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June 01, 1896 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1896-06-01

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TimeTable (Revsed Mrch 1, 19G. Makes a specialty of Renting furnituse RosDrpery,(China etc , at -]-+TAKE TH E --- -
BSP.Mit S. AM Satisfacory Rates. A large line of Bicycles(Caines and all
Mail anid EX-...3 50 Mail-...... -838
N. Y. Special--. 5 00 N. Y. Secial.... 7 30 kinds of Sporting Goods at 37t
Eastern x-15. Y 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 M C -,y,( j~ P 2Y .
Atastic Es . .PM.7 33 Pacfic Es---- 15 ii ,
D. N. Express.... 5 40 Wetern Ex----- cii 56, 58 acd 60 S. bain St. Funtre~
G. R. Express ...l1 05 Ci t x0.. 012p 00 JYS . t.Es.10 I ____________557___________________________________________pi.
O.P.T.Agt.,OChicago.A. Age.. AnnArbr 0OU R NEW S PPING SA MPtaLES U PDETROIT
Aavariv ed.ilhle i.st ad is et assotmenet eershowin iAniiArbo. Suits PETOSKEY'
pf-We kouthtse an iiplease yes a idiltwill please yea tIlooIaiou .er simpls beore OHI1CAGtO 7 11
;, S0 ay c TiihIsi.isil2 NewSteel Passenger Steamner
_____ J. Glen, The Sta te St. Tailor TeGetetPretinytatandnBa
20 . STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. Frishig, Decoration and Eiticient Seriseg
TimeeTab e Haty 17, 1896. A. A, Stagg Talks. HFweshaTeesearoe Wa Sees onin
NORTH, SOUTalH.en ll1dlrn ®Toedo, Detroit and Mackinac
*13 a . 7:1a.i Ci agoOn ler easern trill wall the su~mmer y to carry me PETOSKEY, 44THE 00,iiMASOETTE,
'91513a. tn. -11ifolia. im. ASD 0DU .TH.
*:24 p. m_ a b 11 p. i, ftrn o nll ad eiii nn~lli~sylnia, culsss7nT e r i ~ t he1, 0W MATES to Picuresqe Macims axsi
-0i55PIt5m. :02p. s. . Ctroughirli e11711 e r? ie.th eur, inding ]'teaesans Berths. Fres
lSundly poly letwee Tleedo iand 1am- lost ]lii geileS Willi (reali c . Iliel ii SCeeand, $is; fram Tled, $59 f ron Dow.
tsiurreJinctien. (Clubi Yle and Ilrveardl. OfI li:si, Merchants' an.Mau rst, $e.o
*alysleepers between lTltediotandiand. rillielEiERgrEiVENiNGli
Frankf GREENWODtAent et sreereftuadl LifcrditBetween Detroit and Cleveland
hiry ecept Snday upnlica (eisgo eiiidheiiN-esItiiFail
W. H. BENNETT . 1. A. Toledo . iheeam tei n o i it ply hotsiaile 11111AIfosesallpiescNstC souhad iSoiuthleIt ades
ARBOR &lillasbithdeted..Association, O ]e- Deroilfor lioits Nrith andNrhIst
ANlRO bYSLNISR, Ii nin illrio 1toc riProf.] r usday ripsJuneily Ags and SepesberOnl.
AN ABR PSLAT S.BY sli iill ie 1)lrol tri, take anlcl agecy to Sell SVE YBEWN
Time Table, bay 17 1896 fld oitl th wtsp lieirily slhs-Cleveland, Ptin=Bay.,y$Toledo.
liiInsurance that ogle Sed ler Illstrate1 amPiplt drs
LeaveYpslant1 from Cengress at., :30, :0 Vle gariiyi aoo11111.it .oil stiir lslitiiiy A. A. $eCHANTZ, o.a.. a., SRos,..ss
and 11:00a.m.; 1:45, 200,:3,500,16:4.i :30 t s
ad 10):13 p. m, aneil soiiledthl leet of Ieu enireun' 11fly n 'l a ae eDtot&Deea tm a.Or
Leave Anls Aror Jsnction, 7:0, 8:30 and fi.7u efotsm usexplilei- viibyan llcnmk elli &lvla P a.Go
11:30 a. i.: 1:15, 2:30 4:00, 5:30, 7:15, 9:00 and Il. Tieri.fro siii oey all S11mmler'.
10:435. i. rooi, liiheemut erl-ly ciollpseel:111 and AT IJJ
SUNDLAY TIME. p-- lyII ot tim's in a.tinner oluli MAe flrnishl the Iot pot lar " -'--"--"--''--
Lndeave 93 .m Ypslanti from Congress st.,1:30, 3:30,3
00,6:30Nad :00 p. m. woseild ily li eit:ito 1a grllilul' 7CL 4ff(D-
ave Ann Aror Junnction, 200 400 530 col"Ic adftrhl:" hn 011 tIleI~lrneCtte1,N YA~i
Cars ran on city time Pare: single trip 1 that ('luiesuge find1 Cle iiisiertlili oft~ at Isrg hr LIT-SE + -4
cents; roand trip ticeeos 25 censt. day atollilar pl~s s... e'us
WIM. F. PARKEIR, Spt nle-Itimg sll iof t- e l ilil, c p l l y':~~
STU ENT ~ Ilsre'sui'i, wis th ley ws-ure- ilsying ii,1 coma-issions are liberal. AC 21 N. MAIN ST., OPF. POST OFFiCE'
If yuwant good reliable life in soure call ir liest. As Csi le TRANS tfet ills-LS tieenrkti II ane
Ton Fred T MSleroffice No. 1 lS. teen sl ismade lfor We-ser-'llbase-, ORESORTASPTIOIV
F'osrtlu are. b ill, patiilisrly ini Ce if ise Address the Association, Wihit- Pr'mptly aend~eed to.
