THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. -- .WCHIGAN CENTRA Time Table (evied) March 1, 189. Maland Ex--350 Mali-.. 83 N. Y. Special.... 55 N. Y. Special.... 7 30n Eastern Ex-..1 12 N. S. Lm~ted....9 25 Atati .t...., 7 30 Pacific Ex-..12 15 D. N. Epre.5 45 Western E.x. 2 00 G. R. Express ___11 05 Chi. Nt. Ex...1 12 G. REx.-----557 0. W. RoGGLES, H. W. AYES, G. P. & T. At., Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor RAILROAD. Tnr Tare Mj a21, t896. NORT. 1:15a. a. 'i:U0 a. i. 0:24 p.mai 118:11 p. i, .95055 p. E. ;):0 pm Ssdiy cnly between Toledo ad 1am- bur Junction. eeO:1ly sleepers betweens Toleo and Frankfort 05aly except Snday R. . GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, May 17 1896 Leave Ypsilanti from Congrest., :30,8:00 and 11:00 a.a.; 12:45,2:00, 3:1:0, 5:00, :45, :30 and 10:15 p. a. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:0, 8:30 sd 1:30 a. a. 1:15, 2:0, 4:00, 5:0, 7:15, 9:00 and 10:45 p. a. SUNDAY TINE. _ Leave Ypsilanti from Congress i., 1:30,:0, 05,0, :GandS9:00 pa. '7 Leave Ann Arbor unction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, :00 and 9:30 p. a. Cars run on city time are: singe tripi5 cents; round trip tickets 25 cent. WM. F. PAKE, Supt STU.DEN TS ? If you want good reliable life Insurance call on Fred T AcOmber, office No. 1, S. Fourth ave. Bicycle Repairing. Bicycies Enameled and all kinds of machine work. HUNTTER 1BROS.. No. 9 East Liery St. RENTSCHLER, PHO0TOCP&PHEn ! ANN ARBOR. MIQCH. Just Received a Large and Eegant Line of N'ew Pipes! Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Bon Bos. R. E. JOLLY & CO. 20. State St., Sager Boc. -RA-NDALL Photographer 16 Washington Block. Closing }Out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of -- WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows: MIAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5 GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - 8C CRANE'LINENTABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE R LB This Stock will notbe replaced. Come quick for first choice. Agu8 Printing House. Your Graduation Suit We would like to make for you. WeC have the Goods, can give you perfect fit aind correct style. Besides weC can 2011_I will save you m oney. What more do you want? See Mr. Rose at the Cook House every Toesday. 100 new Scotch Patteins, latest noveiltics, juist opened. Suit to order $20.00 and up. THE GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING CO4, DETROIT. Regatta Week at Wisoonsin. How Shall 1 earn enougih during ' This week is to 0:. lRegat0a wee-k the summer to mat 1e at thic LUniversity of wisconsin ani caryeth greait interiest is sh~own iii thi events tisrour-tile winter? Wrteth wichi will be coiiteste(. Ser~il iii Mercliants' and Manu- ter-class isiccsare to bc hllil os thelie haicaiilp evint ibetwven the 'A lirsity ailt fresluileli cremsois s'xpeced to be espseilly- good. Besides tie-se ill:d an1 inter-fraternlity boat ric-e, there wiii tie a wild cuctik ch1:se, ii wihichi duck mwilliclipped weing;s will lie tourn- ed leoe:-inite til esr iii the ceer- of a crowd of (-ontestanits w ho will try to catch it lietxocen (lives. 'iii' cominlg rait-betweeii tle 'Vaorsity illi tie Yaile fieslmen, wvho 1pu1llin greait foiiiiisakes interest iiin tvaul oatfairs especiaolly proinentcu. facturers'Mutual Life .Association, of De- troit, tat&e an ardency to sell Life In~surance that people will buly, and yell can make Money all slimmer. Wec furnish the most popular formis of Life Insurance of the .ItieCOAST LINE to MACKINAC, - --- 1TA KE T H E"4-- DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers, The Grestest Perfection yet attained in Best Costruntion-Luxurins Equipm~ent, Artistic Furnsuhing, Deciration.and Effiient Service. insurein:gslhe highest degree of COI'IFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY.. FOiRsTsRISPReWiEEETWEEN Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PtTOSKIY, uTOE tOO." MARQUtTTE, AND DULUTH. LOW BATES tos Picturesque Macskiac and Reiurc. includingIlieais snd Berths. Frm Cleeland, $18; from .Toledo, $s; f rom. On- troit, 5.3.50. EVERY EVENING Between Detroit