VOL. VI. No. 18.'' UNB 'E RSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. J !/' tp'RULES TO BE OBSERED. ONE GUITAR REGULATIONS THE BOARD OF Is enough for one person to COT LHAE DPE. play on at one time. One By-Laws Which Govern Our Ath- guitar is not enough, how letic Captains. Coaches and All ever, to supply 3,000 stu- If Those Who Particate in Field S dents. Thats why we haveI Sports. constalntly in stock several dozens of guitars of various pN The board of control at it last meet- makes and prices. i1 inc requested, the Daily to publish the BETTER LOOK AT 'OUR I~foloin,, raes whih were adopted ' U. F M.GUITA.3de. i'159: tl .OFM GIAR That there be and is hereby Np It's good as its name iei 1atUniversit Board for the( THEAN ARBOR ORGAN CO I (reulaton of Athletic sports us the ANN MAIN ST IUnvesity of MEihigan. S tt That this Board shalt have full control of all questions pertaining to S S ! athletics D N S 1 subject to such regulations as IF OU ANTtie Senate may hereafter prescrie. _ III. That tils Board sall conist B arg insof nine uelbers, live of whom siall te chosen from ttie niversity Seate 11.- m : nd four by thre Board of Directors of the Athletic Association of tie Iliver B ook sity (f ichigan. 11V. fat the senate mlemb~lers of CALL AT THE this Bordisall be aplotited by the STUDENTS'_BOOKSTORE President of the Uiversity, tosee uni tr et annual10 meeting of tie F8Law and Medical Book, Greek Senle0r until teir sucesor 01:1 Latiti. Mathematical and all Col- be cose. At the next annua: lee- loge Text Books at reduced rates in,-. the SenatellmembeIrs(f tie Balld to students. Drawlng Instrumaents shall be cehosel s the Sente may0 and Engineers' Supplies. (ire. WE SELL. THE BEST AND V.' T11e. Board shlml elect its 001'r CHEAPEST FOUNTAIN PEN MADE.,ctairllall 511(1se~retary. VI. In case liny stiet violates a SHIBB'iA-N & CO., rule or orer of tils Board be sall STATE STREEST. be sub1j('c'ldto, discipline by te l":c- TXTTTA h -_ ulty (f 1he"depatintllt tto wich 110 MMIIJ..v'J.J, belogs. 'THE LEADING TAILOR VI. Ti er hl rsn AND IMPORTER. in of te Sente. The ltest and most Fashionable VIII. Itegular meetigs sall be Foreign Fatbrics for Men's Wear. held on 11:e first o1I(11y of each1 The Largest Stock in the City. mon0th at half past seven o'clock, ill f1:e Dea's office ill the 1:w ouilding. NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN Spcia:l Ime'tig ma~y be 11e1( at any VYl IL. D time at te call of te chlaimani. IX. A majority vote sall11 (eiehatll WE HAV[ WHT YOU WANTIuestons. Six luelber of tine Board We can meet your needs in the X Subtolailittees may0 be apoit- way of tet-books, supplies, et, noe matter what your clansS or depart- edI,, deemedlctlIeslsay iby the Boa~rd. ment,at either of our stores, and we X. As to 'ligibility of papers: have the right kind at the right price. Bring around a list of your 1. No person shall1 ply on any at- wants; a trial purchase is the best etic 10011 or copelt ilany atileti indicator as to where yon should trade all the year. contest wo is 1101 a regular mlebler We buy, sell and exchange second- of th10 University in gooi standig. hand books in large quantities, and can otter you special bargains in ' No prs1on o probation siall be this line. We are sole agents for permitted to ply 011 any atleic team~ the celebrated Waterman fountain pen-everyone guaranteed. You'll or comipete in aly atletic cooest o also find the best Uiversity Station- tie L'liverorit. ery, Note Books, Drafting Supplies, Sweaters, etc., at special rates at 3. No person ha~ving anly coditon 1 H a ' S psll Ie lloo'dto pla on any atl- ..t-~.. r-i. c team of lthe University witout Up Towcn, IownsTas, {{ spcipermliss15in of tils oadl. Univel.ityBosttore, Oppeite C'orthIose (1Noprsnillh ~rac jyshl 155 .t'te St 4 N. Main I Op0St.t1 ~lesly511 i be plaid, or receive any money comn- plensation. whatsoever, for pllaying onl aily aitlletic team~l of the University. 