Biyl epih gtu.of lihe-serho.s.'Iiesgoessre':it- ney Opra 1-ouse Block. STUDENTS' TRADE SOLICTEff.
l~iey'clc Repailing. et wv-ue ess wits i n1oC livlI m; a ______________________
Bicycles Enameled acid all kinds deee' to pitcehua sloc geale mseliI ,, ~ I Ui SlAu~ pi B~ TEEHN.8
of machine work W1 -i h e.- 0edcomupre lie- Mil- p0 "Te Niseiis a Guar- r ~I11)1A& NOVELyTIES
H-iU NTER BROS.., ilCl il i:lulsctle ~il ~ sse1 sst-bs
No. 9fesst Lileryt . hrl ne Wiie 1gaevieteutN t-iand es'eupepd lielleesrys o Fb ~ i
samee t imle, well dre'deu'l 'eliplililesCdescr-ii Spt ie fo rae-y 1110d I t er heis,
ball, OslTennisi. tolSilk l'nsbels-, 11U
RENTSCHLER, "Ini thei hest pleisue Alii-Iig 16 es elu i sesd er hInse oss f N,12 l, ies, scl.
efllei u i l'll te x 11hin1 11ny i team Illutat-stiCauisio e.
lu'lisgoiieereust l et' I ri. Ie fieeleisg p p~seo r~r'is- W . A
ANN ARBOR. MICHO. Iltsuri'ssal11111Ysai lesirtiulsr slbon- THE SPALDING3 BCYCLE FOR '96.NLDSEER(TO.
Jut Receved a Large and Elegant e 1 W1d lu1 el i t11
siuuete lh i In ug-s e slclnoely -A. G. SPALDIN~G & BROS., e > Sa e
Lino of Nevvpipes 4I.ipluss sstioli 55aielisuug aile a :5su'y Eer York, Cicaoe Visae~hnu3pa.
ef thei'ei-lims. l insitig aliso, 1 I s
Hot Lunches, Chocolatos and Litlllo a het'iilisn ~ earget Manufactrers eelBicsycles asl A- t
Bon Bon. wudnt aIhtdLelg1 ws10, lecGoods incle wold-
s siong a110ithe slt'nes e fc tiset l Op si li i a l i h lt Ges ude fees ie:, -/M-
R. B. T\,J OLT-L/1TY & CO,. flu Roost,' pioltsli-Cnu'oeoadinimater iaall id4 so - E
20O. State St., Sager Block, Wen asisediwatlastlee considered i s1oal C e geeteems minoo. leildcin e- -..
puonss.college ciaisseal ol-time- l' yesae ti
1Iie-11lgun's chanes - 1f se had takssensi le Neti Planet Rues; ,oficial a e es of Y
R N A Lall li-u 0e eel rillegclubs Pc 1eoits sC
j,~ .4. N J) [~ ~ anleiuute'i'i trill. le 5:1i: O(f coisrse ________________________
it o1 uh r di o e l l ish t io l d e o e eie ® ,5 ' o 0~
IP hot ogr apher on Suchti rp u ttrCr11iwesuilTRDE IITVPARKE
15 Washngtan IO~k. fun o."this, cninfro Prof. Purest and best Soda in this city. ° "' ,,-
15Wsigo lc. Slagg t tis inle, canniot tt sliow-Rome made and fresh cndlies. ano ILes:;5s
(I-u le iss c -1' -ciileuinerelet- Fuisin season. (hve uts a call aO0
i .l> si ®11 or iichi"an Spl i mI ud r1 l5 ole-and be well treated. (.r. tat Ce son
4i4/gull viliyiu, 11 1itisiaese-and N. University ave. ThnOyiSleepig Gar LPO lEt bewasTa-
oer a high colplliltit to Sxtei'so ds and Coilumbns.
We have left a fair stock of coceinig aind o the iidividul Wourk Z6 4nn 0" STATE The ong Seeping or Drawing Rem 41-e
all ysorts of f every man 01n the team. N ( ~** u STRE .+4 Line ta. Tils salisas
!pR T G!YiEIVCall on them for The OlygDrarnhg Rom CarLlesirtwssns
Fine Lunches, Tled, Columbus alohretrate,;
- - WRI~iNG TABLETS ~ Co rent :~l~s~i~ Fine Chocolates, lmYe'rsbwnssima
which can be closed out as location for those desiring to keep a anPBkelGod.m in erneweClmu f
folw;boarding and lodging house during the Try Our Lunches, THE ONLY LIME with 4 tainsechensya7f
MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 51nSummer scol. Apply or addressI1tween lndihClsiesa
GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR 01C s. University ave., opp. campus. ULf(T !D CATERER, TEE> sOSunds bet Toeo dad CoLiIE IE ih taneeaesr.
GO~ODWRITING TABLET, - 31CSRipans Tabules cure indigestion. fR tof[f, 0E~11s1n FindeelToedo
________________________________________________TEEI ONLY LINE with 2 trains eh 'way~e
CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 51___ betwen Toleda and Chariesn, WV
Thide stock will not be relaced. Repairs all rkinds of Gold Pins, Full SinIformato reative tsorait, lmesa.
p ~MONEY TO LOAN 0N PERISONAL talns, etewnllbe oherily EunoishediWsay
Come quick for first choice, Rings, etc all and see AgetofilanOts Oetral Lnea.
Argus rrintn~ 'House.MOULTON 1113, 1.Rh
ntngH us. c. H. KIEYBS. Wolesale Cigars, Tobaccos and01gamettesTOEO w@

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