get all the basebaii news. Rtipans Tabuies: gentle cathartic, THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROPERTY. Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigarettes TOOP & uuO,; 26______TA Call on them for Fine Lunches, Finn Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. HANGSTERFER Eo~R t Retvro Home by Boat!1 The An ohox' Lin.e Plying between Buffaio and Duluth offer special inducements this year to students desiring to go ho0me by the Lake Route. The palace steam- ers India, China and Japan leave Detroit twice a week each way. For rates, time tables and full informa- tion apply to J. W. AMESSE. Agt. Address P. 0. B~og 150, or callfat 94j E. Washington st.