5. Ratification of the list of players on any athlletic team~l, ald Ipermision for any athlletic team to leave townI mu1(st be0 obtainetd from tile Board., 0'. Cap~talins of any athlletic team linl ithe University shll be res'pollsible to thits Boalrd for an~y violaltionso of thlese' XII. No m~atchl gamles of any kinld shall1 be pllayedi 01nlaly dalys othler thtan holidays withlout the permlission of tis Board. XIII. Th~eIhiring of all coacllers anld trainers must1 be approved by th~is Board. YIV'. Any qutestioln as to phbysical ablility of players 511011 be decided by this Boalrdi. XXV. All schledu~les, of gasnes shl~l b1) ap~provedl by tis Board. 'fis (rulle'ap1- p~lie's to all ('lass teams1itent'ldinlg to laly withl lany teamls fromlioultsitde of Ann. Arbor. Scrubs Outplay the 'Varsity. Several of tile 'Varuity 111ef were llidt nityesterdaly, 011(1the scru1bs iatd little trou~ble' in ma~king galins as well a1su in oltdinlgitleir 11oponents tlaci. 1, 'Varsit. Resere's. Haller.1 .1. It .......Rikes Hlooper. I1. ...g.....1. Johnson Carl1r......c......Denby ttHennlinger .. . g. ....Hall Y ont..... . t...C. Johnson Rtichalrdls- .. . 1. b t..orley FeNrbert. . iiA. h ....1ernoni 1Dotty . f. b. McKie il' The scrubs1otla~yedi 1111)'Var1siiy Lt e'vt'ry point 011(1 their lint' 1110y'wal ex('e'ptionall. Itall (liltexcelleent work 111 tactkle 111111Mctoenzie' tidl.00oi1e gl~otI puntilng.I'almller an1d1Dickell (111 0111111' good ltacklinlg axedtiRicharids layed'tta.:good qularte'r. i'Today's Game With Adelbert. 1Todaly's gamle with Adelbert will. lbt Iculle'di prompl~y at12:311 o'clock. Till lime-up will lbe11s followvs: Adle'ri Miclligan. 31011n.. . .e.... GrenleOl(af La........... t....Y . ont tisiy.... .. Il --enninger Knllt('..........c ..arr r .Littlhill ..lo .I. t ...I ..Itillar tar2"ilg. 1..I ....... Selnter, ltaylord..t.. . t. it . .....aird W~ickh~ama(Calpt.) . .0r ....11tII11lns f i(elaa.. f. b. ..iBoIolillgstonl Harvard November 9, Yesterd~aly's Ipretsstdisp~atchles an(- 101110meihas been de'finite'ly sclheduied fol' Novemuber 2. t11111plin(il c~g ein''; 1 date tot'Novembter 1). FOR THREE UNVERSITES. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOL- LARS FOR PRIZE ESSAY. To Be Competed for by Jan. 15. 18965-A, Professor. From Each Universlty to Act as Judges. P'rof. Ely, of tile University of W is- Mosil, Ins pulblishedfi 1110following letter relative to a prize essy fud~ which was annunt~ced last sprig: "It gives 1111 pleasure to lnnounce t11a1 D. Lubtn, Esq., of Scerlineto, ('a1., 1101 placed lt m1y tdirsl tie 5(111 of $250 to bet'awasrded ill prizes for essays. on tile subject of Tie Agri- cultulral Depression a11d Its itenedies.' After careful cosieration I have d- clued to throw open tie copietitioll to all studtlelts illtile state univ'ersities of ilicligal1, WiSConsin andd illncsota, oferinlg three prizes, viz., at first prize of $1.2, a second pr10ie of $7, and a tirdl'lprize of $811. "It is desired thiat till' facts colcer- in~g tile agricltutral dep'lressioni soldtt bt' carefully, antI Critically txanllinI'II and11 preseltdt'lihaut tie cutses of tile depre'Issionl should b le tdiscussedland ile remnedies for tile deression souldlt receive tattention. Am~ong the vlrios platns which h10100beell advnlcdt for imp1~rovin~g 1110 lgricutuhtralcodition it sier Mr. Lubin's proposal ta~t boul- ties be paid1 0(1tielxlorttiol of sill. 1110 agriculturall Iroulcts 11 is also sulggestedl-that till relatioll of transpor-- tatlionl to agictlture should receis' colsidration. Ithtie libraries of e'ac 0110 of theinlstttlin llvi be fonds propolslI and(his argmnt'ls. It 11101111 te lealy undeilrstoodl tat 011 0(11- ('liy f thlese' 1lan1s1is nt t'quired, but 11h0n it is simp~ly exected tat tey shotldlibtICfrely dicussedl a11d1theI'c001 citusiotus reachied stted wethethey 113 ibe favorable 11r tnfavorablle. "Tile folltoinlg gtltellell have del- seulte'dlt1o1act as jud~ges: nllt'y, r- fo: sor X~ii:1 1A. Sctt(f till'iUniver- sily of Nisolsi; irofessor X. W. F"Ilwell of te4111'lvIrsiy o i31111- sota, alnd Dr. Charoles I. Cooly, of tie inuiversity (f Michigln. Te essays, whiichl it is Idesired, altoulghl111ota- solte'ly required, sould 110 type- signedlon 011 bfre t Jan 111. 1531 . Let It Continue. A.. "1111cr t1tiIlllist foll'tiell' ft o'tt(f till'Athltltic Assciatonws ~startd' ye'sterday :after'noonll amlong tie bu~si- l~v esnlltliof tie ll'1(51. Shee''ha~n & C. bealled tilt list NN ioil$2.. It is hoped('( that(0011y'others ill follolw sisgooi