and Cleveland Concecinguat Clevelandl wills Earliest Trains foreall pointis as, SothandlSouthwestand at DeiroiloforlipointscNorthand Noethwest. Snndy TripsJune,inuly, August and September Only. EVERYs'DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, Put=in=Bay Toledo Send foe Illustriited Pamphlet. Address A. A. 5CHANTZ.a. P..s. DETROIT, MICH. Isle Deroit & CWNW M~ SeantiNav. Ca. LIVERY, HACK AND BAGGAGE f + LINIE + + 21 N. MAIN ST., OPP. POST OFFICE. ORDERS FOR TRAlNS, PARTIES, DRIVING Promptly attended to. STUDENTS' TRADE SOLICITEDW TELEPHONE 68. f SUMMER NOVELTIES. Wiaist Sets, Silk alid Leather Helts, Silly UmbelI p i"U. of l." Pins, Steins. WSM, ARNOLD'S -JEWELRI' STORE. dayItislnoulnl-Utt Wiscoisini ha da at popular prices. Our given siiith' seningli ofg it h::rds antd commrissionls are liheral. Ac- Mliyiiury .o the New Yurk intilcel- t,enrtimnwaed lei ite gamelis. The tDaily C'arillii ll ;ti enwntd salys: "In rolisideration-of thee est Address the Association, WVhit- at ('hieago, Jule l6ll, being hut .ua -week later thiiiin110eestirnl gamelis, nley Opera H ouse block. aini for iithe-r suffictienit reaisons it was rn . 5 n I decideil iot to si-dil visconsin rieire- seitatives to News York.' ANN ARBtRlttl1. It. BULLETIN. Slates of onie land onethlird foire on (lie certificate pl1all will be madoie for the fiilloswillgmeietings: Chiiego-Associatisii of Nurserymlen, Junle 10 go 11. Clevelaind, O.-"Y. l1. C. A. Secre- tories, June 5, to 9. Cleveland, O.-laster PIluners, June 2 to 5. Escaniabta, llid:.-tlibernian Conovein- tion, Julne 1(1. Muskegonl, 3icl.-Articter Lund, Julie 9 to 11. One fare for round trip for tile fol- losving: Blay Viewv-Camp fleeting ond As- silbly, July T to 1C. Chicago-Demoocratic Nationol Coil. vention, lilly :3 to I6. St. Louis, lIo.-Republicon National Convenitioni, June 12 to 15. Washington, D. C. -Y. P. S. C. E. Convention. It. S. GRIEENWOOD, AgO. Furnished House to rent for two iuonths beginning July 1, excellent location for those desiring to keel) o boarding and lodging house duting the summter schlool. Apply or address 18 S. University ave., opp. camipus. For Rent-A furnished house. Ap- ply at TS E. Washington sO., between the hours of 1 and 4.- 178 If you are in need of anythling in the -line of sporting goods and mWnt it cheap, call at the Daily office. Ripaus Tabuiles core torpid liver. Sunmmer Law Lectures, Univ. of Virgiias July i to Sepe. 1 1896.. Far stud~ents asd practitionerms. 27th year. For catsague, ad- drs P .Caltesil.V.. C. MINOR, Secretary, A, G. palding & Bros "2Th~e Naimeis a Guar- " Asl- nice" that thc article f' "rir it is thii:bhet ' produed. Unsiforms :.:ed Supplies if eery lescrilition fur Jiase- hbali,tin:is. (lir f Sed for h:adsome' w _ Illustred tiloigue. The AcmeolPeretiso- THE SPALDING BICYCLE FOR '96. A. G. S7PALDING & BROS., Nesv Yeoik, Chicago, PFiliidefpiel-. Largest Milsnufacturers of Blicycles asnd Ath- ilec oods Ini thieworId. Spalding's Officiasl Baseb~all Guideifur 1896 I IIUL 1111011 1 lIIL1II Purest and best Soda 111thiis city. Home made and fresh candies. Fruits in season. Cive us a call and be well treated. Cor. Stale and N. University ave. p 2C 'Sk. STATE TOOP 01*'STREE'T.+ Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Bakted Goods. . Try Our Lunches. HANOSTERFE SO .hng THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS MSONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROPERTY. Oholesalle Cigars,. Tobaccos and Cigarettes Subscribe for the. Daily and get all the baseball news,' Thnsig SsLei n a Le; bteess lMs isdsumus The Osi leing srO*\Dra\wing Rosin car Tile Onig Slrawing Grine rLibetwes o TledoandColumbus.eScerete LienSeep between oedioumibus and ThLe OnlYLINwighRom trine ai wen~ Pullnepesetween Colubs and nti. THEI ONLY LINE with 4 rian eaeh way daly between ToledsanCumbgus.enan THE ONLY LIME with 8 triseach way daa Snsbetween Tole adohalnsaColumbus. THE ONLY IREIE w baiseacway Tdaail and the Yirgiis. THlE POPULAR LINE between Toledo, Fstso. rIa, Bucyrs. Gravie nd Newark. . Fuinfsremation relive tos med.,'time nof teains, eb., will be cheerfully furnished by any] MOULTON HIOUK, 0. P. i TOLEDO OHpIO